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Game Update Delay


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The TT update is ready, the game engine update isnt. God forbid they add something that isnt in the BTS.

So if they get a year of updates done and don't release them, that's ok with you? That really makes no sense. And as i said, i have no problem with anything that they have said and is true, but when they essentially promise an update and don't deliver, expect to be flamed. It is a worldwide expectation that deadlines have to be met, and usually severely looked upon if they are not. I have 0% care about the graphics update- i wasn't promised that so the fact that it will be released next monday or next year is the least of what i would worry about. I just don't understand all this forgiveness for jagex- they aren't a baby who wouldn't be able to take care of themselves- if they take our money, they better be responsible for their mistakes and shortcomings, and deal with the complaints accordingly.


I know that this is the exact reasoning they removed the BTS, but if they can't meet deadlines or not guarantee updates, they shouldn't have brought it back. This was a mistake on jagex'es part for which they should apologize, not give reasons for why they failed. This has already been well documented of how they are unable to admit to their mistakes.

First to 99 Farming on 27. September, 2005.

First to 3766 Port Score on 20. March, 2014.

First to 4664 Port Score on 2. March, 2015.

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The only thing that bothers me is how deadline driven they are. To me, it makes more sense to be a month ahead of schedule that way any problems will be hammered out long before relsease date. I had really though tthat was what they were trying to do with the weeks off, but it appears that isn't that case.

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Why did they bother bringing out BTS again? If they took it away because people complained when things weren't brought in on time they shouldn't bring it back and tell people to stop being impatient.

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So if they get a year of updates done and don't release them, that's ok with you?


Yes, its perfectly fine with me. I haven't played every last bit of updates yet.

As long as I get what I pay for, I have nothing to add to the whole no update this week issue.

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The only thing that bothers me is how deadline driven they are. To me, it makes more sense to be a month ahead of schedule that way any problems will be hammered out long before relsease date. I had really though tthat was what they were trying to do with the weeks off, but it appears that isn't that case.


I honestly wouldn't mind a month with 0 updates where Jagex was working on their updates, but would now be a month ahead of schedule from there on out. They would have their updates for the next month completed and polished before even letting the public know what to expect. They could then implement their updates accordingly while working on the next months without the stress of having to release it for that particular month.


The only problem with this is they seem like the company that might have the mentality that "Ohh we're ahead a month, we can afford to hold back this update" which would get them back to square one. I completely understand there being unplanned setbacks, but as said earlier, with the BTS they should include some small text at the bottom just saying "This is what we hope to accomplish for this month. These updates may or may not occur, dependant on available time and potential setbacks. Have a great month!" Nothing wrong with covering their asses from hormonal teenagers. Hell, I think they do a great job with regular updates. I also love reading the BTS. The only bothersome thing is feeling they have set a deadline, and even going to sleep earlier so I can meet the update before work, only to find it will not occur that day. Although, that is partially my fault for not reading between the lines at times, and expecting what can not always be delivered.




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Reminds me of my days as a kid where my dad always made promises and only kept half of them.

The worst thing was that if he said we'd go soccor tommorow he'd postpone it until next week.


I think we can all agree that when a promise is made that promise should be kept, otherwise one should not take the responsibility to make a promise.

Don't play with fire if you can't handle the heat.


Jagex should work more structured if they want to handle their monthly behind the scenes "deadline".

Or they should just put some warning on their behind the scene page that sais that it's possible that not all updates might take place in the respective month, just because too many people assume too much...


It's really easy to prevent a lot of frustration if you plan ahead, it's like playing chess

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Being happy doesn't mean that everything is perfect. It means that you've decided to look beyond the imperfections.~unknown~

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At least they explain why the update hasn't come out, unlike a certain gaming company I know who constantly delays their game releases and updates...<_<

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I think I'm done playing this game for a while now. I wasn't even looking forward to this update, it's just frustrating how unprofessional Jagex is. Between their customer service team not reading appeals or answering questions; their quality assurance team failing to notice blatantly obvious bugs more often than not; and their development team failing to release updates on time, I've lost most of my respect for this company and its employees.


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People think Jagex are machines, They're humans just like us which make errors and mistakes.


Chill and just play the darn game people.


If you were the boss of a major corporation and one of your employees accidentally made the company lose $90,000, would you say, "Oh don't worry about it, you're only human-- I understand!"


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Wow, graphics engine update? First mention of that. Wonder where it came from. Oh, right, last-minute excuses jar... :mellow:

Angry? No, not really.

Annoyed? Hell yes.

I am still on Summer break and can wake up whenever I feel like it. Typically I don't get up before 10, but the past three days I've gotten up at 7 hoping to snipe somethin neat. I really had nothing else planned - nothing else to look forward to this week.

Next week is a bit cramped...

Bolded where you went wrong. :shock:

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The Runescape Community never ceases to amaze me, it's not like JagEx just decided they'd never update anymore. I'd rather wait a week or more and have Runescape actually work, rather than them release it and there be heaps of problems.

Most of the people complaining probably wont even be able to get these elite clues anyway :lol:

If i pay for something and am promised(essentially what the bts is) an update, can i not express my disappointment/anger? There are genuine reasons for this. If people, or even companies fail to deliver, being criticized for it is the lest they deserve to be. Some people paid only for this month, and essentially, didn't get the product that they though they would- in most countries, false advertising for products is punishable. They don't have to release a bts, but if they do, then atleast be sure they can deliver.


