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Tip.it Times Presents: Fame


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Well I noticed that fame is mostly talked about here on a wide scale mass. ItÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s like everyone is imagining almost the entire RuneScape world knows one person. But one could be famous in a smaller scale. If you have a large group of friends who know one another than one or two people can be famous.




Player 1: ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ãâ¦Ã¢â¬ÅHey do you know Grandragoonx14?ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬ÃâÃ


"Goals dont have a deadline." -xxxgod quoting Lady Shahdie

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Guest Hiitchhiiker

This article is well written. One thing, though. Can't fame be power? If you're famous then you'd have to have some kind of power. Over your adoring fans, or employees, alike. It might give you more power than you'd think in the first place.




Many thoughts. Many thoughts,



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Fame and Power on runescape is a very razor edge line to walk. You strive for it but when you finally achieve it do you really want it? For example.




Zezima a longtime good friend of mine and many others. He has to keep his privacy on at all times from people bothering him. One day I logged onto MSN and said hey whats up. He said nothin much just skillin. I asked how come he didn't answer my PM in game. He asked if I wanted to see why he doesn't always answer. He turned on his webcam and pointed it at his monitor , then proceeded to turn all privacy ON! It was insane at the amount of scroll on his screen. Picture watching the credits from a movie in fast forward X 100. The text scroll was so fast I couldn't even make out names , and they piled up so fast even if he noticed a person , by the time he scrolled to it , it was gone.




Now with all his RS fame he has people making websites to "save Zezima" and people bash him constantly for being a "nerd" for playing as much as he does. Would you really want to be in his shoes?




In my time I had my spotlight of fame and popularity but nothing like he deals with. And frankly I myself wouldn't want it.




Zez 'ol buddy , you can keep it all my friend! More power to ya!


PS: Ya still owe me a duel noob :thumbsup:


Started January 2001

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yes, i do want fame. not the mega-fame where everyone "0mgz!!1111one!!1@22two!!" when you come near them or are in the same world as them.




i'd just like a simple "hey man, whats up?" when i walk into a bank. just simple recognition, not a fan base covering half of runescape...


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Fox: "That's your solution for everything..."

Peppy: "Just press Z or R twice!"

Fox: "No, Peppy..."

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Sometimes fame isn't that good.




See Skychi's example: some guy makes rs vids, he is constantly stalked.




i know what you mean, his vids show his p chat turned on... its just spam

~Today is just yesterday's Tomorrow~



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I don't want power. A little bit of fame would be nice but i wouldn't want to be known to everybody just perhaps the skiller community. I know alot of the best skillers at certain levels, i would like to be the best level 85 skiller. It would not make me that famous but i would be happy with my achievement

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Nice article.




At one point I was #10 ranked Prayer and would have occasional strangers PM me asking for help, asking me to visit their event, or asking me for free stuff. I've since fallen out of front page prayer so I don't get that anymore. I wasn't aiming for any sort of general Runescape "fame," and my impression is that general Runescape fame just brings you lots of spam and people trying to hack you. I can see how it'd be useful if you're merchanting or promoting your clan though.




Fame usually means you've done something worth noticing and remembering, and if you're going to invest the time to achieve something of that caliber, it's probably more worthwhile to do it in the real world.

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Very good read.




Another point I'dlike to make: unless you make the national news, you won't be "famous" in real-life. You certainly won't get crowds following you in real-life just because you're ranked #1 in an online game.




My parents always told me that virtual "fame" in an online game means nothing.




By the way, this thread might be an interesting read: http://forum.tip.it/viewtopic.php?t=636062




For some reason, people seem to be more interested in online than real achievements. People always talk about Zezima in RuneScape, yet nobody talks about the person with the highest GPA at my university.





Baratus [AS] max hit: 166 with Moon Battle Hammer

ixfd64 [AS] max hit: 116 with (untitled spell #2)

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An more interesting read that isnt completely wrong but not much to comment on either.




My parents always told me that virtual "fame" in an online game means nothing.




Yeh and its true for rl fame too when it comes to my opinion. There might be well known people I like but if I met them in rl I hardly start getting excited or want to be intimate.. If it was my partner on the otherhand we couldnt get eachovers clothes off fast enough. Different kinda fame I guess. I also 'respect' those who have done alot to help others rather than someone who sings in a band and takes drugs. :| Same with alot of players on this game, I respect those who work hard rather than those who cheat and scam. There are alot of famous people who been banned or warned for braking rules and people still respect them. :roll:

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fame is searched for endlessly, in rl and rs, but what is it really worth? that a couple of people know your name? great (!) it's not worth it in the afterlife, is it? then, all that matters is whether you are happy. and if fame makes you happy, go for it, but otherwise, it's all a faze. soon people will forget zezima's name (i hope, i'm fed up of arguments about zez and where he comes from... etc, but i'm getting off topic, so) i'm not going to chase fame, when you can be happy and unknown.

There are 10 groups of people in the world, those that understand binary, and those who don't!



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Being famous would be cool and all, but cmon, ppl would follow u around EVERYWHERE :-s ...no peace and quiet... :shock:




~Big Stingman




P.S. I would rather make someone's day with a gift or something than be known and followed by EVERYONE...now that could be one of the most annoying things in the world :ohnoes:

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What the author meant was that as head of the NATO's U.S European Command , he has control over over NATO operations in participating countries, and therefore "control" over Europe.




Being the current head of NATO certainly does not mean he is in control of Europe, and even then any 'control' NATO has over anything is very questionable due to the fact that since the end of the cold war it has been an international body seeking a role on the international stage. The United Nations seems to already be doing all the jobs that NATO sometimes slinks off towards doing.




If anyone person is in control of Europe it would be the current president of the EU and even then, they have very little actual control over member states due to the contempt many of the electorate of these states feel towards the EU's core policies and agenda.



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I never wanted Fame but what i did want was another thing that also started with and "F".. Friends. I could care less if i was famous or not, I just want friends and to have fun.




Here are Four words that begin with an "F" that im sure everyone in Tip.It wants at least one of these (and no, not the 'F word' :roll:)











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