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200M in all Skills


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Just adding to Xensure's update on the previous page:


Elias reached his 8th skill over 100M with prayer and is about to get his 9th with herblore. This will also put him very close to 2,4B xp. Should he get back to slayer, he would get his 10th skill over 100M with attack.


8 No Lifer (Skiller 703) is 5 xp away from his 5th skill at 200M with fletching.



Follow the progress of top players and my weekly updates here: 200M in all Skills

Latest Milestones Chart update : page 602

Latest top 15 update : page 602

6 slowest skills chart : page 563

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Foot is the new Zarfot tbh when it comes to efficiency. I remember Zarfot before he was even maxed and it really didn't take him long to get to the top ranks. I don't see why Foot couldn't do the same, although I'm not sure what his goals are in particular.



Agilitizing my way to 1,000,000,000xp!
Follow my progress on my Youtube channel: http://www.youtube.com/The1Jebrim

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Foot is the new Zarfot tbh when it comes to efficiency. I remember Zarfot before he was even maxed and it really didn't take him long to get to the top ranks. I don't see why Foot couldn't do the same, although I'm not sure what his goals are in particular.

zarfot had money, foot doesn't

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Buyables are only a relatively small amount of the total work required for all 200m's.

Zarfot got to the top ranks so quickly because he did fast, buyable skills first. Foot can't afford buyables right now, so he's forced to train slower, nonbuyable skills first. Thus, Foot will not get to the top ranks as fast as Zarfot did.


I really don't know why I had to spell it out for you...

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Buyables are only a relatively small amount of the total work required for all 200m's.

Zarfot got to the top ranks so quickly because he did fast, buyable skills first. Foot can't afford buyables right now, so he's forced to train slower, nonbuyable skills first. Thus, Foot will not get to the top ranks as fast as Zarfot did.


I really don't know why I had to spell it out for you...

zarfot accually did slayer and random training of nonbuyables first and merched like a year and got lots of buyables:P

like in 2008 mostly it was slayer/nonbuyables right after he maxed...

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Buyables are only a relatively small amount of the total work required for all 200m's.

Zarfot got to the top ranks so quickly because he did fast, buyable skills first. Foot can't afford buyables right now, so he's forced to train slower, nonbuyable skills first. Thus, Foot will not get to the top ranks as fast as Zarfot did.


I really don't know why I had to spell it out for you...

zarfot accually did slayer and random training of nonbuyables first and merched like a year and got lots of buyables:P

like in 2008 mostly it was slayer/nonbuyables right after he maxed...

ok, but it wasn't until he started on buyables that he got into the top ranks.

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Just curious what is the xp/h at Rocktails including banking? About 42k/h realistically? Just trying to get a feeling at what rate our resident sleeping giant is getting cash. Should should give us a good idea of when he will do a buyable. I suspect that he will do prayer first because of his "200ms in a row" goal this would seem logical. Also it is the most expensive of the three, so raising the lesser amounts for firemaking and crafting after might seem easier. However, he could certainly see it as going from cheapest to most expensive. This is also all just conjecture and long winded at this point. So please answer my first question.

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yea cuz everyone floods ccs and worlds then they see lover romeo show up >.>


zezima had the greatest level of fame ever, no player has ever matched it.


the only player who could have matched his fame was zarfot, he tryed his hardest to hide his fame by not maxing dung right away and staying off the top of the highscores, he never looked for fame at all, he changed his name to some rediculous series of numbers and letters, and even then people followed him saying "omg zarfot" im sure if he tried to put himself out there he could have eventualy matched zezimas fame but he "retired"

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Just curious what is the xp/h at Rocktails including banking? About 42k/h realistically? Just trying to get a feeling at what rate our resident sleeping giant is getting cash. Should should give us a good idea of when he will do a buyable. I suspect that he will do prayer first because of his "200ms in a row" goal this would seem logical. Also it is the most expensive of the three, so raising the lesser amounts for firemaking and crafting after might seem easier. However, he could certainly see it as going from cheapest to most expensive. This is also all just conjecture and long winded at this point. So please answer my first question.


With 99 fishing and a granite lobster, it is base 45k/hr and 50k if you don't lose any time banking by being "too AFK."


Rocktails aren't bad for your AFKing time, but Ivy is the best if you can use the woodcutting exp.

2496 Completionist

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Here's something to make you laugh at just how sad Jagex is. I got a 3 day mute and apparently a 1 year forum ban (unless they made a mistake) for a "serious/major" offense:




Either Jagex doesn't see any sort of difference between days, months or years or they don't care enough to click properly.


I said that as a joke and I'm not racist, it was a funny South Park reference and I think Jagex took it waaay too far by giving me an ingame mute for a joke that I posted on the forums. I will seriously LOL if it's a 1 year forum ban but anything is possible seeing as it's Jagex I'm dealing with here. I explained that it was just a silly joke from a TV show (go watch 2 days before the day after tomorrow episode) but the appeal was denied. I even asked for the forum ban to stay and to unmute me ingame but that request didn't go through. Mind you, this was on HLF and everyone there jokes about stuff so it is really sad that they're taking it so seriously when it's not lol.


