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RSOF poster types: Sadists, Wannabes, Ranters, etc.


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i hate those who post something like 'meh' into any post, so that they could get their very really ugly signature up.








'my dad died in car accident today :('




reply: *Shrug*










Theres too many of those :wall:

[4Th in Finland to achieve 99 mining. 3Rd of June 2007]

Pixels make me horny.

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To the sadistic poster, human suffering is sweeter than mother's milk. The more people complain and whine, the better he likes it. Common examples of posts are titled "LMFAO, Pkers owned by update" or "Don't you just love it when nerds cry?" These posters thrive on pain and chaos. He loved riots and posts on quitting posts by saying "goodbye and good riddance." Sarcasm is his favored tool and harsh posts by other people delight him. He is the the player hater of MMORPGs. He may hate merchants, skillers, duellers, pkers, boss teams, veterans, wealthy or any other type of player, but one thing is for sure, he hates them with a vitriolic vigor. Frequently he hates them because he has had bad experiences with these types of player before or perhaps he just envies them.




Thats just hilarious. You got me laughing so hard.




"Don't you just love it when nerds cry?"




Hehehe this is just too good.


21 lag piles, 4 Pjs, 2 Party hat kills, 67 newbs teached.

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Anyone who likes this thread will love this site (perfectly safe): http://redwing.hutman.net/%7Emreed/




Use the drop-down box.









'Rock Hard' boss pure - 60/60 Attack | 99/99 Range | 1/1 Defence | 44/44 Prayer | 99/99 Strength | 99/99 Mage - level 79 combat EOC


## '07 Server ## "Best Runescape update ever: Removing 6 years of updates."




"Warning: If you are reading this then this warning is for you. Every word you read of this useless fine print is another second off your life. Don't you have other things to do? Is your life so empty that you honestly can't think of a better way to spend these moments? Or are you so impressed with authority that you give respect and credence to all that claim it? Do you read everything you're supposed to read? Do you think every thing you're supposed to think? Buy what you're told to want? Get out of your apartment. Meet a member of the opposite sex. Stop the excessive shopping and masturbation. Quit your job. Start a fight. Prove you're alive. If you don't claim your humanity you will become a statistic. You have been warned- Tyler"

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Substitute Posters




Has your training area been completely ruined by an update? There are other places. Is your character now obsolete? There are other types of characters. Are your skills now unprofitable? There are other skills. This poster has the answer to everything because to him each aspect of the game can be easily replaced by another aspect. He is the type of player who enjoys doing everything so he simply cannot understand why people whine when their favorite things are taken away. After all, there is always something else to do.




Yeah... I just say move on if the update affects you, do whatever you were doing if it doesn't.




Meh, quit whining and grow up... Change in inevitable: sometimes it can be good, other times it will be bad... Jagex can't satisfy everyone and sometimes they need to make sacrifices... Whining only gives everyone a headache. People will adjust to this over time...

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Yep, I see myself in there. :) Give It Time + Substitute.




"They'll fix the parts that genuinely don't work, and in the meantime, why not try a quest (or something else)?"




More flip-side posters:




The Sloganeer




Doesn't have much to contribute to the discussion except "Runescape = Ruinedscape," "No PK No RS," or "RIP Runescape 12/10/07." Repeats it ad nauseam, whether standing around banks in game or posting on the RSOF. When found in groups in-game, they're busy spamming your chat window with @ symbols and their chosen pithy phrase. When found in groups on the forums, good luck posting anything that doesn't drop immediately to page 16. Actually believes that rioting and topic spamming will magically reverse time.




The Entitled




The flip-side version of Me, Myself, and I. Characterized by the inflated sense of self-worth, these posters know deep in their souls that Runescape exists solely to cater to their whims. Any slightest change to their gameplay experience is met with DEMANDS to change the game back to the way it was before. Example of argument: "RWT never affected me, therefore it can't possibly be as big a problem as Jagex claims! Bring back the wildy NOW!"




The Socialite




Has a legitimate point about the recent changes spoiling most common benevolent player-to-player interactions; often threatens to leave the game (see below) before Jagex can address their concerns. Yang to the "Give It Time" poster's Yin.




The Drama Queen




Makes a big show over quitting and yet can't be bothered to stop talking about the game they now no longer play. Eight shows a week, two matinee; try the veal.







2009 Member Goals: Undetermined

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Yep, I see myself in there. :) Give It Time + Substitute.




"They'll fix the parts that genuinely don't work, and in the meantime, why not try a quest (or something else)?"




LOL yes like I said the "give it time" posters are often proven right. Given time, anything will work (or die trying).




It is still annoying though.




I love the Sloganeer. Ruinedscape is an actual post lol.

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Im the Apathic player. When something bad happens, like I get killed and lose my fury, or get owned unfairly by the revenants and lose my clue scroll I go "aww man, i spent so much time on it... ah whatever." I never rant on the RSOF forums over anything. I just feel a deep sadness for half an hour and then I can laugh about it all.

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LOL love the thread Meili! One of the best i've read.




I don't know which type of poster I am :-k




I have my good days and my bad days, sure who hasn't :anxious: ?




On my bad days i'm a Marquis de Sade's Brother hehehe just because its soo fun to watch (well you can't watch someone on a forum but you know what I'm trying to get at) a type of person you dislike for some *reason* and see them practically shatter to the floor with anger and sadness which one? you tell me!








P.S <3: the pics on your website




~ Carl

RIP Michaelangelopolous

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My creepiest 3:


1. Bootlicker


2. Wannabe


3. Bow Down to Him, for He is the Great One




Much love Meili, I still can't stop laughing.


[brought to you by the Cult of the Sacred Crate]

17th to 99 Smithing OSRS

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Im the Apathic player. When something bad happens, like I get killed and lose my fury, or get owned unfairly by the revenants and lose my clue scroll I go "aww man, i spent so much time on it... ah whatever." I never rant on the RSOF forums over anything. I just feel a deep sadness for half an hour and then I can laugh about it all.




Same here=) plus i am a:


Give It Time


Me, Myself and I


Substitute Posters


Let's See YOU Make One :ohnoes:




Maybe because i always think *it could be worse. And since its not as bad as expected, its great!* ::' After all...its a game :roll:

Also, i tried farming once and my potatoes died, put me off forever.
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Me, Myself and I




This poster feels it is important to post that since the update or controversy doesn't involve him, he doesn't care about it. 99% of players might be affected but he wants people to know that he isn't directly troubled by it therefore it's great to be him. He admits that it might suck for other players but as long as his own playing style is untouched he is happy.




I just talked to one of these in game. They're like little zombies or stepford people. grrrrrrrrrrrrr




At least the little de Sades show some feeling even if it is channeled in the wrong direction. lol




LOL, good one, Mel. Thanks for reminding me of all the reasons why i don't spend much time at RSOF


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