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3rd Age/Spirit shields/Phats Discussion


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I think you really did well there -- reds seem to be going well under 1.3, so unless yellows have really crashed, this was nice for you.



I'm not trying to sound like I'm stalking you but like almost every of your post in this thread is bashing red partyhats

as if you have a grudge against them. I went into Epic Rares cc and saw that someone DGed his red for yellow + 285m

+ full dharoks and bgs. Thats ~301m. So considering 260m is what you think a "well decision", you should honestly

stop trying to manipulate prices. :-w


May i say, Owned?

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I think you really did well there -- reds seem to be going well under 1.3, so unless yellows have really crashed, this was nice for you.



I'm not trying to sound like I'm stalking you but like almost every of your post in this thread is bashing red partyhats

as if you have a grudge against them. I went into Epic Rares cc and saw that someone DGed his red for yellow + 285m

+ full dharoks and bgs. Thats ~301m. So considering 260m is what you think a "well decision", you should honestly

stop trying to manipulate prices. :-w


Is that the case? Or are you are you simply jumping onto one example? I had my red in the G.E. for 3 hours at 1270M, then I put it down to 1260M...still nothing. I was getting petty offers in world 2 for it. 260M + Yellow - at that moment - was a good deal.


If you were in World 2 last night or early today...One thing you would have noticed is that there was the odd seller of a hat that wasn't red. Last night there was 6/7 people trying to sell reds, legitimately.

RIP Michaelangelopolous

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I think you really did well there -- reds seem to be going well under 1.3, so unless yellows have really crashed, this was nice for you.



I'm not trying to sound like I'm stalking you but like almost every of your post in this thread is bashing red partyhats

as if you have a grudge against them. I went into Epic Rares cc and saw that someone DGed his red for yellow + 285m

+ full dharoks and bgs. Thats ~301m. So considering 260m is what you think a "well decision", you should honestly

stop trying to manipulate prices. :-w

Is that the case? Or are you are you simply jumping onto one example? I had my red in the G.E. for 3 hours at 1270M, then I put it down to 1260M...still nothing. I was getting petty offers in world 2 for it. 260M + Yellow - at that moment - was a good deal.


If you were in World 2 last night or early today...One thing you would have noticed is that there was the odd seller of a hat that wasn't red. Last night there was 6/7 people trying to sell reds, legitimately.



That moment was just one sample. It doesn't really mean that reds are crashing so in theory, you're contradicting yourself. If people kept on selling reds every day for 5 days or longer, THEN we can predict that reds are going to drop because it's a bigger sample. Anyways. You can go ahead and look at forums if you want to. Yellows aren't doing as great as reds anymore just to let you know. ;) Taken from one thread: "Selling Yellow 990m."

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Oh of course - I know they are all dropping, but the yellow's something I don't particularly plan on selling - or profiting from. I just wanted to get rid of the red. And I'm taking the last days of being in World 2 as examples, last night however was just...More than usual. And I think the span of a few hours, observing more than one subject, is a little more to go on than one subject within a shorter period of time.

RIP Michaelangelopolous

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I think you really did well there -- reds seem to be going well under 1.3, so unless yellows have really crashed, this was nice for you.



I'm not trying to sound like I'm stalking you but like almost every of your post in this thread is bashing red partyhats

as if you have a grudge against them. I went into Epic Rares cc and saw that someone DGed his red for yellow + 285m

+ full dharoks and bgs. Thats ~301m. So considering 260m is what you think a "well decision", you should honestly

stop trying to manipulate prices. :-w


I don't usually respond to pc products, but I'll make an exception for you. I've got nothing against red. All phats are going down, and red has gone down the most (on a percentage basis). I didn't know that you owned a red and wouldn't care anyway. When items are crashing like phats have been, prices will be all over the place. If the trade you referenced actually happened, which I doubt, then that just means someone got robbed, cause I could have bought reds all day for 1.25. If anyone's manipulating here, it's you. I'm not even in the partyhat market atm.

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I think you really did well there -- reds seem to be going well under 1.3, so unless yellows have really crashed, this was nice for you.



I'm not trying to sound like I'm stalking you but like almost every of your post in this thread is bashing red partyhats

as if you have a grudge against them. I went into Epic Rares cc and saw that someone DGed his red for yellow + 285m

+ full dharoks and bgs. Thats ~301m. So considering 260m is what you think a "well decision", you should honestly

stop trying to manipulate prices. :-w


I don't usually respond to pc products, but I'll make an exception for you. I've got nothing against red. All phats are going down, and red has gone down the most (on a percentage basis). I didn't know that you owned a red and wouldn't care anyway. When items are crashing like phats have been, prices will be all over the place. If the trade you referenced actually happened, which I doubt, then that just means someone got robbed, cause I could have bought reds all day for 1.25. If anyone's manipulating here, it's you. I'm not even in the partyhat market atm.


Pc product? What the hell?



Three months banishment to 9gag is something i would never wish upon anybody, not even my worst enemy.

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I think you really did well there -- reds seem to be going well under 1.3, so unless yellows have really crashed, this was nice for you.



I'm not trying to sound like I'm stalking you but like almost every of your post in this thread is bashing red partyhats

as if you have a grudge against them. I went into Epic Rares cc and saw that someone DGed his red for yellow + 285m

+ full dharoks and bgs. Thats ~301m. So considering 260m is what you think a "well decision", you should honestly

stop trying to manipulate prices. :-w


I don't usually respond to pc products, but I'll make an exception for you. I've got nothing against red. All phats are going down, and red has gone down the most (on a percentage basis). I didn't know that you owned a red and wouldn't care anyway. When items are crashing like phats have been, prices will be all over the place. If the trade you referenced actually happened, which I doubt, then that just means someone got robbed, cause I could have bought reds all day for 1.25. If anyone's manipulating here, it's you. I'm not even in the partyhat market atm.


