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Temporary lack of penguins



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Slayer: Red Jude gained 1,932,150 exp on January 29th, 2009, he didn't gain anywhere near enough combat exp for it.


RC: 800rmk 69 gained 1,762,500 exp on January 28th, 2009


Slayer: Elvemage99 gained 747,900 exp on January 28th, 2009, with only like 3.5k gains in combat stats.


Magic: Owne D U Ar gained 2,898,750 exp on January 28th, 2009. No hp exp, graph shows it happening all at once ALONG with 111k str exp. Definitely was in on it and definitely did it.




This is thanks to the runescript tracker, on the records all time for most exp in a day. These people should DEFINITELY be punished.




EDIT: Oops, artemis beat me to it :P Ah well, I provided the proof.


Btw, I'm hoping to get spling to remove their records off of the rscript page.. I've messaged my friend to message him about it when she gets on.

Started free trade with 1.5m cash. 2 weeks later, have hit max cash 2x.


PvP drops: 359 Brawling Gloves, 11 Vesta's Longswords, 41+ Zaros/Ancient Statues

9 Dragon Full Helms, 3 Dragonfire Shields on the old PvP loot system


Brawler guide is being finished!


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I got perm banned for making jokes towards friends in a clan chat before which is nothing compared to this. Hell yes these people should get a permanent ban. And isn't Elvemage99 some famous pker or something? Idiot to abuse the Penguin thing. :? 1.9M Slayer experiece isn't even possible to gain in one day either unless you have all of the points to spend with Sumona. Which no one does because that is A LOT.

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I got perm banned for making jokes towards friends in a clan chat before which is nothing compared to this. Hell yes these people should get a permanent ban. And isn't Elvemage99 some famous pker or something? Idiot to abuse the Penguin thing. :? 1.9M Slayer experiece isn't even possible to gain in one day either unless you have all of the points to spend with Sumona. Which no one does because that is A LOT.






pretty sure that was Elvemage, who is either banned or perm muted anyway.




edit: wooooooo at post below me :)

Runescape player since 6th November, 2003




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Wow all these big bugs happen on specific days 6/6/6 and yesterdays 1/28/9 12 89 :P


whats with 12 89 ?


and if I'm correct , the massacre happened on 07/06/06 (at the server it happened it was 07 already ..)




Well it was around that and 1 to 2 and 8 to 9.

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Doesn't surprise me that they're getting banned, Jagex has a lot more systems in place than most people realise.




One time I accidentally got a quest reward twice and reported it to a mod I know in game and he said it should have been flagged by the server. So I assume they have systems in place to detect strange behavior such as this. (No I didn't get punished, I even asked if he could take the extra XP away and he said it wasn't possible).

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Mod Emilee


Jagex Mod




29-Jan-2009 15:47:30


Hi everyone,




Although I am unable to give you any extra information, please rest assured that this issue is being thoroughly investigated by one of our specialist teams.



:thumbup: Go mods!

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Btw, I'm hoping to get spling to remove their records off of the rscript page.. I've messaged my friend to message him about it when she gets on.




Please stay the messages! I have been already been made very aware of this glitch, and I know which people are in question specifically on our record lists. Right now I have decided that I'm not going to take any action as far as manually removing entries from the tracker yet. I'm waiting to see if Jagex either bans these people/reverts the exp gains, or does nothing. Hopefully, if not the latter, it will be easy for us to remove not only the gains on the records lists that are concerning people mostly, but also the gains from people that you can't see, or don't know about.




If it ends up being that Jagex does indeed do nothing to allow us to distinguish the glitched players, I will manually remove "obvious" glitch entries, and just hope that I don't have any false positives. :)

Check out

RuneScript and RuneTracker!



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From the RSOF. ;)








GOOD :thumbup:




A nice front page post with their names would be superb but not sure as they dont like admitting mistakes either.. Perhaps a forum post instead. A front page post saying a number of people banned to show a point.

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From the RSOF. ;)








GOOD :thumbup:




A nice front page post with their names would be superb but not sure as they dont like admitting mistakes either.. Perhaps a forum post instead. A front page post saying a number of people banned to show a point.




