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The F2P General Discussion Thread


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yea, the only problem is I'm making this account special, in the sense that ALL of it's levels are from dungenoeering. When ever I do solo runs, I collect all the resources and use them to get levels.

I'll try 61, see what happens



^Golvellius must be so proud^


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yea, the only problem is I'm making this account special, in the sense that ALL of it's levels are from dungenoeering. When ever I do solo runs, I collect all the resources and use them to get levels.

I'll try 61, see what happens

Ahh, I see. But good luck training rc though :\


Oh and make sure you have 43 pray. Helps a LOT in team dunging.




Trimmed | Master Quester | Final Boss

Boss pets: Bombi | Shrimpy | Ellie | Tz-Rek Jad | Karil the Bobbled | Mega Ducklings

120s: Dungeoneering | Invention

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Sounds like you know a good way to dung sonikku, I would like to know as well =), w7 is sapping my will to live. You can see my stats on HS.

Perm teaming is the way to go. In case you don't know what perm teaming is, it is getting a bunch of players together, and do dung together. They are mostly friends, but can also be recognized "pros" (like the ones in Tip.it forums). Either way, it's dging with people you know and trust. They don't have to be larges either, nowadays I just dg medium dungeons with a friend or two.


I'm currently part of the Dragoons clan, a f2p dging perm teaming clan. It's invite only, and you are tested on your dungeoneering intellects before you can join. I'm not the cc owner though.


I've actually been considering bringing back my own f2p dging clan back in the very early days... but I don't suppose it might work out.




Trimmed | Master Quester | Final Boss

Boss pets: Bombi | Shrimpy | Ellie | Tz-Rek Jad | Karil the Bobbled | Mega Ducklings

120s: Dungeoneering | Invention

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Completed the heim crab challenge for dragoons... now I get a banana rank! :shades:

99 dungeoneering achieved, thanks to everyone that celebrated with me!


♪♪ Don't interrupt me as I struggle to complete this thought
Have some respect for someone more forgetful than yourself ♪♪

♪♪ And I'm not done
And I won't be till my head falls off ♪♪

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Completed the heim crab challenge for dragoons... now I get a banana rank! :shades:



Bloody hell. I thought you'd given up on that.


Rank up, check later.


Hmm. The second challenge ought to be rush-keying doors open to the point of near-death, not being able to eat unless your hp is below 111.

Prepare to Die! Path of Exile RPG



"Think where man's glory most begins and ends, and say my glory was I had such friends." Yeats

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Had saggitarre as our boss...and someone was ranging him the entire time.

I told him not too because he wouldn't hit...and called me a 'low level kid', and to 'smfd, get my level then tell me that'

The great thing is...the other 3 in the team told him the same thing. One even pointed out "you're calling him a kid? So you know how old he is?"



^Golvellius must be so proud^


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Completed the heim crab challenge for dragoons... now I get a banana rank! :shades:



Bloody hell. I thought you'd given up on that.


Rank up, check later.


Hmm. The second challenge ought to be rush-keying doors open to the point of near-death, not being able to eat unless your hp is below 111.

All I want is a banana...

99 dungeoneering achieved, thanks to everyone that celebrated with me!


♪♪ Don't interrupt me as I struggle to complete this thought
Have some respect for someone more forgetful than yourself ♪♪

♪♪ And I'm not done
And I won't be till my head falls off ♪♪

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Had saggitarre as our boss...and someone was ranging him the entire time.

I told him not too because he wouldn't hit...and called me a 'low level kid', and to 'smfd, get my level then tell me that'

The great thing is...the other 3 in the team told him the same thing. One even pointed out "you're calling him a kid? So you know how old he is?"


welcome to rs. just get him kicked if hes stupid enough to range saggi and then talk to you like that when your trying to help

your such a mother [bleep]er. whats with all this bombchu [cabbage]? all everyone who likes this [cabbage] is stupid. ur a [bleep]ing cheater. u did that the wrong way, thats not how to get past the king zora u cheater. u suck and i wont continue watching all ur [cabbage]! videos

he mad?
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I'd like to join in on this perm teaming clan Dragoons. Who do I talk to?


That'd be me.


The following True or False questionnaire may appear to insult your intelligence. Kindly refrain from jumping to conclusions. Where your answer is false, please explain why.


1.) You must not run in the guard room puzzle where you have to steal keys. T/F?


2.) Killing dinos makes you lose exp. T/F?


3.) 5 people are required to do the lever-switch room. T/F?


