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Dungeonsweepers (DGS) - Huge changes; read first post.


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Just a thought, it might even be overkill but if one or two people have ragers - would it make more sense for the rest of the group to have slingers.

I've read in this thread (or maybe a different DGS thread) that blood ragers and death slingers have equal dps, and since you can only lower defense so much - would it be better to grab some death slingers and try to proc some of that poison damage?

-I understand that familiars may not always be made before hand but if you just happened to come across all the secondaries needed.


Thanks a lot for the contributions!


I seem to be following up your posts a lot today, lol. Don't make slingers solely for the purpose of doing Thundy. He's a fast boss as it is, and I'm fairly sure your time is better spent attacking him for 20 attack turns than making a slinger. (I don't have math to prove this, but from personal experience, this is my observation.)

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So, if Thunderous yells come closer, and you run back but the familiar doesn't - it's all goodie right?

And if your familiar starts off the fight just wandreing around, Thunderous won't start maging everybody in sight?

I'm assuming if you own the rager - and you're not in the green spot, he'll start maging you?


Sorry, for all the questions but it didn't really mention what happens other then using the rager to attack Thundy.


Just a thought, it might even be overkill but if one or two people have ragers - would it make more sense for the rest of the group to have slingers.

I've read in this thread (or maybe a different DGS thread) that blood ragers and death slingers have equal dps, and since you can only lower defense so much - would it be better to grab some death slingers and try to proc some of that poison damage?

-I understand that familiars may not always be made before hand but if you just happened to come across all the secondaries needed.


Thanks a lot for the contributions!

poison's pretty useless.

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Just a thought, it might even be overkill but if one or two people have ragers - would it make more sense for the rest of the group to have slingers.

I've read in this thread (or maybe a different DGS thread) that blood ragers and death slingers have equal dps, and since you can only lower defense so much - would it be better to grab some death slingers and try to proc some of that poison damage?

-I understand that familiars may not always be made before hand but if you just happened to come across all the secondaries needed.


Thanks a lot for the contributions!


I seem to be following up your posts a lot today, lol. Don't make slingers solely for the purpose of doing Thundy. He's a fast boss as it is, and I'm fairly sure your time is better spent attacking him for 20 attack turns than making a slinger. (I don't have math to prove this, but from personal experience, this is my observation.)


Just would like to point out that in gds slingers have higher overall dps as they don't need to move to switch targets.

PM me in game anytime


It's a lot easier then that for an idiot to sound smart on the internet.


That's exactly what you're doing right now... just saying.


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Just a thought, it might even be overkill but if one or two people have ragers - would it make more sense for the rest of the group to have slingers.

I've read in this thread (or maybe a different DGS thread) that blood ragers and death slingers have equal dps, and since you can only lower defense so much - would it be better to grab some death slingers and try to proc some of that poison damage?

-I understand that familiars may not always be made before hand but if you just happened to come across all the secondaries needed.


Thanks a lot for the contributions!


I seem to be following up your posts a lot today, lol. Don't make slingers solely for the purpose of doing Thundy. He's a fast boss as it is, and I'm fairly sure your time is better spent attacking him for 20 attack turns than making a slinger. (I don't have math to prove this, but from personal experience, this is my observation.)


Just would like to point out that in gds slingers have higher overall dps as they don't need to move to switch targets.

by that logic, stormbringers would be the best DPS since they don't need to do that either, and have the best accuracy against zombies and skeletons.

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Just a thought, it might even be overkill but if one or two people have ragers - would it make more sense for the rest of the group to have slingers.

I've read in this thread (or maybe a different DGS thread) that blood ragers and death slingers have equal dps, and since you can only lower defense so much - would it be better to grab some death slingers and try to proc some of that poison damage?

-I understand that familiars may not always be made before hand but if you just happened to come across all the secondaries needed.


Thanks a lot for the contributions!


