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Everything posted by o_knames

  1. I have it. I would have gotten it the day it came out, but for the boots glitch. I've been cutting Yews from 83-86 with it, and I've only seen one person wearing the hat and pants. No other sightings, which I found surprising. I do get a lot of people asking what I'm wearing. Yesterday, someone wanted to buy it, but I'm almost positive it's untradeable. UPDATE: I am now 90 WC and I have seen two other players with full lumberjack.
  2. I can personally attest to the fact that the ring of life works during the fight.
  3. I usually adjust my equipment to the quest requirements. For instance, if a construction level is required, I'm sure to bring a hammer. If the quest page doesn't mention beasts, I don't usually bother with armor.
  4. I probably use Lumbridge basement the most, as it is a one click and close to the home teleport. The only drawbacks are all the players asking why people are standing there (A: can't see it before Recipe for Disaster) or how to get through the wall (A: do The Lost Tribe).
  5. What exactly would a Runescape depression look like? Would a third of the players be out of a job like the Great Depression? I think not. People talk about the Runescape economy crashing, but I haven't seen anything that would convince me of how that would negatively affect the average player. Most items are set alch value or maybe shop price. As long as those things stay the same, the economy will too.
  6. Mine was 'Devious Minds' because I procrastinated on training the smithing requirement. I ended up using a spicy stew to finally get there. And, for the record, I think this is a worthwhile topic.
  7. If I'm not mistaken, Jagex has adjusted drops in the past to account for new updates and the subsequent [bleep]e in demand. It's like changing respawn rates when a new quest comes out involving a particular beast. I'm not saying that's what's going on here, but I do think it's a possibility.
  8. I don't recall Jagex ever saying that this was going to be a life-altering update. I'm sure that I'll use nearly all of the new jewelry from time to time, and I am perfectly content with that.
  9. I was thinking about update days a little while ago and almost posted a topic on it. But since it's been started: It seems to me that, as a business decision, it would be better to release updates closer to the weekend when more players can try them out and enjoy them. I couldn't really think of any compelling reasons why they would do the beginning of the week rather than the end, other than to give them time if they're running behind schedule. I'm sure they have a perfectly sensible reason for doing early-week updates. Does anybody have an explanation?
  10. I don't have a problem with people waiting for other players to die (as long as they're not trying to contribute to the death in some way). The way I see it, it's my responsibility to make sure I don't die. If I do, I deserve to lose my stuff.
  11. I don't really think this affects the discussion, but the respawn rate will probably be lowered now that the quest isn't brand new. I think that's standard practice. I still think there'll be enough outlaws to go around.
  12. Not a lot of people sell on the forums, probably because they get enough buyers without even trying that hard. I'll try hitting the woodcutters directly. Thanks.
  13. I'm trying to buy 2k magic logs, and I'm having trouble finding a market with some action. I know people do trade, but there aren't a whole lot selling in Seer's Village. Is there just not a great market, or does business go on elsewhere? Thanks.
  14. I don't think people should forget the fact that this quest (and other so-called blah updates) might lead to better stuff in the future. I could definitely see the Varrock Secret Guard being involved in an enjoyable and challenging quest sometime down the road. Time and time again, I've seen Jagex insert things into the game far ahead of a significant update that makes it useful. Part of the challenge just might be getting through.
  15. I am currently going for 99 Fletching/Woodcutting/Firemaking. I'll most likely finish fletching first, and I can tell you exactly how I will feel: carpal tunnelly
  16. For some reason I agree with you because my dragon drop rate is horrible, but i get and item from the chest at barrows like 1in 12 even though its always kairls lol. So you both think that drops aren't really random at all; that rare drop rates are somehow different for each player? If that is in fact what you are saying, I would have to disagree with you very strongly. For one, I think your anecdotal evidence is not terribly persuasive. And for twos, I just find it incredibly hard to believe that the gamemakers would have the need or desire to add that particular feature to the game.
  17. I think it's more likely that they're talking about the Dorgeshuun generator than Tears of Guthix. That's just my opinion. It certainly would be more interesting if it were ToG.
  18. Why not raise the hit point threshold from 50 to 100. That would discourage low levels from trying to freeload in a high level world.
  19. Are satchels or fruitbaskets susceptible to ghasts? I never though of protecting food from being rotten like that. It'd be a useful trick to use, I think.
  20. I'm going to go ahead and assume that YouTube has a pretty good hold of copywrite laws. And, if that assumption holds true, then I can't hold it against Jagex for asserting a right under those laws. After all, they're there for a reason.
  21. I think this was an admirable attempt to make Temple Trekking at least slightly worthwhile. I did it for the lumberjack gear, and I'll tell you what, I've got that last-earned token in my bank just itching to be cashed in. But everytime I use the route to get to Burgh de Rott, I get another one. The vicious cycle may catch me every time I need to go to that area.
  22. I've already had that problem. I just told them it was my "woodcutters uniform." I appreciate the little help with XP. The upgrade was pretty timely as I just decided a week or so ago to go for the woodcutting/fletching 99 combo. It didn't take me that long to get the full set and the mini-game wasn't too bad. I got a few hundred bowstrings, which was an especially nice bonus.
  23. I can confirm, more or less. With a load of 28 yews, I averaged 179.29 XP per log. The discrepency is likely just decimals dropped on the start and end XP. It comes out to about 2.5% increase. I'll assume that's the same for other types of logs.
  24. If I recall, and I may be confusing some information, but didn't Eyes of Glouphrie have spies that were sent from the same group that was trying to overthrow the king in Monkey Madness? That seems to be setting up a tie in. If I'm at all correct, I would consider that a sequel. And, even if the mod in charge of Monkey Madness left, I doubt that would be their reason for abandoning the storyline.
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