In other words like how they did with bannings back in classic?

Solo GWD'er


Drops: Bandos Hilt x 1/ boots x 1 / Steam staff x 1 / Shards x 9


99 Str/ 99 Att/ 99 HP (More to come...)

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ah alright, heh I figured you would have found it spling. Thats what I thought about the whole.. removal thing, heh.




Thankfully people are getting banned for this appropriately :D



Started free trade with 1.5m cash. 2 weeks later, have hit max cash 2x.


PvP drops: 359 Brawling Gloves, 11 Vesta's Longswords, 41+ Zaros/Ancient Statues

9 Dragon Full Helms, 3 Dragonfire Shields on the old PvP loot system


Brawler guide is being finished!


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From the RSOF. ;)








GOOD :thumbup:




A nice front page post with their names would be superb but not sure as they dont like admitting mistakes either.. Perhaps a forum post instead. A front page post saying a number of people banned to show a point.




In other words like how they did with bannings back in classic?




Awesome :thumbup:



Three months banishment to 9gag is something i would never wish upon anybody, not even my worst enemy.

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Jagex, The Zero-tolerance approach your showing is the right way to go, and it let's the people who are trying for lenience to fall in line.




The players involved know it was bug abuse and must reap the consequences, its an example to everyone that the rules must not be broken, and that if you find a bug to report it to Jagex IMMEDIATELY.




Bug abuse to this degree should be delt with severley.








Thank you Jagex for looking it into it, over the past year the way you've delt with the RWTERS, Goldfarmers etc, has been for the best of the game and promotes fairplay, so respect for that, and respect for rectifying the mistake made.. which let's face it happens in the games business

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This, compared to the only glitch I tried (the Ectoplasm-covered Bedsheet Party Room teleport), is madness.

No, this... is... RUNESCAAAAPE!!! And yeah, this REALLY cheapens the game and frustrates thousands of players who did it the hard way. Worst glitch EVER, even more so than the Falador Massacre.
If the CORPORAL beast is this hard, imagine how hard a GENERAL or COLONEL beast would be. a corporal is not even an admirable rank in armies that use that ranking system.


Yeah, it is a pking minigame, so any arguments anybody makes will probably be biased.

The best way this will end :Everybody just says,"I'm not arguing with you anymore, goodbye."

The worst way this will end: I don't really know, psychological warfare? Worldwide thermonuclear war? Pie eating contest?

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I would really prefer these people weren't banned because some may have gotten the glitch as a mistake and it wouldn't be their fault.




I'm sorry, but people know how penguins work. OBVIOUSLY if you're getting hundreds of points and millions of exp in a matter of a few minutes that's NOT how it's supposed to work. ANYONE who abused this for over the normal amount of exp [between 0 and say ... 45k] since the penguins reset, and add maybe 50k more just for those who might have realized late, should be banned. Anyone who got over 100k exp did it knowingly. There's no way you don't "know" that kind of thing. Especially for those that have hunted before, they KNOW how it works, and those told by someone else, were more than likely told "Hey, come abuse this glitch with me!"




As I posted on Zybez, I will post here:




I am torn between being willing to take the EXP loss of a rollback just so the stupid [wagon] get what they deserve, and just wanting them all banned and not giving up my hard work the past few days. But I know the odds of Jagex being able to catch EVERYONE who abused the bug are slim. I personally, don't care how little the abuse was, if someone abused it, it should be a perm ban. The problem with the game now, is the fact they don't personally address appeals and they let too many things "slide." Ban all of em for all I care. Would make the game a better place for the rest of us.




I can not stand people who cheat to play this game. It tops the list with spammers at SC, stupid idiots unwantingly PJ'ing a consented fight in PVP, and AFK trainers at bandits and orks. I have NEVER abused a glitch knowingly. I used a glitch once to check it, then reported it to Jagex. I'd rather get my skills and notoriety with REAL work and dedication.