I seem to be following up your posts a lot today, lol. Don't make slingers solely for the purpose of doing Thundy. He's a fast boss as it is, and I'm fairly sure your time is better spent attacking him for 20 attack turns than making a slinger. (I don't have math to prove this, but from personal experience, this is my observation.)


Just would like to point out that in gds slingers have higher overall dps as they don't need to move to switch targets.

by that logic, stormbringers would be the best DPS since they don't need to do that either, and have the best accuracy against zombies and skeletons.

Well should stormbringers ever be made then? Like very early in a dung if the ingredients are readily available.

PM me in game anytime


It's a lot easier then that for an idiot to sound smart on the internet.


That's exactly what you're doing right now... just saying.


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Well should stormbringers ever be made then? Like very early in a dung if the ingredients are readily available.

if you have easy access to spirit bloom and 4 blue charms like, within the first 5 minutes of the floor.

Then yes, make one and give it to a DPSer


If you have easy access to spirit bloom but only like 1 blue charm, you can, but it's a gamble that you might not have ragers for the boss.


If it's between the 5 and 10 minute mark, it's a grey zone in my opinion.

wouldnt consider it after the 10 minute mark.

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I mean cmon, I am willing to spend my tokens on my ring... change binds, learn all there is to learn.


But it seems like you guys want me to train my stats now to get binds like CCB (that means training my RC), that is ridiculous.


I am in no way autistic enough to train such a boring skill as runecrafting. (slight joke here, you don't have to be autistic to get 70 rc....)


What is next... train my summoning? No I am proud of my 1 summoning.

Thank you DGS for your guidelines post, it helped me back when I was 70 dung and wanted to know ways to communicate better in dungs.

I rather team up with better people though, not too cocky about themselves.

Yes you might be better in setting fast times, but you have some rotten mentality for a so called helping clan.


Please say it is not true.


Ill leave it at this, thank you for reading this and I hope you change a thing or 2 in your way of recruiting.

Me and the wise old man go way back.... he was a foolish boy back then.



My crystal armour idea.

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I mean cmon, I am willing to spend my tokens on my ring... change binds, learn all there is to learn.


But it seems like you guys want me to train my stats now to get binds like CCB (that means training my RC), that is ridiculous.


I am in no way autistic enough to train such a boring skill as runecrafting. (slight joke here, you don't have to be autistic to get 70 rc....)


What is next... train my summoning? No I am proud of my 1 summoning.

Thank you DGS for your guidelines post, it helped me back when I was 70 dung and wanted to know ways to communicate better in dungs.

I rather team up with better people though, not too cocky about themselves.

Yes you might be better in setting fast times, but you have some rotten mentality for a so called helping clan.


Please say it is not true.


Ill leave it at this, thank you for reading this and I hope you change a thing or 2 in your way of recruiting.


L, why do people make it sound like it's the greatest thing in the world that they join DGS? Like they're doing the whole world a favor that they're learning how to DG.


Anyhow two things - the only requirements are 45 Def and 64 Magic which are necessary for SSH/GT.

And level 70 of anything isn't too much to ask for 737k exp in a skill. It's the equivalent of training a skill for 5.7% of the way to 99 which is more then fair.


If you feel that DGS is cocky for asking people to have trivial requirements, we might as well all get on skillers and DG. Why not right? My atk/str/def should stay at 1 because I rather not train any combat skill and DG even though combat is an integral part of DG. For anybody to even want me to train my stats so that we can all DG faster is ridiculous.



Anyhow, I'm not anybody in DGS - I think it's a bit ridiculous that you have such a mentality towards the clan.

It's like being angry at your teacher that they expect you to bring a pencil to school to learn. I mean you're already gracing them with your time already right?

what else could they possible ask for.

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I mean cmon, I am willing to spend my tokens on my ring... change binds, learn all there is to learn.


But it seems like you guys want me to train my stats now to get binds like CCB (that means training my RC), that is ridiculous.


I am in no way autistic enough to train such a boring skill as runecrafting. (slight joke here, you don't have to be autistic to get 70 rc....)


