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New update agaisnt people with less rl money


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Hmmm...NO. Your logic is incorrect beyond compare. Smoother graphics make no difference. NO advantage. Im happy RWT is gond. I didn't care that That the wilderness was gone, I never PK'ed anyways. Im bummed that there is a trade limit, but its all for the right cause.

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Are you serious?


You think jagex shouldn't push content forwards because some players may get slight advantage?




Guess Ectofungus and Gilded Altars should never have happened because of all the people who had reached their desired prayer levels didn't benefit from them, but all the others did.




Or the countless other updates that have benefited some people more, fact of the matter is not every update is fair to everybody but when it's something so small just learn to live with it and move on and wait for the updates that will benefit you.

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Well seeing nobody here has the brain power to get into a real dicussion with real facts about a real problem or just old read my post... (Apperently two paragraphs is just two paragraphs to many... :) )




So I'll comment on the topic at hand...




i was thinking about how amazing the new details would be when i thought of something, with the new graphic details coming in soon some poorer people will not be able to afford a computer with the right system requiraments. Now isn't the reason jagex does not sell gold on the main website that they want to give everyone a fair chance never mind there rl background.


If they do don't have full screen or super detail etc, then they will not be able to get as good chance as other people just because of little things like full screen mode allowing you to see more of map so being able to more people in bh for example and i could go on for a long time with the advantages of having more screen space and being able to see more clearly.




edit: I'm not saying that rwt should be allowed I'm just pointing out that jagex make such a big deal about being fair on rl backgrounds then make this




yes I've edited the title for the simpler of people

w3ll us dang simp'der peoplees dusk caint afferd dem der faNCY pe0eples compoo'ters 'caus we a beggin topics ta ah be changeder... #-o




People like 999134fishy, are the same people who want to ban "The three little pig's" story from public school... As implying of eating pigs is against the Muslim religon. Yeah well the United States recognizes any religion that you can come up with as being valid if it doesn't hurt others, yourself, ect. Well what if I started a religion that doesn't believe in tests and grading do you really think the goverment is going to allow no more tests and grading of any kind go on in the public schools because some kid thinks it offends him? I think not.




Now... Anyone who doesn't have a computer powerful enough to download this client and play-on probley has a screen resolution of 800 x 6000, well when you play runescape on 800x 600 IT IS FULL SCREEN, so whats the difference? About a 200 X 200 bow of pixels on the lower-left hand side... Oooo, like someone is really going to mis out on alot because of that...




Really, EPIC fail.

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Your entire idea is flawed to the core, and it'd be better not to continue any further, you'll just embarrass yourself. Computer parts for the new graphics are cheap and easy to find, so no, it's not against anyone.




Off Topic:


I've noticed that a lot of people freak out when they hear "rwt." Granted, that's pretty low, and something I would never stoop to, but wasn't that the best thing for the RuneScape economy? Cheap essence and yews were nice in my opinion.

I love to meet people; send me a pm if you see me on RuneScape! :)

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this topic is [developmentally delayed]ed. the complaint is no different than complaining that something like Gucci, Versace, Louis Vuitton brand items are not fair because theyre too expensive. not everything in life is fair and not everyone is going to get what they want. so just deal with it

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I don't think that he means that fairness is the reason Jagex removed RWT(although that's partly it, definitely not the main reason though), I think he means it's the reason why Jagex won't sell gold for RL money themselves. That's just the meaning I took away from his post, correct me if I'm wrong.





Pirate Rosetta stone. Learn a language while you scape.

Sounds interesting, but these days how many people really speak Pirate?

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The new graphics requirements are that of a 4 year old computer, and the cost to get a 2nd hand computer that will run the new version would cost about $50US, or 10 months membership. My old 8 year old sucker wont run the new improved version, but it has provided me with a long overdue excuse to finally upgrade! It will not give me any advantage in gameplay against others, as 90%+ will also be looking at the same stuff I do.

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Who said that full screen is only available with super detail?




Its not like jagex are forcing people to buy better computer components just because they are releasing a new OPTIONAL detail mode.


but if they cant afford the new computer then they are at a dissanvadgtage






Hmm, now what would a solution be to this? Oh, wait, I know, GET A JOB. People who have more money always have an advantage, if you want to be able to play fullscreen high detail or what ever it is you want then get a job and buy the parts to do it. Seriously, don't blame jagex for wanting to advance and you not having a job




If people have a job and are able to buy the parts/computer while you don't have a job, then they deserve the advantage

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It isn't really going against the poorer players of Runescape. It's simply giving a new, optional way to play the game. Nothing changes who can play the game, they're just giving the people who have a better computer the ability to play in a higher detail.

