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Jagex announces the most challenging quest to date.


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I don't know why they dont just make a massive quest that requires like 12 skills all at Level 90 to complete it fully or even Level 95.




Maybe because they would like more then 0,05% of their customers to be able to enjoy a massive quest.

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As many have speculated, the Stone of Jas is the same thing as the Eye of Saradomin, and the WOM and Wizard Elriss and followers of Lucien are all looking for it. It is most likely that this quest will follow that storyline, which means 70 agility will probably be a requirement.




Additionally, remember that RFD, if you placed it in a series, was the "sequel" to Cook's Assistant? A giant quest as a sequel to some insignificant noob quest? Now, combine that with the fact that the followers of Lucien say that Juna guards more than she knows. I believe that the quest of epicness will be a sequel to Tears of Guthix.




I believe this will NOT be "the quest to end all quests", I believe that it will take a few storylines, intertwine them a bit, and emerge making major progress to only one or two of them, as did RFD. If Jagex made all quests end, that would remove the appeal of the games to many, and Jagex would have effectively ENDED THE GAME. When you win, you stop playing. Jagex would not do that. It might be a major quest, like Legends, Desert Treasure, or RFD. It might be a high-level quest, like Devious Minds or Rocking Out or RFD. It might be a quite hard quest, like MEP2, Dream Mentor, or RFD. I believe it will be all three, but not the epic quest to end all quests.




"High" level req to Jagex is like 60 lol, so "extreme" would be like 70.




Indeed, that's why Jagex released quests with requirements of stats above 70 (Grim Tales, RFD, Back to My Roots), and in the high 60's (Rocking Out, Devious Minds), mildly often, and didn't hype them as much as this one. They DEFINITELY are preparing to make Sheap Shearer: PART 2! SHEAR FOURTY BALLS OF WOOL! AUGH SO HARD! :roll:

Proud member of the Tal Shiar Alliance


Goals: Quest cape, skill range 10 or less, all stats above 60. (Although yes, I am aware that in order to do the first two, I have to do the third.)


I am sick and tired of people asking me to put stuff in my signature. If you agree with me, do NOT put this in your signature.

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Tbh, I will probably have all the requirements crossed out when it's released anyway. Still, I speculate it might involve the opening of Priffdinas, the elven city made of crystal. That place has been out of reach for far too long. ::'

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I'm most interested in seeing the boss for this one - if it does have a boss that is. And being the hardest quest to date, it better. \'


Yes, the 'Miniquest' design was successful, so it wouldn't surprise me.




So, how many quests until quest 150?

~ W ~



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Sounds interesting.






I hope it involves construction... we don't have very many high level construction quests, and I LIKE to show off my wealth! :D





Can be looted to obtain a variable item and reobtain the imp jar. If you are insane, it can instead be exchanged for impling jars from Elnock Inquisitor.
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Well, in the RuneCrafting guild, and if you have a high enough RuneCraft level plus a Ring of Charos (u) (sp?), she talks to you about an "Eye or Gaze of Saradomin". This might be involved in the new quest, as someone probably stated before. Plus, the elf city is up for grabs too.


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It will be an epic fail Quest due to stupidly low Level-Requirements.




It's gonna be the hardest quest ever according to JaGEx...Meaning high-level requirements... believe it or not, but level 70 in 3-4 "hard" skills (RC, Slayer, Farm, summon...)is not something most players have...

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Oppse, My bad double post.

"Let your anger be as a monkey in a piñata... hiding amongst the candy... hoping the kids don't break through with the stick." - Master Tang

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[...]we'd like to let you in on a little secret we're currently working on our highest level, longest, most exciting quest ever. Not necessarily for launch in '08 (it's not something we want to rush, after all), its already had more development time than the entirety of "Recipe for Disaster"... but youll have to wait to find out more. We're adding secret hints and references all the time about this one, so if you need to know more, just look around! Leave no stone unturned....




"Let your anger be as a monkey in a piñata... hiding amongst the candy... hoping the kids don't break through with the stick." - Master Tang

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i think this quest may have to do with barrows being that they released the players gallery with barrows pictures on the same day of this "quest info". also, something tells me that the resizable windows update is something to help us with. I am trying to put many theories listed in this forum and other theories of new updates described when hd came out.




Theories that may lead to new quest:






Dragon Slayer Pt. 2


Mournings End Part 3


Stone of Jas




Staff of Armadyl


Cold War Pt. 2


Wizard Tower and Wise Old Man's Telescope








Well, here is my speculation.....which is mostly based on WOM's telescope.