What is next... train my summoning? No I am proud of my 1 summoning.

Thank you DGS for your guidelines post, it helped me back when I was 70 dung and wanted to know ways to communicate better in dungs.

I rather team up with better people though, not too cocky about themselves.

Yes you might be better in setting fast times, but you have some rotten mentality for a so called helping clan.


Please say it is not true.


Ill leave it at this, thank you for reading this and I hope you change a thing or 2 in your way of recruiting.


Since when is DGS a helping clan? Read the mission statement on the first post, and tell me where it states that DGS is here to help people get their chaotics or whatever. They will help you if you're willing to become a better dungeoneerer, and part of that is having useful binds. The clan isn't catered towards pures or something, and if a bit of skilling scares you so much, it shows that perhaps you wouldn't be as willing to improve your dging skills. Also, you sound like you're doing us a favour by being willing to "learn all there is to learn," as though it's a scary thought. The reasoning behind a csb (not ccb, thats chaotic crossbow, csb = celestial surgebox) is that it helps immensely against melee resistant monsters, whereas laws may help speed up the start of the floor, but it takes like maybe 10 extra seconds to runecraft the laws needed for an entire floor, and you have a whole new combat style to help out in gds. If that's too much to ask of you, you're welcome to leave.

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I mean cmon, I am willing to spend my tokens on my ring... change binds, learn all there is to learn.


But it seems like you guys want me to train my stats now to get binds like CCB (that means training my RC), that is ridiculous.


I am in no way autistic enough to train such a boring skill as runecrafting. (slight joke here, you don't have to be autistic to get 70 rc....)


What is next... train my summoning? No I am proud of my 1 summoning.

Thank you DGS for your guidelines post, it helped me back when I was 70 dung and wanted to know ways to communicate better in dungs.

I rather team up with better people though, not too cocky about themselves.

Yes you might be better in setting fast times, but you have some rotten mentality for a so called helping clan.


Please say it is not true.


Ill leave it at this, thank you for reading this and I hope you change a thing or 2 in your way of recruiting.


L, why do people make it sound like it's the greatest thing in the world that they join DGS? Like they're doing the whole world a favor that they're learning how to DG.


Anyhow two things - the only requirements are 45 Def and 64 Magic which are necessary for SSH/GT.

And level 70 of anything isn't too much to ask for 737k exp in a skill. It's the equivalent of training a skill for 5.7% of the way to 99 which is more then fair.


If you feel that DGS is cocky for asking people to have trivial requirements, we might as well all get on skillers and DG. Why not right? My atk/str/def should stay at 1 because I rather not train any combat skill and DG even though combat is an integral part of DG. For anybody to even want me to train my stats so that we can all DG faster is ridiculous.



Anyhow, I'm not anybody in DGS - I think it's a bit ridiculous that you have such a mentality towards the clan.

It's like being angry at your teacher that they expect you to bring a pencil to school to learn. I mean you're already gracing them with your time already right?

what else could they possible ask for.


So you say 45 def and 64 magic is the only req, but lvl 70 rc isnt too hard to get so I should get that too, in that case you should take that in the req.

I do not play this game to train my RC.

I am just letting people know how I look at this.


Trivial req... where did I mention that?


And you compare it to being mad at the teacher for asking to take a pencil to school to learn, no just no.


Why is this clan in the help / advice section?



Anywho, Dont worry.

There are enough people who I can help achieve better dungeoneer results, just went to DGS because I know there are good students that want to learn and not are just in for the chaotics.

Because I really enjoy helping and I don't care if I lose time/xp doing so. And I love learning too, so I don't fear criticism.




