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Was I in the wrong?(edited to include a reply to my apology)


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You were wrong to stereotype him like that, but he was in the wrong by being very easily irritated and "reporting" you. You have to realize how many skillers there actually are, and if you are going to look someone up to see if he's a drop trader (which I think is silly), then do it secretly.

Training my pure!



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You were only wrong to tell him what you were doing. It's up to you weather or not you want to trade with suspected rule breakers, but people naturally get mad when they think someone is accusing them of something.




You're certainly more righteous than me in this respect; I've traded with people I was almost positive were macroers. However, in this case I think you were a bit paranoid. A dragon scimmy, pirate hat ect isn't so expensive to think that he couldn't have just mined pure ess for it. If he was wearing a robin, ranger boots, fury, obby cape ect... yeah, he'd probably be a drop trader.

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to a certain degree yes, but he stepped out of line.




What would have been wiser is if you didn't even bring up you checking his stats, and just claimed that lag was holding you back. If you say something like that, people will get defensive over it understandably. But him calling you a pathetic noob and the rest of the following (literally lol) was not called for.

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You shouldn't of told him you were looking it up. That's your mistake. The guy was a bit too protective though, and he used noob as an insult...lol. :lol:

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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Although I have pretty good non-combat stats for my level(70) I made most of my money from staking. Really I think this whole "not wanting to trade with drop-traders" is more of an anti-pure thing but then again I'm a pure and I always think that since Tip.It hates pures.

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Wow. I really don't care who I buy from TBH. Also, you seem very prejudice. An example.




You are a muslim. You want to board a plane to take your vacation to America, but you get checked at the fight station multiple times, because of how you look. Yet you see white people walk right through the checking stations, and you are just as innocent as they are.




Now lets repeat the story, in runescape style.




You are a pure with expensive items. You want to sell your goods quickly for a fair price, but people look you up or assume that you drop traded, because of how you look. Yet you see level 100+s get a trade everytime, and you are just as innocent as they are.




Get how they feel?

I shall take my flock underneath my own wing, and kick them right the [bleep] out of the tree. If they were meant to fly, they won't break their necks on the concrete.
So, what is 1.111... equal to?



Please don't continue.


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imo you were in the right until you accused him of it (if i read the article right). I would've just said "omg, no way, theres no way your that rich! how'd you make all that cash?" and then just compare his answer with his stats. if he says he merches whips, ask him how he got one and etc.




Edit: scammers and hackers usually don't think ahead and so their web of lies are poorly made. just do the above until they're backed into a corner and they might even admit to it.

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I don't like suck up to jagex rules like you, so what he might of drop traded, but thats not gonna stop people. Drop trading is a small rule in my opnion. So what a account has a lot of things on a low level. How would you know he wasn't a merchanter or something? And why does it matter if he drop traded or not, because they wokred hard to get the items in the first place.

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Why do you care who you buy from? Do you assume you're helping stop macroing by not buying from macroers? If you don't buy from them, someone else will. The solution to stopping macroers doesn't rely not buying from them in-game, but out of game. If people quit paying money for rs gold, the macroing problem would be reduced to people who macroed would actually play the game because they liked it, instead of as a profession.




Yes, it's possible (and not rare at all) for low levels to have big amounts of cash without rulebreaking. If you have proof someone has cheated/drop traded/etc, you have all the rights in the world to report them to Jagex.




However it is a bit paranoid to suspend trades with people based on your *opinion* about them, for all you know the other guy did nothing wrong either. Even back in RS classic I saw people with hundreds of millions, and their level was only 70. They merchanted, dueled, etc...




For the same reason in real life, the really big banks don't ask you "where you got this money from" if you deposit $10 million in cash or ask to withdraw $10 million.




Because frankly, you can't suspect every single rich person to be a criminal or thief just for being wealthy and start questioning them. RS is a complex virtual world, just like the real world is an endlessly complex place. There are nearly an infinite ways of earning money, for all you know, a stranger could've given someone $10M because they had no legacy or children alive.




Best way is usually acting if you have very solid proof. A low level being rich doesn't definitely mean he is doing something bad.

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Low combat level does not necessarily mean someone has no money.






High combat level does not necessarily mean someone has alot of money.






You shouldn't accuse people of drop trading on such flimsy (can't think of word I wanted) evidence.




Nicely said BlueLancer


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You were in the wrong. First of all what he was wearing was hardly out of the reach of a level 66. Combat level has nothing to do with wealth. I've traded level 3's who were legit.




Secondly, you should never tell a person you suspect them of doing something wrong when you have no proof or reason to think so.




Just say "ok give me a minute I have something to do." Did you really need to insult him?

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I would have done almost the exactly same thing as you. The only thing I wouldn't have done was to tell him that I was suspicous about him and if he had drop traded those valeuable items or not. I would have checked his stats in the highscores before the trade, but I wouldn't have told him that I did. This is an easy way to lose what could have been a good trade.



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the big mistake is you told him what you were doing.




This of course aggravated him.






Also judging someone on what items they are wearing is a bit wrong.I've had people not trade me becuase I was wearing ham robes or other "junk" items when I'm lvl 90 so they assumed I'd some how cheated. Players can wear whatever they like that they can access, judging them based onthis alone is foolish


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You had no proof of him being a droptrader. Only because of his items.




I know it stinks for macroers to take over. But you only hurt yourself when you dont trade with them. Because the item will be bought anyway.




He was wrong in calling you a noob, but you werent right either.




Ah well, continiue your actions, if they make you feel good. Personally I dont really care about rulebreakers unless I have some sort of proof of them being a rulebreaker.


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Ya you were wrong. Autoers have lvl 3 accounts, not 66. And who cares if he drop traded. Jagex really doesn't because if they did they would have to ban 90% of pures out there and their not going to do that. You were being rude and I don't blame him for walking away but if he actually did report you that is a little extreme. BUt once again, judging skill by combat is stupid and noobish.

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if jagex bans you for trading with a drop trader then i dont know how secure runescape really is, your own fault for being a wannabe mod and accusing him of something he wasnt, pretty sure any of you would be angry if you made an account and got something fairly and this guy just accuses your hard work of being drop traded, you are garbage.






4000000657th to 99 cookin

555555406th to 99 flethcin

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I'm not going to weigh in on whether or not you did something wrong. I think both sides have been well represented.




What I am going to point out is that your assumption that you could tell if this person was a drop trader by checking his stats is mistaken. Even if he had had no scores in the high scores, you cannot assume he drop traded.




I happen to play quite a bit with my younger sister. She is not in the high scores (level 20-ish with no skill above 20 that I know of). She plays mostly to socialize because many of her friends play. However, because she is my sister and I can afford to, she has plenty of expensive items. Furthermore, she often sells items (like nats) that she can't craft herself for me because I hate to do it. I let her keep a percentage of the price as a fee -- she gets some easy income which doesn't feel like charity to her and I get to avoid selling (which I loathe). Under your logic, however, you would refuse to trade with her, assuming she was a drop trader. Hopefully, you would not report her :)

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I think you should worry more about yourself and how you play other than what others do and how they got their items.




For example, i bought all oak planks for 99 construction from lvl 3s with default clothes, do i care how they got them? no, is it any of my business? no, You can't change runescape all by yourself anyway, so it's better not to even try to.

First to 99 Farming on 27. September, 2005.

First to 3766 Port Score on 20. March, 2014.

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