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Unafraid to bot


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It's true, on my RuneScape account I have a lot of wealth, yet it hasn't really made the game anymore fun for me.

Not surprised. Once you have achieved what you wanted, the game is no longer fun.

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I'm only against people who cheat on rs for an advantage, even if they're botting for something like PVP, or BH I don't think they deserve to have those activities, because they cheated the 100-200 hours of boring gameplay to access that content. People know clearly well what they have to do to reach higher level content, and if they don't want to put in the time then they should get off this game. I don't think that not enjoying something is an excuse to cheat. Even if your just cheating on a video games, whether you notice it or not those values will rub off into the real world, and you may in fact one day cheat on a test or something at work. (Even I've cheated on something, but I'm saying the more and more you do it, the easier it gets to accept it)

Capes in order: Firemaking - Cooking - Construction - 99 Dungeoneering
- 120 Dungeoneering - Quest - Strength - Prayer - Herblore - Constitution
- Attack - Defence - Ranged - Runecrafting - Magic - Fletching - Mining

- Farming - Smithing - Slayer - Woodcutting - Summoning - Thieving - Hunter

- Fishing - Agility - Crafting - Divination - Max - Completionist

0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0100 0101

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The sooner you get to learn to enjoy/accept repetitive tasks, the better. Why?


You just finish college, you get a job and you do the same thing for 8 hours a day, 5 days a week. You can't get a bot for this, can you?


Plus, I'm pretty sure you'd feel much better after you achieved something with your dedication, instead of just setting up a bot to do it for you.

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I'll chime in and say, that if you truly love this game there is no reason to cheat. I could go on to say that botters are immoral and lack any kind of goal setting skills.


Sure runescape is grindy, we all know this. But to play this game you have to enjoy the grind.


Lol, botters are evil people with no souls :o


I agree that runescape is grindy - but it doesn't mean you have to enjoy the grind.

I hated runecrafting but it was made more bearable since I had a clan competition/people to chat with.

A lot of the fun begins towards the end of the game so I can understand why people would bot to get over these menial tasks.


However, it doesn't mean botters are bad people.

They're not harming anybody with what they're doing so I don't see this "immoral" and "unmotivated" logic making any sense.

Just because they're not willing (or maybe don't have the time) to play 4-5 hours a day doesn't make them any worse of a person then you or I.

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Just a little funny the first page was all [bleep]ing about how many bot topics there were and here we are at pg 13...


BELIEVE IT OR NOT, there really was a time when there were far more human players than bots, and it felt like everyone was on the same level playing field, dealing with the same challenges.

I have played consistently enough to have noticed the in-flow of bots, from their humble beginnings at the flax plants...

Now it just feels like a ghost town of sorts.



Cheating in a single player game is fine. I do it all the time. Its more fun

Cheating in a multiplayer game is NOT fine, its jnot fun for me. Multiplayer games need rules, a cealing. Those who break the cealing may be above and better off in the game the the rest but when it rains, the people stuck in the box get wet.


[i agree with the above]

Botters do not affect a majority of the people who have posted here and whom use these forums because they are playing this game as a single-player game.

Botting heavily lowers my enjoyment when I can't find real people to play with anymore.

I've said it before, RuneScape used to be more about little goals and playing in unproductive ways that people actually used to find fun. I believe I called it a softcore RPing vehicle somewhere else...

Now it seems like if someone isn't a bot they only want to focus on grinding to keep up with them...


You use cheats in a console RPG to get max level or whatever, and at first it's like "YEEEAH I AM SO POWERFUL LOL" but it quickly becomes "Damn, this game is boring, I kill everything in two hits and have nothing left to shoot for." The ease at which you reach max level in Fallout 3 (and similarly NV) is one of the major downsides to the game, because at least to me the game loses a lot of its fun factor when you aren't able to level up anymore. It just becomes a sandbox FPS, and at level 20 (and especially 30 with DLC) nothing can come close to killing you.