Since when is DGS a helping clan? Read the mission statement on the first post, and tell me where it states that DGS is here to help people get their chaotics or whatever. They will help you if you're willing to become a better dungeoneerer, and part of that is having useful binds. The clan isn't catered towards pures or something, and if a bit of skilling scares you so much, it shows that perhaps you wouldn't be as willing to improve your dging skills. Also, you sound like you're doing us a favour by being willing to "learn all there is to learn," as though it's a scary thought. The reasoning behind a csb (not ccb, thats chaotic crossbow, csb = celestial surgebox) is that it helps immensely against melee resistant monsters, whereas laws may help speed up the start of the floor, but it takes like maybe 10 extra seconds to runecraft the laws needed for an entire floor, and you have a whole new combat style to help out in gds. If that's too much to ask of you, you're welcome to leave.


Because dunging is all about having a csb..?


Since when is willing to learn also willing to spend time training side skills, I learned Prom 2h would be my best bind so I got that... It was something I was already able to get but I didn't have because I didn't know.

I know what the csb is for. Sorry for saying ccb thats my mistake :)

Me and the wise old man go way back.... he was a foolish boy back then.



My crystal armour idea.

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So you say 45 def and 64 magic is the only req, but lvl 70 rc isnt too hard to get so I should get that too, in that case you should take that in the req.

I do not play this game to train my RC.

I am just letting people know how I look at this.


Trivial req... where did I mention that?


And you compare it to being mad at the teacher for asking to take a pencil to school to learn, no just no.


Why is this clan in the help / advice section?



Anywho, Dont worry.

There are enough people who I can help achieve better dungeoneer results, just went to DGS because I know there are good students that want to learn and not are just in for the chaotics.

Because I really enjoy helping and I don't care if I lose time/xp doing so. And I love learning too, so I don't fear criticism.



70 RC wasn't a definate requirement - just that CSB is a lot more useful then laws (which you can end up crafting anyways)

I'm saying 70 RC is trivial, as are most of the requirements in DGS. It's not particularly hard nor does it cost a lot of money. It's a manageable task and one that would better not only your DG experience as well as others.

This clan is in the help/advice section because it helps and advises people in the matter of DGS.

It's not a charity case where it will help out anybody. It's catered to a select few individuals who want to DG for fun and to become better at it.


If you don't really care about losing time/xp doing so - why not get CSB so all your floors are faster?

Seems pretty simple.


You keep talking about a willingness to learn and to sacrifice your time/exp/tokens but it just seems like you'll only do what you would've done anyways.

If it's something thats out of the way or a little difficult - you rather skip it and do something else.

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So you say 45 def and 64 magic is the only req, but lvl 70 rc isnt too hard to get so I should get that too, in that case you should take that in the req.

I do not play this game to train my RC.

I am just letting people know how I look at this.


Trivial req... where did I mention that?


And you compare it to being mad at the teacher for asking to take a pencil to school to learn, no just no.


Why is this clan in the help / advice section?



Anywho, Dont worry.

There are enough people who I can help achieve better dungeoneer results, just went to DGS because I know there are good students that want to learn and not are just in for the chaotics.

Because I really enjoy helping and I don't care if I lose time/xp doing so. And I love learning too, so I don't fear criticism.



70 RC wasn't a definate requirement - just that CSB is a lot more useful then laws (which you can end up crafting anyways)

I'm saying 70 RC is trivial, as are most of the requirements in DGS. It's not particularly hard nor does it cost a lot of money. It's a manageable task and one that would better not only your DG experience as well as others.

This clan is in the help/advice section because it helps and advises people in the matter of DGS.

It's not a charity case where it will help out anybody. It's catered to a select few individuals who want to DG for fun and to become better at it.

If you don't really care about losing time/xp doing so - why not get CSB so all your floors are faster?

Seems pretty simple.

Also grimy stated specifically that dgs caters mainly to hardcore players, and that casual players are looked down upon in dgs. If you are not willing to give 100% attention and focus in dungeoneering, then dgs is not for you. There are places like world 67 for you if you just want to dung with autopilot on.

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I mean cmon, I am willing to spend my tokens on my ring... change binds, learn all there is to learn.


