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February 14, 2007 German Language Beta Launch


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i mean, the game is supposed to play when ur 13 years or older, and u should know english by than...i think its a bit stupid idea :ohnoes: <.<








Foreign language support will also bring foreign language censoring. And that is one thing the Dutch servers could *really* use. With all the filth uttered there, I never go on them. But recently I have begun to lag more on the American servers, so I'll have to move (boohoo)... So hail Jagex.












\soz for doublepost but i forgot to edit everything in 1 post/












u have the best argument there, the censor for Dutch really sucks, i cant talk normal Dutch with my friends, thats pretty bad




i talk half english half dutch to friends








censors in dutch are good, but as someone other also said, the community of 1 important language will break




i think we should better keep english in all worlds, easy for everybody to understand if u are 13 years or older








and if u are younger and cant talk/write english properly, its ur own fault , cuz Jagex means everyone to be 13 years or older ::'<.<

Apparently none of you can multiply correctly....

300cats x 100deaths= 3,000deaths




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Hmm, Why launch the different game languages first in German?








Correct me if I'm wrong, but there are more Dutch players than Germans...








Just a thought..








The dutch players already know english.. but the germans dont; so they release RS in german to get german players. Read all the posts before posting, it's just 3 pages ;)








EDIT: oh damn, i thought i took that from page 3... I didn't read all posts aither :wall:

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Hello and guten Tag!








As you might have noticed, we've just added a German language option to the sidebar on the front page of our website. This goes to a section of this website where all the text in the game and on the website has been translated into German.








At the moment our German section is online for testing only, which means not all areas are available to everyone yet. Anyone can view the open areas, but the areas which need a login (including the game itself) are currently running in ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ãâ¦Ã¢â¬Åclosed betaÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬ÃâÃ

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Hello and guten Tag!








As you might have noticed, we've just added a German language option to the sidebar on the front page of our website. This goes to a section of this website where all the text in the game and on the website has been translated into German.








At the moment our German section is online for testing only, which means not all areas are available to everyone yet. Anyone can view the open areas, but the areas which need a login (including the game itself) are currently running in ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ãâ¦Ã¢â¬Åclosed betaÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬ÃâÃ



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If remember correctly, they chose german, because it was easier to start with... I think... don't know really








Well... refer to this.









Hmm, Why launch the different game languages first in German?








Correct me if I'm wrong, but there are more Dutch players than Germans...








Just a thought..




On the flip side of things, that only means there's a huge untapped German market. Dutch players seem to already be playing rs, so there's less of a potential market for jagex to reach if they did release a dutch version. Dutch players are already playing rs - german players aren't.








That point is good for my eyes.

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Ok my bad on saying that dutch is a dialect, thats what our teacher told us #-o . Anyways it doesnt look like there are too many german players, only around 200 players on the german servers for free and members right now. As I said, German is the stock market language of Europe.








And to those who said Germans don't know English, they're required to learn it by age 10 in school. So you think they would know english to play this game =P~

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Why german? I would think theres more spanish talkers than germans.




And that's excactly the reason why Jagex made German servers, just to get more players form different countries.








I personally hope Jagex will not make Dutch servers, they can better spend the time on ingame updates.








Isn't Dutch and German related in a way? I've made many Dutch/German friends through gaming communities and they say the German language can be understood by the Dutch or vice-versa. They may not be fully literate/fluent in one of the two languages, but at least they can understand each other. :-k








I'd say not really, if you look really careful and take some time you can indeed understand it but it isn't very easy.








In order to atract german players they sure have to make a lot of commercial


Computers will never be above humans because we made them.

That's what monkeys used to say about us.

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Das ist ganz toll! :lol:




I take German in school, and I'm looking forward to playing a game in it. I think it is a good thing for a game to branch out.








(and, for those that care, Wiederherstellungstrank literally means "to make again", so restore pot makes perfect sense)



| . . . . Pure F2P . . . .|


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Yeah, quite cool this.








Sorry I dont want to reply to everyone with quotes. But a few things that need to be clarified.








Dutch is NOT a dialect of German.




Dutch is as much related to German as it is to English




For Dutch people English is by 150% (yeah, thats a random guess) easier to learn, read and speak. I havent met a single person on my school, and just about anywhere, for whom German was easier than English.








Oh, and why they made it for German and not for Dutch: RuneScape is pretty easy for a normal Dutchie. But as far as I know it isn't that easy for Germans. I've met a LOT of Dutchies, but the Germans I met I can count on one hand.




