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200M in all Skills


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Something I'm trying to grasp my mind around.


Suomi says he LOVES to sleep. How do you love to sleep + exercise yet you play at least 18+ hrs a day? Your always signed in. Your tracker shows minimal sleep for the week. So I don't see how you love sleep and exercise when your exp gains tell otherwise.

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Something I'm trying to grasp my mind around.


Suomi says he LOVES to sleep. How do you love to sleep + exercise yet you play at least 18+ hrs a day? Your always signed in. Your tracker shows minimal sleep for the week. So I don't see how you love sleep and exercise when your exp gains tell otherwise.


Not really. over the past 24hours suomi logged out 18 hours ago after playing for a while, so I am guessing he went to sleep since that would be 3am or so in Finland and then 5 hours ago he woke up 12-13 hours later, like he just said. Then he started playing again. There is no reason why he couldn't have slept 8 hours and done 4 hours of exercise. And 4 hours of exercise is quite extensive.


Also in other news Suomi hit 75m slayer. There are quite a few players in the top-15 that are all close together on the slayer highscores. Zarfot, elias, Sumoi, elvis, telmo, and kingduffy, are all within like 20 ranks of each other.

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How is suomi 6th place on hiscores and still able to keep his private chat on without being flooded with spam?


Probably cause rank 6 doesnt get spammed that much and 99% of the rs population probably more than that doesnt know or comprehend how far ahead he is and out of that >1% probably 75% of themc ant figure out how to spell his name if they do try to add

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Pfft im a complete nobody and even I get spammed enough that I turn mine off so I find it hard to believe suomi isnt spammed every second lol. Suomi is interest guy to keep his on. I found that if I turn it off a few days and turn it on a few days I dont barely get any pms. However if I keep it on all the time then for some reason I get loads of people trying to talk to me by end of week. =s


Plus I find it hard to believe not a huge amount of people dont know who he.


edit: Good point about the way his name is spelt tbh. That would result in alot less spam.

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Hey Allar,


I am glad that you decided to give another go at pursuing academics even though your previous attempt failed. I pretty much had the same thing, and resorted to RS. The only way to get further in life is to invest in your own knowledge. In my opinion, the best game to play isn't in fact RS, but life itself, and that particular game will have many similarities to RS but have greater fulfillment. I applaud your decision, with the foresight and hindsight of the notion that no virtual XP-gain, virtual Rank, virtual Money, virtual Status, virtual Accomplishments (etc.) can outweigh their counterparts and accomplishments in Real Life. We should all make our mark somewhere, but preferably in the world that we call Earth instead of in/on the map we call RuneScape.


I hope your new studies will be enjoyable and a fine academic will rise out of you :) I am sure you will make your mark in real life as you have shown your leader-capabilities in RS.


If you ever feel like discussing studies or anything academically related, as an old acquaintance (Kingio's chat) I am pretty much up for it.


Kindest of regards and best of luck studying!



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It's really true, I have started blogging around a month ago and nobody had ever heard my name before, and now if I turn my private on, I get a random message every 1 minute, and I absolutely never have it on..


So even if you are "just" 6th if you had a simple name, you would get spammed epicly..

F2p's fastest leveling person :), check out my blog:

My Goal-thread to max F2P within a year and a half :P.



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Jdelacroix took back rank 2 in xp from telmomarques, with 3,3m dung xp gained today he is only 1m away from his 8th 200m skill, 200m dungeoneering.

Doubt his rank 2 in xp will last long, since telmo will keep hunting at a very nice pace.


I saw her Thieving today, she's close to 200m Thieving too (roughly 40m xp?)



Jdela is a guy.


I'm pretty sure Jd is a girl I saw her at dungeoneering once and she had a girl avatar

372nd to max total level

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Military service is compulsory in Finland, I haven't had the chance to talk to him about how he is dodging it but if he for some reason doesn't manage to get past it then he could be facing a little trouble, otherwise if he doesn't have to worry about money and housing I trust he will make it, his process so far is without parallel among the rest of the players.