Account Management > Appeal a ban/offence.


And don't post it here.



No Jmod in Player Support who is reading that is going to give a [cabbage].



We don't give a carrot either? ;)

Currently working towards 2496 total.


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Elias just flew through 20m prayer xp and is now level 120. It seemed as though he was going to do that with herb for a bit, but then he moved on to prayer, so I suspect he is waiting for supplies to buy for 120 herb, but that is just a hunch.


I think foot could become a contender in the distant future seeing as he comes up with, or at least demos, a lot of the optimal training methods, but I suppose it all has to do with what his goals are.


Suomi is still slaying away working on another 1m+ day. He also beat chilly's monthly slayer record by 2m and he didn't have 400+ effigies saved up. Pretty impressive. Also his 8m weekly record is probably pretty close to max for a week with out saving up points/effiges.


Tezz is still fletching/fming while waiting for teams at dugeon.


And Telmo is closing in on 50m hunter.

foot will burnout


Sorry about the double post.


And Foot probably won't burn out, and Arib don't flame him on here he doesn't even have a tif account. Jeez

Currently working towards 2496 total.


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Elias just flew through 20m prayer xp and is now level 120. It seemed as though he was going to do that with herb for a bit, but then he moved on to prayer, so I suspect he is waiting for supplies to buy for 120 herb, but that is just a hunch.


I think foot could become a contender in the distant future seeing as he comes up with, or at least demos, a lot of the optimal training methods, but I suppose it all has to do with what his goals are.


Suomi is still slaying away working on another 1m+ day. He also beat chilly's monthly slayer record by 2m and he didn't have 400+ effigies saved up. Pretty impressive. Also his 8m weekly record is probably pretty close to max for a week with out saving up points/effiges.


Tezz is still fletching/fming while waiting for teams at dugeon.


And Telmo is closing in on 50m hunter.

foot will burnout


Sorry about the double post.


And Foot probably won't burn out, and Arib don't flame him on here he doesn't even have a tif account. Jeez


Lol I didnt flame him? I actually made it a point not to

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With 99 fishing and a granite lobster, it is base 45k/hr and 50k if you don't lose any time banking by being "too AFK."


Rocktails aren't bad for your AFKing time, but Ivy is the best if you can use the woodcutting exp.


Bake Pie (Summer Pies)>Ivy>Rocktails.


0.83>0.54>0.42 the effciency rates of their 'grinding' equivalents. Based upon Wines,Pines and Purple Sweet Barb,for each of the respective skills.


Note: Thats assuming you don't have cooking brawlers to use with wines and you don't value magic exp from pies. Also presume your using Dragon Hatchet instead of Adze at Pines.


However Pies may not be as 'AFK'-able as Rocktails and even less so when it comes to Ivy,they do still allow for 45 seconds of down time,exluding banking.


The magic exp (from pies) holds some value too, since if I recall correctly Lrc(superheating the ores on the road to 200m mining) doesn't quite get you 200m magic.


Even a top player has to AFK(better than hitting that logout button). :thumbsup:


Is the Urn half empty or half full?



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Wooah SUOMI got 30m exp in 1 week! That's nuts, is that all slayer, str and hp?


And if he has money problems, (I don't know almost anything about slayer) but won't he make his money slaying/runecrafting/hunting?


I don't know what the efficient ways of training are but yeah.. ZMI gains money no? And 200m RC is a lot of runes crafted lol.


I don't know why he doesn't start merching tho :S You don't need that many bils for 200m buyables no?

Powerslaying - nope

Runecrafting - effigies - nope

Hunting - draconic jadinkos - nope

Merching is a risk of cash and he doesn't like to risk. As mentioned before, he is a perfectionist :P


Oh damn! So there's no skills left were he makes money??


Flipping isn't really a risk, he's gotta do something like that. Unless he has like a few p hats he can spare? Does he even have a p hat?!


Just read the post about needing 15b more.


No offense but if you want 200m all skills you need a money maker, maybe he could nex or something?


If he doesn't like merching then all he can do is stake/boss hunt. And stakings a risk aswell.


So either boss hunt/merch or give up? He can't rely on donations :P


I'm fairly certain that he'll do fine.

He certainly got to this point without staking/flipping.


You'd be surprised how generous "some" people on RS can be.


Earlier people were saying that I deserve donations because I train so fast, it was very nice thing to say.


Why don't I get donations then huh huh?! XD



http://www.youtube.com/user/DeskDrumGun?feature=mhee My Yt chan, still under construction :)

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With 99 fishing and a granite lobster, it is base 45k/hr and 50k if you don't lose any time banking by being "too AFK."


Rocktails aren't bad for your AFKing time, but Ivy is the best if you can use the woodcutting exp.


Bake Pie (Summer Pies)>Ivy>Rocktails.


0.83>0.54>0.42 the effciency rates of their 'grinding' equivalents. Based upon Wines,Pines and Purple Sweet Barb,for each of the respective skills.


