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Today I went to this place with 3 of my friends:


It was so fun.


I want to go there so badly.


It just opened here like a month ago and it was a day off of school today so we had to wait in line for like an hour and a half. And there were tons of little kids. But I hit one in the face during dodgeball so it made it worthwhile.


The foam pit is so fun though.


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Wongtong: The Spider Slayer

I actually said that to myself in my head after I killed a few of them. (Minus the Wongtong part)


No I did not drown them in honey. I tried to kill them with a fly swat, but they managed to go through the holes so I grabbed a cloth and squashed them. How interesting.


It's hot here, it's supposed to be raining. But it's not.




#1 Wongtong stalker.

Im looking for some No Limit soldiers!

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First class of the semester got canceled today :D






Anyone who likes tacos is incapable of logic.

Anyone who likes logic is incapable of tacos.


PSA: SaqPrets is an Estonian Dude

Steam: NippleBeardTM

Origin: Brand_New_iPwn

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Wongtong: The Spider Slayer

I actually said that to myself in my head after I killed a few of them. (Minus the Wongtong part)


No I did not drown them in honey. I tried to kill them with a fly swat, but they managed to go through the holes so I grabbed a cloth and squashed them. How interesting.


It's hot here, it's supposed to be raining. But it's not.


But...spiders are our friends. They kill half of the moths and flies that get into your house, and if you leave cobwebs outside and around your windows, they kill half of the ones trying to get in. Well that's what we sort of do, because we live next to a dairy farm and get heaps of flies in the summer...

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I've watched 3 episodes of True Blood, season 1. Its really good. I swear, anything that comes out of HBO is brilliant: Entourage, True Blood, 6 Feet Under, Sex and the City, Da Ali G show, The Sopranos, Band of Brothers etc.

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But...spiders are our friends. They kill half of the moths and flies that get into your house, and if you leave cobwebs outside and around your windows, they kill half of the ones trying to get in. Well that's what we sort of do, because we live next to a dairy farm and get heaps of flies in the summer...

But they're scary as [bleep] :uhh:



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6 Feet Under


Speaking of, I watched 5 1/2 episodes of 6 Feet Under yesterday. 5 1/2 because company arrived halfway through the sixth episode so I had to stop.


Oh, and an usher from my parish has decided to friend me on Facebook and creepily reply to my wall posts via inbox message until I accept his request. Problem is, I can't just block him because he's also a family friend. Lucky me.


About to head off to my calculus 170 class, which is turning out to be a complete joke so far. We literally got through 3 problems in 50 minutes. That wouldn't be that bad if they were in-depth questions, but these were like, "Find the different equations of this piece-wise function" where the function only has 2-3 differences and they're really simple. Oh well, free math credits.




My Bloggy


Proud to have served on Tip.it Crew

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We should have had a snow day today. We had like a foot of snow on the roads at 6:00. But no, they have to go all 'we had too many kids on the buses already' I WONDER WHY! Because you can't make a simple decision to close school after 3/4 of the schools in the county are closed, and everybody except one neighboring school is closed.


Oi vey. Exams this week, comp repair tomorrow, then AP lit, engineering on Thurs, and calc on Fri... Plus my test-out exam in Chem on Fri also. I am going to die because I can't remember any calc at all. And I'm wasting time here doing this.


:P The doctor thinks I'm depressed or something. Something's definitely up, so I'm going to the other doctor on Monday or Tuesday... I don't remember which. yayyyyy.

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Today was a pretty productive day. I wrote 90% of my outline for my speech of Napoleon, hooked up my Android to work as a wifi-receiver for my laptop, started learning the code of Java, and drank Vanilla Coke for the first time in years. Good day, good day. :mrgreen:

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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But...spiders are our friends. They kill half of the moths and flies that get into your house, and if you leave cobwebs outside and around your windows, they kill half of the ones trying to get in. Well that's what we sort of do, because we live next to a dairy farm and get heaps of flies in the summer...

But they're scary as [bleep] :uhh:


They're not that scary, although I did find this one in my bed not so long ago...



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But...spiders are our friends. They kill half of the moths and flies that get into your house, and if you leave cobwebs outside and around your windows, they kill half of the ones trying to get in. Well that's what we sort of do, because we live next to a dairy farm and get heaps of flies in the summer...

But they're scary as [bleep] :uhh:


They're not that scary, although I did find this one in my bed not so long ago...



On topic: I had a dream that I had a duel with Sam (littleboy) to see who could make the best wedding costume.




#1 Wongtong stalker.

Im looking for some No Limit soldiers!

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But...spiders are our friends. They kill half of the moths and flies that get into your house, and if you leave cobwebs outside and around your windows, they kill half of the ones trying to get in. Well that's what we sort of do, because we live next to a dairy farm and get heaps of flies in the summer...

But they're scary as [bleep] :uhh:


They're not that scary, although I did find this one in my bed not so long ago...




THAT'S [bleep]ING FRIGHTENING. (but biologically astounding!)


I'll just visit Australia, thanks.



Today I finally did my physics presentation on the life cycle of a star, failed a trig test, and spent all afternoon finishing a porfolio for creative writing. Midterms start tomorrow. Woo.



EDIT: And now, Rob, I can never post again.

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We have bigger spiders. Trust me.


Otherwise, not much planned for today, was going to the girlfriend's place, but got lazy. Ah well.


Lulzy movie night planned with the bros tomorrow, hopefully we'll do some cruisin' (And by that, I mean going through the KFC drive through asking for a straw and a dinner roll, and just driving around town like douches) with my bro who's going for his P's tomorrow.




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