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The Runecrafting Guild - Could it be F2P!?


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As an F2Per, I do hope it comes to us as well, but since there is a minigame, I guess RC guild belongs to members only. Well, at least the minimal requirement to enter should be 40 RC to be fair, maybe 45?

Yeah, like that zaryte bow


recharge costs = ammo.

So, all melee weapons are overpowered, at least.

this combat triangle finally makes sense...

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I think it might be F2P, but as always it will have more P2P benefits. Jagex are a company. They're trying to make money by luring the players in, by bringing out more and more updates that are P2P only. TBH it wouldn't surprise me if it's members only.

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You want it to be members for what? Just to go to F2P, start dancing and go "Hahhahaha we got an rc guild mauaauahahahah u stink!!!1!1!one!1!1eleven!1!" People keep forgetting that they get better rewards in P2P.


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There another reason why it won't be F2P. It's probably going to include mini-game too, mini-games usually P2P only. But don't get me wrong, Jagex had to release some PVP mini-games to F2Per because of wilderness update.

Hacked 10 years old account, permamently quit if Jagex doesn't return items.



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This reminds me of the Summoning debacle, with only conjecture and theory to prove that it would be given to Freeplayers.




Basically, what I'm saying is that I really doubt it. It'd be awesome, but I really doubt it.

Linux User/Enthusiast Full-Stack Software Engineer | Stack Overflow Member | GIMP User
...Alright, the Elf City update lured me back to RS over a year ago.

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although i am f2p, i don't think the runecrafting guild or the new minigame will be f2p. I will be very mad and probably strangle jagex ::' (not really) if it isn't f2p, but as everyone stated the behind the scenes will state it is f2p if the update is f2p. Since they haven't, im geussing that it isn't. I wish they also made a new f2p quest. We haven't gotten a new quest in a long time.






i would actually like to add that in the behind the scenes for july, they never said that the hd, item lending, and banking update was f2p, but look, it is. behind the scenes for may, they never said that the level up messages, and random statistic signs where f2p, but they are. behind the scenes march, they never said coinshare, and the stronghold of safety was f2p, but it is. and of course the december behind the scenes with bounty hunter and clan wars mini game, they never said it was f2p, but it is. -and i also looked if it had said "everyone" being that anything f2p, is also p2p.




you may be thinking,"what did this have to do with the forum?" well its because many people like myself have said that if something is f2p, they would have said so in the bts, but these are a few examples of the bts where they have stated updates and never said it was f2p, but is. Now, u may be thinking that the item lending, bank update, level up messages, and other small updates where basically something simple that would obviously be for f2p as well, but what about other small updates that were only available to p2p such as beta hd for a few days, andthe update about running replenishing faster even without agility...... But Bounty Hunter and Clan Wars is the real deal. The only time they said it was f2p, was when the made the news post on the day it came out. But on the Behind the Scenes, it never said if it was f2p or p2p. So the only way we can figure out if the new guild is f2p, is to just wait patiently. And remember f2pers, (like me), its ok if the rc guild is not f2p, just be happy we haven't turned into those addicted members who actually pay to play. lol jkjk




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First off, applause for pokemana!


Everyone who's so ****ing arrogant because you have the ability to pay 5 dollars for membership, holy crap. Think of the people who play this game at school only, because they're family cant afford a computer, should we just bar them out because they're less fortunate than you mighty five dollar man? Shame is all I feel for you, and it makes me sick that I may have had similar thoughts when I've had membership.




Members:Free- the ratio of game material is so vastly disproportionate, free has 32/~150 quests, accesss to limited skills, and the skills they're limited to, are limited. you pay, so yes, your entitled to have access to EVERYTHING, which means you can expect cozy updates each week (which used to be each MONTH back when I first started, and we were happy then too) and Free players get to read about it and say "wowzers mr jagex thats neat!". The reason they put updates on the front page? not for the ease of players, its bait to say "hey free players look what they're getting on the other side of the fence! 5 bucks gets you in!"




So, on my final note, I'll just say this: Free players dont get many updates, I remember when we got the range update, that was almost necessary to keep the gameplay going. They dont have to offer Free worlds, but they do because they're smart businessmen, who understand that if you treat a beggar, he'll return the kindness. which in this case is 5 dollars a month. The more they release to free to play, the better it will get for members, because the more money they have coming in because of all the people wanting to get everything, not just a taste. With more money comes the ability to afford better technology, more staff, and production of faster, better, and more rewarding updates.




