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First Spiritual mages task. Don't really like them - no charms, no effigies, and too spaced out... But profit isn't bad.


Also got 3 effigies in my previous 3 tasks :thumbup:


Thank you to tripsis for an awesome sig!

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1. Go into inbox

2. Type in "jagex" into search bar

3. Get scammed.


This is my inbox lawl. Had quite a few people over the past year want my account.

They are all phishing/scam sites



Main Account - Max cape achieved 10th September 2011
Noob Account - 2300 total and climbing 


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All skills 70+ and I can use my surgebox in dungeoneering finally.

99 HP, Attack, Strength, Defence, Summoning, Ranged, Herblore, Prayer, Agility, Magic, Slayer, Fletching, Fishing, Woodcutting, Mining, and Thieving.


Jagex'd out of my untrimmed hp cape on 6/14/2011.

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Plates were B2B. First plate from last minion, then next from Kree.


Was 80 kill trip. Would have been 78, but we both got epicly lucky with the altar timer after kill #78. :)

[01:24:34] CJ Hunnicutt: it takes skill to be that [bleep]ing stupid

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Plates were B2B. First plate from last minion, then next from Kree.


Was 80 kill trip. Would have been 78, but we both got epicly lucky with the altar timer after kill #78. :)


+2 Crystal keys I forgot to add. And my altar timing is just that epic, you know that. <3

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+ 57m

these pictures make me sad inside how much money you make o.O






:D rebought my blue


You say you don't rule switch but you quite obviously do...

Noone is idiotic to stake against someone and agree that your allowed to use Summoning and they wont...

Sad you gotta rule switch.

That is all.

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+ 57m

these pictures make me sad inside how much money you make o.O






:D rebought my blue


You say you don't rule switch but you quite obviously do...

Noone is idiotic to stake against someone and agree that your allowed to use Summoning and they wont...

Sad you gotta rule switch.

That is all.


That's a bit of a generalization. There are plenty of people who do stupid things on RuneScape. I'd say it's completely plausible that the person 999 staked actually thought he could win. I don't see how your reasoning is supposedly sufficient for your little rant/argument.


And how is this relevant to an RS screenies thread anyway?


I'd edit this post again when I make myself a new account. Haven't been on RS for a while now.


EDIT - It's the player's responsibility to check the rules before staking, which they both did. The two partyhat wins is hardly 'evidence' of rule-switching.


Also, if 999 did indeed rule-switch, then the option would've had a flashing red exclamation mark with "CHECK THE RULES FIRST!!" (or something of the like) before they entered the arena, which there wasn't. Your argument is currently very weak

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Because he goes on like he's some hot shot staker, when all he is, is a idiot rule changer.

Proof of that is two white phat wins, fair enough it's how he makes his money but still. Suprised with his ego he still posts here.

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+ 57m

these pictures make me sad inside how much money you make o.O

:D rebought my blue


You say you don't rule switch but you quite obviously do...

Noone is idiotic to stake against someone and agree that your allowed to use Summoning and they wont...

Sad you gotta rule switch.

That is all.

The guy spent (at least) 15 seconds looking at the second staking window, thats plenty of time to read every rule that is listed as on/off and "you can summon familiars" is the very first one in that list. IF he rule switched the stake would have been declined, its his opponents own fault for not looking up who he was fighting before risking billions.

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Because he goes on like he's some hot shot staker, when all he is, is a idiot rule changer.

Proof of that is two white phat wins, fair enough it's how he makes his money but still. Suprised with his ego he still posts here.

You don't think that someone staking a PHat checks the rules 200 times before accepting? I highly doubt he's sneaking it on.


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Should've done this ages ago. Have 17 magic brawls + enough SC helms to keep it at 720xp per cast till 99 magic.

Talk about 250K xp in under 20 minutes.




"I was born an American; I will live an American; I shall die an American."Daniel Webster


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Does anyone else think the Queen of Snow has a slightly big uh... bosom?



Why is it that any time a character in Runescape has slightly large breasts someone feels the need to point it out? And hers aren't even that big tbh.

99 HP, Attack, Strength, Defence, Summoning, Ranged, Herblore, Prayer, Agility, Magic, Slayer, Fletching, Fishing, Woodcutting, Mining, and Thieving.


Jagex'd out of my untrimmed hp cape on 6/14/2011.

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