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The most terrorifing moment in your life?


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I put my foot into a high rpm motorcycle wheel and it cut off two of my toes. There was so much blood everywhere I thought i was gonna die.


At least you have some fun stories. That you will make up. Involving a bear and you saving a family from it.




The Royal Gorge bridge was scary as [bleep], as I remember it. Winds were reaching about 60 miles an hour, and it's a suspension bridge (one of the highest from the ground, if not the highest). People were told to get off the bridge, so we went to the side that would be trapped if it blew away in the breeze. There was also a little ride there, that went within a few inches of the bridge and cliffs.




I did not lol.




Also, the people in my town are terrible drivers (as are my parents), so I'm used to just sitting in the back and sliding around.

catch it now so you can like it before it went so mainstream

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Me and my family went to Yellowstone a couple of months ago. On our way out of the park we had to drive through a mountain pass, and it was getting dark out. About halfway through the pass it started snowing hard. The car driving in front of us went off the road and hit a tree. My dad had to drive at about 10 MPH, and the drive took 2 hours rather then a half hour.

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Mine's not accidental but has left an impression.




My eye operation. Why? Well you see not only I was awake during the entire thing but the anesthetic used was a special one (I was given the choice between local anesthetic and this special eye-drop anesthetic which was beneficial but more risky, I chose the latter) so that the muscles wouldn't be paralyzed and could still move. Translation: I could feel the pressure and the tension as the knife went behind my eye, as it fixed the muscle and as the thread closed up the wound. The worst moment was seeing the knife get closer and closer to the eye till I felt it.




Even to this day, if I see some eye-related injury (like the scene in MGS3 - you know what I'm talking about) it gives me chills.

76th to reach 99 Construction on 6th of February 2007

379th to reach 99 Runecrafting on 4th of November 2007



Finally the secrets of goal achieving are revealed! (give my guide a read :^_^: )

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Mine's not accidental but has left an impression.




My eye operation. Why? Well you see not only I was awake during the entire thing but the anesthetic used was a special one (I was given the choice between local anesthetic and this special eye-drop anesthetic which was beneficial but more risky, I chose the latter) so that the muscles wouldn't be paralyzed and could still move. Translation: I could feel the pressure and the tension as the knife went behind my eye, as it fixed the muscle and as the thread closed up the wound. The worst moment was seeing the knife get closer and closer to the eye till I felt it.




Even to this day, if I see some eye-related injury (like the scene in MGS3 - you know what I'm talking about) it gives me chills.

Lol the second you said it was getting closer and closer I though of MGS3
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Imagine something blowing up less than an arms length from your face.Now imagine you're putting your eye as close to the thing as possible.Everyday I work is terrifying for me.I'm just so used to it now.




What do you do for work? :shock:




Pyrotechnics.I accidentally dropped like 10g of sodium (pure) out of its bag.Mythbusters said it can react with moisture in the air?True.It was near where I put my bag and my bag had a little hole in it.Have to buy a new one...




Of course anyone who's watched the MacGyver episode knows 10g isn't enough to blow a hole in a wall...When in doubt:C4.


so i herd u liek devarts?

If you look at me and feel offended by my 666-ism,think.I could be just as offended by your "cross".

[hide=This's why I'm hot]

The Eleventh Commandment:Thou Shalst only say "Amen,brother".

Amen, brother :lol:

Amen, brudda (referring to the 10th commandment)

amen Bruder! (german ftw)

I'm invulnerable to everything, except Lenin and Dragoonson.

That's impossible.


I love people.[/hide]

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Mine was when i went to a water park, and was going to go down some "rapids" where you are supposed to have tubes... it`s just that to be "cool", you have to go the first part with a tube so the lifeguard doesn't notice, then let the tube go down first and ride the rest of the way like a slide... :shame: anyway, i made it to the bottom, but then i got sucked under. the end pool was full of tubes, and i was under a place with a solid ceiling of tubes above me... i ended up trying to push someone off their tube so i could try to get through.. but they got mad and pushed me under again. eventually i found an empty tube and got out there...

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When my mom had a brain aneurysm and fell out of the bed(I thought she was sleeping on the floor), and my dad drove me to the hospital and said "Mommy could die". That sent me into an absolute fit. 1 or 2 days later, my mom's death was cold hard reality.



4x Phat owner: Blue, Green, 2x Purple


3100+ GWD bosses soloed.