Next time think before you bash, because it makes you look [developmentally delayed]ed.




On Topic- Someone posted that RCing is one of the most useless skills in f2p, doesnt that make it a prime target for an update? if people see that it could be fun, they'll buy membership to have fun with full benefits.




however, thats just wishful thinking, Jagex isnt hurting for money, I know that much. So this update may or may not be available to everyone- map space isnt an issue, a simple ladder/portal fixes all continuity issues- but as it stands, we know that it will be available to p2p, so just sit tight and hope they throw us a bone.





Reverents can be a pain, but you can run away from them. Just curious, do they still have teleblocking ability?

Fear the church, the reverents have 85 magic!!!!

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i cant realy see them adding the RC guild in ftp, the reson being it wouldnt fit anywhere.


and p2p is just teeming with great places of a guild to be placed. :roll:


look at a map lately? there is plenty of room...not to mention all that checkerboard area

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So I just reread the August's Behind the Scenes article and it nowhere said anything about the RC Guild being p2p or f2p.




I personally believe that the Runecrafting Guild will be F2P. Reason is, we haven't gotten a guild in over 5 years! Its time for F2P to get a real guild, yo! :)




Now, post yours. Why or why not? Are you pro-p2p, and a total hater of f2pers? Do you think F2P should get nothing at all?




Discuss, mate!




(dude, bro, man, buddy, dog, mate, friend)

i dont hate f2p but it should be p2p bcuz we pay to play and it is only fare tht we should get it bcuz we help support rs with our cash ::'

A slaYer KiD.png


Effigies: 5


draconic visage: 1

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I highly doubt that it will be F2P although I wish it was.




In F2p you can get 5k exp per hour making airs, maybe 10k per hour max making body runes ( which is a huge loss ) In P2p you can get what, 30k per hour no problem? I'm not saying that F2p should get something that amazing, just that we deseve a little better than 5k per hour.




I'm gonna get flamed for saying that




So I just reread the August's Behind the Scenes article and it nowhere said anything about the RC Guild being p2p or f2p.




I personally believe that the Runecrafting Guild will be F2P. Reason is, we haven't gotten a guild in over 5 years! Its time for F2P to get a real guild, yo! :)




Now, post yours. Why or why not? Are you pro-p2p, and a total hater of f2pers? Do you think F2P should get nothing at all?




Discuss, mate!




(dude, bro, man, buddy, dog, mate, friend)

i dont hate f2p but it should be p2p bcuz we pay to play and it is only fare tht we should get it bcuz we help support rs with our cash ::'




And we pay RS by watching all the ads over out screen \' It may not be $5 a month, but we are not entirely freeloaders

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I highly doubt that it will be F2P although I wish it was.




In F2p you can get 5k exp per hour making airs, maybe 10k per hour max making body runes ( which is a huge loss ) In P2p you can get what, 30k per hour no problem? I'm not saying that F2p should get something that amazing, just that we deseve a little better than 5k per hour.




I'm gonna get flamed for saying that




So I just reread the August's Behind the Scenes article and it nowhere said anything about the RC Guild being p2p or f2p.




I personally believe that the Runecrafting Guild will be F2P. Reason is, we haven't gotten a guild in over 5 years! Its time for F2P to get a real guild, yo! :)




Now, post yours. Why or why not? Are you pro-p2p, and a total hater of f2pers? Do you think F2P should get nothing at all?




Discuss, mate!




(dude, bro, man, buddy, dog, mate, friend)

i dont hate f2p but it should be p2p bcuz we pay to play and it is only fare tht we should get it bcuz we help support rs with our cash ::'




And we pay RS by watching all the ads over out screen \' It may not be $5 a month, but we are not entirely freeloaders






any true Free Player knows that ads causes alot of lag, so press "stop" link button before they load , or just blocks them out in some other way. 95% percent of F2p i know knows this and uses it.




And stop dreaming, the guild of mastery of the mystic art of runeCrafting wont be F2p, because they only scratch the surface of the true potential of RuneCrafting.

The clock is ticking, and your time is running out, mortals.

