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Where Have All the Generous People Gone too?


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Why didn't you just kill 4 in the first place :?




These people are just money hogs don't let them get to you. 4 d hide is like 5k or so they are just pathetic people.




your one to talk on this subject...why didnt you just let my bro mine some damn gold ore?




edit: anyways im here. just lent a freind 500 raw monks for him to buy full v




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As i see it: Your a beggar, who didn't want to pay for the goods you desired. I really don't see anything wrong with people working hard to make cash not sharing their wealth.




Secondly, it rather seems that those poor lvl 80s ran into a very unpleasant man, not you.

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I think in this situation your more of the selfish noob than them.




People kill blue drags to make money eg they want to sell the hides for maximum profit




You got annoyed they wouldn't give you 4 items they have "harvested" to sell then killed 24 more dragons then necessary to annoy them.




IMO your foolish for thinking "low" levers killing blue drag for cash from hides would give the hides away and selfish for acting like a child and stealing thier spawn when you didn't get what you want.




Being generous is a two way thing you know.




I've helped many people in my time when they DON'T ask for it.




Eg guy in edge for like 10 mins trying to buy the blue d-hide items I ask him why.He said he needed them for a ttrail.I said oh I've got some blue hides sitting in my bank and can craft thoose items.If you go get the hides tanned and give me a needle and thread I'll make them for you. Traded gave him the hides, carried on flethcing for couple of mins he came back and I made his stuff. Why did Ihelp him where as I'd of ignored you?




He didn't ask to be helped and was merely trying to buy AND when he didn't get his own way after a short convo he didn't act like an immature child to get "revenge"


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Hey, I agree with you all the way, four blue dragon hides is what two minutes to get. You came in being respectful and and wasn't shown any in return. I applaud you for taking all 24 hides. I'm not going to show anybody any respect either if they show none. Looking at your stats I can tell you can be self sufficient, and the fact you took the time to go there to get your own hides says a lot.




I question why you would go there though among the other available locations where it would have been easier to get a kill or just have world hopped, but I understand that you went to the guild because you was off to do your clue and wanted to get the hides as fast as you could.




You asking for a quick two minutes of their time and they refused just over 8 thousand gold is petty, it is common, and to me the ones being the beggars were the ones there who declined his open offer. They were just being arrogant and rude and I have absolutely no respect for anyone using the N word at all in that manner. For as far as they know, he could have rewarded them far greater then what eight hides could have gotten them...I know because I am like that all the time to those who are stand up players.




There are generous people out there still, don't give up the battle and continue fighting the good fight! =D>




Edit: I take your side in thinking even though you gave them what they deserved (not for not giving you the hides but for acting childish)...that you yourself showed dignity and grace in your style when sending them to their corner...if not I take back what I just said.

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I've got to go against what most people have said. I think these people were being selfish. It doesn't take much to get 4 more hides and if your that greedy for an extra 5k then you are a selfish person. It wouldn't of taken them much, even if they'd given you 2 hides each.




However, most people on Runescape these days hoard all their gold and care more about themselves then helping out people. We all have times when we need that item, don't you like it when someone is generous to you and gives you something?




I must disagree with you stealing their spawns after you got what you needed. I would of just grabbed 4 hides and went on with the clue.



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Your request is tantamount to "Free stuff plz?". If they don't want to part with their hard earned wares, then you have no right to call them selfish. And then you killed 24 more dragons than necessary because you didn't get your way - much like a child throwing a tantrum because he didn't get a lollipop.




When two people share one dragon, at best you can get one hide in 2 minutes. Meaning 30 hides an hour (not counting banking time), which, at current market prices, is ~60k, which means a lot to people if that's their money maker. The OP could easily have paid the 8k for the hides and been on his merry way.

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Hey, I agree with you all the way, four blue dragon hides is what two minutes to get.


I head down there and there are 2 people there, both in the lvl 80's, killing the drag.


For level 80s sharing a single dragon it's a lot more than 2 minutes, and from the sound of things they were there for cash, which goes directly against the concept of giving things away.


I'm not going to show anybody any respect either if they show none.


Me: Could you guys spare 4 d hide please? I need for a clue scroll.


lvl87:*runs out of gate and behind me* i'll sell you some.


lvl82: what lvl clue?


Me: It's a lvl 3 clue, and why can't you just spare 4 hides? It's not like im asking for something you can;t just get back in 4 kills...


