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Forum is coming back but :(

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Also lost my scoring guide which took over a month to make, doub't i'll remake as it took so long.
 ... cd=1&gl=us




Here you go. Get it fast before Google gets a new cache of it though.

I once shot a man in Reno, just to watch him die.
Pics or it didn't happen.
I hate my generation.
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Thanks to everyone that worked hard to bring the forum back up! And welcome back tip.it!




I hope that you can retrieve the lost posts, and wish you the best of luck. Welcome back tipiters! :D

Hoping to get a new Signature (with matching avatar) soon. :D


In the meantime...Steam username: )I'll rewrite it later (add me if you want)

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Huh. The new PhPbb seems a little awkward for now, but I'm sure we'll adjust. I'm just happy to have the forums back. Also, I wonder what my postcount is like now? I only really started coming here again around 3 months ago...




Oh ouch. I'm a spider egg. I had 1410 when I left. *crai*

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Hey people, don't worry about your post count, it means nothing.




And if it means anything to you, you should really get out more, it's nothing more than a number.




EDIT: It's even better than before, if there was a post submitted after you decided to make a post, you will be informed, it seems much better than before already.

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It's really a shame. To think that someone you once trusted would do such a horrendous thing to you guys...and at the cost of tens of thousands of innocent bystanders... What the hell was this guy thinking?




Anyway, it's easy enough to thank the Tip.it staff for their hard work. For that, I salute them.

Linux User/Enthusiast Full-Stack Software Engineer | Stack Overflow Member | GIMP User
...Alright, the Elf City update lured me back to RS over a year ago.

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So who the hell out of the staff did this?


Also this new phpbb sucks to be honest. Is there anyway we can get the old one back just for ourselves, (so it doesn't affect everyone).




No, it is impossible to de-grade from phpBB3 to phpBB2.

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So who the hell out of the staff did this?


Also this new phpbb sucks to be honest. Is there anyway we can get the old one back just for ourselves, (so it doesn't affect everyone).




No, it is impossible to de-grade from phpBB3 to phpBB2.




No offense, and I hate to be rude after all the acclaimed work that was put into this...




but these new forums suck. I've been on other forums like this and I always commented to myself on how much better Tifs was....




I'm never going to get over these 2 1/2 months gone....never. I lost a guide that I spent over 72 hours on...damn


Thanks to the amazing talent of Jopie211 for the sig!

Finest Fist of Guthix Strategy Guide

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So who the hell out of the staff did this?


Also this new phpbb sucks to be honest. Is there anyway we can get the old one back just for ourselves, (so it doesn't affect everyone).




No, it is impossible to de-grade from phpBB3 to phpBB2.




No offense, and I hate to be rude after all the acclaimed work that was put into this...




but these new forums suck. I've been on other forums like this and I always commented to myself on how much better Tifs was....




I'm never going to get over these 2 1/2 months gone....never. I lost a guide that I spent over 72 hours on...damn


Oh man, I feel bad for you. However, I only think that this layout appears to suck is that it's at its bare bones at the moment. One skin, no smilies, most people don't have avatars...


You might get your guide back though.

~ W ~



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I agree. Once the team gets working on putting in all those little niceties that we've all come to know and love, I think this'll be as good or better than the old forums.


Being immature is a part of being mature.
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So who the hell out of the staff did this?


Also this new phpbb sucks to be honest. Is there anyway we can get the old one back just for ourselves, (so it doesn't affect everyone).




No, it is impossible to de-grade from phpBB3 to phpBB2.




No offense, and I hate to be rude after all the acclaimed work that was put into this...




but these new forums suck. I've been on other forums like this and I always commented to myself on how much better Tifs was....




I'm never going to get over these 2 1/2 months gone....never. I lost a guide that I spent over 72 hours on...damn




Well I guess you didnt read the post on Tip.It, so ill post it for you:




"Update on Forum Downtime


By: Alduron Date: Saturday, 07-Jun-2008




Hey you Tipiter's!




We are still working hard on getting the forum back up just as soon as possible. However, it has come to our attention that due to technical difficulties with database recovery we may be looking at a potential 3 month roll back.




It is possible to minimize your personal data loss (ie. blogs etc.) If you need to backup any information, use Google cache. Click this link: Google Cache




When you find a page you want to get to, click on Cache, not the link itself. If you need to find anything in particular, put a keyword before "site:forum.tip.it"




Best wishes everyone!




Sincerely, Tip.It Administration and Staff"




Just click on the link and try to find ur stuff.

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Man, i can't believe how sad it is for somebody to do that.




Good job to the people who got the forum back online.




However, its a shame we've lost the last 2 months posts as there were some exceptional threads. Ie the tipit pic and the picures of tipiters threads.




Also lost my scoring guide which took over a month to make, doub't i'll remake as it took so long.


Managed to get the cache for part of the Great Tip Pic thread, it only shows the 19th page though, but luckily it has the pic in it.






EDIT: 100th post!.... again.

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Well I guess you didnt read the post on Tip.It, so ill post it for you:




No, I read that and did it, but I couldn't get the pictures even after using the cache thing. And I had like over 38 pictures...


Thanks to the amazing talent of Jopie211 for the sig!

Finest Fist of Guthix Strategy Guide

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Glad the forums are back, it's a shame that so much was lost but thanks so much for getting it back up so quickly.




Struggling to adjust to the new layout so far but i'm sure it will be fine once im used to it, oh, and good luck to those trying to retrieve posts from the cache. :)

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I was expecting something like this. For Tif to be down for 5 days means something more serious than like a server crash. I was figuring some sort of hacker had gotten to us, despite the messages saying nothing was compromised. I was somewhat right unfortunately *insert sad smiley* WE WILL RISE UP FROM THE ASHES!!!

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Hey people, don't worry about your post count, it means nothing.




And if it means anything to you, you should really get out more, it's nothing more than a number.


My post count doesn't matter THAT much to me, but as a little known Tiffer, that not many people would recognise, it's a little more of a status symbol. I'm not one to whine about my post count, or spam forums to raise it, but I am kind of disappointed that now even fewer people will take any note of me.




Well. I'm not the special anyway, I guess. :P




As for upgrading to PhpB3, I hate it too. But I'm sure that after a month or two of using it, it'll feel a little more natural. I hated Phpbb2 in the first place, so don't be thinking that's without it's flaws to begin this.




Plus, we *just now* got the forum back. There are a ton of tweaks the admins need to deal with, so give it a chance for a week or two, and it'll seem a little more natural.

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I really don't like this new look tbh. It seems very unorganized with no dividing line between the avatar part and the post, and the index is really weird. (Not to mention the order of some of the boards is different?) I would love if there was a way that we could go back to the old version of the forums (just like a skin for it or whatever)




Edit: Darnit! my sig is back to my old one! I lost my favorite quote :(

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