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£34 on my dream converse. Gorgeous, purple converse...


I have some of those and I <3 them.


Felt like crap today but murdered my calculus AP practice test less than before, so I feel better about it. Got mad at a recording on the phone at a place I was trying to buy something from. Watching Top Gear reruns now.

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Yesterday night was a bit of a disaster near the end lol, one of my friends got too wasted and we ended up having to take care of him for an hour in a freezing cold tent, barely got any sleep. Today was much more fun, I met up with some people from my class and we enjoyed ourselves on the beach despite the cold weather. So yeah, today was good :)


I'll be leaving to Egypt tomorrow, not as a tourist but as a family member though, so don't expect me to be lying in the sun all days and having fun at some fancy resort lol.


Also, dizzle, keep it up, you're doing something good :)


Well, I'm jealous nevertheless. I've always wanted to go to Egypt.

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Humans vs Zombies has been going this week at my campus. I've spent the last two days chasing the humans around. I'm so exhausted right now though, I was out for atleast 5 hours running around my campus today. I think I'm going to pass out at like 9PM again. I've managed 3 kills so far, which is much better than the last game I participated in. I'm looking forward to more hunting tomorrow. :thumbup:

Out of curiousity, where do you go to school? That sounds so fun.

My skin is finally getting soft
I'll scrub until the damn thing comes off

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This is what I did today. Other than shopping for Passover food. Which is disgusting by the way.




Anyone who likes tacos is incapable of logic.

Anyone who likes logic is incapable of tacos.


PSA: SaqPrets is an Estonian Dude

Steam: NippleBeardTM

Origin: Brand_New_iPwn

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Humans vs Zombies has been going this week at my campus. I've spent the last two days chasing the humans around. I'm so exhausted right now though, I was out for atleast 5 hours running around my campus today. I think I'm going to pass out at like 9PM again. I've managed 3 kills so far, which is much better than the last game I participated in. I'm looking forward to more hunting tomorrow. :thumbup:

Out of curiousity, where do you go to school? That sounds so fun.


It happens at college campuses all around the U.S. I think there are a few schools in other countries that do it too.

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Humans vs Zombies has been going this week at my campus. I've spent the last two days chasing the humans around. I'm so exhausted right now though, I was out for atleast 5 hours running around my campus today. I think I'm going to pass out at like 9PM again. I've managed 3 kills so far, which is much better than the last game I participated in. I'm looking forward to more hunting tomorrow. :thumbup:

Out of curiousity, where do you go to school? That sounds so fun.


It happens at college campuses all around the U.S. I think there are a few schools in other countries that do it too.


Xavier did it with nerf guns.




My Bloggy


Proud to have served on Tip.it Crew

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About to leave for Portugal. Speak to you all in a couple of weeks! :)

Meeting another girl? Again? Damn Sam. :razz:

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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About to leave for Portugal. Speak to you all in a couple of weeks! :)


Portugal huh? I know quite a few people who live there now. Hope you have fun.


I remember last time you got stuck where you were staying due to the volcano in Iceland. Let's hope it doesn't happen again. :razz:


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Took the neighbor kids to the park I took them to yesterday. We went to look at this "treehouse" fort and it had been burned to the ground since yesterday, which I know was the result of an 11 year old girl lighting it on fire with her cigarette lighter.

/FG/First thread post to when I joined the family.


[hide=Insert rant here]blahblahblahLIFE[/hide]


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drank some beer, ducked a call, wandered town, and found my ex to have a new boyfriend.







Anyone who likes tacos is incapable of logic.

Anyone who likes logic is incapable of tacos.


PSA: SaqPrets is an Estonian Dude

Steam: NippleBeardTM

Origin: Brand_New_iPwn

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Got so many group projects to do.


Worked on the second paper for one of my business classes today, also did the photography paper I needed to do. Tomorrow I need to finish my part for my English group project. I have a group project for Marketing management (have to critique and give a presentation) that I will need to do. I have another buisness research paper as well (also group project).


On top of all of this I need to finish the coding on my portfolio because I need to present in something like 3 weeks.




A stupid amount of stuff just piled onto the end of this semester for me lol. Oh well, last one I'll ever have to take!

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Today was an amazing day.




