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Sorry to have offended you kind sir


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On the internet, you're relatively anonymous. If you had that level of anonymity in real life, I'd bet a lot of kids who just found out the meaning of a lot of curse words would say them all the time.




Also, if words like 'suck' and 'crap were unblocked, the kids would probably direct them at someone.


"That kinda s**ks, man.." Is fine, it shouldn't offend anyone.


However, if they start with "S**k c**p, you idiot", I've gotta say, it'd offend me a little.




(Sorry for the use of language, obviously it was required to illustrate my point)

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LOL, i totally agree with you........the censoring program really sucks.




Sometimes you would be censored with no reason.




For example,the letter G will be censored if u type from A to Z,and nobody knows why. :?:

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Now, you are over the age of 13. Would you have been offended by any of the above situations? If you were, gtfo.


The pathetic thing is that there are some out there who do take offense at this, no matter what the age. So, therefore, Jagex are forced to cater to the lowest common denominator in most aspects of the game. We get a little ticked at the censor sometimes, but we can work around it. However, these easily offended people could be REALLY offended by a lightening of the censor, and that could force them to quit. Jagex loses money. Too bad - the censor has to stay in place, no matter what we say. It's really a shame.


Being immature is a part of being mature.
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LOL, i totally agree with you........the censoring program really sucks.




Sometimes you would be censored with no reason.




For example,the letter G will be censored if u type from A to Z,and nobody knows why. :?:




Oh my god if you put an ucking in between the 'f' and the 'g'! :shock:


Oh my, sir i am offended! :evil:




Much better! :wall:




Seriously censoring the alphabet. That offends me.

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I agree the filter is completely too restrictive. Simply filtering the actual works themselves and leaving censor evasion there would suffice Imo.




When I play other games i joke around using curse words all the time and I find myself getting good laughs sometimes. In runescape i just avoid typing anything in the game at all.




Even sentences that aren't offensive will be filtered because of how overwhelming intruding the censor is.




I wouldn't miss the filter in the least bit.

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Putting it frankly-


The Runescape censor sucks.




Now before this turns into a Rant, let me explain why it sucks.




Runescape is intended for 13 year olds and above. Players and Jagex (and don't give me that they love the little kiddies for the money crap, they're breaking the rules) don't want children under the age of 13 who are not mature yet playing the game. The 13+ rule is their for a reason.





Sadly I don't believe this to be true.




Jagex only put the 13 years and above thing on the site becuase that is the basis of a few laws U.S and U.K and several other countries. They are not willing to abide by COPPA (U.S. law) as it is too much hassle, so they made a nice little disclaimer for themselves basically saying if you are under 13 it is against our rules, but have made no effort to stop under 13's from making an account.. why because Jagex know as well as we do that any intelligent 12 year old will know if it is not going to let them play when they say they are 12, they will say they are 13. More money for Jagex.




I wonder how much of a defence having a drop down box saying I am over 13 will be if they are ever taken to court for if god forbid anything happened to a player of RS.




To be honest as much as I find them frustrating, I agree with most of the censors it is very bold of Runescape to do that, there is no need to swear on RS i am over 20 and dont fee the need to swear, where they fail on COPPA and other under 13 laws, they do almost everytthing they can to make sure players cannot give out personal information. Which personally altough yes when my friends ask my msn it can be annoying, however it is there to protect everyone..




Basically because Jagex know just saying are you 13 wont stop under 13's playing.. I personally think they want under 13's playing. I think that is wrong of them, I may however be wrong that is just my opinion. But they do however do a great job of protecting their younger players, by providing a safe place for them to play a game.




But this also counts for those over 13. Like it or not, those of you under 18 in nearly every country in the world are still children. The censors are there to protect you just as much as the under 13's. Jagex do a good job of protecting their players, and I hope for that fact the censor lives on.




You also have to remember everyone has different values, when I was 14 my mouth was dirtier than toilet water, but I was always even then respectful of the fact that other people find that offensive and curbed my language in specific situations. However a lot of people do not have the ability to control their language, even now while it is an offence to swear, people do it very often, imagine if their were no constraints on what you could say?



Co-Founder of KoA over 18's clan. Founded 2002. An RS clan for adults only.

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Everytime this issue comes up everyone seems to forget the most simple solution to making as many people happy as possible.. :roll:




Private Chat      Clan                  Trade               Assist               Censor

On/Friends/Off    On/Friends/Off        On/Friends/Off      On/Friends/Off       On/Friends/Off






Woah. That was hard to come up with.. :|


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I agree that the censor needs tweaking, they have tried too hard to make it *fool-proof.


I noticed, when making a skiller, that they had put the age limit on, but when I made this account it wasn't there. Coincidentally (not) they added the limit shortly after putting Runescape on the Miniclip games list. I think you're right in your examples, but people can really offend people with different uses of the words in your examples.


I think that Jagex simply needs to intergrate the censor more, to make completely un offensive words, properly spelt, allowed to bypass the censor, this would allow a lot more flexibility in speech in Runescape, while stopping people from insulting people. (at least with the properly spelt words)




*It isn't fool-proof, anyone with an !Q high enough to be alive can avoid the censor.


Thanks to Quarra for the awesome sig!

Xbox360 Gamertag = Tintin113

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I for one think that the censor does need a little tweaking, not to be able to cus but to be able to get one's point across. Sometimes you are using real words but the get censored. It gets to be annoying. I however think that the runescape community finds enough ways to be immature to give them full range of words.

