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Runescape being of use in real life.


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to be honest runescape has never helped me in real life at all


I was always academically gifted, and had very good maths and English grades, and since i only started playing after my education i saw no improvement caused by runescape and I have always been fast and accurate on the keyboard


in fact, i found it was detrimental to me, seeing as it caused me to start using abbreviations, and net speak in some instances and thus caused me to make more typing errors in reports for college and work (mostly 2-3 am when i had deadlines to meet and was tired)


but i still play for the group of friends i made throughout my time on runescape, and have started to resist the urge of abbreviations in runescape, therefore improving my typing skills once more, so no lasting harm done ::'




It really shows, the way you can't start sentences with capitals and your "i"'s are just perfect. Don't say your smart if you can't obey a rules that most of us learnt at 5.

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Good question. It learned me to talk english.


lol not type english cause I suck at that mostly.


But most words I can translate when my class doesn't have a clue about what the teacher is talkig.


I'm Dutch irl Btw ::'


Also, Like what is steel made from. I knew it was iron and coal.


Only the difference irl is that the most of steel is made out of iron not coal.


so that kinda was not good :roll:




HaHa. Well for the rest.


I'm a no-lifer and play to much runescape. that's why my results at school are bad.


BUt on the other hand, when I make homework and woodcut at the same time. It sure helps me


You know, it is stimulating. ;)


I dunno why.


HaHa my text looks like [cabbage] Probably. but i'm Glad to share you this IRL moments.






Rs also taught me more about computers.! I didn't played a lot on a computer before runescape.but now with some friends or what ever.


You know geek friends :geek: . They talk about it all the time, the newest pc's and what ever. its fun to listen and I'm understanding a lot of things right now.






Well Thank you for reading lol


Ciao Ilufyou..


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angel2w.gifThank you Hawkxs For the awesome siggy!

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to be honest runescape has never helped me in real life at all


I was always academically gifted, and had very good maths and English grades, and since i only started playing after my education i saw no improvement caused by runescape and I have always been fast and accurate on the keyboard


in fact, i found it was detrimental to me, seeing as it caused me to start using abbreviations, and net speak in some instances and thus caused me to make more typing errors in reports for college and work (mostly 2-3 am when i had deadlines to meet and was tired)


but i still play for the group of friends i made throughout my time on runescape, and have started to resist the urge of abbreviations in runescape, therefore improving my typing skills once more, so no lasting harm done ::'




It really shows, the way you can't start sentences with capitals and your "i"'s are just perfect. Don't say your smart if you can't obey a rules that most of us learnt at 5.










The stars are matter, we're matter, but it doesn't matter.

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to be honest runescape has never helped me in real life at all


I was always academically gifted, and had very good maths and English grades, and since i only started playing after my education i saw no improvement caused by runescape and I have always been fast and accurate on the keyboard


in fact, i found it was detrimental to me, seeing as it caused me to start using abbreviations, and net speak in some instances and thus caused me to make more typing errors in reports for college and work (mostly 2-3 am when i had deadlines to meet and was tired)


but i still play for the group of friends i made throughout my time on runescape, and have started to resist the urge of abbreviations in runescape, therefore improving my typing skills once more, so no lasting harm done ::'




It really shows, the way you can't start sentences with capitals and your "i"'s are just perfect. Don't say your smart if you can't obey a rules that most of us learnt at 5.


Wow...you really are sharp eyed, well to be fair, that comes down to using word processors too much, they have habit of auto capitalizing I's mid sentence, and the start of new sentences :|


Anyway I hope this is better for you :P


And at least I don't use net speak for all forum posts, like i have seen many people do before


Also one last point, I will say I'm smart, because I am smart, you don't get the grades I managed in school and college for being dumb -.- , but if you judge smartness on missing a few capitalized I's, then be my guest.


Nicely done with that 'your' though =D> ::'

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Runescape has helped me think more logicly in life :)




Really helps when it comes to tests/designing programs in computing.




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Runescape has helped me to relax in my spare time. Yea sometimes i play a little competitively but most of the time its relaxing. Its not like the other games I play which are usually fps. They are fun but hardly relaxing even with friends.

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Typing- I seriously uber-failed in all the typing classes I had to take in elementary school, but when I started playing RS and had to type all the time, my skills drastically improved.




