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tif mods?


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*bumps* >_>




Just had to note, many new mods I see have barely any post count, I know people are going to say "quality not quantity", but like 500 or less just shows that TIF is getting kinda desperate.


You cant judge someone that well with little post count.

I dont need a siggy no moar.

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Because they are more mature than you are and thus juxtaposing those in the conglomeration of people who type properly.


IRC Nick: Hiroki | 99 Agility | Max Quest Points | 138 Combat

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A better question is why would you intentionally speak/write like a fool.. :lol: It doesn't take any longer to type words as they should be than it does to write in 'online lingo'.




By typing properly, just like speaking properly in real life, you assure everyone (or most people) will get your point. If you speak in immature internet abbreviations/acronyms, improper punctuation & grammar, maybe 1/5th of readers wont understand what you mean. Maybe ½. Maybe nobody understands if you write horribly enough.




Try it sometimes.. Once you've written "properly" since a kid, you can't forget how to do it or revert back. It can also be helpful in a job/school.

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Because they are more mature than you are...




and on that note, Latios fails. :lol: (i kidd')




Right, just because of this thread, my next post will be composed ENTIRELY of legal-terminology...LATIN legal terminology ;)


I'll get the dictionary...




I think its good that the Mod's and Admins speak with clear english as it shows not just a sign of maturity but metal development, in a way saying that there not incompetant idiots who had the Power-Hammer thrown at them (thats a compliment by the way :lol: )




and on that note: [throws mute stick at um_bong0]


Co'r Blimy! What ye'r doi'n in me'h pockets?


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Well I think that it is necessary that Mod's post with decent grammar, so they can lead by example and set a decent standard of English.




And people who write properly get taken more seriously. If I see a post that reads something like " whats a g00d monsta for me to train str on plz plz help me idk ne good ones" etc, chances are, I won't give it a second glance. And in my opinion, that was a GOOD example of bad grammar, I've seen much, much worse.

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*bumps* >_>




Just had to note, many new mods I see have barely any post count, I know people are going to say "quality not quantity", but like 500 or less just shows that TIF is getting kinda desperate.


You cant judge someone that well with little post count.


What makes you think you know anything about their selection procedure?

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They say you have to use english, but I'm really tempted to use the oldest versions of English sometimes. :D


aren't we all. <3:




Bauke, remember Ray's going off observation, not 100% facts and face-slamming evidence. ::'


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So... You're annoyed they used a word you wouldn't use? You make it sound like being "sophisticated" is a bad thing.


If the Tip.It mods talked like you'd want them to I'd probably have left these forums ages ago.


Pretty much what Dragon said.

Thread terminated.

I guess that means I'm the thread Terminator?


No Tip.Iters were harmed in the making of this post.

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You know, I decided not to read this thread because the obvious lack of capitals in the title led me to believe that it was a badly written thread. I got bored and decided to click here. I wish I hadn't.


Thanks to all those who have messaged me concerning a revamp of my Range-Slayer guide. Because of you all I will start rewriting it asap.[/color]


Formerly RobinHoodie.

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*bumps* >_>




Just had to note, many new mods I see have barely any post count, I know people are going to say "quality not quantity", but like 500 or less just shows that TIF is getting kinda desperate.


You cant judge someone that well with little post count.


What makes you think you know anything about their selection procedure?


What on Earth are you talking about? :-w

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Tip.It's Moderators are chosen because they are eloquent, diplomatic, amicable and ratiocinative.




We're also a pulchritudinous bunch.




Thems be fighting words.






Your eloquency is that of a zoea.




On topic, tif mods are chose based on the presence of polysyndactyly if they have it, they are in. Tif mods also use clever mnemonics like euouae, this makes them better than you, tbh.


I'm gonna go eat my taramasalata near Chargoggagoggmanchauggagoggchaubunagungamaugg, its great this time of year.




If you understand all these words without using a dictionary you could be a tif mod!




I love the floccinaucinihilipilification of tif mods, lol.


Corporeal Drops:2xHoly elixers

Bandos Drops: Bcp(soloed) 5x hilts 8x tassets

Armadyl Drops:Armadyl Hilt(trio)

Zamorak Drops: 2xZamorakian spear 3x Steam battlestaff

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Really post counts don't matter, so no it's not true the more post counts the more likely your going to becom a mod. :lol:


*Points at Poscount*


I don't really mind not being a mod and to be honest I would probably say no to a request. Mods seem so strict when I just want to be myself. Also I wouldn't be allowed to use 1337. O th3 n0ez!!!


Also if you notice some mods have been here for a long time. Some have been here since I've join and their are still kicking.


(I think Meol is still alive, I have to go check *Takes out sharp poking stick*)

Wongton is better than me in anyway~~



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Why shouldn't language be spoken with most efficiency and clarity, if you don't understand something - learn it, that's what we like to call education.


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I would have to agree with most of the other posters, when one types with correct punctuation, and at least a sense of proper grammar, one would seem as if he is above average in intelligence. Generally I relate Moderators, or higher positions, as intelligent forum users, therefore having good judgment. I have more respect for grammar and spelling than the other posting styles on Tip.It. That definitely does not mean that just because you don't understand a word here or there or you don't spell check/capitalize constantly, that you aren't just as smart as the Mods and that you aren't as good as the rest. It's honestly not an issue to worry about, I feel it's just something that the Moderators try to do to stay within what users generally would expect of them.




Tip.It's Moderators are chosen because they are eloquent, diplomatic, amicable and ratiocinative.




We're also a pulchritudinous bunch.