I am not dodging it and it won't be causing me any problems in the future. Money won't be a problem either because I used to work a lot before I started going for 200M in all skills and invested my money and I don't spend much. But I need to be careful that I don't burn myself out and take good care of my health. Of course playing as much as I do isn't healthy no matter how you look at it but I have lots of time for exercising and sleeping even though some people might think otherwise. Slept 12 hours today for example, what a huge exp waste but I love sleeping and it's more important for me and now that summer is coming I will be cycling, running and swimming more. Hopefully I will get the chance to meet you irl too, always had so much respect for you. This thread isn't ment for discussing my personal life but I decided to explain some things.


Too early to say anything yet about who will get 200M in all skills first and if it will ever happen but it doesn't even matter that much. Anything can happen like I have said many times before, you never know about life. I wouldn't say I am winning anything even if I get 200M in all skills first, this is just my own goal and was never my plan to race or pass anyone. I am glad to hear you decided to concentrate on real life instead. We only get to live once so better make the most of it and do the things you really enjoy.


How do you play 18 hrs a day and manage sleep/exercise?

372nd to max total level

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Military service is compulsory in Finland, I haven't had the chance to talk to him about how he is dodging it but if he for some reason doesn't manage to get past it then he could be facing a little trouble, otherwise if he doesn't have to worry about money and housing I trust he will make it, his process so far is without parallel among the rest of the players.


I am not dodging it and it won't be causing me any problems in the future. Money won't be a problem either because I used to work a lot before I started going for 200M in all skills and invested my money and I don't spend much. But I need to be careful that I don't burn myself out and take good care of my health. Of course playing as much as I do isn't healthy no matter how you look at it but I have lots of time for exercising and sleeping even though some people might think otherwise. Slept 12 hours today for example, what a huge exp waste but I love sleeping and it's more important for me and now that summer is coming I will be cycling, running and swimming more. Hopefully I will get the chance to meet you irl too, always had so much respect for you. This thread isn't ment for discussing my personal life but I decided to explain some things.


Too early to say anything yet about who will get 200M in all skills first and if it will ever happen but it doesn't even matter that much. Anything can happen like I have said many times before, you never know about life. I wouldn't say I am winning anything even if I get 200M in all skills first, this is just my own goal and was never my plan to race or pass anyone. I am glad to hear you decided to concentrate on real life instead. We only get to live once so better make the most of it and do the things you really enjoy.


How do you play 18 hrs a day and manage sleep/exercise?

I don't think he said he plays 18 hours a day every day...

2496 total achieved June 30, 2013

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I think he said he doesn't play on a normal "schedule". He just plays as long as we wants then sleeps as long as he wants.



Also you have to remember he gets alot of his xp from effigies too

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From the day suomi started slaying (feb 21) intensively, he averaged 934k xp a day.


Max slaying rate including using effigys on slayer is about 60k xp/hour i believe.

That means suomi plays 15,5 hours a day. Which is about correct since he stated he does 16 hours a day.

The other half hour is probably used for farm runs + assist giving in rc. Nothing more nothing less, he doesn't like to waste xp by banksitting and stuff.

Remember this is all on average and in the end 60k slayer xp/hour would be reasonable with no decreases in effigy droprates.


I don't know where the 18 hours a day come from, that is what drumgun plays (though he does 17 atm for a while). Props to both btw


So he has 8 more hours in a day, plenty for sleep (6-7 hours) + exercise (1-2 hours).

And that's hopefully it for our weekly no-life discussion.

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Something I'm trying to grasp my mind around.


Suomi says he LOVES to sleep. How do you love to sleep + exercise yet you play at least 18+ hrs a day? Your always signed in. Your tracker shows minimal sleep for the week. So I don't see how you love sleep and exercise when your exp gains tell otherwise.