87: ill take your black d hide body and give ya 12 blue d hides.


Me: I only need 4, and is it to much to ask for just 4?


87:noob*runs back into cage*


Me:Seriously? you guys are so selfish you can't just give 4 hides away?


87: go away begging noob.


Me: -.-


Other than the noob comment where do they show disrespect? And even then some people would find the noob comment fair enough. Just because they don't want to give things away doesn't make them disrespectful.


Looking at your stats I can tell you can be self sufficient


A murderer has never had a prior offense, does that mean he should be let off?


You asking for a quick two minutes of their time and they refused just over 8 thousand gold is petty, it is common, and to me the ones being the beggars were the ones there who declined his open offer.


Its not petty if it is their main way of making money, petty is the posters actions after having his four hides which benefited nobody. Also, you just called the people not wanting to give stuff away beggers, were you just making up insults as you went along?


For as far as they know, he could have rewarded them far greater then what eight hides could have gotten them...I know because I am like that all the time to those who are stand up players.


I have a feeling that if they'd given the poster the hides and met him later on after he got... say a robin, they wouldn't necessarily be given anything, and even if they were it's still bad practice to expect or rely on somebody giving you something for free (which is what the poster did). You weren't however the poster so even if those people had known you gave people stuff (which I doubt on every occasion you give something away). It would've been rediculous for them to know that they would be given something for free in return.


There are generous people out there still, don't give up the battle and continue fighting the good fight!


The good fight is begging for free things? Go to the right places and you'll find plenty of people fighting that fight for you, its our side that is lacking supporters.


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Okay lets flip the situation around, and i dont mean if you were killing what would you have done...




Picture the scene;


Your rcing..


Say your 75 + like me, you make a run of nats - 51 is what i do a trip. Takes around 2 mins a trip same as d killing... A random guy then accosts you at the alter, asking for your 51 nats, because he really needs to alch these last 51 bows. Would YOU give them to him, or just tele to edge?


If he offered to buy though im guessing youd probally sell? Or offered him ess to craft?




You cant complain about the generosity of others when what you actually did was beg for 'fr33 st0ff pl0x', got a no, but an offer to be sold them, admittidly a lil steep. The real problem here is YOU, beg dont even offer them anything and then gripe here about it...




The generious thing in this situation would have been to, offer them 10k for the hides? Or after siptefull killing the extra 24, giving them to the level 80s...

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We're still around, but we're getting harder and harder to find.




It seems whenever I do something nice to people these days they are not just grateful, but surprised. That's a sad commentary on the state of the RS community.





Qeltar, aka Charles Kozierok

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Personally, I hate beggers. And thats exactly what you were doing, so you made yourself look like an annoying 'noob', for lack of a better phrase. If I see anyone begging, at a bank or anywhere, I'll normally tell them to stop begging and that no one is gonna give them the stuff they want.




To answer your first question, in the title, the generous people have been driven away by the people who take what they are given, and immediately ask for more.

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to topic starter:




you disgust me, youre crying because people didn't give you free stuff. Hides have their value, and killing 4 dragons doesn't exactly take 5 seconds. If its that small of a problem then get it yourself, or buy it from them, nobody obliged to give you free stuff.




The only one to blame here is you, you pretty muvh define noob. Please grow up before ever posting on tipit again.

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i demand everyone on this forum give me 4 blue d hides, if not i will kill your dragons 28 times and bury the bones :oops:




if you dont give me 4 d hides ill also post it on the forum even though you were doing the right thing by declining :oops:


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You weren't very generous yourself. It's their stuff and they have right to do whatever they want to do with it.




Btw, why are those convos always like this? (look at the grammar):




Other guy: hey n00b, whys you wear tha n33b outfit??!?


Me: Excuse me, could you please say that again? Just use English this time..




"I look so smart now"


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In my eyes the sad part here isn't that you didn't get what you asked for. If you ask me, the sad part is that someone still tries to beg for free stuff and after failing at it he decides to post it in public.




There's now far too many beggars so it's just impossible to supply everyone with their needs. Also when you feed them with free stuff, it gives them a signal that it is ok to bug people in order to get what they want. The only thing I really give some value in this game is respect. It contains both respect towards other players and self respect. Begging fails at both of those. First of all it shows to another player that his efford and time is worth nothing. Second, it shows that you aren't cabable of doing even a simple task yourself.



I'd rather die for what I believe in than live for anything else.

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