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What movie(s) did you last see?


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Beowulf http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0442933/




Went to see this at the Imax on Friday night... It was in 3D and was totally awesome.




It's difficult to say if it was a great movie or not, as I was so blown away by the incredible 3D effects. I imagine it was probably a fairly average movie, so if you're going to see it... you MUST go to the Imax.




BTW, the violence was very surprising for the age certificate. Grendal was genuinely scary... I'm amazed that they say it's ok for kids to watch.





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The 39 Steps - The best way to describe this movie can be done in one word: Hitchcock. Whatever that means to you, you will probably feel the same about this movie. I really enjoyed it of course :D .




Idiocracy - Wanted a quick comedy to watch that I haven't seen too many times before, and I apparently don't have much of that on hand. So I watched this again, which wasn't quite as good the second time. Interesting movie, still think it's hypocritical at times though.



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The shop around the corner - Awwww, I love James Stewart. You may have seen the horrid You've Got Mail version, but this is in fact the real thing. "Psychologically, I'm very confused, but personally I feel just wonderful." Sparkly, cute, but not light-weight. Actress Margaret Sullivan was new to me and she delivered her lines with greatness. Yet again, I had a snort-moment (the horror, the shame), when she said "we live on a different planet, you and I". A classic, but To be or not to be does remain my favourite Lubitsch.
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Trouble in Paradise is still on my to-see list. After this weekend, possibly, I'll let you know if it can contend with To Be or Not to Be :).




That box really is pretty cool. I had no idea Lubitsch had made musicals. Curious. I gotta get me that box when it's out...

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Resident Evil: Extinction. Okay movie, I was hoping for the end to be brought though. Instead it finishes on a cliff-hanger. :(




Ohwell, Fourth movie ftw?




I didn't like it all that much to be honest. Definately way better than the second one (but that wasn't hard), but no where near as good as the first one.

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"Futurama" seasons 1-5 - I've seen random episodes before, only about 15 of them though. So I knew it was a funny show, but I didn't realize how great of a show it actually is. To get the full effect you pretty much have to watch from the beginning on. It's not exactly a laugh out loud cartoon, most of the time you will just be amused. But there are also a few parts that make you sad, which I think is one of the things that sets this apart from other cartoons. I recall at least two times I was on the verge of crying (I waited for you Fry!).




Superbad - Watched this in the middle of watching season 5 of Futurama, so my mind was kind of else where (thinking about finishing Futurama) during the first part of the movie. It drew me in pretty quickly though. It's a pretty funny movie but nothing special. Like all high school comedies it follows the nerdier less popular students trying to get laid. I did like seeing Michael Cera in it.




Futurama: Bender's Big Score! - It was OK, I like the TV series better. I think I mentioned this before but I don't care for time travel too much, causes too many plot holes. The entire movie deals with time travel. I won't say much more because most probably haven't seen it yet.



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"Futurama" seasons 1-5 - I've seen random episodes before, only about 15 of them though. So I knew it was a funny show, but I didn't realize how great of a show it actually is. To get the full effect you pretty much have to watch from the beginning on. It's not exactly a laugh out loud cartoon, most of the time you will just be amused. But there are also a few parts that make you sad, which I think is one of the things that sets this apart from other cartoons. I recall at least two times I was on the verge of crying (I waited for you Fry!).




Yeah I loved watching it from the beggining to get the full effect. I had already seen the first 2 seasons multiple times, so I watched the others back to back within a few days.




Great series, it's miles above other animated shows of its nature. :thumbsup:






(and yeah, some parts had me on the verge of tears. The episode with fry's dog in it, or the one where he thought his brother was copying everything of his -- or the bee sting episode as well was great, where Leela thought fry had died.)






So many great EP's, especially in the last season. The last episode with the Robot Devil in it was freaking brilliant, easily one of the best episodes of the show! I also liked the episode where bender what lost, floating around space. It was so brilliant, especially how 'god' said "when you do everything correctly, no one will notice a thing" and in the very end bender helping those people.








Meh I could go on for ages about episodes.

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Sicko - This was a very, very fine movie. Obviously it's Michael Moore, so you can expect some Michael Moore-ness. But this is a much better movie than something like Fahrenheit 911, because most of what he shows he doesn't really make much comment on, and it's mostly true.




However, while this movie succeeds as a movie trying to right the American healthcare system, what propels it to excellence is the better commentary on the state of America. In particular, how Americans see the outside world, and how their ideas of liberty, "democracy", and capitalism have gone a little too far. Personally I'm against too much government intervention, but denying people one of the inalienable rights of man in favor of another less important one doesn't make sense. Health care should be one of the things a government should control; pretty much every political philosopher has said that the government should do things in the best interest of the each citizen, and for the vast majority of people that would be best. Rather, their system is working in the best interest of the capital, the people with the money have the power, not the people with the vote.




As well, the view of the outside world portrayed by the politicians and the media is really not accurate. I'm not talking about all of them, but he does make a good point about how Americans seem to have a dislike of Cuba and France, for reasons that aren't especially valid, atleast anymore. And claiming Canadians are unhappy with our system is sort of funny; I agree the waits are huge, and I've personally had some experiences with incompetant medical professionals, but for the most important things it's been of utmost quality and for free. And the amount of people who die waiting for operations is minimal to non-existant, especially when compared to the amount that die in the States who never had a chance. And I'm sure the average medical professional in America isn't much better in America, and paying what could amount to tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars for similar care I can get for free just doesn't make sense. HOW COULD IT POSSIBLY COST $60 000 TO REATTACH A FINGERTIP? Obviously that's the type of situation Michael Moore loves to put in movies like this, but the point he makes is more important than the individual case.




Overall, this is a very strong documentary. Extremely entertaining too ;>. I was kinda bored with 911, but this one was very painfree.

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Saw IV


Command the Murderous Chalices! Drink ye harpooners! drink and swear, ye men that man the deathful whaleboat's bow- Death to Moby Dick!



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