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I think it'd be members, normally it says in the BTS that it'd be a F2P update, there's nothing written to suggest it'd only be for P2P though - hopefully we'll find out tommorow. :pray:




I wouldn't really mind if it's F2P, I've got enough benefits for me in P2P anyway - it's not like F2P are going to be given the entire world map.

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That proves how can I be a "troll" if I have been around longer than him and I have much less posts than he does -_-




Because your post count and date you joined has nothing to do with your mannerisms?








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I personally believe that the Runecrafting Guild will be F2P. Reason is, we haven't gotten a guild in over 5 years! Its time for F2P to get a real guild, yo!







I normally nicely support most additions to F2P, they don't have that much, but your post is over that.




Do not say that F2P deserves something, just because they havn't gotton anything new in a while. Just because you havn't gotton a guild in 5 years, does not mean you are any closer to ANYTHING. F2P can make suggestions, and try, but when you say You deserve it just because F2P hasnt gotton many updates, you're an idiot. In my honest opinion, deal with what jagex decides or buy members...



the trick is to balance all of these methods to get 99 and either play real life or train another skill while farming.


635th to 99 Farming 12/16/07

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First off, applause for pokemana!


Everyone who's so ****ing arrogant because you have the ability to pay 5 dollars for membership, holy crap. Think of the people who play this game at school only, because they're family cant afford a computer, should we just bar them out because they're less fortunate than you mighty five dollar man? Shame is all I feel for you, and it makes me sick that I may have had similar thoughts when I've had membership.




Members:Free- the ratio of game material is so vastly disproportionate, free has 32/~150 quests, accesss to limited skills, and the skills they're limited to, are limited. you pay, so yes, your entitled to have access to EVERYTHING, which means you can expect cozy updates each week (which used to be each MONTH back when I first started, and we were happy then too) and Free players get to read about it and say "wowzers mr jagex thats neat!". The reason they put updates on the front page? not for the ease of players, its bait to say "hey free players look what they're getting on the other side of the fence! 5 bucks gets you in!"




So, on my final note, I'll just say this: Free players dont get many updates, I remember when we got the range update, that was almost necessary to keep the gameplay going. They dont have to offer Free worlds, but they do because they're smart businessmen, who understand that if you treat a beggar, he'll return the kindness. which in this case is 5 dollars a month. The more they release to free to play, the better it will get for members, because the more money they have coming in because of all the people wanting to get everything, not just a taste. With more money comes the ability to afford better technology, more staff, and production of faster, better, and more rewarding updates.




Next time think before you bash, because it makes you look [developmentally delayed].




On Topic- Someone posted that RCing is one of the most useless skills in f2p, doesnt that make it a prime target for an update? if people see that it could be fun, they'll buy membership to have fun with full benefits.




however, thats just wishful thinking, Jagex isnt hurting for money, I know that much. So this update may or may not be available to everyone- map space isnt an issue, a simple ladder/portal fixes all continuity issues- but as it stands, we know that it will be available to p2p, so just sit tight and hope they throw us a bone.






Jagex doesn't give two craps about you if you can't afford a computer, nonetheless membership. RC'ing is nearing useless in F2P. So they have little reason to need it. It's just going to be another thing that will attract members because they think they will be able to get 91 quickly and make tons of money. If it's for F2P, that's all well and dandy, but I doubt it will be, as only the speculations are being made now with little evidence to prove otherwise - actually either way at this point.

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Could it? yep,


Will it? :lol: :lol: :lol:, oh right your serious? -.-




no chance im afraid, rc isnt really used outside of air crafting in f2p so it would kinda be redundant. hopefully there will be a certain skill level before you can get in and if it ends up any higher than say 50, then the number of f2pers that can get in will be massively reduced

You call me a troll.. I have 210 posts and I registered over 2 years ago.. Now you have 570 and you have barely been 2 years at Tip.it




Nice brain


good job shooting yourself in your big trolly foot :roll: =D>

Theres a fine line between not listening and not caring,

I like to think I walk this line every day.

Pinning blame on Jagex is like trying to put pants on an old man.

You both know he needs them, but he'll just keep dancing around, avoiding them at all costs.

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No, I am almost certain that this will be p2p. Jagex only updates f2p when they have to, or when excluding f2p would be more of a waste of time than including them. This fills neither category.

~ W ~



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