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12-Apr-2010 - Dungeoneering Skill!


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*Compares this to Minigames. Fits w/ almost all of them in characteristics.*


*Compares to all skills (outside slayer, which I disagree is ANYTHING like this "skill") nothing like them.


*Choses category to put this update->minigame*


Its very nice content. My main caveats are:


1. It seems more like a minigame.


2. The rewards are amazing, but unless the tokens come in faster, or by some other method, at higher levels, you will need a very high dungeon level to buy equipment that is unlocked levels before.


3. It shouldn't be based off XP, but off skill, ability to get to a certain level, clearing levels, etc. More like raiding. Because, in essence, you need to *grind* to get to new content, or so it seems.


You still arent supporting your claims in any way.


You cant just say that this skill SEEMS LIKE a mini game. You have to give support for your arguments in order for them to be valid. You just say "This skill is nothing like other skills." without giving a detailed analysis of the specific features. If this is your argument, I offer you a counter argument "This skill is EXACTLY like other skills." Who can win this way? It isnt a discussion. You need to elaborate.


But honestly, if YOU (just yourself) want to hate the skill because "OMG it feels so liek wrong" then thats fine by me. Not everyone chooses to come up with rationalities to guide their life. Hell, its why religion exists (and is so popular).


But my problem lies with the fact that people are saying that Jagex NEEDS to change the skill, or that the skill IS flawed, or that the skill IS a mini game. If you want to say that YOU THINK it is a mini game, then fine. No ammount of reason or evidence will convince you otherwise since your judgements arent based on anything factual.


I just have a problem when people say this game IS something, or factually NEEDS something, because they are just giving their irrational opinion on the subject and treating it like it is a fact.


Sigh, flame instead of argue logically. I just supported my claims. I said I liked it. However, it fits far more categories that minigames would then skills would.

Jagex also says F2P is NOT a demo. Doesn't mean it isn't.

[hide=Drops]Araxxor Eye x1 Leg pieces x2
GWD: 5000 Addy bar Steam B Staff x3 Z Spear x6 Sara. Hilt x2 Bandos Hilt x2 (LS, Solo)SS x6 (1 LS)
Tormented Demons: Shard x6 Slice x5 Claws x9 Limbs x3
DKS: Archer x21 Warrior x31 Berserker x30 Axe x51[/hide]

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Same here, except I spent time growing potatoes, making mushrooms, made an inventory full of the best food I could get. Next I gathered and sold items to make the best armor I can wear. Finally i went and got a potion and familiar. Then went to fight the boss with this load out.


Lost 120 hp after the entire fight, wasted my time, never bothered with potatoes etc since.

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Well they didn't lie, never been used in another game.


Are you sure? to me it's just like wow's instances :S


youve never played it then

Yes, much, much more like Diablo's dungeons... somewhere between there and mabinogi's dungions.

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Any tips on the puzzle where you have to catch the ferret to open the door? I've tried placing traps everywhere but he just runs through them all.

If it's the one with the fishing spot and the fire, you don't use hunting, you just catch "vile fish" from the fishing spot, cook them, and throw them where you want the ferret to go.

P2P forever!... Or at least 'til <insert excuse here> happens


98% of people have signatures with made up statistics in them. If you're one of the 2% that doesn't, copy this and add it to your signature.

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Any tips on the puzzle where you have to catch the ferret to open the door? I've tried placing traps everywhere but he just runs through them all.

If it's the one with the fishing spot and the fire, you don't use hunting, you just catch "vile fish" from the fishing spot, cook them, and throw them where you want the ferret to go.

Not that one...the one where you have to run around the room and hope to get lucky. No skill required.

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Any tips on the puzzle where you have to catch the ferret to open the door? I've tried placing traps everywhere but he just runs through them all.

If it's the one with the fishing spot and the fire, you don't use hunting, you just catch "vile fish" from the fishing spot, cook them, and throw them where you want the ferret to go.

Not that one...the one where you have to run around the room and hope to get lucky. No skill required.


I'm 99% positive that it's glitched. If you catch him (which, like you said, requires a lot of luck), the door will only open that one time. I found that if I chased him around for five minutes, then spam clicked the door, it let me through.


It's [cabbage], to say the least.


EDIT: Also, I realized later on that I could just use gatestones to get around that room.

To put it bluntly, [bleep] off.

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Oh, and anyone see where agility is at a use?


I'm at level 70 and well... I'm at 100% again just in the time it takes to walk through a door after crossing a room, so not much use there.

I've had a 74 and 85 agil room before

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Somewhere is some faq a j mod posted that making solo dungeons rejoinable is structurally impossible at the moment, and that it was "not important enough" to delay release or remove the possibility to solo, but their developpers are "working on it," whick leads me to believe that some fix *might* be released in a few weeks.

