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Wine and alchohol discussion


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It may seem strange, but I actually find wine pretty interesting.




Really anything that I do I like to know about it, for example I learnt to drive so now I'm interested in mechanics, I use my computer all the time so know I'm interested in that.




Onto wine...




Do any of you drink it?


Red or white?


Favourite varieties?




Do you actually know anything about wine? Spirits and other things like brandy, port, cognac, armagnac champagne etc can also be discussed.




As for me, I tried some Port my dad bought, and I really like it, it's very sweet and thick.




My Grandad makes his own wines out of the local fruits, it's fascinating.


His best so far is called 'bullace' which is a sort of wild plum, similar to a sloe. It smells like toffee ice cream, incredible.


Also damson wine feels like it's fizzy, when it's not been carbonated, very strange.


My other favourite is rose hip wine, which is really sweet and very nice.




How about beers and other alcohols?


I can't stand lager, it's horrible onion water stuff as far as I'm concerned.


Give me a pint of Guinness anyday. I also like a spot of cider.




The strongest thing I've tried is 90% Absinthe, which I actually found pretty nice, although everyone else was trying to stop their mouths burning, lol.





Rules for this thread:


This is for discussing the history and culture of alcohol, not binge drinking and stupid rubbish like that.


I don't want to hear about peoples' parties where they got trashed.

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I like red,and Merlot tends to be my pick.Were you inspired by a New Year Toast?


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I like red,and Merlot tends to be my pick.Were you inspired by a New Year Toast?


No, not really. :P I'm just drinking some of my Grandad's bullace wine, so I felt I should make a topic as it interests me.

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I don't drink wine because all alcohols are only used for getting drunk.




I don't drink wine because my parents are religious, and the above is what they believe. I'd try it though, if I could.


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I don't drink wine because all alcohols are only used for getting drunk.




I don't drink wine because my parents are religious, and the above is what they believe. I'd try it though, if I could.




The blood of Christ is supposed to be wine (Sorry if you don't believe in Jesus)

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I pity people who drink just to get drunk. Wine is one of the finer things in life, and alchohol has a history dating back literally thousands of years.


I would never buy a crate because it's cheap. When I drink socially, I don't aim to get drunk, I aim to have a nice time. Drinking just coke wouldn't make a difference to me, it's the experience, not getting wasted.

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I don't like the taste of wine and in fact, I don't like alcoholic drinks very much at all.




It being an "acquired taste" is not a valid argument in my case. I'm half French, grew up there for a good part of my life and go back every summer, so, I've had plenty of exposure to wine and alcohol served at the "aperitif." The only alcoholic drink that I've tried so far that I don't actually dislike is beer, but I can't also say that I actually "like" it, and yes I've had my share of beers over the years.




Even though I don't approve of getting drunk, I honestly don't see the point in drinking alcohol unless you plan on getting [cabbage] faced or at least get a good buzz going on, other than if you truly do enjoy the taste, but then again most people don't or else they wouldn't mix all their drinks with juice and soda and whatever else they put in.

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I pity people who drink just to get drunk. Wine is one of the finer things in life, and alchohol has a history dating back literally thousands of years.


I would never buy a crate because it's cheap. When I drink socially, I don't aim to get drunk, I aim to have a nice time. Drinking just coke wouldn't make a difference to me, it's the experience, not getting wasted.


I feel quite the opposite, which is unfortunate I suppose. When/If I get anything, it's usually more heavier and cheap. Probably the slow start to alcoholism. :? I don't really fancy wine, though I've only had it boxed, I figure I could just get sparkling grape juice, and for $5 cheaper.

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It's beer for me. I'm not too picky on brands, so long as it's really cold.




I'm definitely one to drink for the taste, but the inevitable intoxication isn't something I avoid or anything.




As for wine, I'm yet to appreciate it. Maybe I will in time, but too much cheap cask wine kind of put me off it.

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I'm not much of a wine drinker, nor whiskey or anything other than beer for that matter (although it does interest me). I prefer white wine though, as dry as possible. I like red too but it usually just dulls me out, so unless it's dinner with the family or something like that I tend to stay away from it.




I don't know if any of you are familiar with it, but I sometimes buy a sort of appelwine, with added cinnamon flavour... so it tastes a lot like appelpie. Quite tasty (not very manly though). :P




I pity people who drink just to get drunk. Wine is one of the finer things in life, and alchohol has a history dating back literally thousands of years.


I would never buy a crate because it's cheap. When I drink socially, I don't aim to get drunk, I aim to have a nice time. Drinking just coke wouldn't make a difference to me, it's the experience, not getting wasted.




Yeah, same here. However, I probably couldn't just drink soda at a party - alcohol makes me more susceptible to have a good/better time, but I never go out of my way to get as drunk as possible. I buy the beer I think tastes good, which costs almost $3 a bottle so it's not like I buy the cheapest possible. I don't really get why people think paying a few dollars less for their beer and in return get a bottle of saturated piss with 5% alcohol is a good deal.