So why help Dutchies why they don't have any trouble with the game, as other people have much more. Jagex opens now a big new market with translating Runescape into German. If they translated it into Dutch, there wouldn't make that much of a difference.



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Now all they need is a Hebrew and a French server. :)












Barukh atah Adonai, Eloheinu melekh ha-olam,




asher kid'shanu b'mitzvotaz v'ratzah vanu.








Heh, bet nobody knows what prayer I took that from. ::' :wink:

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Now all they need is a Hebrew and a French server. :)












Barukh atah Adonai, Eloheinu melekh ha-olam,




asher kid'shanu b'mitzvotaz v'ratzah vanu.








Heh, bet nobody knows what prayer I took that from. ::' :wink:








French servers would be great =D>




But I dont think they count me in the "french speaking user list" because im from Canada.. No closed beta for me XD

Quest cape obtained at combat level 83, march 07.

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they should make Chinese servers and translations next, there are over 1million Chinese speaking people in the world, second most common language. Also China is an industrializing nation, so the number of Chinese internet users is rising fast.

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Maybe Jagex made a big mistake, because they saw a lot of people talking Dutch, but thought: they're talking German and then thought, let's make German servers!








So actually the servers are for Dutch people, but Jagex thought they were german!!








German and Dutch look like eachother but are different from eachother, a lot different!


Click for my little bloggie, please...?

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This sounds cool; I'm hoping for french servers in the future so I can play runescape and practice french at the same time.












Why german? I would think theres more spanish talkers than germans.




Yeah, i can't wait for the Spanish Beta.

Lamest attempt at a lure ever.
No, Ive seen "selling easter egg 5m must be level 78 77 or 76 and meet at varrock bar unarmed.
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Maybe Jagex made a big mistake, because they saw a lot of people talking Dutch, but thought: they're talking German and then thought, let's make German servers!








So actually the servers are for Dutch people, but Jagex thought they were german!!








German and Dutch look like eachother but are different from eachother, a lot different!




Whoa! It looks like you figured it all out! Jagex looked at German and at Dutch and then jagex got confused!

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Maybe Jagex made a big mistake, because they saw a lot of people talking Dutch, but thought: they're talking German and then thought, let's make German servers!








So actually the servers are for Dutch people, but Jagex thought they were german!!








German and Dutch look like eachother but are different from eachother, a lot different!

Why is having another language a mistake?








Well I say, "Yay" to everyone who speaks German. ::'

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I doubt we will see a Chinese version very soon. This is because the Chinese "alphabet" is so complicated with a multitude of regional dialects. In fact some regional dielects are almost different languages. There is a standardised Chinese language, but only people in the most "westernised" areas use it.








Another problem is that, although China has a large population. the use of the internet is severly restricted by the Chinese government. It is also very censored and discourages free speech, so there is a good chance that RS would be banned, and access barred. For these reasons the market in China is very limited and not worth the translation effort.








Additionally the few Chinese players on RS would be from countries outside China and would speak the language of their country and not Chinese.

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Don't quote me on this cuz I'm not positive, but I believe a long time ago Jagex was looking for French and Dutch translators. Don't get your hopes up.












However, I can guarentee that dispite all Jagex's promises that it was a random pick and no Germans got special treatment, people will STILL complain they weren't picked, even if they're not german.


tip it would pay me $500.00 to keep my clothes ON :( :lol:
But then again, you fail to realize that 101% of the people in this universe hate you. Yes, humankind's hatred against you goes beyond mathematical possibilities.
That tears it. I'm starting an animal rebellion using my mind powers. Those PETA bastards will never see it coming until the porcupines are half way up their asses.


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Maybe Jagex made a big mistake, because they saw a lot of people talking Dutch, but thought: they're talking German and then thought, let's make German servers!








So actually the servers are for Dutch people, but Jagex thought they were german!!








German and Dutch look like eachother but are different from eachother, a lot different!












I agree. To be honest, I've only seen 3 German players in my runescape career, while I lsot count at how many Dutchie's (no offence) I've seen. I usually notice them in groups with friends in castlewars...


tip it would pay me $500.00 to keep my clothes ON :( :lol:
But then again, you fail to realize that 101% of the people in this universe hate you. Yes, humankind's hatred against you goes beyond mathematical possibilities.
That tears it. I'm starting an animal rebellion using my mind powers. Those PETA bastards will never see it coming until the porcupines are half way up their asses.


Apparently a lot of people say it. I own.


http://linkagg.com/ Not my site, but a simple, budding site that links often unheard-of websites that are amazing for usefulness and fun.

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