Barrows: 9~2 V Brass,V Flail,2 Dh Plate,V Helm,V Skirt,T Legs,Malevolent Shield DKing: 48~6 W Ring,13 A Ring,8 M Staff,9 S Ring,7 B Ring,3 Seercull
Dragon Drops: 500+~50+ Med,26 Axe,3 Chain,10+ Legs,10+ Spear,2 D2h,10+ L Half,49 Boots,2 DDs,10+ Lump,9 Claws,50+ Dagger,14 Visage,50+ Mace,4 Scimitar,7 Hasta,Baxe,50+ Long,30+ Royal,2 Kite,4 Ward,2 Plate,Staff,Hammer,Limbs, Mattock,Halberd
GWD: 156~4 S Staff,50+ Shard,9 B Tass,13 B Plate,5 B Boots,6 A Plate,11 S Sword,8 A Hilt,4 A Skirt,9 A Helm,S Hilt,3 B Hilt,B Glove,2 A Buckler,Z Ward,Z Garb,2 Z Boots,B Shield,B Helm

Corp: 3~Elysian,2 Sp Sh Nex: 6~Torva Legs,Cere,P cowl,Z bow,2 T boots + GWD2: 9~2 Glaive,Wand,2 Crest,Blade,2 Essence,Core Araxyte: 5~Web,3 Pheromone,Fang + Raids: 4~3 Codex,P Boots  + Trails: 2~Bob Shirt,Fortunate

Etc: 64~3 Sceptre,B Mask,16 Whip,2 Focus Sight,5 D Bow,7 SOL,Ragefire,2 Steadfast,Arma Staff,6 Rider Armor,5 Vine,2 Razorback,2 A Wand,Abby Orb,3 Blood Shard,6 Hydrix,Gland,Asc Xbow
[spoiler=Capes]Quest Cape Aquired 12-7-07 ~ Level 93 + + + Completionist Cape Aquired 5-22-15 ~ Level 138
Hitpoints Cape Aquired 9-21-09 ~ Level 131 + Magic Cape Aquired 9-24-09 Attack Cape Aquired 3-5-10 ~ Level 135 Summoning Cape Aquired 3-12-10

Strength Cape Aquired 6-1-11 ~ Level 137 Fire Cape Aquired 6-23-11 Defence Cape Aquired 7-5-11 + Ranged Cape Aquired 8-1-11 Kiln Cape Aquired 2-26-12 ~ Level 138
Dungeoneering Cape Aquired 4-22-12 + Slayer Cape Aquired 6-25-14 ~ Level 200 + Herblore Cape Acquired 12-9-14 ~ Level 138 Prayer Cape Acquired 12-20-14
Agility Cape Acquired 1-4-15 + Hunter Cape Acquired 1-30-15 Construction Cape Acquired 1-31-15 Crafting Cape Acquired 2-22-15 Thieving Cape Acquired 3-18-15
Runecrafting Cape Acquired 4-14-15 Mining Cape Acquired 4-19-15 Fishing Cape Acquired 4-25-15 Firemaking Cape Acquired 4-26-15 Woodcutting Cape Acquired 4-26-15
Cooking Cape Acquired 4-26-15Smithing Cape Acquired 4-28-15 Farming Cape Acquired 4-29-15 Divination Cape Acquired 5-3-15 Dungeoneering Mastery 5-4-15
Fletching Cape Acquired 5-4-15 Max Cape Acquired 5-4-15 + Invention Cape Acquired 11-9-16 Invention Mastery 5-16-19 + Archaeology Cape Acquired 10-30-20

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Any tips on the puzzle where you have to catch the ferret to open the door? I've tried placing traps everywhere but he just runs through them all.

If it's the one with the fishing spot and the fire, you don't use hunting, you just catch "vile fish" from the fishing spot, cook them, and throw them where you want the ferret to go.

Not that one...the one where you have to run around the room and hope to get lucky. No skill required.


I'm 99% positive that it's glitched. If you catch him (which, like you said, requires a lot of luck), the door will only open that one time. I found that if I chased him around for five minutes, then spam clicked the door, it let me through.


It's [cabbage], to say the least.


EDIT: Also, I realized later on that I could just use gatestones to get around that room.


the first time i came across that room, the ferret was just sitting there in the corner not doing anything. i didn't know what the room was about so i just ran up and caught him... and he didn't move at all. second time was near impossible to even get remotely close and i gave up and left

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Can you cast entangle or something on it?


I hadn't thought of that. I'll try it next time I come across that room.


EDIT: And I still can't log in. <_<


EDIT 2: I can log in on my F2P noob account, though. That's really weird.

To put it bluntly, [bleep] off.

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Quick question... Would I be getting lower experience if I don't kill all the monsters?

[01:24:34] CJ Hunnicutt: it takes skill to be that [bleep]ing stupid

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Quick question... Would I be getting lower experience if I don't kill all the monsters?

Yes, and you get bonus exp for killing them all.

Really? I usually just run through and only kill the ones I need to for guardian doors....guess I should start doing that now.


What is the 'Level Mod' and how does it determine the % multiplier that I get? Sometimes I get -12% and sometimes I get +5%, I'm confused.

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If you can smuggle those items, you could probably smuggle cash/runes. Oh no, another blood rune crash.


I'm pretty sure the runes from the dungeon can't be used with the standard spellbooks or sold on the grand exchange, since they are almost certainly separate items due to the fact that you can bind runes to yourself in the dungeon.

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