Today I was pulled off the phones into the office of my supervisor's supervisor. My supervisor, his supervisor, the call center operations manager, and the on-site Verizon wireless cooperate lady was in the room with expressionless faces. I [cabbage] my pants at first. The lady from Verizon Wireless handed me a pink paper and said to read it in a monotone voice. I thought I was being fired, but it turned out to be a 1,000 dollar check for successfully handling a mystery caller from VZW. Along with the check I got a voucher for a free year of any VZW plan and any phone without having to have a contract. Finally my boss asked if I would like to spent 100% of my day on supervisor training instead of half a day. I accepted so now I get to be sent to a special location at a different call center for additional training. VZW is opening up a new call center in 1 month and they would like me to be a starting supervisor for the first 1 month there. They are paying my expenses for 1 month while I finish my training, as well as the month I am help starting the new call center. I finally found something I am good at.


Now I can actually afford to waste money on computer parts :). I am taking my parents out to dinner tomorrow to surprise them of my accomplishment.


[software Engineer] -

[Ability Bar Suggestion] - [Gaming Enthusiast]

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Nice work, bro.


Drove an hour and went and saw Paul, was good fun. Got held up before they'd sell me a ticket, had to have ID, and I don't have any just yet, so my mate's bro and I were there ID-less and weren't allowed to get in until the manager arrived and reluctantly sold us tickets knowing we drove an hour to get there. Apart from that, yeah, good fun.




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woke up at 6am after having a seriously f*cked up dream, they are getting worse and worse now :mellow:


Is now midday, im sat here in my jammies and contemplating having a bath ready to go to the hospital for the midwife... High blood pressure woop fricking woop! Only got a week left s hopefully it wont affect anything. Got doctors after midwife also, so yay get to spend ages in the hospital today.... No date though, I told him to f*ck off, be is bugging me too much at the moment.


I know, I know, knocked up and dating... Me and the father split up before I found out I was pregnant, the date was supposed to be with the father, but I am in no mood to see him today.


So other than hospital im mooching around waiting for baby time, which is all I seem to be doing at the moment.

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Need to find some way to get into a normal sleeping pattern.. I don't sleep easy (i went to bed at 10pm last night as i was tired and fell asleep at 3am :() which means I will probaly have to wake up early some day...

Not that I have to, considering my earliest lecture throughout the week at 11am but I havn't had breakfast in weeks (as its served between 7:30 and 9:30).


Then again, waking up at 10-11pm every day is what I've always wanted :P


What are you doing at uni Doomy? I have three 1am starts, and a to pm start then one 11 start. Gotta love thrid year...except for the fact that I have a crapload of work to do...

I'm doing engineering intermediate year atm. Probaly going to do computer engineering if I pass this year.

Has been going well though, but the physics lecturer we just switched to is a lot worse then the one we used to have which hasn't helped my life out too much, when working out the examples he gives us he just does each step rediculously fast which doesn't give me time to think about why he's done it... Its annoying.


Anyway today was a good day, thursdays are always chill. Got to play some retro games, (including me and 2 friends getting roflstomped first round of the goldeneye N64 comp... I didn't even work out the controls before the game was over! (had never played an n64 before let alone the game...)) and then had dinner with friends, then I talked to the girl I like for a while then I talked to her again on facebook for ages... And then I did my math quiz...Vectors which should be fairly easy turned out to be a bit of a [bleep] and I only got 13/15 but I can retry that as many times as I like until 5pm tomorrow, its time consuming though (the questions change)...


And my parents still won't believe that I'm happy, they're still texting me all the time asking if I have friends and such things... And of course telling me that my sister is sleeping on my floor tomorrow without even letting me know beforehand, not too fazed just gotta clean my room... That's a mission.


And its Friday tomorrow... I have multiple hours of things to do.

Doomy edit: I like sheep

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Nice work there baller!


Been talking with my mate's girlfriend for like half the night, we've been helping other out with some advice. I now want to buy nice clothes and be the group gentleman. Where's Lent when you need him?

Steam | PM me for BBM PIN


Nine naked men is a technological achievement. Quote of 2013.


PCGamingWiki - Let's fix PC gaming!

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Nice, what Uni? Massey? Or Auckland?

Canterbury. We had lectures in tents for weeks after the earthquake but now everything except tutorials are back in lecture theatres.

Doomy edit: I like sheep

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