Taking a Playstation 3 break.


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The original poster has no clue. I was going to write a long reply exposing all the flaws but it's so obvious I dont think I need to even bother.



Mercifull <3 Suzi

"We don't want players to be able to buy their way to success in RuneScape. If we let players start doing this, it devalues RuneScape for others. We feel your status in real-life shouldn't affect your ability to be successful in RuneScape" Jagex 01/04/01 - 02/03/12

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Not exactly huge requirements.




Don't play if you don't like the fact you can't play thee higher detailed version.

Doomy edit: I like sheep

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it is bad that some peaple can't use it , but super graphics = super computer end of storry



Signature by Littleboy

Runescape and impatient people are like ying and yang, they exist as one, they need each other
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I'd rather have RWT and pking back and have the game shut down in 6 months than play like this. Why? This way I won't play at all. Selfish? I think I speak for a lot of people here.




Before people will cry to their mothers about this post, yeah, I'm not being 100% serious. Merely about... 50%.


I don't get what you're trying to say. I'm not going to flame you because I've probably taken the wrong message here. Are you saying that you would like the game to be shut down so you can't play it?


How does that make any sense?




No. What I meant is that I'd rather play a good game for 6 months than a bad game... at all. Oh, and I hope that's not all you're not flaming me for. I don't want RS to shut down, but if it's useless right now it might as well shut down.




What the JaGeX staff fails to grasp is that they did manage to slow down RWT and stop PKing, but this is definitely not the best way to do either. I don't think they're even trying to better the situation. Not being able to take gold and stuff in BH is a stroke of genius compared to whatever else they thought out... why not apply it to the regular wilderness? Mixing revenants into the wilderness in addition to the PKers already there would have solved almost half of the problem. Or, make 10-20 wildy levels of Revenants (quite densely, maybe even more difficult to kill than ATM) and then the PKing outside, so that those who kill others will have a harder time escaping. (Maybe let revenants seek out players based on possessed items' market value.) Do they wish to escape magically? No teleporting! Unbalanced trades? Load of bull! Instead, manually oversee these "unbalanced" trades! There is a difference between giving your friend a dragon axe because you're a rich bastard and between RWT! Or maybe a cap on unbalanced trades per a certain amount of time (5 per month? Still few but you don't give away rune sets every day, no?). Maybe even keep the 'dropped items over 3k invisible' thing.


Ultimately, of course, this isn't going to stop RWT completely. But is RWT stopped right now? No! Normally I'd ask you guys to post this on the forums, but since Jagex doesn't give a flying rat's @ss about what players want, just don't bother. I just posted this so that some people would lighten up and not narrow down their vision to "bad game" and "RWT-ful game".



You're being watched.

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If your system doesn't meet these specs then I feel really sorry for you. The new specs are so ancient...




And PS in case someone didn't point this out already, they designed the game based on poll results. They polled us and the specs are based around that.


Need assistance in any of these skills? PM me in game, my private chat is always ON

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The development diary even said that the draw distance hasn't change. That's how much you see on screen. Everything will just be bigger and more detailed. This topic fails. :wall:




And honestly, if you can't afford the specs then sell your computer. Because you probably live in a trailer park. #-o


Thanks to all those who have messaged me concerning a revamp of my Range-Slayer guide. Because of you all I will start rewriting it asap.[/color]


Formerly RobinHoodie.

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The development diary even said that the draw distance hasn't change. That's how much you see on screen. Everything will just be bigger and more detailed. This topic fails. :wall:




And honestly, if you can't afford the specs then sell your computer. Because you probably live in a trailer park. #-o




George Carlin started the first 2 years of his career living out of his truck with his wife and baby. Don't knock it until you've tried it, I'll be he couldn't play Runescape...were it out like 50 years ago.




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I stopped following this thread a while back because it was frustrating me. :P But what I don't think has been mentioned here is that people with more money have an advantage at life as well. It's kinda how capitalism works.




Plus, it's been like this all the time. When I started playing RS, I had a frame rate of about 10 fps when I had a relatively "good" connection. In that situation, all the people with PCs as opposed to my Ye Olde Mac OS9 computer had an upper hand. That's not Jagex's fault.




This is the same thing. Just... knocked up a notch.

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I think the whole idea of this topic is stupid.




Everywhere, everytime, the advantaged people (in this case, the rich people) are, well, advantaged. That's called Natural Selection.




In this case, it isn't a real advantage, it's "aesthetical comfort".

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