Pc product? What the hell?

I said the same thing. lolwut...

61,358th to 99 range on May 23rd, 2010.

100,927th to 99 def on February 13th, 2011.



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I really don't see every partyhat reaching over the cash limit. Without the PvP statues coming in as fast as they were GP will continue to become worth more and more. Prices can't hold out forever, and unless Jagex adds more ways for GP to be added to the game everything will eventually even out and slowly decline in price.


Tho with free trade back, the hordes of RWT will also be back. There would more likely be an influx of GP, unless more crackdowns are made on botters/rwters.


I'm just using rough estimates that I can remember over the years now. Each time I check back on RS, I usually check blue phat price..the prices, I'm quite sure, the years, may be off by 1 or even 2, so just correct me if im wrong...


5m - before rs2, 2002 (someone help me with the actual years please)

100m - 2004

500m - 2006

2b - 2007 (i think GE price is ~500m after trade limit, cant remember)

1b - 2008 (street price)

6b - 2010 (street price)

3b - 2011 (street price)


Just wanted to show that blue phat price increases were more significant before trade limits were in place. And even after trade limit, in 3 years, blue phat prices still raised substantially! So now, with free trade back, it wont be too surprising to see blue phat hit 5-6b by next year. And purples might hit 2b if blues are at 6b..

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Chessy got hacked so goodbye to 20 phat sets 1000+ santas and hundreds of masks, disks etc.





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I really don't see every partyhat reaching over the cash limit. Without the PvP statues coming in as fast as they were GP will continue to become worth more and more. Prices can't hold out forever, and unless Jagex adds more ways for GP to be added to the game everything will eventually even out and slowly decline in price.


Tho with free trade back, the hordes of RWT will also be back. There would more likely be an influx of GP, unless more crackdowns are made on botters/rwters.




I can't remember where I heard it at so sorry but no source... Anyways, I heard something about if they catch RWTers then they remove the cash that they bought from the account. I even heard something about if they know you spent the cash on skills, the skills can even be reset. Although, how can they be 100% positive that the money was bought and it wasn't just some friend giving another friend a large chunk of money?


Again though, just something I remember reading a few weeks ago or something, so don't take what I say as fact. Anyone else remember hearing anything like this, or am I just losing it?

99 HP, Attack, Strength, Defence, Summoning, Ranged, Herblore, Prayer, Agility, Magic, Slayer, Fletching, Fishing, Woodcutting, Mining, and Thieving.


Jagex'd out of my untrimmed hp cape on 6/14/2011.

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I can't remember where I heard it at so sorry but no source... Anyways, I heard something about if they catch RWTers then they remove the cash that they bought from the account. I even heard something about if they know you spent the cash on skills, the skills can even be reset. Although, how can they be 100% positive that the money was bought and it wasn't just some friend giving another friend a large chunk of money?


Again though, just something I remember reading a few weeks ago or something, so don't take what I say as fact. Anyone else remember hearing anything like this, or am I just losing it?

You have to be reported for rwt'ing or trade with someone who has been reported. I think they purposefully leave some of the bigger sellers and middlemen unbanned so that they can keep banning their clients.


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Instant buy price.


How dare you acknowledge that Star Fox's partyhat is losing street? Please stop manipulating!


On a serious note, all phats continue to drop. I've been testing the waters for a white -- street appears to be a little above 1.6b. I've heard it insta buys in ge at 1.66.

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Tho with free trade back, the hordes of RWT will also be back. There would more likely be an influx of GP, unless more crackdowns are made on botters/rwters.



This is not bringing in GP into the game though... This is only bringing in more ITEMS... I dont necessarily disagree with you on the fact that party hats will continute to rise (because people will continue to want them... there will be fewer every month due to quitters/random hacks/ and watnot) However, they will soon rise at a slower rate due to the fact that GP is not entering the game at the same rate as it was.


Money coming into game would be from high/low alchs/... selling to General Store, Monster Drops, and the statues which are being dropped at a much lower rate (i could be off).. (there may be other ways.. i was just giving examples)

Donate to S_U__O__M_I !!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Tho with free trade back, the hordes of RWT will also be back. There would more likely be an influx of GP, unless more crackdowns are made on botters/rwters.



This is not bringing in GP into the game though... This is only bringing in more ITEMS... I dont necessarily disagree with you on the fact that party hats will continute to rise (because people will continue to want them... there will be fewer every month due to quitters/random hacks/ and watnot) However, they will soon rise at a slower rate due to the fact that GP is not entering the game at the same rate as it was.


Money coming into game would be from high/low alchs/... selling to General Store, Monster Drops, and the statues which are being dropped at a much lower rate (i could be off).. (there may be other ways.. i was just giving examples)


I agree -- decreased money supply is the only explanation that I can see for the general depression of prices that is going on right now. It's funny how money was literally junk (because it's value was crashing so fast) during the heyday of the 26k trick when cash was gushing into the game. You couldn't offer someone enough cash for a partyhat then -- you had to buy edibles and trade those for the hat. Now the value of gp is coming back, and people are falling over themselves to sell hats for gp. I think that the new armours also are contributing to this. It really is better show off gear than a partyhat right now, PLUS it has kick butt stats. Eventually, everything will reach a new equilibrium (until Jagex does something else to change the whole economic landscape).

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