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Whats the nastiest thing you've done to someone?


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we were in weight-lifting class, and we were maxing out, and I had 265 on the deadlift, I got it up and locked. Thats good, he got it recorded, and I dropped it and it landed on his foot... CRACK "AHHHHHHHHWWWWWWWW" "weeewuuuuweeeeewuuuuuu" and I got in trouble. Lol, he deserved it tbh.




Haha.. definately thought that you said making out... :lol:




I don't think I've really done anything terrible to anyone. Nothing comes to mind; I'm sure I have, but I just choose not to remember it. :P

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Me going up to a (very) drunk friend at a party, "hey man, I think you've had enough of that. Here, have some of this delicious soda water!". Little did he know that the glass was filled to the brim with probably 60% water, 40% vodka. Poor guy didn't even notice it. A bit earlier I had asked him a few times if I could taste his drinks, then pretended to drink while another friend poured even more liquor in it over my shoulder. He later told us stories about his days in the army, which he's never been in, mind you. Another friend recorded it with his cell phone and even months after it's still one of the funniest damn things I've seen. Still, felt kind of douchey about it afterwards.




I also kicked my friend hard in the mouth with a ski several years ago. He ended up having to remove one tooth (or was it two?) like a year ago, since they had died. They've been replaced with some porcelain denture now. I still feel quite bad about this one even though it was an accident. We're still good friends nonetheless!


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right as my language teacher was about to open the door to the room I kicked it open but i didin't know she was there and i gave her a bloody nose. Shes also like 89..




Uhmm.... Sprayed this disquisting smelling stuff on my math teacher.




This kid was making fun of me to the point where I couldn't take it ( I might be a little overweight) and i kind of accidently dropped my desk on him from across the room and never got in trouble. Guess who didin't make fun of me any more? :thumbsup:




Threw a bucket of freezing water on my little brother and jumped in bed and pretended to be asleep. He started crying and then he went to my parents and they're like it was probably just rain. :XD:




Was over at my friends house and he was on his parents desktop and i changed their homepage to gay pr0n and his parents totally flipped at him and asked him if he actually liked boys. :XD: :XD: :XD: :XD: :XD: :XD: :XD: :XD: :XD: :XD:




My teacher was running in the hall way to get to a meeting and my friend tripped me and my books flew and hit his legs and stepped on my thin notebook for theology and slipped and hit a locker. There's still a dent



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but theres one less Toyota Corolla on the road :) :thumbsup:




A Noble Cause :thumbsup:






My friend left his bass at this place we were practing at while he went to work for a couple hours...so I locked it in a closet that only I had a key to(and the owners of the buliding ect) And Then I left to go to Subway.




Needless to say...I made him late to a school play HE was in.... #-o






I know alot more cuss words now though! :mrgreen:


Listen to the mighty words of Bloodredsword.

Tip it MGC Xbox live leader board!

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Umm, well this was in 4th grade I think...




We had a playground set at school with monkey bars, slides, and all that other goodstuff. So what we used to do was climb to the highest point on the set thing (Idk what it's called >_<), which was around 5'-5'6" inches and we'd jump off it for fun. Our teacher had previously warned us about jumping off that, and that you could break a leg. So I go and jump, and then i tell my friend to jump, its really easy and fun. He jumped, and as he fell I guess he landed wrong and ended up breaking his leg :-# When the teachers came over, I quickly blamed it on this weird kid I didn't like who was just happening to be sitting there watching us, and told the teachers it was all his fault and that I tried to stop him. The boy who fell was in a wheelchair for a bit, and the other guy got a meeting with the principal and his parents (I think he was suspended too, but im not sure)




I still see the kid I blamed it on every now and then...I doubt the recognizes me though

[94/99 Ranged][87/99 HP][80/85 Def][70/70 Pray]

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This girl had been spreading rumours that I wanted to go out with her, she had me whipped etc and none of them were true, wasn't even attracted to her.




We were all on holidays in this campsite / group of buildings. I convinced her to come down to the lake where I then convinced her to go skinny dipping with me, swam out halfway and swam back in, took all her clothes and ran back to my friends house. Had a couple of beers on the balcony while watching her try to sneak her way back to her tent, that was quickly ended when my friend fired a roman candle at her and half of my friends we were staying with came out to see what all the noise was about.




All in all, pretty nasty, pretty fun.




Also played Rodeo with some new Russian guy in my school, it got so bad he ratted me out to my year head, douche :roll:

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i was jogging around the school in P.E (had to do it 3 times to pass) and when my arms went up and down, i accidentally touched a girls breast although she did not say anything :? . needless to say, i was really embarrassed. i'm not a perv or anything. but freak accidents... happens to everyone. :D

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i was jogging around the school in P.E (had to do it 3 times to pass) and when my arms went up and down, i accidentally touched a girls breast although she did not say anything :? . needless to say, i was really embarrassed. i'm not a perv or anything. but freak accidents... happens to everyone. :D




indeed an accident, player.

