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Favorite thing about the opposite sex?


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Confidence, posture, voice and hazel eyes. It helps to have good sense of fashion and be a good hugger. I like that I can tell guys things I can't tell girls because they're less spiteful. Finally, I'm 5"5 .5 so I prefer someone a bit taller than me, like where their chin is my eyes in height.





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This thread is most definitely deserving of a bump - especially on Christmas Day.


I find girls who can illustrate intelligence and strong personality extremely attractive for some reason. The weird part is - I don't even understand it - 'why?'


Is it possible that the mind could be considered a physical factor of attractiveness?




It reminds me of this sketch




I think it's because context quite literally changes the way we see things.


Imagine you see a breathtaking woman, wind fluttering through her curly brown hair, a cute face, and a fit body. Then you see a child come up to her and say, "Grandma!" Suddenly, she's not so breathtaking. If I find out an attractive girl is a real [bleep], it magically turns her physical attractiveness down a couple notches.

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First off, height... I don't know why, but every girl taller than 170 cm's (I don't know how much it is for you 'muricans) is a lot hotter than shorter ones. Might be because I am 200 cm's tall myself.

I have only ever fallen for one girl, whose personality was exactly the opposite of mine = chatty, shining, happy all the time, random (I don't know a better word, maybe spontaneous?), had boatloads of friends.

Well, that said, she actually is similar to me in 2 ways = we both had a really rough childhood and she is actually really quiet when not in the company of friends.

And well, I really think the face is important as well. It is the gateway to anywhere.



So I've noticed this thread's regulars all follow similar trends.


RPG is constantly dealing with psycho exes.

Muggi reminds us of the joys of polygamy.

Saq is totally oblivious to how much chicks dig him.

I strike out every other week.

Kalphite wages a war against the friend zone.

Randox pretty much stays rational.

Etc, etc


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To have strong passion for their subject/career/beliefs - i.e. to show that they actually care enough about their beliefs or current affairs, and illustrating their passion in their particular field of work or study shows a level of intelligence. I find it extremely difficult to converse with someone who frankly doesn't have a damn clue what you care about, or talk about, or even what they care about. It's awkward for both parties when a girl fakes a smile/laugh, too. Air-headedness is one of the most immediate turnoffs I can think of, short of being a dude - and it's easy to give the wrong impression by overusing text-speak, which I frankly find annoying. If fitting the dumb-blonde stereotype knocks down someone's physical attractiveness by a few notches, the opposite would happen if they fit a smart girl stereotype. I think the limits on this would be difficult to establish though, since being overly devout may give the impression of arrogance instead.


A positive energy/vibe is a must; Who wants to talk to a girl who always seems like she's got the sads? It's frankly depressing and simply an exploitation of human empathy in all honesty.


Absolutely no drama, and to adopt the realist philosophy; The epitome of relationship struggles almost certainly involves a level of dramatization. It may be for the attention that ultimately ensues, but one could only speculate. If the girl has anger issues; consult a psychiatrist. It's a simple no to me. I'd say that adopting the realist philosophy by being completely realistic about expectations is essential for life in general; it's better to expect and prepare for the worse, where everything more is a bonus as opposed to be disappointed when life shows them that life is a [bleep] with the inflated expectations. This point goes hand in hand with having the sads, as mentioned above.


To be a good listener, as opposed to being the reverse stereotype; I think it's important in any meaningful relationship that both participants are good listeners. It's often an overlooked aspect, and some girls feel an overwhelming sense of entitlement to be the dominant partner.


To not be an overindulgent brat (is there a better way to phrase this...?); To have an appreciation and respect for items given out of courtesy, as opposed to only caring about the monetary value of the gifts. It's unrealistic to expect all expenses paid lavish restaurants, cinemas, pubs and shops. It's important to show that one cares enough that the girl would fork some money over too. If that's impossible, then maybe it's near the tipping point of a financially abusive relationship (I presume this is without a prior agreement).


No gossip; It's frustrating to see intricate details of one's personal life (whether true or false) posted jokingly on Facebook, or any other social media. It doesn't even matter if it goes word of mouth; It's grossly insensitive and simply deplorable.


Confidence; If you don't have any to initiate discussion, that's okay, I can empathize. If you don't have any throughout an entire relationship, or during a long discussion, then there's a problem.


