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Just went on a bit of a shopping spree (couldn't think of a manlier phrase). Got some nice grey pants, khaki pants, and some ZINE hoodies. Super excited about them.


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I am going to start to put money away for a new gaming computer. I don't know how much I want to spend, but I do want something new. Going to start looking at websites tomorrow.




Albel doesn't say anything anymore, just comes in, leaves an arrow and vanishes into the night :(Probably
practising some euphonium

You nearly had me fooled, you fooler you


9/10. To me, always associate Albel with musical stuff in OT.

Everyone with a goatee and glasses is Albel now.

lmfao albel m8 wat r u doin, hi though.



[hide=Runescape Achievements]99 firemaking(2007), 99 woodcutting(2008), 99 fletching(2009), 99 magic(2010), 99 cooking(2010), 99 farming(2011), 99 construction(2011), 99 runecrafting(2012), 99 Hunter (2014),  99 ranged (2015), 99 HP (2015), 99 Slayer (2015), 99 attack (2015) 99 Defense (2015) 99 Prayer (2015) 99 Summoning (2015) 99 Strength(2015) 99 Herblore (2015) 99 Dungeoneering (2017)  99 Mining (2017) 99 Crafting (2017) 99 Smithing (2017) 99 Thieving (2017)  99 invention (2017) 99 Fishing (2018), 99 Divination (2018), 99 Agility (2018), MAXED (05/17/2018)[/hide]

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been in a funk for a while now


working everyday til friday. hope to see batman tomorrow and go to a Magic tournament on friday. We'll see how things go.




Anyone who likes tacos is incapable of logic.

Anyone who likes logic is incapable of tacos.


PSA: SaqPrets is an Estonian Dude

Steam: NippleBeardTM

Origin: Brand_New_iPwn

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I'm a fan of ragecomics/meme faces but 9gag WAY over does it. That and it steals from reddit. And I don't like that. I used to patrol /r/47U12 like it was my job, but I guess I've grown a bit tired of them myself lately. I hadn't even noticed until now.


Today I drank with some friends and watched a bunch of movies. Fairly chill.



My father and I just put a grill together. Are old on (really old one!) had a hole in the bottom of it so ash would come out of it so we bought a new one today. As soon as it was built, we lit the charcoal and now are waiting on the burgers and hot-dogs to be served.


Hamburgers, hot-dogs, ice cold beer, and enjoying it all with my father.




Charcoal cooking is amazing. I especially like charcoal cooked desserts.





Taste the meat, not the heat!


EDIT: I give up. blocked image is supposed to be King of the Hill related, but I can't for the life of me find an "approved" host. [bleep] da police


Aren't most of the "rage faces" that aren't just vectors of celebrities stolen from 4chan in the first place?

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I've decided to get back into pursuing a hobby I've wanted to do for years. Cosplay Photography :D Saving up atm for a good quality starter Digital SLR Camera and keeping tabs on all the Cosplay events around AUS to see when some near me and ones I can get to pop up.


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Banner ads are very, very clever. I've just seen an amazon banner here on Tip.It advertising the books I was looking to buy yesterday morning. I always knew they were like this, but this is the first time I've noticed it.

"Imagine yourself surrounded by the most horrible cripples and maniacs it is possible to conceive, and you may understand a little of my feelings with these grotesque caricatures of humanity about me."

- H.G. Wells, The Island of Doctor Moreau

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I spent yesterday afternoon with one of my best friends/roommate. That was pretty funny. We went longboarding, he told me about this girl he's crushin hard on, I told him the general situation with the girl I like, we had dinner with his parents, swam a bit in the pool, and watched the olympics.


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Curiosity landed on Mars last night with extreme success! I'm really excited to see what all they can get done with that huge thing. For those of you that don't know how big of an accomplishment this is, just watch this video of how it landed.


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I imagine it'll be similar experience (for us non-scientists) as the last rover they sent down almost a decade ago. It'll be fun to watch it movement and any images it might send back. Anyone actually know what it's suppose to be gathering while it's up there?