I actually really enjoyed FNV after setting my skill levels to 100s, allowing me to access every secret room and quest I wanted to. After I had done most of those, I set my combat skills on there to 100s too and force-leveled my character to 138 (985 HP :( ), allowing me to get all of the perks in the process, and it was still fun for quite a while. I don't know if I even visited RS for a month. Agreed that 2-hitting everything even with extremely weak weapons isn't much fun though... Lol I'm not sure this is relevant.


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This really gets down to the morals of cheating versus the morals of being forced to throw away your life [1000's of hours] to access content you enjoy


If you don't want to "throw" away your life then you can log off of runescape and go find something that makes you feel like you're not wasting time.

372nd to max total level

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This really gets down to the morals of cheating versus the morals of being forced to throw away your life [1000's of hours] to access content you enjoy


If you don't want to "throw" away your life then you can log off of runescape and go find something that makes you feel like you're not wasting time.


Botters care too much about the game to let go. And then say ppl who don't bot care too much. What a bunch of trolls.

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This really gets down to the morals of cheating versus the morals of being forced to throw away your life [1000's of hours] to access content you enjoy


If you don't want to "throw" away your life then you can log off of runescape and go find something that makes you feel like you're not wasting time.


That argument could be said about anything. Why play xbox, it doesn't contribute to you're life...oh except for the fact that it's fun. Some people don't find levels 1-98 fun on runescape. So they bot to 99. Once they are their, everything is fun.

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This really gets down to the morals of cheating versus the morals of being forced to throw away your life [1000's of hours] to access content you enjoy


If you don't want to "throw" away your life then you can log off of runescape and go find something that makes you feel like you're not wasting time.

that much.

That argument could be said about anything. Why play xbox, it doesn't contribute to you're life...oh except for the fact that it's fun. Some people don't find levels 1-98 fun on runescape. So they bot to 99. Once they are their, everything is fun.


I don't like losing, so i'm going to go hack the game to pwn noobs. I don't find getting better fun, once i start pwning, then everything is fun.


A normal person's response is to simply not grind and do something else on runescape, or if the game just sucks that bad just stop playing it. An addicted person's response is to bot or rwt, because for some reason they love parts of the game way too much.

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This really gets down to the morals of cheating versus the morals of being forced to throw away your life [1000's of hours] to access content you enjoy


If you don't want to "throw" away your life then you can log off of runescape and go find something that makes you feel like you're not wasting time.


That argument could be said about anything. Why play xbox, it doesn't contribute to you're life...oh except for the fact that it's fun. Some people don't find levels 1-98 fun on runescape. So they bot to 99. Once they are their, everything is fun.


I don't like losing, so i'm going to go hack the game to pwn noobs. I don't find getting better fun, once i start pwning, then everything is fun.


A normal person's response is to simply not grind and do something else on runescape, or if the game just sucks that bad just stop playing it. An addicted and lazy person's response is to bot or rwt, because for some reason they love parts of the game that much.


Except you don't get any better.

Chopping trees at level 1 requires the same amount of skills as chopping trees at level 90.


Who wouldn't say yes to free effigies/exp lamps/etc in a skill?

Essentially, that's why people use bots. It gets them "free" exp in a skill without them actually having to train it.


I don't think bots are helpful to the game but those who think that players that bot

a.) care too much about the game so they have to bot

b.) are immoral people who can't tell the difference between right and wrong

are very deluded.


@ i_trollz_u

You can't possible just give one example (or one particular story) and expect that to be the truth throughout.

It's never so clear cut like that.

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This really gets down to the morals of cheating versus the morals of being forced to throw away your life [1000's of hours] to access content you enjoy


If you don't want to "throw" away your life then you can log off of runescape and go find something that makes you feel like you're not wasting time.


That argument could be said about anything. Why play xbox, it doesn't contribute to you're life...oh except for the fact that it's fun. Some people don't find levels 1-98 fun on runescape. So they bot to 99. Once they are their, everything is fun.


I don't like losing, so i'm going to go hack the game to pwn noobs. I don't find getting better fun, once i start pwning, then everything is fun.


