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i heard after 72 hrs of staying awake ur body slips into a coma


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just wondering how many people stay awake for hours on end through the night playing runescape?? also wondering what the longest amount of time may have been?


i have heard the body can stay awake for roughly 72 hours unaffected by any drugs or stimulants before it essentially slips into a coma.. any body actually tried it??


i have heard accounts of drug addicts who have stayed awake for upto 2 weeks at a time but that clearly isnt natural.


any comments?

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This is not true - people have stayed up far longer. I've been up for over 48 hours in a row, and it wasn't that unusual.


Around 40-48 hours, though, you start hallucinating. I can't say I hallucinated any of the times, but I don't really remember it well.


There was this guy a while back who stayed up for like a week in a bar playing pool, and recorded everything in a journal. If I can find the source, I'll post it, but he currently holds the record for longest time without sleep (I think). His theory was that you can shut down the left half of your brain and use the right half, then switch back indefinitely. The only interesting thing I remember from the article was that at one point the cue ball wasn't round any more. This was because his left and right brain weren't communicating, so the eyes put together a slightly oval shape rather than a round one.

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If I recall, the Guinness World Records doesn't keep that one anymore, because it's so dangerous to your health (A search on their website provided zero results).

This website says its 18 days and some odd change, during a rocking chair marathon.

99 dungeoneering achieved, thanks to everyone that celebrated with me!


♪♪ Don't interrupt me as I struggle to complete this thought
Have some respect for someone more forgetful than yourself ♪♪

♪♪ And I'm not done
And I won't be till my head falls off ♪♪

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It's possible, but if you try, be sure to eat and drink normally. Whenever you hear of people dying during marathon gaming sessions it's because they got extremely dehydrated and put off the symptoms as sleep deprivation.


I've done about 36 hours, with 18 or so gaming. It's fun every once and a while.


Thanks to Uno for the awsome sig <3

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I think my max is somewhere in the neighborhood of six days. I'd go to school, and come home and play runescape until it was time to go back to school. After three days, I went into zombie mode and started zoning out all the time.


It's a good thing I don't do that anymore, though, because after a day of staying awake, mailboxes start to look like deer when I'm driving. :ohnoes:

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^ your link is missing a closing bracket ^


Anyway, yeah i heard about that guy - ran through the night to win the marathon.


Longest i've stayed awake for is 32 hours - watched 24 in 24 just after a 6 hours shift at work, that took quite alot out of me.


Also, i think the record is 11 days with no sleep - can't be healthy though, unless you're a pro scaper.


Thank you to tripsis for an awesome sig!

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A coma is a lack of consciousness defined by strict medical criteria to distinguish it from death. Sleeping is just an altered state of consciousness, but consciousness is still 'suspended', so I'm not sure what the body would be gaining in slipping itself into a coma for sleep deprivation. You sure it's not just exhaustion (ie, the body forcing itself to sleep because the tank is empty)?


Seriously, with stuff like this you need to post articles or it's hard to know what you're talking about since so many medical/scientific terms get used interchangably.


It's definitely not healthy, anyway.

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I can take an example for a US Marine Sniper during the vietnam war. He crawled through enemy territory for 3 days straight, crawling through the grass where the NVA was patrolling constantly, he made the shot, killed the NVA general, and snuck back without being detected. If he had fallen asleep, or slipped into a coma, he'd be dead for sure.

~ Proud Father ~ Proud (Currently Deployed) Army National Guardsmen ~ Proud Lakota ~ Retired Tip.It Crew ~

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My record is about 40 hours, but it was because of school and homework, not necessarily because I was doing something I enjoy :P

99 Hunter - November 1st, 2008

99 Cooking -July 22nd, 2009

99 Firemaking - July 29th, 2010

99 Fletching - December 30th, 2010

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*I* would probably go in a coma, but I don't think its universal to all humans. It just takes practice.

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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I've been awake for 80 hours no sleep before, whilst travelling and partying over new years. I took 1 energy drink and no drugs, but did have some alcohol.


At the end I was having a combination of some pretty intense hallucinations and kinda of dreaming with my eyes open. It was definately very wierd.


I don't think it would be possible to scape for this long at 1 time without a lot of very strong stimulants, I had to spend most of my time standing up, because the momen I sat down my eyes would close!

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I think my max is somewhere in the neighborhood of six days. I'd go to school, and come home and play runescape until it was time to go back to school. After three days, I went into zombie mode and started zoning out all the time.


It's a good thing I don't do that anymore, though, because after a day of staying awake, mailboxes start to look like deer when I'm driving. :ohnoes:


This is incredibly irresponsible and stupid.


Anyway, I think it was a Russian experiment during the cold war in which they studied how we act after extreme sleep deprivation. Not sure what it was called. Apparently they locked the subjects inside a room and filled it with a gas that caused them to not feel tired. Their conversations were quite chipper and cheerful in the beginning, but as the days went by they became darker and more depressive. And after a while they just sat in each corner and didn't talk at all. Skip a few more days and they started killing one another and then ate the bodies or something... and when the scientists shut the gas off they begged them to turn it on again. There's a wikipedia article on the experiment somewhere.


So yeah, get your damn sleep or you'll literally turn into zombies.