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Please, for godsake








Why is rule 1 their anyway, your reporting someone for saying some stars...




Rule 1 is mainly for when people find a way to get round the censor which I saw earlier today and reported the person involved for doing so.


Proud Retired Council of The Gladiatiorz

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If you have an account and are playing the game, that means you have agreed to the terms and conditions. One of these terms is that you are over 13. Unfortunately, Jagex can't check for this. Another term is that Jagex can't be held responsible for any physical or mental harm that may come to you from playing Runescape game. That means that they could remove the censor completely, disregarding the protection of younger players, who technically shouldn't be playing anyway, and have nothing held against them.




I don't care so much about the censor except for the fact that it blocks half of my name, but rather that some of my black marks are forgiven in the future so that one day I might escape the curse of the permanently muted. Its been a year and three months.

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If you have an account and are playing the game, that means you have agreed to the terms and conditions. One of these terms is that you are over 13. Unfortunately, Jagex can't check for this. Another term is that Jagex can't be held responsible for any physical or mental harm that may come to you from playing Runescape game. That means that they could remove the censor completely, disregarding the protection of younger players, who technically shouldn't be playing anyway, and have nothing held against them.




I don't care so much about the censor except for the fact that it blocks half of my name, but rather that some of my black marks are forgiven in the future so that one day I might escape the curse of the permanently muted. Its been a year and three months.




The issue isn't what the age actually is of the player, it's the maturity that goes along with the age limit. What us 'scapers are fed up with is that the censor caters for those who are below that age limit, who shouldn't be playing.




Since Jagex is based in England, it applies under English censorship laws. Therefore the censor should apply at the level of '12' BBFC (they classify the age restrictions for films/DVDs etc. in Britain) maturity ratings. If you would find it in a 12 rated movie, you should be allowed to find it in Runescape.

~ W ~



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I find noob more offensive then most of the other words, but Jagex has decided that that is a 'good' offensive word.




Aftermath? A swarm of people calling eachother noob for everything people do. You don't react to them like they want you to? You're a noob? They are superior to you? You're a noob? You are quiting because of an update? Pfft Noob. Oh you actually have a life? We don't care noob :roll: .




I say just kill the censor, itll mean more offensive speech, but it'll eventually lead to more bans and more people actually not swearing.


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Tell me, why can't you guys use other words rather then the cencored one? You just HAVE to use the word "suck" when there are clearly other word choices. I hate how people think that in order to be mature you have to say or tolerate swears. Swearing is not a sign of maturity.




Besides, if the words got uncencored, chaos would come over runescape from every age, not just "under 13". I remember once when people found out how to bypass the cencor for the word for male genitials and a word for female dog. They went crazy spamming up the tipit chat and ingame. You think if we allowed them MORE words they'd take it maturely?




If jagex loosened up the cencor, it would kill the new player stream. People would come in the game and people are calling him every swear known to man (and perhaps several known to monkeys). Who, even the most mature people, would want to sit through that? who wants to sit there cooking fish while people are harassing them especiallf is the person is female? even if you could tolerate a swear here and there because people let it slip, the runescape world would be way beyond that. People unnecessarily using "cool" words just because they can.


tip it would pay me $500.00 to keep my clothes ON :( :lol:
But then again, you fail to realize that 101% of the people in this universe hate you. Yes, humankind's hatred against you goes beyond mathematical possibilities.
That tears it. I'm starting an animal rebellion using my mind powers. Those PETA bastards will never see it coming until the porcupines are half way up their asses.


Apparently a lot of people say it. I own.


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Would you have been offended by any of the above situations? If you were, gtfo.





That reminds me of Strutter :XD:




'So, if you're easily offended, my advice to you is simple. GTFO!!!' :D

[4Th in Finland to achieve 99 mining. 3Rd of June 2007]

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Jagex is based in the UK, do you have any idea how madly PC this country is? :P




Do you mean politically correct? I think the censor is there to promote a safe gaming environment for parents and players so players can have more fun rather than making sure that JaGex doesn't get sued.


Proud Retired Council of The Gladiatiorz

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this is my response to anyone saying the censor is good and it makes sense.


Butt is censored.




Good it needs to be censored. I think that once I read that someone thought they should create an uncensored theme world. I think this would help some of you. I personally would not go to it, but I think it could actually be a resolution. I am just not knowledgeable enough to know whether not the programming for it would be feasible.

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this is my response to anyone saying the censor is good and it makes sense.


Butt is censored.




Good it needs to be censored. I think that once I read that someone thought they should create an uncensored theme world. I think this would help some of you. I personally would not go to it, but I think it could actually be a resolution. I am just not knowledgeable enough to know whether not the programming for it would be feasible.


4 year olds say butt.


Anyway, i would say it's feasible, because of the themed worlds they have right now, that actually are different (like you can't bh on non bh worlds)



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Frankly I disagree 100% with the thread. It is censored for people who are easily offended by vulgar language. Jagex will never allow you to toggle the censor because really, thing about the outcome. Little 10 year olds are going to start just swearing and swearing.




More on this can be found on my thread in the Debate Club.




As for butt being censored? Good. When are you ever going to need that word in game for an intellegant sentance. Never? Bingo.




So simply put, theres no need to swear ingame, so Jagex wont allow a toggle option.




Final Period.


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