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Noobs say the funniest things!


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Some people. :wall:






angel2w.gif Tip.It Website Crew Leader


I love it how Jafje comes outa nowhere and answers my questions

Hehe now we know what real life does...drugs, drugs, more drugs. Thank god we are addicted to something that won't kill us.


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  • 4 weeks later...

So I'm slaying Greaters at Kuradal's when a lvl 138 logs in with a whip. I proceed to get a lot more kills than him (Chaotic Rapier, Overload, Piety, Slayer Helm and Ferocious Ring) and steal some that spawn near him and he decides to speak to me about it.


Noob: Do u realise what a c*** you look

Me: ?

Noob: Running bout wiv ur chaotic

Me: U mad bro?

Noob: Learn to f****** chill out

Noob: Oi c*** behave will you#

Me: Calm down

Noob: F****** pathetic no life dung kissing waster

Me: A lvl 138 calling me no life for having 81 dung?

Noob: And my wife 101 dung

Noob: She only uses chaotics on metals, finds whip better most tasks

Me: ...

Noob: Get a vine whip and try

Noob: Behave

Noob: Ffs a pair of c***s in 1 room, i'm off

Me: Don't have a tantrum


Oh by the way, I don't think lvl 138 are no lifers it just made me laugh how judgmental he was of me.



Notable solo drops: x3 Bandos boots, x2 Dragonic Visage, x2 Bandos Tassets, x1 Bandos Hilt, x1 Bandos Chestplate

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So I'm slaying Greaters at Kuradal's when a lvl 138 logs in with a whip. I proceed to get a lot more kills than him (Chaotic Rapier, Overload, Piety, Slayer Helm and Ferocious Ring) and steal some that spawn near him and he decides to speak to me about it.


Noob: Do u realise what a c*** you look

Me: ?

Noob: Running bout wiv ur chaotic

Me: U mad bro?

Noob: Learn to f****** chill out

Noob: Oi c*** behave will you#

Me: Calm down

Noob: F****** pathetic no life dung kissing waster

Me: A lvl 138 calling me no life for having 81 dung?

Noob: And my wife 101 dung

Noob: She only uses chaotics on metals, finds whip better most tasks

Me: ...

Noob: Get a vine whip and try

Noob: Behave

Noob: Ffs a pair of c***s in 1 room, i'm off

Me: Don't have a tantrum


Oh by the way, I don't think lvl 138 are no lifers it just made me laugh how judgmental he was of me.


Eheheh, I love when noobs rage at me when I kill monsters too fast. I run up to attack a monster and they run up 3 seconds later at the same monsterand get all pissy for me "stealing their guy". I kill the monster and run up to another one and kill that, all the while this noob is running back and forth unable to get a single kill. Of course these are the people who refuse to use potions or prayer and prefer to use godswords over a whip, let alone chaotics. Not my fault you take 2 minutes to kill a single demon. Instead of switching worlds, they just rage and start calling me a "c**k".


Funny that he called you the same thing, is "c**k" a commonly used phrase used by jealous nubz online?







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  • 1 month later...

Lol. Playing on a calculator. I can't believe you kept him going that long. :lol:



THE place for all free players to connect, hang out and talk about how awesome it is to be F2P.

So, Kaida is the real version of every fictional science-badass? That explains a lot, actually...

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Lol. Playing on a calculator. I can't believe you kept him going that long. :lol:


Agreed. Have no idea how you kept him around that long. :XD:

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  • 2 weeks later...

He was at TDS. The demon hit him while he was teleporting to Lumbridge, so he died there. He managed to get back his items before a 'noob' could loot it.


When he demolished his grave, the noob asks 'Where are all the good stuff?'. He traded him and said he got all of it. Apparently he must've shown a large value of items, shocking the noob. Then the noob realized it was him who died, and not a guy who looted the grave.




Never gonna give you up.[/hide][/hide][/hide][/hide][/hide][/hide][/hide][/hide][/hide][/hide][/hide][/hide][/hide][/hide][/hide][/hide][/hide][/hide][/hide][/hide][/hide][/hide][/hide][/hide][/hide][/hide][/hide][/hide][/hide][/hide]

"We don't want players to be able to buy their way to success in RuneScape. If we let players start doing this, it devalues RuneScape for others. We feel your status in real-life shouldn't affect your ability to be successful in RuneScape" Jagex 01/04/01 - 02/03/12

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He was at TDS. The demon hit him while he was teleporting to Lumbridge, so he died there. He managed to get back his items before a 'noob' could loot it.


When he demolished his grave, the noob asks 'Where are all the good stuff?'. He traded him and said he got all of it. Apparently he must've shown a large value of items, shocking the noob. Then the noob realized it was him who died, and not a guy who looted the grave.

Ah ok, thanks for explaining, I thought he was at lumby when the conversation happened :P


Retired item crew

I would like to be credited as essiw at the website update & corrections forum. Thanks!

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*5 Years ago*

(so my irl friend gave me 5k and this is what i do with it)

There were 3 people.

Me, And two other dudes

One with a yellow cape, and one with a red cape


Me: Dude nice yellow cape!

Dude1: Thanks

Me: Can i have it?

Dude1: Ill sell it to you

Me: Ill buy for 4k!

Dude1: Okay!

Dude2: Dude wanna buy my cape? its better

Me: Sorry noob i already have one haha!






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If 'doubling money' counts as a nooby thing I has a story...


So I get one month of membership after the bot nuke, and about a day after it runs out I'm on a f2p world buying a few things to check out one last thing, at the G.E. I also had put (about 9 months ago) a blue partyhat buy offer in for 1 so I was checking that.


ANYWAYS, a noob a few levels higher than me is offering to double money, amidst crowds of people they 'got hacked' and shit. So, I've always had fun with them, so I say, "a small test to see if you're legit?" he says okay, so I trade a mere 50K, and he bolts! It's sad because he stopped right outside the ge and I caught up to him in like 5 seconds. The saddest thing is that he pretended he knew nothing about what I was talking about until I said that it was only a small part of my bank - and then he offered to double that too!


Reminds me why I quit runescape. The community is a bunch of beggars that can't actually earn money themselves, and resort to stealing and shit. I'm not angry over 50K, because I've quit anyways, but still... thats pathetic. He must've been really desperate haha

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Funny thing is that the money to be gotten from Begging and stealing is probably alot less than even doing some low level skilling and selling the goods on GE...


They probably end up quitting early because nobody would 'help' them, or they find it 'boring'

6,924th to 30 hunting, 13,394th to 30 summoning, 52,993rd to 30 Divination

Kiln Record (Post-EoC): W 25 - L 0, 14 Uncut Onyx, 8 Jad hits received (Best record: Two in the same kiln)
Obby set renewed post update #2: 0

QBD drops: 21 crossbow parts, 3 Visages, 1 Kites, 2 Kits

Max Port Score [2205] Achieved: 27th April 2013 (World 2nd)


Farmyard Rampage ranking: 12th, 50,000 Kills.


Dragon Pickaxe Drops: 1 (Times after I first entered Battlefield: 2h)

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Was fishing lobbies at Karamja and there was noob in full black offering to make p-hats...claiming you only needed level 51 crafting. :wall: And he kept insisting even when almost everyone who was there called him on that.


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Lol. How much was he charging for this miracle of crafting?



THE place for all free players to connect, hang out and talk about how awesome it is to be F2P.

So, Kaida is the real version of every fictional science-badass? That explains a lot, actually...

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