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I remember when me and a friend were pretty wasted and had no money for a taxi home. He then went and ran off with a tramp's collection cup to pay for a taxi. Although I didn't do it myself, its the harshest thing I've ever been a part of.




Still didn't have enough cash for taxi and had to do a runner from that too. :(




Think that night alone was enough for my ticket to hell. :evil:

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i was jogging around the school in P.E (had to do it 3 times to pass) and when my arms went up and down, i accidentally touched a girls breast although she did not say anything :? . needless to say, i was really embarrassed. i'm not a perv or anything. but freak accidents... happens to everyone. :D




indeed an accident, player.






That happened to me last year in a game of tag. I guess I missed the shoulder. >.<








The nastiest thing I remember doing is when we were having a bake sale at our school, I put *special" sprinkles on the brownies and cake. Never got caught.




I did make a prank thing in vb.net that when you opened it, it would freeze your mouse and keyboard and say full screen " I was looking at PORN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" and it would flash multi colors.


[software Engineer] -

[Ability Bar Suggestion] - [Gaming Enthusiast]

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i was jogging around the school in P.E (had to do it 3 times to pass) and when my arms went up and down, i accidentally touched a girls breast although she did not say anything :? . needless to say, i was really embarrassed. i'm not a perv or anything. but freak accidents... happens to everyone. :D




indeed an accident, player.






That happened to me last year in a game of tag. I guess I missed the shoulder. >.<








The nastiest thing I remember doing is when we were having a bake sale at our school, I put *special" sprinkles on the brownies and cake. Never got caught.




I did make a prank thing in vb.net that when you opened it, it would freeze your mouse and keyboard and say full screen " I was looking at PORN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" and it would flash multi colors.

What does the "special" mean?
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i was jogging around the school in P.E (had to do it 3 times to pass) and when my arms went up and down, i accidentally touched a girls breast although she did not say anything :? . needless to say, i was really embarrassed. i'm not a perv or anything. but freak accidents... happens to everyone. :D




indeed an accident, player.






That happened to me last year in a game of tag. I guess I missed the shoulder. >.<








The nastiest thing I remember doing is when we were having a bake sale at our school, I put *special" sprinkles on the brownies and cake. Never got caught.




I did make a prank thing in vb.net that when you opened it, it would freeze your mouse and keyboard and say full screen " I was looking at PORN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" and it would flash multi colors.

What does the "special" mean?




Lets just say the people who ate them had a *runny* situation. If you get my drift. :D


[software Engineer] -

[Ability Bar Suggestion] - [Gaming Enthusiast]

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The sprinkles were marijuana laxatives.


Command the Murderous Chalices! Drink ye harpooners! drink and swear, ye men that man the deathful whaleboat's bow- Death to Moby Dick!



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If the guy in my 'nasty' had been expelled, he would've effectively been unable to enrol in ANY university in the entire country. Harmfull yes, nasty - VERY. I almost ruined the guys life.








Meanest thing i've ever done is refuse to give someone my wallet. I felt so bad, I cried for days D''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''':




note the tears

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Just a few hours ago, my friend sneezed on my arm, and he's sick, and I screamed [bleep] [wagon] as loud as I could. A coach heard me.




Crap, I'm gonna be running tons tomorrow.




Oh, and I hit him. I meant this to be in the funny real life moments thread, but I guess that's a nasty from him to me? >_>

catch it now so you can like it before it went so mainstream

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I persuaded a congressman to vote against the $700bil bailout plan just for S&Gs.


Command the Murderous Chalices! Drink ye harpooners! drink and swear, ye men that man the deathful whaleboat's bow- Death to Moby Dick!



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But once I quite literally threw this kid out of my way, because he was being a little sh*t and blocking my way.




I have to do that nearly every day to get to class on time. If people don't move when I say "excuse me", I move them, be it shoving or physically lifting them and placing them somewhere more convenient...Although I have thrown a few kids down the staircase.




Probably the nastiest thing would be throwing a heavy hammer at a kid. I was about 3 inches from making him a her (or at least infertile). Almost got attempted murder out of it to, ended up with getting expelled, reinstated, charges dropped, and a 1 day suspension, within about an hour.




Actually, come to think of it, I've been suspended from every school I've been in, except High School. All the things I've done that should have gotten me in serious trouble have just been shrugged off. I even threw a kid into a locker in front of a dean and he just waved it off. I guess its true that I look pissed off all the time.




