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Wp jokes.


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As I'm sure most of you know that are my friends, I've been doing a lot of "Wp" jokes, or, you say something embarrasing, then yell "WP!!". Quite fun. :)








Anyways, here are some of mine:








"Could you play 'It's raining men!'?"








"I love you"








"I like [insert your gender] too"








"Will you marry me?"








Give some of your examples.








Please note: KEEP THIS CLEAN!Although, if you want some of my dirtier ones, pm me.

[Admin Edit: No naming names in a negative light]

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As I'm sure most of you know that are my friends, I've been doing a lot of "Wp" jokes, or, you say something embarrasing, then yell "WP!!". Quite fun. :)








Anyways, here are some of mine:








"Could you play 'It's raining men!'?"








"I love you"








"I like [insert your gender] too"








"Will you marry me?"








Give some of your examples.








Please note: KEEP THIS CLEAN!Although, if you want some of my dirtier ones, pm me.








Yup panda, you told me it's raining men #-o I told you you must read off topic :lol:








My friend pmed a player mod some joke about some little kid saying to micheal jackson "eww get your hand out of my underwear" lmao


Happy to find I'm not the only one who eats glass.

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my friend who i know irl did the " I love you" one it was hilariou cause i paused for a minute and was :shock: d0000de you have an rs girlfriend!!11!!eleven!1!1!!!!! but then he did it to my other friend so i knew it was a joke.

Just an average player with a horrible name...

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this happened to me just earlier...




a real close friend of me pms me and says "*hugs*" cause she always hugs me... i accendently pmed another friend, whom is a guy, and said "*hugs back*"... he thought i actually intended it for him.. hes like "Uh...hi?" and i didnt even realise i sent it to the wp! then my friend (the girl) pms me and she said " i didnt know you liked him like that..."








lets jsut say, i was quite embarassed lol :oops:

99 HP, Attack, Strength, Defence, Summoning, Ranged, Herblore, Prayer, Agility, Magic, Slayer, Fletching, Fishing, Woodcutting, Mining, and Thieving.


Jagex'd out of my untrimmed hp cape on 6/14/2011.

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This isn't a joke, it really happened.




On the forums, people have posted that (Insert Rs player who is very high on the highscores here) is very nice to people that talk with him, so I added him to my friends list.








My rl friend was chatting with me on runescape, claiming he got a whip. I didn't believe him, so I asked him to tell me if you could train strength while using it. He said yes. Anyone who has a whip can check and see that you can't, so I knew he was lying, and didn't actually have a whip.








I pm'ed my friend, typing out 'You are dumber than a sack of fish,' and I sent it. Ohes Noes! I accidentally sent it to (Insert Rs player who is very high on the highscores here)! I quickly message him, WP! I get an 'LOL,' and (Insert Rs player who is very high on the highscores here) logs out, probably setting his chat to private.



you know there is a place called outside, better graphics 100% pvp and no fee to play :-w
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someone not even on my friends list pmed me this one




yeah you really need to stop that, its getting iritated there.




Wp! oh and long time no see...








now i feel bad that i don't remember this person :-k :wall:

Asellus Girl



99 miner

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Well lets see here...








there was that one time that went something like this:








Friend: omg a JMod...i'm gonna lick them and see if they taste like chicken








Me: no don't lick the JMod!!!








Well instead of sending it to my friend I sent it to a PMod on my list...who just so happens to be my sister. Needless to say the room next door to mine instantly filled with laughter. I then preceded to bash my head against the computer screen.

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"Wow, [insert person I accidentally pm] is a total loser. He's coming on to you in Runescape? LOL."




"*^$% WP!"








That's happened to me before. I was talking with someone about a player we both didn't like all that much, and that certain player happened to be listed on my buddy list right above the person I was talking with >_<.

[if you have ever attempted Alchemy by clapping your hands or

by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.]


Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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"Wow, [insert person I accidentally pm] is a total loser. He's coming on to you in Runescape? LOL."




"*^$% WP!"








That's happened to me before. I was talking with someone about a player we both didn't like all that much, and that certain player happened to be listed on my buddy list right above the person I was talking with >_<.

OUCH!!! :-X
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My rl friend was chatting with me on runescape, claiming he got a whip. I didn't believe him, so I asked him to tell me if you could train strength while using it. He said yes. Anyone who has a whip can check and see that you can't, so I knew he was lying, and didn't actually have a whip.















you *can* train str with a wip.. its called controlled

Main Account - Max cape achieved 10th September 2011
Noob Account - 2300 total and climbing 


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From Soma2035: Wrong person sorry.




From Soma2035: Just great... told the wrong person sorry for pming the wrong person...








One day I did this one about 6 times in a row with my rl friends. I decided to turn my private chat to off, and hope that they would forget about it by the time we got to school the next day. :lol:


"We will certainly not be gaining money or members with this update. Instead, we are doing this for the good of the game, which is as dear to our hearts as it is to you."

- JAGEX, December 13, 2007

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I like to say to my friends:




"Hey, do you know (Insert friend's name here)? He's such a nerd he probably has no friends"




"Oops, wp"

Supermonk, proving you wrong since 1992.

Supermonk rocks, I want to have his children.

Music is like candy. You always get rid of the rapper.

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Me, another friend, and some loser we picked up in the wildy as a 3 man team:








My friend and I were going to BS this dude because he kept "accidentally" attacking us in multi every time we found someone to PK, so we were going to get another mage friend to come and pretend to pk her, but then all 3 of us turn around and own that noob. It would've worked except for:








Me pming the noob: ok when [my mage friend] comes atk her for a bit then get the noob




5 seconds later




Me: $!&$ wp...

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My examples:








From xxxxxx: Just put it back in the freezer before it wakes up.




From xxxxxx: Ooops, wp sorry








From xxxxxx: I'm running out of places to hide it. What do you take me for?




From xxxxxx: Wp sorry.. Forget I said that









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From Soma2035: Wrong person sorry.




From Soma2035: Just great... told the wrong person sorry for pming the wrong person...








Lol I have done that several times as well. :P








Though I don't think I ever had any embarashing wrong pm's. :P Usually my wrong pm's went to people I hadn't spoke to in a while and thus continued with "long time no speak :)" and another convo.

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Once I sent like 5 _SMS_ to wrong people, sent my friend "Yeah, we need milk", and then said wrong person to my dad :wall: Oh well.








Oh, RS you mean? I haven't got any good ones, but I can tell you, I'VE SAID WP TOO MANY TIMES :anxious:

6,521th to 99 woodcutting | Fletching 98/99 |

Idarodo | Combat 90 | Total 1565+ | 38m+ total exp



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Lurer: Yeah, trade me north of edgeville




Me: Ok




Lurer: He's comming to the wildy now with his cash, get ready to ice barrage




Me: Huh? Ice barrage who?




Lurer: Oh ****




*Lurer logs out*








He just owned himself :roll:








I did this once:




No no, the cops wont find you if you put the body into the freezer!




Oh, wp sorry@@@

They finally got it right.

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This was absolutely ages ago, at some point in classic, but I still dimly remember it because these topics remind me about it from time to time. Anyways, I don't remember what it was about, but I sent an entire four-line speech to the wrong person. In fact, I've probably done that more than once. All that wasted typing...








I've sent "wrong person" to the wrong person too.








Another time, I was being pmed by a naive young player who I didn't know. My character is quite the studly chap, so naturally she wanted to be my gf. I was doing my best to turn her down gently (I'm nice that way) while laughing behind her back to a friend of mine. It was only a matter of time before the gf-candidate got one of those messages... whoops...


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