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One year has passed !


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Hello ! When players just finish a strong quest, everyone discovers a filled December BTS...


Content is filling the game at good speed for few monthes now... offering new opportunities in skilling, allowing good fights with other players and making the market in constant move.


Gielinor inhabitants are playing the game in peace.




But... Let's look a year back. Parties, duels, trades, death drops have been changed and explanations have been given.


It was like an earthquake in Gielinor ! Bringing chaotic times when heavy rants occurred, market was high disturbed... many pixel people disapeared and it was told the game was ending.


I myself was found on the ground, half dead but still breathing... someone i'm still looking for in every lands carried me back to Lumbrige Castle where I got cured for weeks.


At present, there are still pixel people arround me. The entire population do answer my questions and salutations. It looks they all adapted to that new ruled area as i did.


And now the game editor do what they told : bring content.




So, just my congratulations to Jagex for having cleared Gielinor from cheaters, made the rules clearer and now being back on game content. It was a strong bet to make and i can tell it's won.


Why not meet everyone-everyservers(*)-all day long(*) in Falador center to make a huge 'thanks rant' this time.


December 10th would be a nice date !


Bring your mates, come and let's simply dance and shout some "thank you jagex".


Stay the time you want. Claim how you are pleased to play that game !




(*) : those choices are made to fit everyone's play time and connexions. I will be W54 or 143 if i can connect... but in fact simply go there, dance and shout, otthers will join.




PS : my thanks to Tip.it staff and users for all the help it brings : definetly THE fansite i recommand each time i can.

Oh baby light the dark side...

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Jagex have really turned it around this year, now they've fix massive problems with the game but kept players happy.




Been a good year on reflection, I doubt alot of people would have predicted that in January.

Theres a fine line between not listening and not caring,

I like to think I walk this line every day.

Pinning blame on Jagex is like trying to put pants on an old man.

You both know he needs them, but he'll just keep dancing around, avoiding them at all costs.

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Jagex are amazing. When they made the updates in December I was about to give up on them, but I decided to stay and see if they could make it better like they promised, and they did :D

[insert birds flying in a circle here]

Yes, that sig was annoying.

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I'll admit that I was unhappy with the game this time last year. Complaints were running so rampant, I literally left the RSOF forever. Made my home here instead. And over the last year, things have been nothing but good for all players that stayed in for the long haul.




=D> Bravo Jagex...Bravo! =D>

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sorry in which hole are you hiding


rwt and cheating is not gone


it is decreased but it is easy to rwt through bh and junk


the bots are still alive and well #-o although people now use on main accounts and sell accounts rather than gold farm.


but apart from that statement it is true :)


summoning new graphics and a new gm quest to work too :D

Check it out, huge amount of effort has gone into this massive mod!


[hide=old sig]



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It really is hard to believe how much this game has improved in a year.

  • [*:1ipkilft]Autoers gone.[*:1ipkilft]PK WORLDS available[*:1ipkilft]Insertion of Bounty Hunter, Clan Wars, Fist of Guthix, Stealing Creation[*:1ipkilft]Great new Grandmaster Quest, and several other great quests (like Ooglog!).[*:1ipkilft]Spirit Shields and Dragon Platebodies[*:1ipkilft]A summoning skill which went from abysmal to AMAZING, especially once you figure out how to use it.[*:1ipkilft]Circus, Penguins, and Comets... all great additions and 100% optional




Too many great steps forward to count. I am incredibly impressed by the job Jagex has done in the last year.

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@999134fishy : can't you ever see the bright face of a world... things have changed !


I perfectly knew there are still a little part of players that are still trying... and even doing it well !


But te fact is clear : it's not worse anymore to hire poor young people to it ! That was the most important.




Now, as you asked where is the hole i hide ? just don't turn yourself, you'd be surprised !


Never be rude without reasons.

Oh baby light the dark side...

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Sorry to break the euphoria, but the fundamental flaws in this game still remain: It's barely an RPG, definitely not one in which there are several routes to the same objective*, and for an MMORPG, it has an immensely negative and weak community with very few exceptions (Tip.It being one of them).




That is why, despite having a whole cornucopia of free time to spend these days, I'm still completely turned off at the prospect of logging into RS again.


[hide=*]By that statement, I mean training is still far too linear and repetitive. It still remains the case that most skills don't require any personal skill, just patience and tolerance for the same action over and over again, and thus it is too hard to relate or gain satisfaction from the game. RPGs need variety like America needs guns, and RuneScape has very little. Variety that is, not guns.[/hide]

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The GE is still broken (Half of the prices on there aren't indicative of street prices) and PK'ing on PVP servers is broken (The drop system is messed up). Not to mention the fact that summoning rendered a couple of skills further into obsolescence.