Where did you get the idea I play at least 18h+ a day? I am always signed in? Really doubt that. I can't even remember when I last time slept less than 8 hours. Haven't even used alarm in the last 3 years so I have always slept as long as possible. I am sometimes awake really long but that's just because I only go sleep when I feel tired and sometimes it takes really long to get tired. Of course you can check runetracker or somewhere else when I have been online and gained exp but those aren't always 100% correct. Sometimes hiscores don't update when I log out. And just because I say I love sleeping doesn't mean I am sleeping all the time. I was cycling earlier today for 2 hours and really loved it, also cycled like 100 Km few days ago. How can you see from my exp gains what kinda person I am and if I love sleeping and exercising or not? Does it mean that I can't love sleeping and exercising if I play this game maybe a bit too much sometimes?


Never really understood why some people use this thread to argue about everything and make personal attacks against people but do whatever makes you happy and I guess people see things differently. Of course you could argue about everything till the end of world if you really wanted. I rather concentrate on my own life and try to be nice to everyone.


Probably shouldn't have even replied to your message.


How is suomi 6th place on hiscores and still able to keep his private chat on without being flooded with spam?


Haha well it's not easy but the double spaces before and after O helps a lot, people ask me all the time how to spell my name and normally when I go to friends chat or somewhere else where you can add by right clicking I get spammed a lot. I always try to answer every pm but it's a bit hard sometimes because some people just want to annoy me.


A bit random screenshot but I was slaying with my great friend Elvis and he wanted me to mention him in my post.




Thanks again for all the nice comments and I don't mind negative comments either, everyone has right to their own opinion of course. I just hope people would see that there is real people with feelings playing this game, well not always of course when so many bots now days but I hope you get what I mean.

My goal is to get 200M in all skills.


My Tip.it interview: http://tip.it/runescape/?times=640


My YouTube channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/RsSuomi


I play Private Off most of the time but please send me private message here on Tip.it if you want to say or ask something.

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I'm pretty sure Jd is a girl I saw her at dungeoneering once and she had a girl avatar


makeover mage


exactly, you can't assume a girl is a girl just because of their avatar.



I once met a man named Jesus at a Home Depot. Is this the Messiah returned at last?


And i once beat someone named Jesus in a chess game. Does that mean I'm smarter than the messiah?




Maybe a president who didn't believe our soldiers were going to heaven, might be a little less willing to get them killed. ~ Bill Maher

Barrows drops: 2 Karil's Coifs (on double drop day)

92,150th person to 99 defense

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I'm pretty sure Jd is a girl I saw her at dungeoneering once and she had a girl avatar


makeover mage


exactly, you can't assume a girl is a girl just because of their avatar.


Unless he's stupid, pretty sure he's just trolling

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I always spam Suomi :P


Other people I would spam but they don't leave chat on


Haha well always loved your spam <3

My goal is to get 200M in all skills.


My Tip.it interview: http://tip.it/runescape/?times=640


My YouTube channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/RsSuomi


I play Private Off most of the time but please send me private message here on Tip.it if you want to say or ask something.

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I always spam Suomi :P


Other people I would spam but they don't leave chat on


Haha well always loved your spam <3


Would you mind changing your name to something easier to add? So we can donate to you easier

372nd to max total level

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I always spam Suomi :P


Other people I would spam but they don't leave chat on


Haha well always loved your spam <3


Would you mind changing your name to something easier to add? So we can donate to you easier


I have thought about that but sometimes I can't read all the pms I get and changing my name would make it even worse. I have had this name for like 9 years now and I have so many memories with this name so really hard for me to change it. I remember when the name Donation was free many months ago people kept spamming me to take it haha.


Anyways thanks for all the questions, I will try to add all this info to the interview too so people could read everything from one place instead of reading this whole thread.

My goal is to get 200M in all skills.


My Tip.it interview: http://tip.it/runescape/?times=640


My YouTube channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/RsSuomi


I play Private Off most of the time but please send me private message here on Tip.it if you want to say or ask something.

