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Noobs say the funniest things!


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I was 88 or so combat, just hallying rock and stick (level 111 and 105 troll near burthorpe) when the guy comes along, putting down cannon, then telling me to get lost - inconsiderate? I think so.






Hey thats me! Wow nice to see you are crushed by that interaction and you keep mentioning it time after time. Emo Much?




Noobs, they just say the darnedest things.

Heh I looked past the spray paint and it really is Axe.




Lmfao! So it is. quite funny lol

Currently: Quit Ages Ago

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Noob:Hi want to be friends?


Me:Hmmmm Maaaybe


Noob:Lets go abby crafting together!


Me:Hmmmm Ok


*Equips glory ammy*


Noob:Can i kill you yet?


Me:Um sure


Noob:*Ice Barrage*


Noob:Are you dead yet?


Me:Glory tele's to edge


Noob:Why are you such a noob?




how was he a noob if he was using ice barrage?

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I've seen a lot where you 'bug' the n00b and s/he reports you for 'bug abuse' It's so funny. Here's what happened roughly (I cant be bothered to type 1337):




(I was at the varrock wall)


Noob:free stuff please!


Noob:free stuff please!


Me:free stuff please!


Another non-noob:free stuff please!


[we then folo the n00b around copying word for word]




Me:what for?


noob:bug abuse






P-Mod:(this is what she said word for word) That's not what bug abuse is little one

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guy comes up to me today and asks where do you mine black?

im not crazy everyone else is!!! unless im wrong


if you give a noob a muffin he will probaly ask for another and butter


scammees always believe the scammer nothing you can do

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noob:oi, noob in rune.


me: usses think emote


noob: where you get your boots? (rune boots)


me: i trade with him, show boots.


noob: im not stupid, show me your boots.


me: uses think emote.


noob: just tell me noob.


me: nods


noob: are you muted?


me: nods


noob: just tell me you noob


me: shakes head


noob: il buy those boots 1m


- inside trade -




Me: offers rune boots


noob: offers 1111k - changes to 11114 gp


me: declines, reports.




a few days later this random person pmed me saying you got me banned you noob, i decided to repeatedly turn my pchat on and off until he removed me =]

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Happily training my pure at the Gnome agility course someoen asks for my agility level. I tell him it's 7. He then starts calling me a noob and says he has 27.




Funny, because:


- 27 sucks too


- My main has 80


2146 overall - 136 combat - 6 skillcapes


Plus I think the whole teenage girl thing will end soon (hopefully), because my girlfriend is absolutely in love with him(she is 18), and im beginning to feel threatened by his [Justin Bieber] dashing looks.

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I was 88 or so combat, just hallying rock and stick (level 111 and 105 troll near burthorpe) when the guy comes along, putting down cannon, then telling me to get lost - inconsiderate? I think so.






Hey thats me! Wow nice to see you are crushed by that interaction and you keep mentioning it time after time. Emo Much?




Noobs, they just say the darnedest things.

Heh I looked past the spray paint and it really is Axe.




Lmfao! So it is. quite funny lol




+1 to jack


4000000657th to 99 cookin

555555406th to 99 flethcin

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noob:oi, noob in rune.


me: usses think emote


noob: where you get your boots? (rune boots)


me: i trade with him, show boots.


noob: im not stupid, show me your boots.


me: uses think emote.


noob: just tell me noob.


me: nods


noob: are you muted?


me: nods


noob: just tell me you noob


me: shakes head


noob: il buy those boots 1m


- inside trade -




Me: offers rune boots


noob: offers 1111k - changes to 11114 gp


me: declines, reports.




a few days later this random person pmed me saying you got me banned you noob, i decided to repeatedly turn my pchat on and off until he removed me =]




Nice! lol.


"Noobs say the darnest things! Hosted by bill cosby"




That was funny, considering i am new to runescape an hasn't been on it since my dad banned me from his lap top.


Now i use my wii

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l0l, y u hating @ axe triqous


Well, to be honest, Axe was being pretty rude :?




Well to put things in context I was obviously still on my way to 99 slayer and hadn't yet hit 99 range. I was cannoning and there was a low level hallyer slowing me down. Not to defend my actions but it was at least a year and a half to 2 years ago.




To see Triqous crying about it this long after said offense, in a topic about low level noobs is kind of insulting and funny at the same time.




But I guess the only people I need to try please are my mom and my wife. I can't try make the world a less emo place lest I become emo myself.


The Slayers Guild a Slayer Clan led by Axe Man Jack

Proud to have written the most plagiarized Slayer guide on the planet.

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noob:oi, noob in rune.


me: usses think emote


noob: where you get your boots? (rune boots)


me: i trade with him, show boots.


noob: im not stupid, show me your boots.


me: uses think emote.


noob: just tell me noob.


me: nods


noob: are you muted?


me: nods


noob: just tell me you noob


me: shakes head


noob: il buy those boots 1m


- inside trade -




Me: offers rune boots


noob: offers 1111k - changes to 11114 gp


me: declines, reports.




a few days later this random person pmed me saying you got me banned you noob, i decided to repeatedly turn my pchat on and off until he removed me =]




Lol too funny :XD:




Noob:Hi want to be friends?


Me:Hmmmm Maaaybe


Noob:Lets go abby crafting together!


Me:Hmmmm Ok


*Equips glory ammy*


Noob:Can i kill you yet?


Me:Um sure


Noob:*Ice Barrage*


Noob:Are you dead yet?


Me:Glory tele's to edge


Noob:Why are you such a noob?




how was he a noob if he was using ice barrage?