4.) You need to kill everything for 10% mod. T/F?


5.) The person with the lowest magic level should activate the monolith. T/F?


6.) The ferret hunter room can be done in f2p. T/F?


And the last question. Mind, there is no real right answer, just preferences. In what order would you open these doors if you were keying in a party you cannot trust, which is typically most parties in world 7/117? The doors are: Guardian, Door, Key Door, Skill, Puzzle.


The rest is all a matter of attitude and the only way to test that is through a trial run.


I've played with you before. But that was long ago, so it might as well have been in another country.

Prepare to Die! Path of Exile RPG



"Think where man's glory most begins and ends, and say my glory was I had such friends." Yeats

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I know what my answers would be. Most of them from personal experience with noobs thinking the opposite, but I don't understand the first one. What is the 'guard room'?


I don't think I will apply though considering I'm too busy with school to bother with a 'full time team' but it's nice to see a group of players out there that value knowledge of dungeoneering rather then asking for CB and DG levels as the only prerequesite.

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I know what my answers would be. Most of them from personal experience with noobs thinking the opposite, but I don't understand the first one. What is the 'guard room'?


I don't think I will apply though considering I'm too busy with school to bother with a 'full time team' but it's nice to see a group of players out there that value knowledge of dungeoneering rather then asking for CB and DG levels as the only prerequesite.


The guard room puzzle, where you have to steal keys. I'll clarify that. And we aren't exactly "full-time" in the sense that you're required to be with the clan and not go haring off elsewhere - at least, not since we finally got an official world.


Isn't just knowledge, or combat/dungeoneering level. Attitude's important.


If I've learned anything from GOP in w61, it's that.

Prepare to Die! Path of Exile RPG



"Think where man's glory most begins and ends, and say my glory was I had such friends." Yeats

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You must not run in the guard room. False - You can run between the sections that contain no broken glass while holding CTRL and stop infront of a new walk section, release CTRL and walk over it.


Killing dinos makes you lose exp. False - They give 15/60 prayer exp and some combat exp, However this should only be done when you are awaiting others return from different parts of the dungeon and have abosolutely nothing to do (IE never) as it otherwise lowers potential EXP/hour.


5 people are required to do the lever-switch room. False - Generally (n-1) people are required to complete a leave room with one person counting and pulling the two closest leavers (it may also rarely be completed with (n-2) people)


You need to kill everything for 10% mod. False - 90% of all the monsters in a dungeon as confirmed by Mod Chris L


The person with the lowest magic level should activate the monolith. False - ireespective of Magic levels, only combat average (and other weirder factors such as having another monolith in the previous room) effect the RNG's range, similarly if you get 2-3 90's spawning in the first 10 ticks it may be more benificial to restart the room as this usually results in a lower range.


The ferret hunter room can be done in f2p. True - place people in the corners and get the player with the highest hunter to attempt to catch it.


And the last question. Mind, there is no real right answer, just preferences. In what order would you open these doors if you were keying in a party you cannot trust, which is typically most parties in world 7/117? The doors are: Guardian, Door, Key Door, Skill, Puzzle.

Unlock the key door as I see it

Attempt all skill doors and notify location and level to others if I can't

check all the surrounding rooms and grab keys if they're a dead end

go out of my way to actually solve the RC grid puzzle without forcing tiles (thanks wiki article "Lights out")


The rest is all a matter of attitude and the only way to test that is through a trial run.


I'm not actually applying (mainly due to GMT+10 timezone - don't want to be waking up at 3am to dungeoneer), but I thought it would be fun to answer this and use it to break my hiatus from this site.

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I'm not actually applying (mainly due to GMT+10 timezone - don't want to be waking up at 3am to dungeoneer), but I thought it would be fun to answer this and use it to break my hiatus from this site.


Heh. I remember you vaguely from world 1. It was either a rage-quit from a dungeon or a complaint about "rushing" through doors and not helping to kill.

Prepare to Die! Path of Exile RPG



"Think where man's glory most begins and ends, and say my glory was I had such friends." Yeats

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The following True or False questionnaire may appear to insult your intelligence. Kindly refrain from jumping to conclusions. Where your answer is false, please explain why.


1.) You must not run in the guard room puzzle where you have to steal keys. T/F? just dont run over broken glass


2.) Killing dinos makes you lose exp. T/F? not in the particular dungeon. but if you make it a habit of killing them, then over the very long run, you will have "lost" xp.