Thems be fighting words.






Your eloquency is that of a zoea.




On topic, tif mods are chose based on the presence of polysyndactyly if they have it, they are in. Tif mods also use clever mnemonics like euouae, this makes them better than you, tbh.


I'm gonna go eat my taramasalata near Chargoggagoggmanchauggagoggchaubunagungamaugg, its great this time of year.




If you understand all these words without using a dictionary you could be a tif mod!




I love the floccinaucinihilipilification of tif mods, lol.




The only words I didn't understand were polysyndactyly, and euouae? I had to look them up. Chargoggagoggmanchauggagoggchaubunagunggamaugg is the name of a lake, no? I believe floccinaucinihilipilification means something along the lines of describing something as worthless? I don't understand it in the context you used though.




From what I gathered, euouae is a form of mnemonic device from the medieval ages? Apparently also the longest English word made of nothing but vowels, quite interesting. Also, polysyndactyly means something along the lines of a condition in which multiple fingers and/or toes are webbed. I wish I would've looked closer at the word before looking it up because I probably could have figured out the meaning if I had. Now that I know the definition, it seems so obvious.





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I would have to agree with most of the other posters, when one types with correct punctuation, and at least a sense of proper grammar, one would seem as if he is above average in intelligence. Generally I relate Moderators, or higher positions, as intelligent forum users, therefore having good judgment. I have more respect for grammar and spelling than the other posting styles on Tip.It. That definitely does not mean that just because you don't understand a word here or there or you don't spell check/capitalize constantly, that you aren't just as smart as the Mods and that you aren't as good as the rest. It's honestly not an issue to worry about, I feel it's just something that the Moderators try to do to stay within what users generally would expect of them.




Tip.It's Moderators are chosen because they are eloquent, diplomatic, amicable and ratiocinative.




We're also a pulchritudinous bunch.




Thems be fighting words.






Your eloquency is that of a zoea.




On topic, tif mods are chose based on the presence of polysyndactyly if they have it, they are in. Tif mods also use clever mnemonics like euouae, this makes them better than you, tbh.


I'm gonna go eat my taramasalata near Chargoggagoggmanchauggagoggchaubunagungamaugg, its great this time of year.




If you understand all these words without using a dictionary you could be a tif mod!




I love the floccinaucinihilipilification of tif mods, lol.




The only words I didn't understand were polysyndactyly, and euouae? I had to look them up. Chargoggagoggmanchauggagoggchaubunagunggamaugg is the name of a lake, no? I believe floccinaucinihilipilification means something along the lines of describing something as worthless? I don't understand it in the context you used though.




From what I gathered, euouae is a form of mnemonic device from the medieval ages? Apparently also the longest English word made of nothing but vowels, quite interesting. Also, polysyndactyly means something along the lines of a condition in which multiple fingers and/or toes are webbed. I wish I would've looked closer at the word before looking it up because I probably could have figured out the meaning if I had. Now that I know the definition, it seems so obvious.








Ehh... you're right about everything but euouae is a "scrabble word" you would never use it in any other sentence due to it being a mnemonic for remembering the notes in a certain prayer, as for floccinaucinihilipilification, it does not mean to describe as worthless, it means the ct of describing something as worthless, so it does fit in my context. Chargoggagoggmanchauggagoggchaubunagungamaugg is also a lake is massachussets, nicely done ::' , yeah I don't really know how I learned these words, maybe from med school...


Corporeal Drops:2xHoly elixers

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Zamorak Drops: 2xZamorakian spear 3x Steam battlestaff

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This very thread has left me utterly gobsmacked! What ulterior motives would have our forum supervisors employ such peculiar and obscure vocabulary thus challenging my knowledge of semantics in the tongue of England? Is it in a conspiracy to push me into opening my ancient copy of the Oxford Modern English Dictionary?




Alas, your attempts in persuading me to seek knowledge has shown efficacious, for I have cleared my aging dictionary off its dust to once again expose me of education and clarity.








It's good to be reminded that there are always some new words I can learn, though. :)

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A better question is why would you intentionally speak/write like a fool.. :lol: It doesn't take any longer to type words as they should be than it does to write in 'online lingo'.




By typing properly, just like speaking properly in real life, you assure everyone (or most people) will get your point. If you speak in immature internet abbreviations/acronyms, improper punctuation & grammar, maybe 1/5th of readers wont understand what you mean. Maybe ½. Maybe nobody understands if you write horribly enough.




Try it sometimes.. Once you've written "properly" since a kid, you can't forget how to do it or revert back. It can also be helpful in a job/school.


I couldn't agree more. Especially in forums such as Tif, where not everyone speaks English as a first language, typing properly means most people can get the jist of what you're trying to say rather than filling your post with abbreviations and "internet slang" which people may find harder to understand.

It isn't in the castle, It isn't in the mist, It's a calling of the waters, As they break to show, The new Black Death, With reactors aglow, Do you think your security, Can keep you in purity, You will not shake us off above or below

Scottish friction

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So in thine wisest literature, thou art relinquishing information that to contribute to your kinship, i shalt scribe with such shakespearian tact and talent that would make the very angels of the heavens cry tears of purest silver seventh smelted?




Seriously, that is the longest i have ever taken to post on this forum. I just try to give my idea the best i can not using leet speak unless the situation calls for it. Like right now if i was going to give an example of what not to do.




But i'm not going to.




I also like to space out my posts.




But i don't put in enough information.




It looks weird to me.

It is not the great who are strong, but the strong who are great--Albel Nox

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