Friends- I met this kid in a tennis class a while back, and we became friends almost immediately. However, he was going to move away that summer. He mentioned that he had a RS account, and I gave him mine. We've been best friends ever since, which would have been much less likely without the help of this wonderfully addicting game. I've also made 5 good friends online alone.




Others- We were having a pre-test in my Sol. Studies class, and one of the questions asked us to describe a scimitar. I was one of the two people who got it right (the other being one of my friends who is obsessed with ye olde weapons).




It's actually very helpful in real life. Managing money is another of the skills I've learned (no joke.)





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RuneScape has really helped me in my ability to type faster. Before RuneScape i would only type around 30 wpm but now i can hit close to 80. Im rather pleased with that.




Also, RuneScpae has helped me in understanding C++ (one of the many types of computer programming) as i wish to become a software engineer when i grow up

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It's taught me how to ignore people for hours on end. Other than that I can't say I've learned much.




Tif on the other hand has taught me a lot. I guess you could say that I learned it from Runescape since I would never be here if it wasn't for Runescape.




On a side-note: I'm amazed how many people here actually have friends who play Runescape. Everyone I knew who played quit 3 or so years ago.

[bleep] the law, they can eat my dick that's word to Pimp

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OK I've actually got a few now:




TIF taught me to read everything thoroughly before responding, I've been embaressed a couple of times from not doing that before lol.




Not getting scammed I guess. Back when it was possible that is. Know the market before you invest.




Reading graphs? Kinda easy anyways but meh. ;)


Thanks to Quarra for the awesome sig!

Xbox360 Gamertag = Tintin113

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you learn 2 tlk g00d leiks wot i's do!






Only improvements i see are a interesting and understanding of a model econemy effectilly. I seem to have better confidience some how #-o . No idea how that works and incredible patients (woo 94 rc) and fast typing skills.




On a side note playing RS saved me money in real life due to not needing to buy a new 360 game or the like every few months.

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Runescape certainly impacted my relationship with seveal of my students, in real life. I teach high school. One day, just prior to my daily U.S. History lecture, I shared some "vacation" photos I took over Spring Break. They were really screenshots of my RS character in various locations, doing various tasks. I meant it as a welcome back to school gag. To my surprise, nearly a third of my students were RS players. My reputation, among those students, hit an all-time high. By lunch time, that same day, nearly all of the remaining student in my school that played, came to my class to see my "vacation" photos. The only downside to all of this, I often have to go "private" when playing RS so that I can actually get something done! :)



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Yes, as a matter of fact it did help me in real life...


Today, for example, in my graphic communications class my teacher asked what a disclaimer was and my had shot up... i felt weird because i was the youngest in my class and i was the only one that new....




but all in all... Yes It does !!!



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I can't say it's helped me particularly with typing and that, I was a good typer before I came on Runescape thanks to being a part of other forums for a few years before playing it. I know it's helped my friend though in science when they were asked what copper and steel were made of. ::'




Me and him have also spent ages applying maths to Runescape. Timing how long it takes to do a certain task, figuring how many times you could do it within half an hour, an hour, how much profit you make. I can't say it's helpful really, but it's definately a good use for maths and I've found it rather interesting, doing those things on a regular basis has made times when I actually need to do them, much easier ^_^


I edit for the [Tip.It Times]. I rarely write in [My Blog]. I am an [Ex-Moderator].

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The main thing that RuneScape has taught me is doing basic math in my head. With the constant calculating of exp per hour, money spent, how to save money etc. Also, it shows how to manage your time well to get the most out of every minute/hour/day.




Yep, same here.


I do a lot of basic calculations in my head too, and rates of anything is what Iv become very good at lately.


Also, my typing speed has improved almost ten fold since when I started, and, Iv been able to formulate sentences better and use better words from just using forums and having to talk to different types of people.




I laughed when I read that due to the lack of punctuation and the one spelling mistake, irony ftw.




Sadly, I have never used any knowledge from rs. I actually knew how to make bronze before I started runescape, any college level world history class goes semi in depth into a few topics that runescape touches on, namely metallurgy.


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I know there have been a few times that RS knowledge has helped me out IRL, but I can't remember any of them... :roll:




However, one incredibly useful real life thing that RS has taught me is how to type! When I started playing RS I was a very slow typer, and I now can type faster than most people I know IRL! ::'






same :twss:








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Thanks Pendonub for fancy new sig

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Loyal player since May 2005 and member since November 2005 and Tifer for many years


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