3.) 5 people are required to do the lever-switch room. T/F? 1 less than number of players is usually fine.


4.) You need to kill everything for 10% mod. T/F? not all. but most. dont remember the cutoff


5.) The person with the lowest magic level should activate the monolith. T/F? its a myth i think. only avg combat of team affects the monster's lvls


6.) The ferret hunter room can be done in f2p. T/F? True.


And the last question. Mind, there is no real right answer, just preferences. In what order would you open these doors if you were keying in a party you cannot trust, which is typically most parties in world 7/117? The doors are: Guardian, Door, Key Door, Skill, Puzzle.


Guardian first, so that I get the help of all 4 people. Then puzzle. However, if the puzzle requires all members, then puzzle first. Then, I'll open the key door, and skill door, and regular doors in no particular order.

100% F2P

85 Mining achieved on Dec 4, 2007

85 Smithing achieved on May 28, 2009


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Completed the heim crab challenge for dragoons... now I get a banana rank! :shades:

Elaborate on this "challenge" you speak of... is it completing the entire dungeon with heim crabs only?


If so, I've done that in plenty of smalls with randoms. If it's a large team, well, I'm doomed lol xD




Trimmed | Master Quester | Final Boss

Boss pets: Bombi | Shrimpy | Ellie | Tz-Rek Jad | Karil the Bobbled | Mega Ducklings

120s: Dungeoneering | Invention

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BioIce I was looking to apply as well for the Dragoons.

Most of your questions have been answer already and I can read, for the last question about the doors, I must admit I am not a great keyer.

However if I was one in W7 I would do in order KeyDoors-Door-Skill-Puzzle(If 1 player)-Guardian.

Obviously I would mention a GD when i come across it, but W7 parties are unlikely to take notice immediately, that's why I ranked it near the end.


My attitude shouldn't be a problem, always open to advice anyway. I do remember playing a few dungeons with a stephanie508 back in the days of w1.

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BioIce I was looking to apply as well for the Dragoons.

Most of your questions have been answer already and I can read, for the last question about the doors, I must admit I am not a great keyer.

However if I was one in W7 I would do in order KeyDoors-Door-Skill-Puzzle(If 1 player)-Guardian.

Obviously I would mention a GD when i come across it, but W7 parties are unlikely to take notice immediately, that's why I ranked it near the end.


My attitude shouldn't be a problem, always open to advice anyway. I do remember playing a few dungeons with a stephanie508 back in the days of w1.


Hooh. So that's why you seem familiar.


That keying order works well enough.


You've got access now, been added. Join the name you mentioned.

Prepare to Die! Path of Exile RPG



"Think where man's glory most begins and ends, and say my glory was I had such friends." Yeats

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Just got a monolith on a med F22 5:5 (125, 101, 9, 3, 3); took us over 7, if not 10 minutes.


One floor later, we got a mercenary, med F23 5:5 (125, 101, 9, 3, 3); took us less than 20 seconds.


Have to hate those monoliths...


~PM me and I'll do my best to make you a signature!~

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Just got a monolith on a med F22 5:5 (125, 101, 9, 3, 3); took us over 7, if not 10 minutes.


One floor later, we got a mercenary, med F23 5:5 (125, 101, 9, 3, 3); took us less than 20 seconds.


Have to hate those monoliths...

Me too. <_<


Btw guys, is F2P Dungeoneering as good as P2P? (Tokens wise)

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Just got a monolith on a med F22 5:5 (125, 101, 9, 3, 3); took us over 7, if not 10 minutes.


One floor later, we got a mercenary, med F23 5:5 (125, 101, 9, 3, 3); took us less than 20 seconds.


Have to hate those monoliths...

Me too. <_<


Btw guys, is F2P Dungeoneering as good as P2P? (Tokens wise)

I'd consider it the same as a P2P with the same amount of floors (35), or slightly more; so it might be equavalent to someone who has access to F40 in P2P.


~PM me and I'll do my best to make you a signature!~

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Just got a monolith on a med F22 5:5 (125, 101, 9, 3, 3); took us over 7, if not 10 minutes.


One floor later, we got a mercenary, med F23 5:5 (125, 101, 9, 3, 3); took us less than 20 seconds.


Have to hate those monoliths...

Me too. <_<


Btw guys, is F2P Dungeoneering as good as P2P? (Tokens wise)

P2P Dungeoneering's probably better once you can access the occult floors.

Owner of a comp cape since February 11th 2012.

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