Solo GWD Drops:

5 Bandos Plates, 4 Bandos Boots, 3 Bandos Hilts, 2 Arma Helms, Arma Skirt, Arma Plate, 3 Arma Hilts, 4 Zammy Spears, Steam Staff, 15 Sara Swords, 6 Sara Hilts, 29 Shards.

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when my two friends were high and i was with them (didnt do it that night) they started spray painting stuff on our old school and some car saw and he got out of his car and chased us. we all split up "running for our lives" and coincidentally ran into eachother like 4 mins later and went back to his house where i was sleeping over.



[Admin Edit: Attempting to publicly humiliate a user in your signature is inappropriate]


Quit Runescape... Dec 2001 - Jan 2008 on and off... mostly off.

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I put my foot into a high rpm motorcycle wheel and it cut off two of my toes. There was so much blood everywhere I thought i was gonna die.


At least you have some fun stories. That you will make up. Involving a bear and you saving a family from it.




The Royal Gorge bridge was scary as [bleep], as I remember it. Winds were reaching about 60 miles an hour, and it's a suspension bridge (one of the highest from the ground, if not the highest). People were told to get off the bridge, so we went to the side that would be trapped if it blew away in the breeze. There was also a little ride there, that went within a few inches of the bridge and cliffs.




I did not lol.




Also, the people in my town are terrible drivers (as are my parents), so I'm used to just sitting in the back and sliding around.




I am not making it up. I was riding behind and my dad was driving it. I sorta dozed off and my foot went into the wheel. Hours of surgery to reattach it.

100% F2P

85 Mining achieved on Dec 4, 2007

85 Smithing achieved on May 28, 2009


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I literally ran into a wall at age 4 and was gushing blood out of my head, then when i got there i was binded in some blue thing and couldn't move at all as they stiched up my head. Runner-up is falling on a treadmill...which was all the way against the wall. It was a freaking death-trap I tell ya! :x

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I was almost kid-napped in my own neighberhood, I was riding my bike, (I was around 12) , this guy comes out of his house and says "hey get out of my neighborhood!" (Obviously he was drunk) so he gets in his car and follows me. but I quickly ride to my house and hid behind my moms car. I saw him looking looking both ways is if he was looking for me, and he had this some sort of gun in his hand. I don't know a thing about guns. Looked like just a pistol but scared the [cabbage] out of me.


When I was 14 some pedo tried to get me in his car with candy, a bit old for that.. I flipped him off and threatened to call the cops if he didn't get away.. (it was crowded so no getting out of the car and trying anything)Left but I called the cops anyway. Wasn't really scared though... If he had a gun on the other hand that would have been a different story.

Your name is "bet you fail", and you're starting a business with your mom? I'm not even going to touch that.....
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I put my foot into a high rpm motorcycle wheel and it cut off two of my toes. There was so much blood everywhere I thought i was gonna die.


At least you have some fun stories. That you will make up. Involving a bear and you saving a family from it.




The Royal Gorge bridge was scary as [bleep], as I remember it. Winds were reaching about 60 miles an hour, and it's a suspension bridge (one of the highest from the ground, if not the highest). People were told to get off the bridge, so we went to the side that would be trapped if it blew away in the breeze. There was also a little ride there, that went within a few inches of the bridge and cliffs.




I did not lol.




Also, the people in my town are terrible drivers (as are my parents), so I'm used to just sitting in the back and sliding around.




I am not making it up. I was riding behind and my dad was driving it. I sorta dozed off and my foot went into the wheel. Hours of surgery to reattach it.


I meant you could make up a heroic war story. For the ladies.

catch it now so you can like it before it went so mainstream

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My eye operation. Why? Well you see not only I was awake during the entire thing but the anesthetic used was a special one (I was given the choice between local anesthetic and this special eye-drop anesthetic which was beneficial but more risky, I chose the latter) so that the muscles wouldn't be paralyzed and could still move. Translation: I could feel the pressure and the tension as the knife went behind my eye, as it fixed the muscle and as the thread closed up the wound. The worst moment was seeing the knife get closer and closer to the eye till I felt it.


So you could still move your eye during it? What if you twitched it by accident while they had the knife in there?




About 5 or 6 years ago when I was in Italy, the house across the street caught fire. It was quite the conflagration. I think it spread to the house next to it, too. My house was filling with smoke so we had to evacuate and go to my mom's friend's place until it was over, and there was the chance that it could spread to ours, too.