A normal person's response is to simply not grind and do something else on runescape, or if the game just sucks that bad just stop playing it. An addicted and lazy person's response is to bot or rwt, because for some reason they love parts of the game that much.


Except you don't get any better.

Chopping trees at level 1 requires the same amount of skills as chopping trees at level 90.


Who wouldn't say yes to free effigies/exp lamps/etc in a skill?

Essentially, that's why people use bots. It gets them "free" exp in a skill without them actually having to train it.


I don't think bots are helpful to the game but those who think that players that bot

a.) care too much about the game so they have to bot

b.) are immoral people who can't tell the difference between right and wrong

are very deluded.


@ i_trollz_u

You can't possible just give one example (or one particular story) and expect that to be the truth throughout.

It's never so clear cut like that.


Nice explanation on why i'm deluded. And that really is all there is to it, the only other exception is people who hate grinding, still care about the game too much, and still train it normally. Or people that love grinding and do it.


So the order is: people that for some reason love grinding>normal players>botters>people that hate grinding and still do it.

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This really gets down to the morals of cheating versus the morals of being forced to throw away your life [1000's of hours] to access content you enjoy

Isn't life about throwing away your life (a job) to access content you enjoy?


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We complain because seriously, if you don't have fun playing the game (and grinding is part of the game - a huge part) just quit. I enjoy the grind, but it's not even really a grind to me. Simply play less per day, I play maybe 2 hours a day sometimes more and it's always fun. If it stops being fun, I find something else to do. I'll reach my goal levels someday and it'll be that much sweeter.


From the time I reach 99 Defense and HP to the end of August I'm going to try and get a bunch of 99s.

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This really gets down to the morals of cheating versus the morals of being forced to throw away your life [1000's of hours] to access content you enjoy

Isn't life about throwing away your life (a job) to access content you enjoy?


No, life is about finding your purpose to a seemingly purposeless existence. And people who get jobs in engineering, comp-sci, law, medicine, and etc aren't the ones who break down at the age of 40 (mid-life crisis) wondering what the hell they did with their time, or why they are completely alone.


Now if your career peak (mostly due to laziness) is working at Target full-time, then yes I'd agree there.

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Yeah. This is one of the MANY areas that Jagex really fails at. The sad thing is that they aren't even willing to admit it. Anywhere up to an entire 30-50% of the population playing at any given time are bots (This is evident for many hours after an update is released). This compromises legit players' experiences - both in competition for raw materials and in being accused to no end for botting by stupid kids who know nothing. I can go on and on about other things that Jagex needs to fix, and the heaps of lies/biased statistics that they continually put forward, but there's no point in doing so and that would take hours. This game has been falling to pieces for a very long time - that basically sums up my opinion.


I also have a Jagex Popularity Vote going here: http://forum.tip.it/topic/291895-jagex-popularity-vote/

Of 64 members so far, only 52% have responded positively. They're relatively weak statistics, but if only half the population of players have a supportive attitude for Jagex there's definitely a problem.


~PM me and I'll do my best to make you a signature!~

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Anywhere up to an entire 30-50% of the population playing at any given time are bots

if only half the population of players have a supportive attitude for Jagex there's definitely a problem.


If your statistics are right, then there is full support for jagex because the other half of the population is bots :thumbsup:


unbinding green's kidneys for ltk's heart

do you farm guam like me sir ltk


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Anywhere up to an entire 30-50% of the population playing at any given time are bots

if only half the population of players have a supportive attitude for Jagex there's definitely a problem.


If your statistics are right, then there is full support for jagex because the other half of the population is bots :thumbsup:


Unless the half that support them are bots :rolleyes:



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Anywhere up to an entire 30-50% of the population playing at any given time are bots

if only half the population of players have a supportive attitude for Jagex there's definitely a problem.


If your statistics are right, then there is full support for jagex because the other half of the population is bots :thumbsup:


Unless the half that support them are bots :rolleyes:

No. The bots are too busy getting herbs at SG to waste time voting for supporting Jagex.


unbinding green's kidneys for ltk's heart

do you farm guam like me sir ltk


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