GROW UP people. Honestly, what do you have to gain from cheating in this game. If you don't want to legitimately get your stats, find something ELSE to do with your time. I, too, hate how selfish, rude, and immature people are in this game. Pures top the list of having all 3 of those attributes. But there are maxed people just the same. It's sad and pathetic really. That's whats wrong with the world today. The way people act in this game is 9 times out of 10 the way they are IRL. That just makes me really sad for humanity. Humility and respect have all but gone from society. What's worse, is the kids had to get it from somewhere. Shows the awesome parenting skills of today :evil:





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Clearly bans are the appropriate punishment that has been decided by Jagex. Now we just have to wait for all those people who abused it to be banned. Thanks Jagex :)



Mercifull <3 Suzi

"We don't want players to be able to buy their way to success in RuneScape. If we let players start doing this, it devalues RuneScape for others. We feel your status in real-life shouldn't affect your ability to be successful in RuneScape" Jagex 01/04/01 - 02/03/12

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Mod Poppy


Jagex Mod




29-Jan-2009 19:01:42


Last edited on 29-Jan-2009 19:02:14 by Mod Poppy


That was me. Here it is again, well, some of it.




We are going to be taking action against those players who deliberately tried to con XP out of the poor innocent penguins.




Obviously, identifying who did what and how badly they did it is going to take a little time, but rest assured that we ARE looking into it, and that these people won't get away with it.




I know that a few of you are worried that players that genuinely didn't know this was a bug will be caught up in the action, however, there are ways of telling who has innocently clicked on the bushes a couple of extra times and who has hammered their mouse button into infinity. We'll keep this in mind, as we always do.




It's really sad when players think they can race up the XP ladder by cheating like this, and I know that many of you are upset because you've spent a lot of time levelling your skills.




Let us deal with it, and we'll let you know how we got on.




Thanks to everyone who sent in bug reports about this. You're legendary.








Mod Poppy


Pretty In Pink



"America will never seek a permission slip to defend the security of our people."

-George W. Bush

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Mod Poppy


Jagex Mod




29-Jan-2009 19:01:42


Last edited on 29-Jan-2009 19:02:14 by Mod Poppy


That was me. Here it is again, well, some of it.




We are going to be taking action against those players who deliberately tried to con XP out of the poor innocent penguins.




Obviously, identifying who did what and how badly they did it is going to take a little time, but rest assured that we ARE looking into it, and that these people won't get away with it.




I know that a few of you are worried that players that genuinely didn't know this was a bug will be caught up in the action, however, there are ways of telling who has innocently clicked on the bushes a couple of extra times and who has hammered their mouse button into infinity. We'll keep this in mind, as we always do.




It's really sad when players think they can race up the XP ladder by cheating like this, and I know that many of you are upset because you've spent a lot of time levelling your skills.




Let us deal with it, and we'll let you know how we got on.




Thanks to everyone who sent in bug reports about this. You're legendary.








Mod Poppy


Pretty In Pink




That's good news. I wouldn't mind if it took therm a month as long as it was taken care of. Do you have the QFC?

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Mod Poppy


Jagex Mod




29-Jan-2009 19:01:42


Last edited on 29-Jan-2009 19:02:14 by Mod Poppy


That was me. Here it is again, well, some of it.




We are going to be taking action against those players who deliberately tried to con XP out of the poor innocent penguins.




Obviously, identifying who did what and how badly they did it is going to take a little time, but rest assured that we ARE looking into it, and that these people won't get away with it.




I know that a few of you are worried that players that genuinely didn't know this was a bug will be caught up in the action, however, there are ways of telling who has innocently clicked on the bushes a couple of extra times and who has hammered their mouse button into infinity. We'll keep this in mind, as we always do.




It's really sad when players think they can race up the XP ladder by cheating like this, and I know that many of you are upset because you've spent a lot of time levelling your skills.




Let us deal with it, and we'll let you know how we got on.




Thanks to everyone who sent in bug reports about this. You're legendary.








Mod Poppy


Pretty In Pink




That's good news. I wouldn't mind if it took therm a month as long as it was taken care of. Do you have the QFC?




Here is the QFC for that thread:








That post was on page 24.




I do hope that the bug abusers get banned. This is extremely annoying...... -.-




Also, Mod Poppy... :lol: ....





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