For your information(and you are uninformed) the update to be released wasn't only about elite clues, and anyone who has ever done a clue scroll is affected by this.


This is exactly why BTS is still a bad idea, despite it's popularity.


The more we shelter children from every disappointment, the more devastating future disappointments will be.


The shallow sense of entitlement in the RS player base is appalling.

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It says REGULAR content Updates, not weekly. Get over it. <_<


The TT update is ready, the game engine update isnt. God forbid they add something that isnt in the BTS.

The BTS also mentioned a treasure trail update, I don't see how that's any less official. I get that you are cool with the update, others aren't, why try to argue? If you really don't care then just wait for it to pass, there's going to be complaints, there always are.


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All I can think; I hope jagex still keep making bts and won't listen to impatient and childish players who ragequit every time a update is dealyed. :thumbup:


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Well then, get to work Jagex and quit making excuses. You have a large team (maybe 10-25 people) devoted just to game updates and even more to engine maintenance and they won't even start fixing it until next week.




99 Cooking - August 20th, 2010

99 Woodcutting - September 3rd, 2010

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I'm not saying this ironically: Good job Jagex. At least you're the kind of company that gets its priorities right in its games development process. It is more important to have working content that is a week late than content which breaks the game and excludes its main customer base (those who don't have powerful computers) from playing the game. A large portion of the RSOF are overemotional fools, ignore them.

~ W ~



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All I can think; I hope jagex still keep making bts and won't listen to impatient and childish players who ragequit every time a update is dealyed. :thumbup:


Comments like the above make me mad. How is it childish to expect someone to do what they say they're going to do? When someone says, "We're going to do <X> before the end of the month", most people expect them to do <X> before the end of the month, and when they don't, people are perfectly justified in getting upset. Really, now. Jagex should just axe BtS if they cannot get updates out at their scheduled time. That way, they don't get people's hopes up for nothing.


And on a slightly unrelated note, I'm mad because Jagex royally f'ed over prices when they announced the TT update, and it's still not out.

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This is why I was against them bringing the BTS back. As nice as it is, it just complicates things somewhat.


The engine improvements sound interesting, though. I wonder what we'll be seeing from the new TT rewards that uses it.



To hell with humanity;

The more I see, the less I believe.

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I'm not saying this ironically: Good job Jagex. At least you're the kind of company that gets its priorities right in its games development process. It is more important to have working content that is a week late than content which breaks the game and excludes its main customer base (those who don't have powerful computers) from playing the game. A large portion of the RSOF are overemotional fools, ignore them.

It wasn't about being smart and not releasing an update, rather being stupid, not considering fully what the update would do, realizing this too late and not being able to deliver the update, and they had atleast one month to figure this out.

First to 99 Farming on 27. September, 2005.

First to 3766 Port Score on 20. March, 2014.

First to 4664 Port Score on 2. March, 2015.

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I'm not upset there wasn't an update today or this week. I'm not going to bash Jagex in the slightest.


I (try to) understand how hard it is to code a game the size of runescape and coordinate staff the size of Jagex. I'm a Tip.it crewbie and every time runescape is updated we update the mainsite with the necessary changes, and every update I (sometimes) understand the difficultly with communication issues between co-workers; so I have sympathy for Jagex staff.


I will say however, Jagex should have their planned updates ready to be released days, weeks or even a month before they plan on releasing it. The J-mods response sounds to me like they're saying: "we had it planned, but we came across a fault on Friday and Monday;" when they should have had that issue resolved days in advance.


My two cents


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The twitters were, imo, far more effective than the BTS. First, they created a little suspense as you couldn't always tell what the update would be. Second, it gave Jagex some flexibility with releasing stuff when they wanted. Thirdly, it prevented the over-hyping that leads to most updates being considered failures, since by the time an update in the BTS comes up it has usually been extremely overhyped by the RSOF drones-- the more hype anything receives, the more difficult it is for the actual release to meet expectations and that applies to anything in life. Fourth, the BTS leads to massive item speculation, which very negatively affects the economy.


Take a look at all the GWD and other high-priced items: since the beginning of the month, they've been in a free-fall, primarily because people a) want to have spare cash on-hand to buy new TT items and b) because people are scared the new TT items will be better than their current gear. After the TT items come out and people see that they aren't better than their Bandos and Armadyl gear, there will be a huge buy-out in those items, making the prices soar and making them unbuyable for a couple of weeks.


Now, I don't plan my schedules around updates because frankly, I couldn't give a [cabbage] less about most of the updates Jagex releases. For me, as a high level player, more often than not the "In other news" sections have more relevance to me than the actual main update. Whether or not there is an update, I usually just carry on doing whatever I was doing before the update. However, with the BTS present, people wildly speculate on items they believe the update will affect, which DOES actually affect me. And I don't like that-- I don't like losing tens of millions in net worth because of the masses of 14 year old sheeple panic-selling their items on behalf of the BTS. The same crap will happen again and again each month the BTS exists too---the BTS says you'll need a high level in X buyable skill? Guess what: all items used to train that skill will be bought out until a week or two after the update goes live, after which it will be likely that you can't even sell them at minimum price.

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