Nastiest thing I ever did to an official was make the lunch lady destroy the school's microwave (private school, we could heat our own lunch) by telling her the wrapper for an Arby's sandwich was microwave safe..Made some neat colors anyways. Also almost hit a cop in the head with a large model rocket, but we missed (not our fault, had a large gust of wind come through and knock it off course). I believe it was illegal anyways, but my dad knew the cop (since my aunt was a cop for like 20 years down here, and she lived a half mile away), so it was all cool :thumbsup:




And I lol'd at the South Park reference.

[hide=Funny Quotes]

So you sucker punched a kid in the back of the head? Good job.
What scares me is that you're like 10 years old.
-.- im not that freaking young
You were a couple years ago.
It's not racist if its true.
Hmm... I wonder how one goes about throwing someone out a window in a mystic fashion :-k


The mental image for that is freaking awesome.


- I dont need to "get a life." I'm a gamer - I have LOTS of lives!

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But once I quite literally threw this kid out of my way, because he was being a little sh*t and blocking my way.




I have to do that nearly every day to get to class on time. If people don't move when I say "excuse me", I move them, be it shoving or physically lifting them and placing them somewhere more convenient...Although I have thrown a few kids down the staircase.




Probably the nastiest thing would be throwing a heavy hammer at a kid. I was about 3 inches from making him a her (or at least infertile). Almost got attempted murder out of it to, ended up with getting expelled, reinstated, charges dropped, and a 1 day suspension, within about an hour.




Actually, come to think of it, I've been suspended from every school I've been in, except High School. All the things I've done that should have gotten me in serious trouble have just been shrugged off. I even threw a kid into a locker in front of a dean and he just waved it off. I guess its true that I look pissed off all the time.




Nastiest thing I ever did to an official was make the lunch lady destroy the school's microwave (private school, we could heat our own lunch) by telling her the wrapper for an Arby's sandwich was microwave safe..Made some neat colors anyways. Also almost hit a cop in the head with a large model rocket, but we missed (not our fault, had a large gust of wind come through and knock it off course). I believe it was illegal anyways, but my dad knew the cop (since my aunt was a cop for like 20 years down here, and she lived a half mile away), so it was all cool :thumbsup:




And I lol'd at the South Park reference.




I hope I never meet you or come within 500 yards of you.

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Well....one night, I snuck into a guys room and killed him. Then I tried to burn the body, but it wouldn't burn! O THE SMELL, THE SMELL!!




Ha not really




But hmmm...i havent really done anything to nasty. One time my friend put his trust in me to remove a splinter on his toe, on accident I grabbed skin and pulled back...hard...along with the pull came a nice chunk of skin and a little blood, good times.


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I pinched a guy's nutsack (washed my hands lots after) and make fun of him now for his reaction (I'm hit!).




Perhaps not as nasty,my friend was playing around a girl I liked and bullcrapping her...I held him in a sleeper for the rest of the school day.After school we switched to a master lock and had a little gay lol.


so i herd u liek devarts?

If you look at me and feel offended by my 666-ism,think.I could be just as offended by your "cross".

[hide=This's why I'm hot]

The Eleventh Commandment:Thou Shalst only say "Amen,brother".

Amen, brother :lol:

Amen, brudda (referring to the 10th commandment)

amen Bruder! (german ftw)

I'm invulnerable to everything, except Lenin and Dragoonson.

That's impossible.


I love people.[/hide]

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Perhaps not as nasty,my friend was playing around a girl I liked and bullcrapping her...I held him in a sleeper for the rest of the school day.After school we switched to a master lock and had a little gay lol.




:shock: I think I'll keep away from your women




anyways, worst thing I have done is choke a guy pinned up to a wall, his feet weren't on the ground, he would have passed out had he not got in a lucky punch -.-

Steam | PM me for BBM PIN


Nine naked men is a technological achievement. Quote of 2013.


PCGamingWiki - Let's fix PC gaming!

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I accidentally partially amputated my little brothers finger when I was 4, it was hanging on by the skin :-X


Holy [cabbage] did he lose his finger?


IRC Nick: Hiroki | 99 Agility | Max Quest Points | 138 Combat

Bandos drops: 20 Hilt | 22 Chestplate | 21 Tassets | 14 Boots

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i was in scouts, we were camping at WPAFB or some airforce base in ohio and we had 20 minutes till dinner.




so we were fooling around near the river and i took a dump next to a tree.


my friend took a stick and picked it up and was flailing it everywhere.




There was this log that people used to go across the river and we found it hilarious to put my crap on it.




5 minutes later, another troop comes by and they crawl across the log on their hands and knees :wall: .




2nd troll to 840+ post count.

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