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2007 - Old School RuneScape... You Vote! - [It's Here!]



  1. 1. Will You Vote for 2007 Runescape?

    • Yes
    • No
    • I'm F2P
  2. 2. Will you play on 2007 Servers?

    • Yes
    • No
    • I'm F2p, so no
    • I'm F2P, but would subscribe

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2013 Runescape has got neat graphics... whoopdi [bleep]in do? I'd trade in graphics for gameplay any day.

I agree and that's another big part of the deal for me. Nowadays RS is so bloated that my main desktop computer is the only one I have that can play this game at a respectable framerate.


Back when I started playing in 2006, one of the reasons I loved this game so much was that I can play it from pretty much any computer without any problems. Now when I run it, it's constantly using up 300 - 500 MB of memory. It'd be nice to have access to a nice simple lightweight version of RS again.

You can log out any time you like, but you can never leave.

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Here's a list of significant things that will not be included in the 2007 servers that somebody had put on Reddit.



  • God Wars Dungeon
  • Corporeal Beast
  • Tormented Demons
  • Glacors



  • Summoning
  • Dungeoneering
  • Your current skills
  • "Grimy" Herbs (They will be "unids")
  • ZMI Altar
  • Slayer Reward Points
  • Herblore Habitat and Juju potions


  • High level potions (Super Antifire, Extremes, Overloads, Renewals)
  • Kuradel
  • Surge spells
  • Ancient Curses
  • Dragon Defender
  • Damage Soaking
  • Autocasting without a staff, autocasting god spells and Iban Blast
  • Dragon Claws, Godswords, and Chaotics
  • A working combat triangle


  • Fist of Guthix
  • Stealing Creation
  • Soul Wars
  • Conquest
  • Clan Wars

Distractions and Diversions

  • Fish Flingers
  • Familiarization
  • Balthazar Beauregard's Big Top Bonanza
  • craptered Heart (aka "Strange Rocks")
  • Court Cases


  • The Grand Exchange
  • All Acheivement Diaries and Task Sets except Easy, Medium, and Hard Karamja
  • Orb of Oculus (no 2007 machinima)
  • No cooldown for Home Teleport (was 30 minutes)
  • Max, Completion, and Milestone capes
  • All rares (Not because rares were post-2007, but rather because everyone will start from scratch on 2007scape)


  • Tabs
  • Search
  • Deposit/Withdraw X
  • Bank space counter
  • Left-click Bank (instead of Talk)
  • Money pouch
  • Price checker

Game Mechanics

  • LootShare and CoinShare
  • RuneScape HD
  • Item Lending
  • In-game world selection/hopping
  • Photo Booth / Forum Avatars
  • DirectX mode This means that certain game recording software such as Fraps will not be able to hook into RS2007
  • Z-buffering, a major animation update
  • Bank equip screen
  • Separate clan and friends chats
  • Any game language other than English
  • XP tracker and pop-ups



It's good that most of those bullet points were crap updates not worth anything. But there are still a cornerning few. Nonetheless, this hasn't changed my mind, I'm still voting yes.

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I used to have an account on this forum (different name, but whatever), and felt the need to share my thoughts about this.


I loved this game back in 2007. Maybe it is nostalgia that is skewing my memories, but I remember being very happy to play a game that did not hold my hand all the time. I did play until EoC came out, but that was the final straw. I thought that if I wanted to play a hotkey-based MMO with sub-par graphics, I would play WoW instead. To be able to play old RuneScape once again would be awesome. The community will definitely not be the same, but I was never really involved with it, anyway. I just did my own thing and was happy doing just that.


Nowadays, RuneScape just is not the same game for me. It has become too streamlined. The flaws and faults are what made the game great for me. I will definitely miss some of the updates that have come out during the recent years, like the bank update and XP tracker, but that is about it. I looked at the list of updates that would be gone, and I was excited. Most all of the updates since 2007 have failed to catch my interest. That is why I hope 2007Scape becomes a success. Will I play equally as much as I did in 2007? Most likely not. But will I enjoy it more than I enjoyed playing this game from 2010-ish up until the release of EoC? Definitely, yes!

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Sorry if I skip words in my sentences from time to time. My brain tends to be a step or two ahead of my fingers when I type.

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And you're using only a few datapoints to show that 2008 was the reason they fell. With only two datapoints there, what's to say it didn't continue to climb and fall at some other point over the period?

Correction: He's using a two data points within a month of each other to imply causation with an event that happened 48 months ago. To say it's an intellectual scandal to pass those statistics off with that strong of a conclusion would be a massive understatement.


You are my hero. <3

I haven't played the game in 3+ years and I'm voting yes.


Generation Y praises the current Runescape as a vast improvement, I don't see the appeal. I quit this game because I saw Runescape becoming far too "dressed up" (as fallstar beautifully puts it), kiddish, and commercialized.


I may sound like a cranky old geyser, but I truly believe 2006scape was the best scape. 2007 is a nice deal, and is about the time Jagex starting losing their touch with reality, but it's still an early enough date to enjoy the oldschool foundations of Runescape.