Anyway, I got a bartender book from my sister for my bday, so I intend to build up somewhat of a selection and learn to mix good drinks in a near future. :P


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I'm a big fan of Ice Wines in particular.








They're probably hard to get out of the Northern areas and are fairly expensive, but they're very tasty and enjoyable.


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i don't like alcohol. I can stomach it, but i try to taste it as little as possible




I took a shot of some alcohol that tasted like licorice at my (iranian) friend's house. He poured me half a glass and added a little water, and it turned cloudy. I took it real fast but I absolutely hate the taste of licorice. About half an hour later i started feeling sick, either from the taste, my lack of eating anything besides lunch a few hours ago (i don't know the proof of the alcohol), or from the used tobacco in the hookah i was smoking. Either way, i puked and i will never try licorice tasting alcohol again

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Drinking some fancy champagne right now. Can't open the good stuff though.

I was going to eat hot dogs for dinner tonight. I think I will settle for cereal.



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i don't like alcohol. I can stomach it, but i try to taste it as little as possible




I took a shot of some alcohol that tasted like licorice at my (iranian) friend's house. He poured me half a glass and added a little water, and it turned cloudy. I took it real fast but I absolutely hate the taste of licorice. About half an hour later i started feeling sick, either from the taste, my lack of eating anything besides lunch a few hours ago (i don't know the proof of the alcohol), or from the used tobacco in the hookah i was smoking. Either way, i puked and i will never try licorice tasting alcohol again






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well i only just started drinking 2 months back when i it legal, i could have drank ealier but since my friends were drunk all the time and my old man would scull beers down it turned me off. So far i cant get a good taste, there ALL either too bitter or too sweet unless i shove an entire shot down without it touching my tongue. before alcohol i drank JUST Coke at parties. :lol:




excluding that section of our story tonight:




I prefer some finer wiskeys but only in very small quantaties in coke, so its neither too powerful, but i can still taste it through the soft drink, that and perhaps a few wines.


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Even though I am 18 and live in the United States, I still enjoy a nice glass of wine. I was born in England and we would have a glass of wine with dinner.




I think alcohol is fine in small amounts. It is like water, and food, a little is ok, but a lot can hurt you.


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Can't stand wine. I prefer some rum over beer, but not picky.


Has anyone else tried some home brew? I tried some home brew rum at Xmas party and it was the sweetest thing I have ever tasted, but still had that rum taste.


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I don't really drink that much alcohol. I've tried wine, but the taste is just, foul. Probably because it doesn't appeal to my taste buds yet. I bet in a year's time, I'll love it.




Beer, I like beer. Tastes good, and refreshing. Parents have offered my a glass a while ago, but I stayed cautious and said now. Really only had Shandy's (Beer + Lemonade = Good). Now though, I want a glass to drink.

My relaxation method involves a bottle of lotion, beautiful women, and partial nudity. Yes I get massages.



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I pity people who drink just to get drunk. Wine is one of the finer things in life, and alchohol has a history dating back literally thousands of years.


I would never buy a crate because it's cheap. When I drink socially, I don't aim to get drunk, I aim to have a nice time. Drinking just coke wouldn't make a difference to me, it's the experience, not getting wasted.


Best post about alcohol ever.




So far, from my limited tasting of wines, seeing as I can't *legally* drink, it tastes pretty terrible. :lol:


I guess the "acquired taste" will butt in later.

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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I usually enjoy a glass of aged Chardonnay or Zinfandel if there is an occasion.


I don't like drinking beer just to drink seeing that most just taste awful but I don't mind getting bombed at some parties. If everyone else drinks then I wouldn't wanna be the odd one out.




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I prefer white wine but I do enjoy some red wines. I also enjoy a good beer, (plain) vodka, white russian, whiskey, coke and rum, and a variety of other drinks. I'm one of those [wagon] who drinks to get drunk though unless it's wine or beer. If we're busting out the hard liquor then I'm getting hammered and enjoying myself. After giving up every other drug, alcohol is all I have left to really [bleep] me up so I enjoy it as much as I can when I get the chance.

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I used to be strictly absolutist, no alcohol whatsoever... Solely for the reason that indulging will cause clouded judgement and thinking.




Now I buy only expensive rums/whiskeys and spirits in small bottles, from which I drink a few times a year usually with friends or bring to a party :lol: Too expensive to drink it all in 1 go, so a bottle can last very long... Too strong percentage of alcohol to drink in large portions, mixing is usually needed.




Beer... ugh.. No. Some quality beers are ok, but the places I've lived in, beer is the 'teen' choice for cheap alcohol that tastes like piss, but they want to show off anyways by drinking 10 cans in ½ an hour.

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I enjoy a glass of champagne with dinner. Sometimes depending on what you're eating it can really compliment the taste. Yes I know wine does the same thing for some people but I really don't acquire the right taste buds for it. I do know bits and pieces about wine, their names, origin and taste, what wines go with what food but that came from hospitality experience and just asking people how they enjoyed their wine.



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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