But it seems like you guys want me to train my stats now to get binds like CCB (that means training my RC), that is ridiculous.


I am in no way autistic enough to train such a boring skill as runecrafting. (slight joke here, you don't have to be autistic to get 70 rc....)


What is next... train my summoning? No I am proud of my 1 summoning.

Thank you DGS for your guidelines post, it helped me back when I was 70 dung and wanted to know ways to communicate better in dungs.

I rather team up with better people though, not too cocky about themselves.

Yes you might be better in setting fast times, but you have some rotten mentality for a so called helping clan.


Please say it is not true.


Ill leave it at this, thank you for reading this and I hope you change a thing or 2 in your way of recruiting.


Although I have no right to say; but if you have a problem then PM one of the leaders (Obturian, xpx etc.)


And as a small retort to your post: DGS primary goals are teaching how to do fast dungeons and surprise surprise, the CSB helps that.

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I mean cmon, I am willing to spend my tokens on my ring... change binds, learn all there is to learn.


But it seems like you guys want me to train my stats now to get binds like CCB (that means training my RC), that is ridiculous.


I am in no way autistic enough to train such a boring skill as runecrafting. (slight joke here, you don't have to be autistic to get 70 rc....)


What is next... train my summoning? No I am proud of my 1 summoning.

Thank you DGS for your guidelines post, it helped me back when I was 70 dung and wanted to know ways to communicate better in dungs.

I rather team up with better people though, not too cocky about themselves.

Yes you might be better in setting fast times, but you have some rotten mentality for a so called helping clan.


Please say it is not true.


Ill leave it at this, thank you for reading this and I hope you change a thing or 2 in your way of recruiting.


Although I have no right to say; but if you have a problem then PM one of the leaders (Obturian, xpx etc.)


And as a small retort to your post: DGS primary goals are teaching how to do fast dungeons and surprise surprise, the CSB helps that.

With a full turm boost, neck+2h+brace outdpses fire surge on primal warriors, so some people don't need csbs.

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I just realized the irony in all this:




I rather team up with better people though, not too cocky about themselves.



There are enough people who I can help achieve better dungeoneer results



Lol? How valuable do you think you are to DGS?

It will be a wonderful place to learn/dg and it has some of the best DG'ers in the game with or without you.

It seems somehow you reached this mentality that DGS is going to collapse w/o you and the "greatness" you shall bring.


DGS was made to help people not so people can help it.

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70 runecrafting isn't even a requirement, we just heavily encourage you to train runecrafting for it.


"Yes you might be better in setting fast times, but you have some rotten mentality for a so called helping clan."

How is asking you to train your levels to help you and your team a rotten mentality? We don't recommend you bind a csb for no reason. It'll help you: Improve you apm, speed up your floors, help you learn to prioritize in gds.

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With a full turm boost, neck+2h+brace outdpses fire surge on primal warriors, so some people don't need csbs.

Yes, suiciding with 4 binds you might be better suited to have cosmics or laws, which is a viable ammo bind that we have as an option recommended to 'keyers'.

It does not make sense for newbs, though.

A good point about csb is it's very accurate, so it is better for finishing off melee resistant monsters.

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I mean cmon, I am willing to spend my tokens on my ring... change binds, learn all there is to learn.


But it seems like you guys want me to train my stats now to get binds like CSB (that means training my RC), that is ridiculous.

Why? Because you're lazy? Because you want slower floor times? Because you want to be less valuable to a team?


I am in no way autistic enough to train such a boring skill as runecrafting. (slight joke here, you don't have to be autistic to get 70 rc....)

This is obsenely offensive. Please attain a higher IQ and EQ before posting such blatant insults to a large population all of whom probably contribute more to society than you.



What is next... train my summoning? No I am proud of my 1 summoning.

Thank you DGS for your guidelines post, it helped me back when I was 70 dung and wanted to know ways to communicate better in dungs.

I rather team up with better people though, not too cocky about themselves.