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Sorry to break the euphoria, but the fundamental flaws in this game still remain: It's barely an RPG, definitely not one in which there are several routes to the same objective*, and for an MMORPG, it has an immensely negative and weak community with very few exceptions (Tip.It being one of them).




That is why, despite having a whole cornucopia of free time to spend these days, I'm still completely turned off at the prospect of logging into RS again.


[hide=*]By that statement, I mean training is still far too linear and repetitive. It still remains the case that most skills don't require any personal skill, just patience and tolerance for the same action over and over again, and thus it is too hard to relate or gain satisfaction from the game. RPGs need variety like America needs guns, and RuneScape has very little. Variety that is, not guns.[/hide]




I think RS is always going to be like that, I doubt Jagex could/would do anything to stop it. That is a shame really, because it puts players like you off. A lot of people enjoy the game for what it is, and I never really considered the lack of personal skill as a problem for me in terms of how the game is run.

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They've done a great job this year! HD = Teh 1337ness :D




Thing is I still think old runescape was better even though I didn't pk and duel arena. TBH it was actually funny to get pked while runecrafting. Now its just... -Sigh-




Stupid RWTers... -.-

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It really is hard to believe how much this game has improved in a year.
  • [*:2nq0v8yo]Autoers gone.[*:2nq0v8yo]PK WORLDS available[*:2nq0v8yo]Insertion of Bounty Hunter, Clan Wars, Fist of Guthix, Stealing Creation[*:2nq0v8yo]Great new Grandmaster Quest, and several other great quests (like Ooglog!).[*:2nq0v8yo]Spirit Shields and Dragon Platebodies[*:2nq0v8yo]A summoning skill which went from abysmal to AMAZING, especially once you figure out how to use it.[*:2nq0v8yo]Circus, Penguins, and Comets... all great additions and 100% optional




Too many great steps forward to count. I am incredibly impressed by the job Jagex has done in the last year.


wow and you even forgot to mention the AWESOME graphical improvement they made (which i actually still get amazed by every day!)




/edit: also worth mentioning:




  • [*:2nq0v8yo] Chaos tunnels
    [*:2nq0v8yo] Coinshare
    [*:2nq0v8yo] Slayer update
    [*:2nq0v8yo] Item lending

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Yeah wow I forgot about what happened 1 year ago! RS is has improved SO much. Way better than before, in litterally every aspect. From my noob point of view I really like the new pking a lot better too :D

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Sorry to be a pickled onion in this fruit salad, but I like the old game better. Jagex shattered my trust in them with last December's update and have done little to rebuild it. In fact, they may have degraded it further; what with the overhyped summoning, glitches in any number of releases, their lies about not setting prices for new items, pushing important releases back, and the lack of tweaking for updates, the game may seem better, but the company in charge is not.

If the CORPORAL beast is this hard, imagine how hard a GENERAL or COLONEL beast would be. a corporal is not even an admirable rank in armies that use that ranking system.


Yeah, it is a pking minigame, so any arguments anybody makes will probably be biased.

The best way this will end :Everybody just says,"I'm not arguing with you anymore, goodbye."

The worst way this will end: I don't really know, psychological warfare? Worldwide thermonuclear war? Pie eating contest?

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I remember last year, back when we could do as we pleased while Scaping'.




While I must say, thinking back of how we used to play is rather odd. I've learned to get used to the new system, no free trade etc. It's what we've been using the past year and it honestly doesn't make any difference to me anymore.




Pking in the old Wild was something that Jagex cannot bring back, it was just great. Nothing will be exactly the same but we still play the game the same as we used to with some minor tweaks. I'm glad Jagex figured out a way to keep us playing while cutting the cheating down alot.




The new improvements they've made to the game were since then have been great, too. The graphical updates are really something amazing. Especially for a browser based game.


Item lending too, plays a big part today. At least we can still give our items to our friends, without having to worry about the scamming.






It's just been a great year, for those of us that are still around to see it. RuneScape this year has went from 80% of the people ranting to a nice, decent playing atmosphere. I've enjoyed it.




Big well done to Jagex, they did something no-one ever would have thought possible and still have most of their members.

RIP Michaelangelopolous

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The only main differences for me this year were summoning, and all of the little bits and peices that jagex fixed. The best part of updates for me is seeing the "in other news" portion, because if you add all of this years side updates up they affect me much more than any major update.




oh and the only other difference is that i don't play rs anymore (got bored, but i may be back eventually), whereas i did last year :lol:

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I'd love to do a "thank you jagex" parade. The game has improved so much over the last year, and I never staked/merchanted/pked before the big updates anyway, so there were very few negatives to that update(in fact, the only bad thing was that everyone wouldn't stop complaining about it...really annoying)for me. Thanks for making my free time so much more enjoyable!



The quest points in the stat pic above this message is wrong, disregard it.


Yeah, everyone loves me!

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