Lvls doesn't count to say who's a noob and who's not, it's the way he acts ;).

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happened while i was reading this topic:


i was in world 66, running laws, when i see someone asking:


Y is every1 here?


That was me! :oops:


I didn't realize I was in world 66 #-o


Hehehe I feel silly


But my grammar was better than that :evil:


EDIT:W00t first post of teh pagey page \'

catch it now so you can like it before it went so mainstream

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i have a few i'd like to share,,




im out doing a lv3 clue in wildy when i see 2 lv50- players walk by.


1 wearing full steel, the other wearing full addy




noob1-y are we here?


noob2-because you get loads of cool stuff




noob1-isnt ther a place wich doubels yore monney?




noob1-wow! i got allof my 13k on me !!!!


noob2-kk were almost there now(walking past castle with runes in)






nextt two while fletching, i got this 1:




n00b-buy ur rune plate




me-show me your offer




me- sorry, i dont play with toys


n00b plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


n00b-pllllllzzz ill giv u 30gp too plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz




n00b- i wish ther was a make you rich machine


me- there is , its called skills


n00b- tell me how to make it n00b






and this heard while in bank fletching also:








random guy- sell ranarrs 6k ea


noob- omfdg!!!!!!


noob2-"name of first noob" youre reported




noob-ok idc now shhhhhhhhhhh

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n00b-buy ur rune plate




me-show me your offer




me- sorry, i dont play with toys


n00b plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


n00b-pllllllzzz ill giv u 30gp too plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz




n00b- i wish ther was a make you rich machine


me- there is , its called skills


n00b- tell me how to make it n00b


You can tell them everything you want :D


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I've seen a lot where you 'bug' the n00b and s/he reports you for 'bug abuse' It's so funny.




Even better,




Z0MG! NOOB! Y0u K1ll3d T3h Sp1d43r!!!




R3p0rt3d f3r bug 4bu53!



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last week i was in castle wars and a lvl 3 asked me if i was a member lol






LOL ... now thats funny








got my own story to relate




a few years ago I was standing in Catherby fishing when this nub started talking how his main was a lvl 100+ something ... with all skills over 75




ME: go get him


NUB: he's over in Lumby


ME: I'll wait right here


NUB: it's too far to walk


ME: then just telly


NUB: he can't do that yet


ME: hmmm lvl 100 with 75 magic and can't telly to Camelot


NUB: where's that










and my other story that has me rolling everytime I think about this




I was over by Catherby (cutting yews) when this nub started talking about how I made my money




ME: I use my lvl 3 main to make my money


NUB: how can a lvl 3 be a main??? you like a rich merchant or sumthing?


ME: yea, I sell alot of gloves


NUB: ??? you mean the colored ones


ME: no the regular leather gloves


NUB: wtf??? how much you make on each 1


ME: 1gp each


NUB: lol you serious???


ME: yea I told you I sell a lot


NUB: wow




I can still see him walking away scratching his head and using his fingers to count just how many gloves he had to sell to buy a brain ... truly priceless

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I've seen a lot where you 'bug' the n00b and s/he reports you for 'bug abuse' It's so funny.




Even better,




Z0MG! NOOB! Y0u K1ll3d T3h Sp1d43r!!!




R3p0rt3d f3r bug 4bu53!




lol, i was at crabs on my tank, this guy was level 29 and calling me a noob, so i kept stealing his crabss and running into single combat. he said he reported me for noobing the game...he meant bug abuse, and yes, another one shot down by gudi. muted and banned for 2 days (reported for misuse)

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congrats to this post for going on over 1 year =D>

Say what you mean and mean what you say because those that matter don't mind, and those that mind don't matter.

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I was wcing on my main and some noob comes up, he follows me for about an hour annoying me.




Noob: free stuff pls


Me: No


Noob: pls have mercy on me


Me: No. I had to work for my stuff you can work for yours


Noob: but my stats are bad. free stuff pls have mercy on me


Me: No! leave me alone


Noob: I'll kill myself if you don't give me free stuff


Me: Then go buy a gun buddy Because you're not getting anything


Noob: have mercy on me pls.


Me: find me and you get 300k *teles*




and he kept asking me to 'have mercy on him pls' so i went on my skiller and said 'hey i heard lacrosse fan was being mean to you, here i'll give you some stuff' and he said 'Can't, he said if i find him he'll give me 300k!'




my little brother then went on his account and was messing with the noob to the point that they went to level 22 wilderness and my little brother killed him -.-

Treasure trail items: 9

Dragon drops: 0

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I happily was killing hobs near the craft guild, when some 70 lvl (im 89) asked me about my str (nothing new). I said 76 and he said im noob ... he challenged me to a duel with no armors. I said "ok but then no weapons and food" ... he agreed. We went to wildy and fight ...


He went to 30% hp, and oh dear - he ate ... and again and again, he would die 3-4 times (i have more def and atk then him thats why (the just dont get it dont they) and before i died he had 3-4 hp ...


After the battle i recieved a PM :


"lol n00b!".




He is now in my ignore list ...

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I happily was killing hobs near the craft guild, when some 70 lvl (im 89) asked me about my str (nothing new). I said 76 and he said im noob ... he challenged me to a duel with no armors. I said "ok but then no weapons and food" ... he agreed. We went to wildy and fight ...


He went to 30% hp, and oh dear - he ate ... and again and again, he would die 3-4 times (i have more def and atk then him thats why (the just dont get it dont they) and before i died he had 3-4 hp ...


After the battle i recieved a PM :


"lol n00b!".




He is now in my ignore list ...




ROFL King of all noobs! :thumbsup:


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