Yes you might be better in setting fast times, but you have some rotten mentality for a so called helping clan.

Again, 1 summoning makes you less valuable to your team. Alot less. And where did you get that this clan is cocky? From their hours of research into the best ways to clear floors in the fastest times possible? And what's rotten about their mentality? That they want to improve all aspects of how to DG for anyone that's willing to learn? The only one here showing a rotten mentality is you. Your attitude sucks, your stats suck, and you are very offensive.



Please say it is not true.


Ill leave it at this, thank you for reading this and I hope you change a thing or 2 in your way of recruiting.

refrain from posting on this thread. Its here to answer questions for people about how to improve their DG abilities, not for you to [bleep] and moan about how lazy and ineffecient you are not being accepted by this clan.


So for duoing, is it better to C6 small or med? I'm asking this in light of the new stuff on C6 small furnished being as good as abnd2 larges.

Trolling by giving good advice since April 2011.


The Blog - Currently Cleaning Herbs



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I just realized the irony in all this:




I rather team up with better people though, not too cocky about themselves.



There are enough people who I can help achieve better dungeoneer results



Lol? How valuable do you think you are to DGS?

It will be a wonderful place to learn/dg and it has some of the best DG'ers in the game with or without you.

It seems somehow you reached this mentality that DGS is going to collapse w/o you and the "greatness" you shall bring.


DGS was made to help people not so people can help it.


Not at all, it is not my intention for you to think that.

My vallue to DGS??? I don't think I can do that much for DGS, I can do something though... I am not useless.

I am not the greatest dunger of all, but there are many who can learn a lot from me, but not like anybody else can't...

I am in no way too good for DGS.


I just thought I could help and found that I having to get 70 rc a bit ridiculous because it is a skill i hate most... the fact i hate rc doesnt make me want to dung less or help less people.

If I can't help at all without 70 rc then so be it.

I have a limit yes, sometimes people have limits... mine is this and I wondered if I could join DGS but then not wanting to train my rc was a problem but that was not in the reqs....so I made a deal out of it.



But imo, write all the skill reqs down in the reqs because it confuses me.


I just wrote down dont worry there are others that wanna learn too because there are.

And I meant it in a way like... let it go, I don't need to have this big discussion about something simple... why expand my rant??? Why not keep it at that one thing I actually ranted about... 70 RC...


Now please, don't reply on all the other things, I might not mean it all like that.

Me and the wise old man go way back.... he was a foolish boy back then.



My crystal armour idea.

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I just realized the irony in all this:




I rather team up with better people though, not too cocky about themselves.



There are enough people who I can help achieve better dungeoneer results



Lol? How valuable do you think you are to DGS?

It will be a wonderful place to learn/dg and it has some of the best DG'ers in the game with or without you.

It seems somehow you reached this mentality that DGS is going to collapse w/o you and the "greatness" you shall bring.


DGS was made to help people not so people can help it.


Not at all, it is not my intention for you to think that.

My vallue to DGS??? I don't think I can do that much for DGS, I can do something though... I am not useless.

I am not the greatest dunger of all, but there are many who can learn a lot from me, but not like anybody else can't...

I am in no way too good for DGS.


I just thought I could help and found that I having to get 70 rc a bit ridiculous because it is a skill i hate most... the fact i hate rc doesnt make me want to dung less or help less people.

If I can't help at all without 70 rc then so be it.


But imo, write all the skill reqs down in the reqs because it confuses me.


I just wrote down dont worry there are others that wanna learn too because there are.

And I meant it in a way like... let it go, I don't need to have this big discussion about something simple... why expand my rant??? Why not keep it at that one thing I actually ranted about... 70 RC...


Now please, don't reply on all the other things, I might not mean it all like that.


Your failure to communicate should not be blamed on our failure to interpret your meaning.