Note: Thats assuming you don't have cooking brawlers to use with wines and you don't value magic exp from pies. Also presume your using Dragon Hatchet instead of Adze at Pines.


However Pies may not be as 'AFK'-able as Rocktails and even less so when it comes to Ivy,they do still allow for 45 seconds of down time,exluding banking.


The magic exp (from pies) holds some value too, since if I recall correctly Lrc(superheating the ores on the road to 200m mining) doesn't quite get you 200m magic.


Even a top player has to AFK(better than hitting that logout button). :thumbsup:


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Wooah SUOMI got 30m exp in 1 week! That's nuts, is that all slayer, str and hp?


And if he has money problems, (I don't know almost anything about slayer) but won't he make his money slaying/runecrafting/hunting?


I don't know what the efficient ways of training are but yeah.. ZMI gains money no? And 200m RC is a lot of runes crafted lol.


I don't know why he doesn't start merching tho :S You don't need that many bils for 200m buyables no?

Powerslaying - nope

Runecrafting - effigies - nope

Hunting - draconic jadinkos - nope

Merching is a risk of cash and he doesn't like to risk. As mentioned before, he is a perfectionist :P


Oh damn! So there's no skills left were he makes money??


Flipping isn't really a risk, he's gotta do something like that. Unless he has like a few p hats he can spare? Does he even have a p hat?!


Just read the post about needing 15b more.


No offense but if you want 200m all skills you need a money maker, maybe he could nex or something?


If he doesn't like merching then all he can do is stake/boss hunt. And stakings a risk aswell.


So either boss hunt/merch or give up? He can't rely on donations :P


I'm fairly certain that he'll do fine.

He certainly got to this point without staking/flipping.


You'd be surprised how generous "some" people on RS can be.


Earlier people were saying that I deserve donations because I train so fast, it was very nice thing to say.


Why don't I get donations then huh huh?! XD


Hahaha, well have you even tried asking?

My goal is to get 200M in all skills.


My Tip.it interview: http://tip.it/runescape/?times=640


My YouTube channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/RsSuomi


I play Private Off most of the time but please send me private message here on Tip.it if you want to say or ask something.

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welcome back Drumgun ;-), do you ask for donations?


Haha yeah welcome back Drumgun my old friend :P Please don't take my donations away!


Nah but seriously glad you started posting again :D

My goal is to get 200M in all skills.


My Tip.it interview: http://tip.it/runescape/?times=640


My YouTube channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/RsSuomi


I play Private Off most of the time but please send me private message here on Tip.it if you want to say or ask something.

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welcome back Drumgun ;-), do you ask for donations?


Haha yeah welcome back Drumgun my old friend :P Please don't take my donations away!


Nah but seriously glad you started posting again :D


OY! Back to work you two! 200M xp in all stats doesn't do itself ya know! 58196541.whip.gif


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welcome back Drumgun ;-), do you ask for donations?


Haha yeah welcome back Drumgun my old friend :P Please don't take my donations away!


Nah but seriously glad you started posting again :D


OY! Back to work you two! 200M xp in all stats doesn't do itself ya know! 58196541.whip.gif


Haha don't worry, I personally haven't wasted any experience while posting here :P

My goal is to get 200M in all skills.


My Tip.it interview: http://tip.it/runescape/?times=640


My YouTube channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/RsSuomi


I play Private Off most of the time but please send me private message here on Tip.it if you want to say or ask something.

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welcome back Drumgun ;-), do you ask for donations?



welcome back Drumgun ;-), do you ask for donations?


Haha yeah welcome back Drumgun my old friend :P Please don't take my donations away!


Nah but seriously glad you started posting again :D


Tnx :) not sure if that would work for me because I don't have people by my side like Suomi has Jebrim etc etc, + it would ruin my reputation of earning everything myself (no merch etc), which doesn't seem valuable at all though (seeing as someone assumed all top players get help from others a few pages ago for example). If people would be willing to aid my goal of getting the top half skills all to 200m, I would see that as a truly amazing act of kindness.


As for me slowing down, not sure where that came from but I'm forced to do slow skills atm in order to earn money for the faster exp skills. Did cut down 1 hour though, so 17 hours a day now.


And dw hehe, I'm sure people wouldn't stop donating because of that :P



http://www.youtube.com/user/DeskDrumGun?feature=mhee My Yt chan, still under construction :)

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I talked with Sumoi briefly today. Such a nice person!


Drumgun, if you ever want to be cool you need to add me in game :lol:


I have to say, the closer I get to 100m ACCOUNT exp, the easier I see it to get 200m all skills. Maybe not EASIER, but, likely. I've been averaging 11-12m exp a month, doing very inefficient things with only a few hours a day, not even 7 days a week. It's easier to see how the 200m all skills could be achieved.


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What do you think Jagex is going to do when someone gets the max exp?


They have to notice it in some way eh?


I reckon they should add a special uber cape that takes up 10 squares and shoots fireworks all day long :thumbsup:

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