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Personally i've gone for about 30 hours. 72 is possible for sure. I watched a show about the Australian Special Forces recruitment/test thing. They had to stay up for five days straight with not much food or water while doing a lot of phyisical activity.

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I think my max is somewhere in the neighborhood of six days. I'd go to school, and come home and play runescape until it was time to go back to school. After three days, I went into zombie mode and started zoning out all the time.


It's a good thing I don't do that anymore, though, because after a day of staying awake, mailboxes start to look like deer when I'm driving. :ohnoes:


This is incredibly irresponsible and stupid.


Anyway, I think it was a Russian experiment during the cold war in which they studied how we act after extreme sleep deprivation. Not sure what it was called. Apparently they locked the subjects inside a room and filled it with a gas that caused them to not feel tired. Their conversations were quite chipper and cheerful in the beginning, but as the days went by they became darker and more depressive. And after a while they just sat in each corner and didn't talk at all. Skip a few more days and they started killing one another and then ate the bodies or something... and when the scientists shut the gas off they begged them to turn it on again. There's a wikipedia article on the experiment somewhere.


So yeah, get your damn sleep or you'll literally turn into zombies.


Haha...that experiment you speak of vaguely reminds me of a creepy pasta posted on the 'creepy thread' a while back. Pretty sure it was just fiction :P

99 Fletching - 01/08/08

99 Theiving - 09/11/08

99 Cooking - 12/13/08

99 Runecrafting - 10/23/09

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I think my max is somewhere in the neighborhood of six days. I'd go to school, and come home and play runescape until it was time to go back to school. After three days, I went into zombie mode and started zoning out all the time.


It's a good thing I don't do that anymore, though, because after a day of staying awake, mailboxes start to look like deer when I'm driving. :ohnoes:


This is incredibly irresponsible and stupid.


Anyway, I think it was a Russian experiment during the cold war in which they studied how we act after extreme sleep deprivation. Not sure what it was called. Apparently they locked the subjects inside a room and filled it with a gas that caused them to not feel tired. Their conversations were quite chipper and cheerful in the beginning, but as the days went by they became darker and more depressive. And after a while they just sat in each corner and didn't talk at all. Skip a few more days and they started killing one another and then ate the bodies or something... and when the scientists shut the gas off they begged them to turn it on again. There's a wikipedia article on the experiment somewhere.


So yeah, get your damn sleep or you'll literally turn into zombies.


Haha...that experiment you speak of vaguely reminds me of a creepy pasta posted on the 'creepy thread' a while back. Pretty sure it was just fiction :P


I remember that, wasn't it called the orange soda experiment?

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I think my max is somewhere in the neighborhood of six days. I'd go to school, and come home and play runescape until it was time to go back to school. After three days, I went into zombie mode and started zoning out all the time.


It's a good thing I don't do that anymore, though, because after a day of staying awake, mailboxes start to look like deer when I'm driving. :ohnoes:


If you don't do this everyday, you're a casual.

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I never did more then 28 hours.. By then, I was acting crazy with a friend.. We were screaming ORANGE ORANGE ORANGE over mics.. It was so funny.

Runescape player since 2005
Ego Sum Deus Quo Malum Caligo et Barathum


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I've done a couple all-nighters on RuneScape where I went to bed but couldn't get to sleep, so by the time the sun came up, I just gave up and went back online. Also, one other time getting ready for end of year medic exams. About four months of work crammed into a single night. Thankfully about ten of us were in the same boat and it was during the World Cup so there was plenty of banter. I crashed half way through the exam though... only just made it through to the end. Then went home and died. Amazingly that was my best exam though.


Anyone thinking of med school... don't do all-nighters before exams. Ever. :thumbup:

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it takes your body over 2 months of 0 sleep to slip into a coma[usually they just die around 6-7 months]. I've seen a lot of insomniacs. And not the everyday Amp-drowned teenage gamer, but the legitimate can't EVER sleep kind.


OT funfacts: My dad stayed up for a straight week with no food or sleep to save a powerplant from failing, where I, myself have never made it more than 40 hours




Anyone who likes tacos is incapable of logic.

Anyone who likes logic is incapable of tacos.


PSA: SaqPrets is an Estonian Dude

Steam: NippleBeardTM

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My girlfriend can outlast her dope-head friends when she's sober, and on the rare occassion she does a little, she can go longer.

Unassisted, her longest that I know of was 4 straight days (we usually stop counting hours after Day 3). With a little pick-me-up, she went nearly a week. She usually crashes for about a solid day afterwards, though. I wouldn't say she was comatose, as she does respond to me when I kiss and hug her, but she does sleep hard and deep, and it's very difficult to rouse her.

Myself, I can barely go 48 hours without at least a nap, and I've never done drugs so I can't say how long I'd last with them but I don't intend to find out. I just pulled an all-nighter last night (saturday) when I got called into work for a graveyard shift when I expected to have the night off. Was up at 9am saturday morning, and didn't get to bed til about 9am sunday morning. Wouldn't have been so bad, except the graveyard shift at my job is very mentally taxing, and the computers were giving me problems all night so it made the sleep deprivation seem worse than it was.


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Irony: An amnesiac rediscovering they have an eidetic memory.

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