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Update of the top 15


1. Allar (previously Skiller - Aasiwat) : 2,68B xp (+5M). Everyone familiar with this thread is now aware that Allar will cut down on training and will most likely get WC and farming xp in the future, just like he did in the last week. Coming milestones: 2,7B xp

2. Jdelacroix : 2,58Bxp (+21M). A very impressive week for Jd who took back rank 2 from Telmomarques and reached 200M dungeon for his 8th skill at 200M. Also training smithing, he still has some fast buyables left before facing the slowest skills. Coming milestones : 200M thieving ( 9th skill) and 2,6B xp

3. Telmomarques : 2,57B xp (+16M). Still training hunter these days, Telmo has lost the rank he had won from Jd last week and is on pace to get 200M hunter in the next 5-6 weeks. Coming milestones : 100M ranged and 2,6B xp

4. Elias : 2,49B xp (+24M). Still slaying, Elias is hoarding effigies and climbing ranks in passing Drumgun last week. About to reach the "halfway" mark next week, he's the fastest gainer of the top 5 lately. Coming milestones : 2,5B xp and 100M HP

5. Drumgun : 2,48B xp (+5M). Once again mostly fishing and training dungeon, Drumgun lost a rank to Elias last week and is looking to lose another one to Elvis in the coming week. He still holds the title of player with most skills at 200M and I expect him to stay alone in that position for the next 5 weeks. Coming milestones : 200M WC and 200M fletch (10th and 11th skill)

6. Elvis : 2,47B xp (+17M). Still slaying and training herblore, Elvis is about to get into the top 5 in the next week. He should reach his 19th skill at 50M with RC in a couple weeks to tie Allar, Zarfot and Elias for most. Coming milestones : 200M attack (7th skill)

7. Zarfot 2,35B xp. Inactive

8. Tezz : 2,35B xp (+18M). Training nearly full time on fletching, Tezz will pass inactive Zarfot next week but will get some competition from Suomi also. With his current pace, I wouldn't be surprised if he secure a spot in the top 5 in the summer. Coming milestones : 100M ranged and 100M fletching.

9. S U O M I : 2,34B xp (+32M). Once again near the top of the greatest weekly gainers, Suomi is still slaying at a very fast pace and on the verge of passing two players. He should get 100M slayer in 3-4 weeks and 200M str in 5-6 weeks. Seen as the top contender, he's not letting his fans down lately! Coming milestones : 100M WC and 100M slayer

10. Paperbag : 2,13B xp (+1M). Not much activity from Paperbag last week aside from some farming. Coming milestones : 200M farming

11. Gertjaars : 2,02B xp. Inactive.

12. Kingduffy : 2,02B xp (+22M). The King became the 12th player to reach the 2B mark last week and showed us he's still a contender with major XP gains in dungeon, construction and FM. About to gain a rank from inactive Gertjaars, I wouldn't be surprised to see him back in the top 10 in the coming weeks. Coming milestones : 100M WC and 100M dungeon

13. Green098 : 1,92B xp (+25M). Still ranging, who knew she had some fire in her to claim back rank 13 from Skiller 703? She's currently 2 weeks away from getting her 6th skill at 200M with ranging and 2B xp will follow not long after . Coming milestones : 1,9B xp and 200M ranged (6th skill)

14. Skiller 703 (previously 8 No Lifer) : 1,91B xp (+13M). Nice feats from Skiller 703 who reached 1,9B xp and 20M in all skills last week. Still getting some effigies, he mainly trained construction, farming and attack last week. Coming milestones : nothing in sight

15. Lan : 1,87B xp. Mostly inactive aside from some dungeon XP


Tg could enter the top 15 as soon as next week. He still has a pace 35% faster than the biggest gainer of the top 15.



Follow the progress of top players and my weekly updates here: 200M in all Skills

Latest Milestones Chart update : page 602

Latest top 15 update : page 602

6 slowest skills chart : page 563

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