Command the Murderous Chalices! Drink ye harpooners! drink and swear, ye men that man the deathful whaleboat's bow- Death to Moby Dick!



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So you could still move your eye during it? What if you twitched it by accident while they had the knife in there?




Yep, it was done so that we could test my vision after the operation (I had double-vision on one side as well as a few other things due to a muscle not working correctly) to ensure that it was, in fact, corrected. As for twitching? Well this weird thing was placed over my eye to keep it open, still I was asked to look up during the operation so that he could reach the muscles and I don't wanna know what would happen if I suddenly moved down. :ohnoes:

76th to reach 99 Construction on 6th of February 2007

379th to reach 99 Runecrafting on 4th of November 2007



Finally the secrets of goal achieving are revealed! (give my guide a read :^_^: )

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I was mountain climbing once at 3 in the morning (Guides said so we could catch the sunrise), and the bit we were climbing was smooth rock angling downward, we had to hold on to a rope there.




Then all of a sudden the guy in front of me slips on the ice on the rocks and since he's still holding onto the rope we all get dragged along and we start sliding toward the edge, and at night and 3km above the ground what was over the edge was just a big black abyss, like falling off into space.




I was so convinced I was going to fall off to my death and die a messy splat at the foot the mountain! :shock: But the guides managed to haul all six of us up by pulling the ropes up. :)

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when i was mugged by a drunk guy with a knife on my way home from school 2 years ago... well i think he was drunk. he was all steady, swaying etc and his speech was slurred. i lived in a bad area tho, so i always had a knife with me, even at school.


he asked for my phone and wallet. as i "looked" for them i pulled my knifes blade out, spun around and sliced the bicep of his knife arm. want a deep cut, but it would leave a scar.




i was terrorfied at first...till he was grabbing his arm and swearing

I'm gonna be walking down an alley in varrock, and walka is going to walk up to me in a trench coat and say "psst.. hey man, wanna buy some sara brew"

walka92- retired with 99 in attack, strength, defence, health, magic, ranged, prayer and herblore and 137 combat. some day i may return to claim 138 combat, but alas, that time has not yet come

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Probably when the car i was in was involved in a crash. Basically, the guy in the van behind us was too busy trying to change CD in the player to notice our car slow down for traffic pulling out of a side road. He went into the back of our car at just under 60mph and managed to write off his own car. The rear of our car was pretty wrecked, luckily no-one was in the rear seats as the Police who came said if anyone had been in the back it could have been potentially fatal. No-one was seriously hurt, the guy who hit us was treated for shock and me and my Uncle, who was driving, were just a little shaken up.




Another one, although not really terrifying but bloody painful, was when i was shot in the shoulder by some idiots with an air rifle on my way home through the park. One trip to A&E later, where the nurse removed the pellet without any anaesthetic (She said she had numbed my shoulder however, i felt everything) and it was probably the single most painful thing i've ever experienced.

It isn't in the castle, It isn't in the mist, It's a calling of the waters, As they break to show, The new Black Death, With reactors aglow, Do you think your security, Can keep you in purity, You will not shake us off above or below

Scottish friction

Scottish fiction

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I was crossing the road to my friends house and a speeding car came and practically ripped my tire off. His car got dent, so he turned around, got out ther car, held me by shirt and went to my house. My dad beat him up for touching me. I was 10.




When I was 9 our t.v. was an a china thing and it had glass window things you closed. I ran through it and it shattered in pieces and I didn't get one scratch.




The same road the guy held me by my shirt i was crossing with my bike I got hit by a car, luckily only my arm.

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One time when I was running, this HUGE rottweiler/german shepherd jumped out from a corner and tried to bite to me, but missed by about an inch. So ,naturally, I sprinted as fast as I could and tried to create some angles to get away. Luckily when I crossed the street a bunch old people in a mini van were speeding in the neighborhood and hit the dog as they slammed on their brakes. The dog got up and trotted away, and I was safe. Shame the dog wasn't killed though, hate to have some kid be attacked by it.

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I lead quite a boring life. And I live in the UK, earthquakes are unheard of lol.


A few months ago, in the middle of the night my bed started shaking violently and everything was going crazy!


It's the first time I've ever experienced an earthquake and was probably the scariest moment of my life :ohnoes:




I don't get scared easily, but to date, that was definatly my worst. I was pale white and literally [cabbage]ting myself :lol:




It's quite interesting reading other people's terrifying moments, good idea for a thread! :thumbsup:

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