To be real; Just to elaborate on the point brought up earlier, I can list several things that I often see girls doing: overusing makeup in a way that hides their true beauty, adopting a fake persona in an attempt to converse with someone, to be pretentious or conceited in a vain attempt to look 'smart', to be attention whorish (more annoying than fake, but still), to falsely suggest sensitivity, enjoyment, and respectfulness, etc. I don't think there's anything much more frustrating than to learn that your friend/partner only pretended to be a person that they weren't; it just says to me 'The person who you thought you connected is a fabricated perception, and nothing more'


Empathy; We're all human, and we all mess up - there's no doubt about it. An important thing that many people fail to do is to gain a level of understanding in the relationship; it's more important to overcome an obstacle than to be stifled and trapped in the idea of failure. Compassion is similar.


To have few or no anxieties, fears, insecurities, etc; I think this goes hand in hand with self-esteem and self-confidence. To reiterate the point above; It seems almost pointless to even converse with a girl with the sads.


I think the physical aspects to be extremely easy to decipher; You'd either like flat stomachs or muscular stomachs, hourglass shaped or pear shaped bodies, big busts or small busts, curly hair or smooth hair, etc. I see it as superficial to judge a girl as a person, and as a potential date on the basis of looks. This isn't to say that it ought to be disregarded, but I feel too many people take beauty too far and don't bring enough to the table after initiating discussion. I personally prefer the girl next door look as opposed to the porn-star look, but I understand this is a matter of personal taste.


Ultimately, a girl with looks but an abrasive personality just won't suffice. It goes beyond the realm of sexual attraction; it's the psychological, emotional attraction that's truly appealing.


I could write an entire essay on the subject, but I think it may be a good idea to end now. How do you guys feel about it?


EDIT - Heh, just a page back I could see the stark contrast between my perceptions of women. It's funny how time changes everything.


EDIT II - I've tried to make this post a little more coherent. I'll continue doing so later.

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I hate it that the quote system has been replaced... Was a lot simpler before, but I don't know the current commands... :D

Strong passion for their subject/career/beliefs - i.e. to show that they actually care enough about their beliefs or current affairs, and illustrating their passion in their particular field of work or study shows intelligence. I find it extremely difficult to converse with someone who frankly doesn't have a damn clue what you care about, or talk about, and fakes a smile or laughter (raising awkwardness a bit too).


Totally agree with you. But there also must be some similarities between the passions of us, otherwise I find it hard to speak about anything.


To be a good listener, as opposed to be reverse stereotype


Well, about that, it doesn't work out if both 2 are truly only the listener types or so... Someone has to take the initiative and take the conversations to some course, otherwise awkwardness ensues. At least in my nearly non-existant experience. :wink:


No gossip; It's frustrating to see intricate details of one's personal life (whether true or false) posted jokingly on Facebook, or any other social media. It doesn't even matter if it goes word of mouth; It's grossly insensitive and simply deplorable.


Managed to meet some like this. There's nothing I hate more than my personal stuff being randomly talked about. Case in point: After a night out with a friend of a friend during the next 2 weeks I got asked nearly every day "How is it going between you 2?". Fun fact is, there was one person in the world who knew of this besides us 2. And that friend of a friend comes from a middle of nowhere and doesn't know anyone I know besides that mutual friend(or should I know say ex-friend after events of last night).


Confidence; If you don't have any to initiate discussion, that's okay, I can empathize. If you don't have any throughout an entire relationship, or discussion, then that's not okay.


I don't know anyone who has as many issues with that as I have, so probably not gonna be a problem with me. :lol:


I think you hit the nail with the opinion on looks. The opinions on this are as many as there are people who have an opinion and physical preferences are 100% personal.

My only requirements on looks basically are that must be over 165 cm's and quite flat/muscled tummy, me likes no fat. Meaning quite similar in appearance to myself.



So I've noticed this thread's regulars all follow similar trends.


RPG is constantly dealing with psycho exes.

Muggi reminds us of the joys of polygamy.

Saq is totally oblivious to how much chicks dig him.

I strike out every other week.

Kalphite wages a war against the friend zone.

Randox pretty much stays rational.

Etc, etc


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I guess this could go here and in the Things that annoy you thread, but I would definitely not date a girl who loved going out and getting wasted at parties/clubs. That's trouble waiting to happen.