Now, before the WOM robbed the bank, he had that funny looking black hat. This thing on his head may have been something from Cold War. Possibly a transmitter controling his mind. Who planted this on his head? The Penguins of course. They wanted to see how good he was in magic and robbed the bank across from him. Now when the WOM saw the party hat, he decided to use it to cover up the transmitter on his head. But the penguins needed another pawn. Someone who is tough. So the penguins with their giant robot penguin (as shown in a cutscene after completing the Cold War quest) go underwater and send in the Sea Trolls and the queen. The penguins knew that the people near that area will ask someone to help kill those trolls so they ask an adventurer to team up with the WOM to kill the trolls. (This is where the Swan Song quest comes into the picture). The WOM pretends to die but in reality is watching you fight. Once you kill it, he, i mean the penquins will realize how tough of an adventurer u are. Now they needed someone to get the Pendant of Armadyl or Staff of Armadyl, so they sent a crippled man named Lucien (Temple of Ikov quest) to look for an adventurer who would do so. He declined so they slashed his leg as a threat. (Which is why when u click examine, it says he limps). He accepted and he found an adventurer, YOU!. Depending wether you took the goodside or the badside, he gets the staff of armadyl, or you get the armadyl pendant. (The new quest will probably require the Armadyl Pendant). After they get the staff, (or they don't depending on which side you chose in Temple of Ikov), they realized they needed the pendant as well. The Penguins saw that the WOM was becoming more aware of him being mind controled. So they needed death runes to strengthen the signal. But they didn't know how to make them so they needed someone to lead them to learn how to make death runes. So they gathered a bunch of other pawns and got YOU to lead them to the Death Altar to make death runes.(Mournings End Part 1-2). Once the penguins got the death runes, they realized that the WOM still had enough control to keep is grudge against the wizards in wizard tower. This anger held the mind control back so the penguins devised a plan to get the grudge of his chest and re-control his mind. The decided to destroy the Wizard's Tower which is why his telescope is pointed there. With this, it starts the new long and hard QUEST!!!!!




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FINALLY, I'm going to have a challenge to keep that quest cape over my shoulders, the only extremely tough quests (Desert Treasure and Mourning's Ends Part 2) came out before achievement capes, now I KNOW I might not wear my quest cape ever again if I can't complete it, I can't wait :D.

My legions of fans:


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[...]we'd like to let you in on a little secret we're currently working on our highest level, longest, most exciting quest ever. Not necessarily for launch in '08 (it's not something we want to rush, after all), its already had more development time than the entirety of "Recipe for Disaster"... but youll have to wait to find out more. We're adding secret hints and references all the time about this one, so if you need to know more, just look around! Leave no stone unturned....





Referring to the Stone of Jas perhaps.




But its will have things that they added, maybe the frozen door, the mithril door, WOM and his plans.


They did say more time than RFD, so they probably been working on it for half a year.


Can't wait for the storyline/history to it ::'

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i would guess that this will be the 150th quest.




Also, what if they combined like 3 quest series.




Example:the elves finnaly find the key to the glass city, only to find out it is been taken over by the giant penguin suit, and the other penguins, then you have to get the dwarves to help you defeat them, but the penguins have the WOm on their side.


Tip.It's Official Undercover Agent

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Well one of the most recent hints was the dialogue with the wizard in the runecrafting guild about the eye of saradomin (aka stone of jas) so that probably ties in. Since Lucien has people hunting for it in Dorgesh-Kaan there's the potential to tie in the Mahjarrat series and the Dorgeshuun series. Since the wise old man is spying on the wizards tower he might be involved as well.




I can't think of any ways the elves, vampires, or slugs could tie in off the top of my head though.

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Stone of Jas quest for the win!!!




hopefully it will also involve the majharrat some how aswell,

Theres a fine line between not listening and not caring,

I like to think I walk this line every day.

Pinning blame on Jagex is like trying to put pants on an old man.

You both know he needs them, but he'll just keep dancing around, avoiding them at all costs.

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Low levels of hard skills would be good i think. 70 Farm/Prayer/Herb come to mind.


Thanks to all those who have messaged me concerning a revamp of my Range-Slayer guide. Because of you all I will start rewriting it asap.[/color]


Formerly RobinHoodie.

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I still haven't found a quest that was even remotely "hard" so I probably shouldn't expect too much from this one.


Then again, you never know.




Exactly my thoughts. MEP2 took me an afternoon and I didn't come close to dying once - and this is when I had 80s melee stats. I'd like a week-long quest with some serious requirements - 80+s and a few 90+ - no joke. Or maybe MEP 3 with a different puzzle for each player in a new dungeon with five floors. Or maybe Contact! with monsters that can actually kill you.

2496 Completionist

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Tbh, I will probably have all the requirements crossed out when it's released anyway. Still, I speculate it might involve the opening of Priffdinas, the elven city made of crystal. That place has been out of reach for far too long. ::'




The unsolved mystery of the crystal halberd anyone?! :mrgreen:




I"m looking forward to the reward but i have to weigh my disinterest with questing with the rewards/requiments i don't have.




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Mourning End Part 3 won't be bad...


Maybe the reward is about soul runecrafting and the altar is in deep wildy...



U N T R I M M E D S L A Y E R C A P E - 22 August 2009 (No Soul War used for any exp)


Memberlist of Untrimmed Slayer and seeker: http://www.runehead.com/clans/ml.php?clan=untrimslay

Q U E S T C A P E - 31 May 2008

~ F I R E C A P E ~ - 5 Dec 2008

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