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Noobs say the funniest things!


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I once at the Crafting Guild one time and some guy started flaming me because I was mining the same rock as him. I called him a noob and said that he should learn to spell. Being a complete hypocrite and thust using my insult, he tells me this:




"Learn How To Speel"






Not that funny, but still. ;)




Not funny.







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LOL, that's so funny: "you called me a lmao" LOL :lol:




Swarm almost killed him too \'






That is one of the funniest things I have ever seen... :lol:

There is no meaning or truth in life but that which we create for ourselves.


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LOL, that's so funny: "you called me a lmao" LOL :lol:




Swarm almost killed him too \'






That is one of the funniest things I have ever seen... :lol:




I was laughing the whole way through that. That was one of the best RuneScape videos I have seen in a while :lol:

My relaxation method involves a bottle of lotion, beautiful women, and partial nudity. Yes I get massages.



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This one just happened today.




I was standing near the Lumbridge cow field talking to my friend on private and wielding skull sceptre. A level 36 walked up to me and this happened:




Noob: Hi


Me: Hey


Noob: Nice weapon


Me: Thanks


Noob: What is it?


Me: A skull sceptre


Noob: Cool


*There was about a minute pause*


Noob: I can't wait


Me: For?


Noob: My dad is going to buy me 1m off of a website!


*Thank you, your report abuse has been recieved*


Me: You know that's against the rules, right?


Noob: No it's not


Me: Yea, it's real world trading


Me: It's the reason that the wild is gone


Me: And the reason for the trade limit


Noob: Oh well




Then he went on asking what my stats were and I managed to get away by telling him that my friend wanted me to go to her world.

Never take life seriously. Nobody gets out alive anyway.

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there is one time...


just now actually


peson: hey


*lagging, so i don't anwser*




person: hey green haired dude!


me:sorry, laggin


person: ok can i interveiw you?


me (playing along) :sure!


person: O.K, say hi gritchmas!


me(bewildered):hi gritchmas!






me:can i go now...?


person: no, 2 questions...do you like banana-bread?


me:yeah it's ok


person:, good, do you like cookies?


me: who doesn't?


person: lol


person:thank you for ur time!


* :shock: she walks away, leaving me wonderin wat the heck just happened :shock: *




kk the person wasn't a noob just thought i'd put it on lol :twisted:


Capn MJ O_o - Captain of "Lol" Clan.

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I have one:




Noob: Help me plz


Me: With what?


Noob: Blk Knites Fortress


Me: Sorry, I'm busy right now


Noob: U noob




Then he walked away and continued to beg for help... :-#


(And yes, he did type like that).

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That was so funny :XD:


[hide=Funny Quote]

Cbow! Cbow!!!!! +120 range is orgasmic. Or maul, thats what I'd get out of those two options.

I agree with baconisbacon, Cbow looks freaking sensual

Runescape: Where strong weapons bring sexual pleasure.

The size of the e-peen0r is directly proportional to the rarity/power of one's equipment.

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After 1 week of playing runescape F2P i was hooked, so I decided to splash out on members. About a week later I was combat 20 something, and was chopping down willows in seer's village. I had managed to save around 300k (was still pretty much a RS noob and hardly new anything about the game) and saw a guy having a BSale. *note this is like 1.5 years ago.. no trade laws etc* He was like lvl 60cmbt so I traded him.. He had a few things, and among that was a Dragon WC Axe.. so i asked about it.. having only ever seen other players much higher than me with one. He put just it in trade.. and asked me to offer.. I said I had no idea what it was worth.. which was genuine.. i'd never even been on a RS forum before. He then asked how much cash I had.. and I showed him my 300k in the trade window. He said "ok" and clicked accept.. so i accepted.. thinking.. damn that axe is expensive.


Then he said.. "wait a minute noob! thats only 300k not 3mil.." i was like.. yeah thats why it said "300K" in the trade window.


He then asked for it back.. so I went to trade it back to him.. not knowing that I really didnt have to.. but he wasnt willing to give me my money back, so i declined trade. He then went on and said "reported for item scamming" which i didnt think was fair.. I'd have given him his axe back had he returned my money...


So to this day I still have that dwcaxe, and even in todays lower price it's a bargain \' I never heard anything from Jagex.




And finally.. a little rhyme I saw someone type while fighting fire giants with full bandos on... *Milkshake parody*


My god sword brings all the noobs to the yard, they're like, wunna buy me shard.


Damn right, i'd hit you hard, i'd spec ya, but i have to recharge..




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Noob: Can I have your full rune?


Me: How much will you pay me?


Noob: Is 1423gp*(rough estimate, not exact)* enough?


Me: Nope sorry, can you even wear rune?


Noob: Stop making people pay to much! I'm already paying you more than I should! And of course I can, I can cast spells with runes, so I should be able to wear rune armor.


Me: I'm sorry, it dosn't work that way.


Noob: I'm reporting you for lying! YOu just want all the rune armor for yourself!




Lol!! :lol:




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^^ I was just woodcutting with you the other day. Didn't realize you were 99 though.


4031st person to 99 Thieving on 5/25/2008

If anyone plays NBA Live '08 online on the Wii please PM me. I'm up for anyone.

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I was at the G.E., and a noob level 7 walked up to me and said can I have 100 GP I've never had that much before. I gave him 3k, and naturally, he was ecstatic. He thanked me and left. I hung out for a while longer, and next thing I know, there's upwards of 20 noobs all asking me for money, with the first noob at the head of the crowd! Noobs are like ducks!


Get back here so I can rub your butt.

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I was at the G.E., and a noob level 7 walked up to me and said can I have 100 GP I've never had that much before. I gave him 3k, and naturally, he was ecstatic. He thanked me and left. I hung out for a while longer, and next thing I know, there's upwards of 20 noobs all asking me for money, with the first noob at the head of the crowd! Noobs are like ducks!




Word spreads fast among the newbies!

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This was after I killed someone at the Duel Arena.




Me: gf


Noob:Ok sure bf


Me: It means "good fight"


Noob: Sure it does


Me: ok then...


(2 days later)


Noob: How's it going bf?


Me: wtf?


Noob: Wanna come to my house




She was quickly deleted and added to ignore :lol:

Link to Forum Games signature.

[hide=TIFer Quotes]

This lack of discussion value..disturbs me.
English is the only language on this forum.

If you use another language, you need to include a traduction

bgok5jn dsgtalg

Oh wow, I hate everything -.-

Death kinda scares me.

your obsession with phallic objects shows quite clearly in your artworks.

Ffs, someone put this in their sig.


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This was after I killed someone at the Duel Arena.




Me: gf


Noob:Ok sure bf


Me: It means "good fight"


Noob: Sure it does


Me: ok then...


(2 days later)


Noob: How's it going bf?


Me: wtf?


Noob: Wanna come to my house




She was quickly deleted and added to ignore :lol:




bf = bad fight




:lol: just kidding.

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