2013 Runescape has got neat graphics... whoopdi [bleep]in do? I'd trade in graphics for gameplay any day.


So I guess every update that happened after 2007 does not count as gameplay. Those 65 quest, 4+ new bosses, 2 new skills don't mean much.


"Goals dont have a deadline." -xxxgod quoting Lady Shahdie

[slayer "Essentials"][click pic for main blog][click quote for mini blog][Worthwhile Auras]

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If they're coming back regardless, you don't need our vote.


Oowee, you really got me there. It's not like I adresses this in my post... O wait


it's just about how enjoyable it will be for us.


Dummy, obv I'd rather pay 5 than 15.


And how is this gonna cost Jagex money if it has membership? Like they'd ever do anything not profitable.



The price you have to pay means diddly squat to me. You want the game back, you agree to either pay as it is priced, or [bleep] the hell off. I'm not going to step on board for something that I'm not interested in JUST to subsidise the cost to you.

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[bleep] OFF HOW ARE U SO [bleep]ING LUCKY U PIECE OF [bleep]ING SHIT [bleep] [bleep] [wagon] MUNCHER



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I thought it might have been an okayish idea to keep one-to-two servers for historical purposes, to show what RS was like pre-EoC (much like the RSC servers). I am perfectly fine with EoC and had no intention of playing on the pre-EoC servers myself but I thought it should still be there. But what they're doing here is madness, actually keeping RS 2007 and upgrading it simultaneously? They didn't even do that for RSC when RS2 came out. I still say the same thing, 2006 is gone and it ain't coming back. I was there the first time, and while I had a blast, there's no way I'd want to play that in 2013. RS has come a long way since then, and it's been for the better; it's far more developed, who'd want to play on that old dinosaur now (aside from the nostalgic visit)? I still don't know where this RS2006 fad is coming from. Just jaded and cynical people? Because a great deal of them exhibit hipster tendencies. You know, those people that appropriate other people's identities as their own?


Like those people who are in their 20's and say things like "I remember when the Beatles...". Newsflash, if you're 20 years old, you weren't here for the Beatles. That doesn't mean you can't like their music and be a fan, but you weren't there, so stop pretending as if you were part of the scene, it's totally inauthentic. I feel the same way with some (not all) of these RS2006 crowd. They've obviously never played RS in 2006, so they have a distorted view that's been coloured with rose-tinted shades. They say things like "I remember when the community was so great, back in 2006!There were no scammers, botters or cheaters!" Bullshit. If you had been there, you'd know we had our malcontents just like any other period in RS history. In any case, it's inauthentic and a hipsterish fad. This "movement" doesn't seem to have much support, so it's highly unlikely they will get level 3 or level 4 votes, and when they have to cough up additional money, that'll kill half the people anyways.

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IMO, they should just setup a legal private server system and let the players set up servers and give them modding tools for the game.


At one point, they had discussed this for Classic.


My initial reaction is no. The server will get botted to shit, as it's 2007 tech vs 2013 bots. They will only bring over anti bot tech "if needed", which means it will be too late by then. People bot the shit out of private servers, and that's even more pointless then botting real runescape.


Again, I reference Classic: I seem to remember that's what happened when RSC reopened-- I'm not sure about the last time they did it, but I'd heard claims at one point that those servers were bot-spammed.


I have a lengthier reply to Dracae's Times article on this topic, here. Kudos if you keep up with my rambling.

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But what they're doing here is madness, actually keeping RS 2007 and upgrading it simultaneously? They didn't even do that for RSC when RS2 came out.


The obvious is not too clear for you guys right now.


What Jagex wants to do is bring back the 2007 servers and update them simultaneously as in a way to start over. To see where they went wrong and what we as a community really wanted. I wouldn't be surprised if in a year or so 2007 servers become extremely dominant and Jagex dismantle current Runescape.

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Also, Jagex stated they WON'T be updating 2007scape alongside normal RS. They will have votes (only at the highest end voting tiers) on updates currently in game to be implemented into 2007 (ie - Vote on whether players want to have God Wars implemented, since it was added after the 2007 start date).


And this is only if they hit the 500k/750k votes

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Unfortunately there is, because Jagex is insisting not to abandon EOC.


It seems like this will go the ways of rsc. I remember when rs2 came out and everyone was enraged because you could now eat during combat and how having special attacks took the skill out of pking. So they released a dedicated server and the vast majority of players do not play it now.

But what they're doing here is madness, actually keeping RS 2007 and upgrading it simultaneously? They didn't even do that for RSC when RS2 came out.


The obvious is not too clear for you guys right now.


What Jagex wants to do is bring back the 2007 servers and update them simultaneously as in a way to start over. To see where they went wrong and what we as a community really wanted. I wouldn't be surprised if in a year or so 2007 servers become extremely dominant and Jagex dismantle current Runescape.


I will refer to my previous post. History does not support your claim.