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From what I know, the main goal is to check the ground for traces of water, which would point to life possibly having existed on Mars once, or possibly being able to exist in the future (Though I guess "life" isn't going to go far beyond bacterial stage in these conditions if it exists at all.

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TIL: vezon dash is a nerd fighter.


@maleficus - yes most if not all rage faces are vectored celebrities/real people. The rest are altered versions of these vectors.


today I will not be seeing batman :( but I did manage to get out of work, so I'll be enjoying a nice session of Battlefield 3 today. Hopefully I'll find some of the reddit clan to hang out with online.




Anyone who likes tacos is incapable of logic.

Anyone who likes logic is incapable of tacos.


PSA: SaqPrets is an Estonian Dude

Steam: NippleBeardTM

Origin: Brand_New_iPwn

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They're looking for the Machine God!


In other news, finally going to be getting my computer back tomorrow. I sent it into a local computer parts shop to have it looked at, as it was freezing up a lot upon start-up, or when left idle for 20+ minutes. If I came back and tried to do anything, I had to... hard shut down (think that's the term anyway) and restart it. They said there wasn't much they could really do, except upgrade to windows 7 (using 64 bit vista atm). I'm not sure what to expect at the moment. When I first took it in, the lady who owned the store was shocked when I told her I'd had my computer for four years (it's an HP) and hadn't had any problems with it until now.

Unfinished netherrack symbol of Khorne.


Never forget. ~creeper face w/single tear~



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They already found water with the last rover I think, so I iagine this one is doing more than that. I had a diagram someplace with all the sensors it has (and it's quite extensive), but I don't feel like trying to dig it up.


I have realised that I have no real desire to see the third batman. I've not been able to watch the second one again, even though I did enjoy it when I saw the first one. I think it's because the story arch where people stop trusting the hero, or the hero loses faith in themselves really annoys me for some reason, and actively sucks the joy out of the story for me. This is why I will never re-watch any of the 24 seasons (since I think this is in half the episodes of every season), or the third spider man. I was overjoyed to see this story arch ruled out (or at least made more difficult to implement).


Today we started dealing with the stack of boxes that had consumed our games room. The Foosball and air hockey tables were totally buried and blocked off, and we're blocking access to the board games and game table and chairs. There we're boxes under Foosball, but air hockey was like a cave running from beside our couch to the back wall, with a tunnel of boxes enteding it a bit beyond the table. Honestly, it was actually the sort of box fort that children dream of, and I had fun inside it unblocking the entrance by the couch, and collapsing boxes so I could get them out from under the tables. Parents are getting ready to move, so most of the boxes will end up getting put back together pretty soon, but its nice to be reclaiming the room.

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Was supposed to have 2 flights today. One at 8 am and one at 7pm. One got canceled for weather, like i mentioned in a different thread. Other one just got canceled because some moron put too much oil in the plane. 3 quarts too many, to be exact. I can understand maybe 1 or two, but 3? Was he [bleep]ing high when he was flying.

I'm starting to get really depressed and really stressed out. Have not flown for a while. Have not flown that specific plane either. So it feels like the longer i have to wait, the more i am going to forget. I'm starting to get to the point where i'm actually terrified of going back up there :\

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Urgh, I'm unable to access some sites that I should be able to at uni on my tablet, and when I try to report the problem the option isn't there.


Might be moving out. :D

With who?


Friend Nathan.

Steam | PM me for BBM PIN


Nine naked men is a technological achievement. Quote of 2013.


PCGamingWiki - Let's fix PC gaming!

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We have no good cereal in the house, it's all either super healthy granola, or stuff like coco puffs. I want something in the middle, like miniwheats, or cornflakes, or chex. As such, I ate yogurt for breakfast and plan to buy my own cereal after work. Which will inevitably get eaten by everyone except me.


Also my sister has a phone interview sometime in the next few days for a job that has better starting pay than what my mom makes. I'm super jealous, but she has worked really hard and I hope she gets it. Makes me want to be an engineer, instead of an environmental scientist. I should change majors.

[bleep] the law, they can eat my dick that's word to Pimp

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^Store it in your room/label it? I have to label my cans of pop and bacon and store dry foodstuff in my room :(



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