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Today, I got my ears pierced!


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Yes. I'm 17, and I just got my ears pierced for the first time in my life, though I've been wanting to do it for awhile. It didn't hurt or anything. I even got them pierced at Wal-Mart. :P




Anyway, I was wondering, since the majority of you are male (but the lovely women of TIF may respond to this as well ^_^), what you think of earrings on women. Do you like it? Do you not like it? Do you not care? :P What about earrings on men?




Personally, I like earrings on both women and men. I don't like it if someone (I notice men tend to do this) have just one ear pierced. O.o It's odd. I like it when people have multiple piercings on the earlobe, but I'm not too big on cartilage piercing.




So, what's your opinion? :D




EDIT: Pic. ^_^





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HELLO KAYLA!!!!!!! :D \:D/




Congrats on getting your ears pierced, personally I love body piercing and body art like tattoos because I believe it's a wonderful way to express yourself.




I've had my ears pierced since I was a baby so I don't remember getting them done but I hardly ever wear earrings because my ears get infected easily but I do wear them for short periods of time like when I go out to nice places.




Once again congrats on getting it done, personally I'm scared of sharp objects but slowly getting tolerant to it with my body art (tattoos).




Do me a favour and spoil yourself, buy yourself a fabulous pair of earrings and show me what they look like (so I can borrow them) :XD:



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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That's a bit harsh for some people it could be a huge accomplishment you know?




Your eyes might roll out of your head one day if you keep doing that :wink:



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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HELLO KAYLA!!!!!!! :D \:D/




Congrats on getting your ears pierced, personally I love body piercing and body art like tattoos because I believe it's a wonderful way to express yourself.




I've had my ears pierced since I was a baby so I don't remember getting them done but I hardly ever wear earrings because my ears get infected easily but I do wear them for short periods of time like when I go out to nice places.




Once again congrats on getting it done, personally I'm scared of sharp objects but slowly getting tolerant to it with my body art (tattoos).




Do me a favour and spoil yourself, buy yourself a fabulous pair of earrings and show me what they look like (so I can borrow them) :XD:




I can't wait to go out and buy some earrings. :D

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Very nice Kayla. Personally, I dont want any, but If anyone wants their's done, I'm fine with it. Small stuff is fine and can look pretty. Huge loops or the ones that pull holes in your ears are pretty disgusting though.




BTW, put a real pic on DW, long hair plus earings muhaahhaha!


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Do you like it?


When making the rest ofthe jewelery, yes, but it can't be like cheap jewelery.




Do you not like it?


See above




Do you not care?


Piercing isn't really nessissary, my grandmother had all these diamond earings and she always wore clicks because her earing holes kept closing after they were pierced until she got her ears pierced again at 50 then they stayed.




What about earrings on men?


Errr, no no no no no, one earing is ok I guess, but two... NO! But this is my opinion and I'm not going to stop a friend from getting their ear(s) pierced, infact my best friend who I've known for 12years has an ear pierced.




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Congrats on getting them pierced. I personally prefer the more fancy ear jewellery, stuff like this:



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gratz on getting your ears pierced. I got both my ears pierced and both are 10 gages. I don't get the point of guys getting only 1 ear pierced i think it looks weird when you only have 1. I like earrings on girls i think it looks good most of the time and i have earrings and im a guy so im obviously a fan of piercings for guys too.



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wth you're a girl?












gratz? :P




As I remember from when my sister got earings...you can't put new earings in for like 3 months....(aside from the ones you got put in in the first place...you can't take those out either)


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wth you're a girl?


Think romantic languages- if they're name ends with an 'a', the odds are much higher that the person's a female :wink: .




I'm keen to earing on girls (can't think of anyone who isn't), but small; too showy kind of distracts one from the face (like Necro's example.. geez o_O). Overall it does enhance feminine beauty in my opinion, there's just a line of size/extravagance that I don't believe should be crossed with earings.




For males... could care less, don't mind small earings in the earlobes, or even anywhere on the ear, doesn't make 'em look any better or worse. Go beyond the ears though... ack.

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I like the piercing =D, and I was about the same age as you when i had my first ear piercing (went with a similar earring style as you did for my first). I think i was 16... but I really don't remember exactly. I'll never get my ears pierced at Wal-Mart though. I had gotten my ears done a second time, when i was 19 i think, and it was done at Wal-Mart, and they got infected a lot so i just let them close up. If i get my second hole redone I'll go to piercing pagoda, or something, like i did for my first. I'd love to get other piercings (like my nose), but my job won't let me get any thing other than 3 holes in my ear. =/ The downfalls of a retail job for a company that's strict about your image.




@ Paperclip: Just keep your dumb comments to yourself.

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Congratz :o . I don't really care much about ear piercings, I quess they are nice but they are very ordinary at same time. But I think I have some kind of fetish about lip piersings.. Used to have one myself (had to take off for job and the hole closed :( ) And when I see a girl with lip pearcing i'm all like <3:

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wth you're a girl?




Lies, there are no girls on the interwebs




On topic - hey congrats, earrings look great on girls provided they aren't Pat Butcher-esque (British people will know what I mean). On men...meh not so much.




The things I can't stand are those circle things that actually make a huge hole in your ear <.< .

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