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Clan chat update suspected to be tomorrow


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updates=Monday. no matter what kind of update it is, no matter how big it is, it will be on Monday. its just a behind the scenes, it wont show when it will come out, the thing is there going to release it some time this month... on a Monday :wall:


^Click for my Newgrounds page!


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I highly doubt it will come out tommorow.




1. Its usually 6-8 after an update before a new 1, which was last Tuesday i believe, so the update will be most likely Monday or Tuesday




2. How can u say that its gonna be clan chat next update?




3. Dont count on it




August will begin with a new feature we're sure you'll all love: Clan Chat!




Perhaps that's how he can say it. :P




But still, there's no way there will be an update on the weekend, there never has been. So Monday or Tuesday it is.

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I'm not lagging at all unless i get a very bad flash ad that you cant lower the details on. oh how i hate f2p..

P2p: 135 F2p: 124 as of July 29, 09.

P2p: 137 F2p: 126 as of September 25, 11.


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I'm not lagging at all unless i get a very bad flash ad that you cant lower the details on. oh how i hate f2p..




That is the same as me, but ussually I am fine just today really. I have to agree it is coming soon. And for reasons stated already it will be monday.

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Guest killerbo
updates=Monday. no matter what kind of update it is, no matter how big it is, it will be on Monday. its just a behind the scenes, it wont show when it will come out, the thing is there going to release it some time this month... on a Monday :wall:




He is correct I bet 1k that it will come out on monday :XD: :XD: :XD:

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I really haven't lagged all day. I wouldn't count on an update occuring over the weekend though. It has happened before, but it is very rare. I would guess the update will come out on Monday or Tuesday like many others have stated. Only time will tell, but I am willing to bet on it not coming out this weekend. It would be hard to pull off such a big update (if it is as big as they say it is) over the weekend when staff is most likely short handed. (Simply because on weekends, you may be given the days off.)

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They've NEVER updated on the weekend. It's always a weekday. Don't hold your breath :P






i dont ever recall a friday update recently, maybe when updates were like quarterly.




Jagex staff doesn't work in the weekend... It's their job you know.


My bet is monday since most updates are released on a monday :P




- Back to casual f2p scaping due to limited time (university and girlfriend <3:) -

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lol lag cant be used to make a prediction about an update :) could be that the routers you picked to connect to runescape were having a lot of other people on them




i hope they introduce it VERY SOON though... just dying to talk to my entire clan (4 ppl.. lol)

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I expect a brain to enter the heads of 90% of rsers in 2028




Jagex has NEVER made a content update on a weekend.




There have been bug fixes where on RSOF they have made posts about people coming in specially to fix major bugs that have popped up on the friday or saturday.




It'll be here monday at the earliest


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Jagex has updates on weekdays, not on weekends.


Maybe they'll use that and release it tomorrow to surprise us?


Pretty much what Dragon said.

Thread terminated.

I guess that means I'm the thread Terminator?


No Tip.Iters were harmed in the making of this post.

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They should release the updates on Fridays, not Mondays I think.




But I wasn't on at all yesterday afternoon except for about 30 minutes, I had no lag at all on world 45.




Why? Friday is the start of the weekend and people will get mad if they need to fix a glitch over the weekend. Monday is the start to a new business week. So that means they'll have all week to fix it :wink: .




OT: People need to quit shooting targets in the dark. Having lag is a ridiculous reason to make such a huge prediction.




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Im lagging a lot but thats just because I'm running the new 2007 3D Benchmark Software becuase I just changed the graphics cards on my comp so I want to see what they can do. (Yes I said cards, as in plural, as in dual Nivida SLI!!) :thumbsup: :thumbsup:










EDIT: I take pride in my Geekyness. :D

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