EDIT: Whoops wrong post

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mon visage when i saw this piece of news on my rs toolbar



I'll sure as hell fire up my membership for this and keep it active for two accounts if they bring this back. Maybe I could use I mage stuff as a range/mage tank main. I'm not very hopeful though. I'd go for an extra 5 bucks on membership for one account but unless this gets 250k or more votes I'll be heading back to private servers and other gaming venues.



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To comment on a few pages back with the graphs of decline:


Runescape was created in the early 2000's and at it's core still has the same mechanics and game-style as it did back then. A significant reason why RS's population has been decreasing is that RS simply is too old. The online game market, nay, the entire internet, has changed drastically in the time RS has been around. It was inevetable the RS would slowly die as more and more games flooded the market with newer and newer mechanics that reflect how current gamers play. This is why Jagex implimented EOC. Trying to impliment some newer mechanics in an old game to keep it relevant. Going back to 2007 is at least 3 steps in the wrong direction. It will not get any new subscribers. The only purpose it serves is to feed the nostalic trolls that yell until they get what they want, and even they will leave it quickly when they realize nostalgia is best left as nostalgia.

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To comment on a few pages back with the graphs of decline:


Runescape was created in the early 2000's and at it's core still has the same mechanics and game-style as it did back then. A significant reason why RS's population has been decreasing is that RS simply is too old. The online game market, nay, the entire internet, has changed drastically in the time RS has been around. It was inevetable the RS would slowly die as more and more games flooded the market with newer and newer mechanics that reflect how current gamers play. This is why Jagex implimented EOC. Trying to impliment some newer mechanics in an old game to keep it relevant. Going back to 2007 is at least 3 steps in the wrong direction. It will not get any new subscribers. The only purpose it serves is to feed the nostalic trolls that yell until they get what they want, and even they will leave it quickly when they realize nostalgia is best left as nostalgia.


You're missing the people who stick to a certain type of game. For example, when someone says fps, I automatically think about ut99 or quake 2, not CoD or whatever kids play these days. Same applies to runescape, its minimalistic gameplay is what makes it so unique, don't forget about the older folks who play rs for that reason, hell, I even play rs for that reason. Jagex knows A LOT of people are willing to pay membership JUST to vote, you'll be surprised to know how many they are, there's no way around this. Besides, if you're taking tip.it opinion as a reference you'll be proven wrong fast.


EoC was a mistake, a attempt to put runescape up to date, but still a mistake. They should have kept rs' minimalistic gameplay and not "upgrade" it to an already outdated design in the mmo world. That's like taking 1 step ahead when everyone else is heading 10, and no, that doesn't mean it's a step in the right direction. The future of mmos is in the whole hack-slash-instanced model, which is gaining followers FAST, just look at tera, c9, b&s, etc. to name a few. Sure, rs is minimalistic compared to those, but hey, THAT'S WHY WE LIKE IT!


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To comment on a few pages back with the graphs of decline:


Runescape was created in the early 2000's and at it's core still has the same mechanics and game-style as it did back then. A significant reason why RS's population has been decreasing is that RS simply is too old. The online game market, nay, the entire internet, has changed drastically in the time RS has been around. It was inevetable the RS would slowly die as more and more games flooded the market with newer and newer mechanics that reflect how current gamers play. This is why Jagex implimented EOC. Trying to impliment some newer mechanics in an old game to keep it relevant.


I disagree. Runescape is a unique game. RS was never a massive MMO like WoW. It's different being that it's a Java based browser game. What Jagex tried to do was make Runescape more than what it was supposed to be.


Going back to 2007 is at least 3 steps in the wrong direction. It will not get any new subscribers. The only purpose it serves is to feed the nostalic trolls that yell until they get what they want, and even they will leave it quickly when they realize nostalgia is best left as nostalgia.



Yall honestly think Jagex started all this without getting their facts straight? 2007scape is not some nostagliastic fad. Do your homework. 474 Servers are blooming with extreme demand. Jagex sees this and they have a significantly extreme advantage over those amateur servers. People will flock back to Runescape. This makes sense for everybody. For those who see RS fine as it is, they can continue playing what they like, and those who prefer old RS can finally get what they want. Oh and Jagex makes a buck out of all of this. Win-win situation.

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This opens a lot of game possibilities, i believe trends will be 85 slayer, 91 rc, 85 mining and 99 smithing.. Rares would also play an important role in economy if available somehow.


I'm also worried that this game version wont attract new players even beeing more catchy and straighforward content wise (too much game content even for veterans nowardays), the main game will absorb them all... and what would a limited comunity do after everybody has their own full rune set? Noobs are a key factor for gameplay prosperity.


all in all, it will be like reseting the fat and ugly "tamagoshi".. and i'm ok with a more adult, friendly and chatty comunitty even if small


red:wave2:see you in rs2007!!

red:wave2:see you in rs2007!!

byehired:wave2:see you in rs2007!!


shitred:wave2:see you in rs2007!!


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