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The Official Thread: Summer Goals for 2007::. Not Over Yet!


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Ok Summer is unofficially here in the USA (Memorial Day) and I decided why not see what other people have in mind for this year's summer. You can also post stuff from your blogs. I suggest to edit your post when you have complete something instead of adding another post. Best of luck on your guys goals.




My Goals:


99 Hunter (I heard you can get it in 2 weeks :P ) QUIT :cry:


50+ All Stats DONE


Fire Cape (80+ Range; 70+ Prayer, Items in Muggi Guide)


100+ Combat


Barrow Gloves (Dragon Atm) DONE


Fighting Torso




8-) Check out my blog to keep up with my goals 8-)

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getting at least 75 in the skill i want to get 99 in so badly and then hopefully somewhere like lvl 90 if i get to 75 before the holidays.




wont disclose which skill i have in mind but it will be lot harder than hunting :-w


edit:other goals include


70 defence


70 strength


70 magic


rest of my skills into the highscores


manage thy kingdom quests because ill need the resources in the future

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99 Theiving after I finish up 99 firemaking, or if I don't feel like getting membs back I'll just get some fishing and wc levels. :wink:


Always forgive your enemies; nothing annoys them so much.

Oscar Wilde

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Probably something like 1600 skill total, all levels at least 60/65+ (depending on what I need for 1600), and finally get around to getting all the quests done... maybe.




They'll just be general goals though, not "I must have this done by August or my life is over" goals.

Goals to get my skills back up to a barely respectable level on the high scores:



Currently going for Bone to Peaches spell. It's amazing how boring doing the same repetitive task is! Stupid MTA

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70+ All skills. 80 Agility and 80 Construction. 105 Combat. 1800 Total. (or 1850 if a new skill really does come out)




And to enjoy the Summer :D

Retired 8th October 2007 | 99 Fishing | 99 Cooking | Owner of a Red Mask and 2 Santa Hats |

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Lol it's so funny, I thought I was going to read some irl life summer goals then I see Rs stuff and I thought lol no surprise they're Rs players >.>


But it makes sense since it's in p2p general, but still lool.




I have no Rs goals(since I don't play it anymore) and I don't have any irl summer goals..


Summer is always boring for me, I always end up staying home most of it...

2480+ total

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Skill get all skills 70+ (3 left)




Maybe get 75 runecrafting but idk it would take me 150k of nats :wall:




Maybe 110 Combat




80+ Con




85 woodcutting, fletching, and firemaking




85 att and def 90 str mage and range




keep my quest cape




50 mill total exp




85 hunting thief and agility




70+ farming, herb, and runecrafting




80 slayer




But I really don't think I am going to have time to all of this because I am going to have a very busy summer with summer camp and gym 5 times a week :thumbsup: either way I will get back to it when school start


9th grade baby ::'


Barrow Items: 45 (3 Guthan Spears)(12/25/06)(1/1/07)(04/07/07)

Proud Owner Of Quest Cape SINCE the day it came out

Got Visage July 31, 2007

Visage #2 August 4th, 2008

AFTER ONE HOUR of googeling i'v came to the conclusion that there is no game called real life :evil:
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99 Partying Irl 8-).




Same Here!! hat.gif




And on RS: 124+ Combat.

Knowledge Talks| | Wisdom Listens

~~Heroes Get Remembered, But Legends Never Die~~


Xbox Live & Playstation Network Name: Trojann2

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126 Combat (7 more attack, strength, defence, 6 hp and prayer - I got bones banked ;))


73 or 75+ all skills


99 Fletching


99 Thieving


99 Magic


99 Ranged (maybe)


Kill stupid Jad

  • Never trust anyone. You are always alone, and betrayal is inevitable.
  • Nothing is safe from the jaws of the decompiler.

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on rs,


99 thieving




99 fletching,




green phat :)




and more...






off runescape: winning for locate football cup :D



180th to 99 Divination + 1st W36er


Rambo, cannot pk call your friends bro :). Wait nevermind none of SAPK/PKS can. Kappa.

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