Regardless back on topic, if you check the first page of the thread:



[spoiler=-How to join DGS:]

  • You must have 45 defense (for a shadow silk hood) and 64 magic (for GGS teleport).
  • It's recommended that you can do at least f30, as large floors below that are very rare.
  • You must have read the entire first post, also known as the "guidelines."
  • Read Bassy's Dungeoneering Tips and Tricks guide. Do it.
  • Read Tip.it's Advanced Dungeoneering guide. Do it.
  • Read Tui's Map Reading and Team Organization guide. DO IT.
  • Have the required levels? Read the guidelines? Good, now join the clan chat 'DGS' as a guest. Upon entering the clan chat, announce that you're from Tip.it and that you've read the guidelines so as to prevent any accidental kicks.
  • Do not ask for floors. Join advertised floors or host your own. You will be expected to host your own eventually.
  • Once you've been in the clan chat for awhile and you've shown improvement, you may request a recruit rank (details in the ranks section of the guidelines).



There's not said about having 70 RC.

It's mentioned later on as being a lot more useful then binding laws/cosmics (except if you're a keyer but the idea is that making surge runes will take a lot longer then just laws/cosmics)

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I just realized the irony in all this:




I rather team up with better people though, not too cocky about themselves.



There are enough people who I can help achieve better dungeoneer results



Lol? How valuable do you think you are to DGS?

It will be a wonderful place to learn/dg and it has some of the best DG'ers in the game with or without you.

It seems somehow you reached this mentality that DGS is going to collapse w/o you and the "greatness" you shall bring.


DGS was made to help people not so people can help it.


Not at all, it is not my intention for you to think that.

My vallue to DGS??? I don't think I can do that much for DGS, I can do something though... I am not useless.

I am not the greatest dunger of all, but there are many who can learn a lot from me, but not like anybody else can't...

I am in no way too good for DGS.


I just thought I could help and found that I having to get 70 rc a bit ridiculous because it is a skill i hate most... the fact i hate rc doesnt make me want to dung less or help less people.

If I can't help at all without 70 rc then so be it.


But imo, write all the skill reqs down in the reqs because it confuses me.


I just wrote down dont worry there are others that wanna learn too because there are.

And I meant it in a way like... let it go, I don't need to have this big discussion about something simple... why expand my rant??? Why not keep it at that one thing I actually ranted about... 70 RC...


Now please, don't reply on all the other things, I might not mean it all like that.


Your failure to communicate should not be blamed on our failure to interpret your meaning.


Regardless back on topic, if you check the first page of the thread:



[spoiler=-How to join DGS:]

  • You must have 45 defense (for a shadow silk hood) and 64 magic (for GGS teleport).
  • It's recommended that you can do at least f30, as large floors below that are very rare.
  • You must have read the entire first post, also known as the "guidelines."
  • Read Bassy's Dungeoneering Tips and Tricks guide. Do it.
  • Read Tip.it's Advanced Dungeoneering guide. Do it.
  • Read Tui's Map Reading and Team Organization guide. DO IT.
  • Have the required levels? Read the guidelines? Good, now join the clan chat 'DGS' as a guest. Upon entering the clan chat, announce that you're from Tip.it and that you've read the guidelines so as to prevent any accidental kicks.
  • Do not ask for floors. Join advertised floors or host your own. You will be expected to host your own eventually.
  • Once you've been in the clan chat for awhile and you've shown improvement, you may request a recruit rank (details in the ranks section of the guidelines).



There's not said about having 70 RC.

It's mentioned later on as being a lot more useful then binding laws/cosmics (except if you're a keyer but the idea is that making surge runes will take a lot longer then just laws/cosmics)


I was ignored by the person that kicked me out of the clan chat when I replied negative the question if I could get 70 rc, I think that means something like "NO YOU CANT JOIN NOW!" Or maybe that person did not know how to communicate and say something.

But I bet it is all me and my writing, I should of-course never wrote criticism towards DGS... *BOW*

Me and the wise old man go way back.... he was a foolish boy back then.



My crystal armour idea.

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