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I love a girl who likes going out to clubs/parties. I like dancing kind of a lot, so i always like to go for a girl who enjoys dancing too. Personally i would not mind of we did it every weekend.

I don't like girls who drink a lot though.

My ex used to never drink (pretty much the same as me) and one night she went to a party a bit earlier than i did. By the time i got there her friends had gotten her drunk. She kissed me. Eww...

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On a physical level, Its the smile. A girl that smiles with both her mouth and eyes has driven my attention span from 40% to 110%.


(Now don't get me wrong though, I am still a guy so My eyes might still wonder to the assets every now and then, but my excuse is that its a primal reflex)



On a more mental level, I love A playful non- everyday makeup/frilly/bag obsessed/, but relatively smart girl. (dunno if that type is a cliche)


I mean a little makeup is ok, if they want to...but don't dive into a pool of mascara and blush lol. Quite a few girls look much better without make-up but they have yet to realize that.


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Quite a few girls look much better without make-up but they have yet to realize that.



Personally, I think a lot of guys who says all girls look better with no make-up have never truly seen them without any. Now I'm not saying they look bad without it, and I'm definitely not a fan of caked on makeup, but makeup, when subtle and done correctly, can always be a good improvement.

I'm not saying you guys do, but a lot of guys I know somehow associated any makeup with being a [bleep], which is just ridiculous.

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There are definitely some who look better without. I 'knew' one girl who would only wear eyelash and so little blush I had to ask if she wore makeup. Later in the year when she woke up next to me she actually looked better - whether it was because I was an idiot who thought her shit smelled of roses or not is up to you to decide. I also had to laugh (silently, to myself) when she actually tried putting on more makeup to look better... it was a trainwreck.


My new favourite thing about girls is the ass. Ever since yesterday in fact, when three hotties were working out in booty shorts so short that part of their asses hung out. I felt like I was in a game show trying not to get a boner while doing my abdominals *right* behind them working out their asses (bent over, doing the leg motion). But now that I think of it, if theyre allowed waltzing around with those things loose, I should at least be allowed sporting a semi. Ah well.

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I see makeup as analogous to pizza toppings. If you overdo it, you'll ruin it. It's probably a terrible analogy though.

I like it, actually.


Make-up is fantastic - hell, it was designed to please the male's eyes.

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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Well-fitted make-up looks amazing, as seen on models and such, but the fact is most girls don't know how to do it well and just overuse it. That's why I prefer girls with just a little or no make-up.



So I've noticed this thread's regulars all follow similar trends.


RPG is constantly dealing with psycho exes.

Muggi reminds us of the joys of polygamy.

Saq is totally oblivious to how much chicks dig him.

I strike out every other week.

Kalphite wages a war against the friend zone.

Randox pretty much stays rational.

Etc, etc


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Quite a few girls look much better without make-up but they have yet to realize that.



Personally, I think a lot of guys who says all girls look better with no make-up have never truly seen them without any. Now I'm not saying they look bad without it, and I'm definitely not a fan of caked on makeup, but makeup, when subtle and done correctly, can always be a good improvement.

I'm not saying you guys do, but a lot of guys I know somehow associated any makeup with being a [bleep], which is just ridiculous.

This. If the makeup is done right, most people wouldn't be able to tell your wearing any at all.

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On a physical level, Its the smile. A girl that smiles with both her mouth and eyes has driven my attention span from 40% to 110%.


(Now don't get me wrong though, I am still a guy so My eyes might still wonder to the assets every now and then, but my excuse is that its a primal reflex)



On a more mental level, I love A playful non- everyday makeup/frilly/bag obsessed/, but relatively smart girl. (dunno if that type is a cliche)


I mean a little makeup is ok, if they want to...but don't dive into a pool of mascara and blush lol. Quite a few girls look much better without make-up but they have yet to realize that.


Gotta almost completely agree with this one, but I don`t know I kinda like legs on a girl...

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  • 2 weeks later...

I kinda like legs on a girl...

As Jerry Seinfeld once said, "Why would I be a leg man? I've got legs." :lol:


Still, I've got to agree. There's nothing quite like a nice pair of legs on a girl. <3:



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So, Kaida is the real version of every fictional science-badass? That explains a lot, actually...

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