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Noobs say the funniest things!


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somthing I find weird is how every "noob" knows how to report...








but anyway,




I was in world 1 buying oak logs so a noob offers me 19304 (xome weird number. I figure it was a scam, but I went through with it, sure enough he switched it to 1930.








So i keep buying oaks and about 5 min later, the same noob tries to do it again








(I know you al laughing you buts off know, but I found it funny)








also somone said this on offical I think








noob: yor banned unless you tell me your pass




person: ok, my pass is: stupidnoob




noob logs out




-2 minutes later-




noob: it didn't work










Rofl. My chair has a fridge, a cooler, a toilet, a shower, and a barbecue bulit in.

Hey, I may have quite Runescape, but I just bought an XBOX 360 and play way to much COD4 with the Gamertag Lava Mage

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somthing I find weird is how every "noob" knows how to report...








but anyway,




I was in world 1 buying oak logs so a noob offers me 19304 (xome weird number. I figure it was a scam, but I went through with it, sure enough he switched it to 1930.








So i keep buying oaks and about 5 min later, the same noob tries to do it again








(I know you al laughing you buts off know, but I found it funny)








also somone said this on offical I think








noob: yor banned unless you tell me your pass




person: ok, my pass is: stupidnoob




noob logs out




-2 minutes later-




noob: it didn't work
















Yeh, that happens all the time to me...you'd think scammers would learn not trade the same people...Yeeash.








lol at the second one :lol:




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I rember once I was at pest control (we were doing bad) so this level 40 is walkign aroud and says "this world sucks. anyone know a level 100+ world?" and i'm just thinking if we knew a better world, wouldn't we be in it?


Rofl. My chair has a fridge, a cooler, a toilet, a shower, and a barbecue bulit in.

Hey, I may have quite Runescape, but I just bought an XBOX 360 and play way to much COD4 with the Gamertag Lava Mage

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This was the stupidest thing i have ever heard.








me: Selling Magics 950ea.




noob: Hey i can make more then u have rite now.




me: Oh really? How?




noob: well i need to go on your account and take a picture of your magics.




me: and how are you getting on my account.




noob: i have your password.




me: oh ok, what is it.




me: tell me.




noob: NO runescape blocks your ******** (password)




me: O rly? BTW how do you make more magics for me?




me: don't have to tell ( this is were there was a 5 minute silence)




me: please




noob: well i take the photo and then u paste it on runescape.




me: is that possible?




me: i think you lying.




noob: no i made 500 cooked chickens when i had 12.




me: Wow you must be good.




noob: yea im 1337 H4x.




me: oh ok then lol.




me: So you take the photo and then you paste it into the inventory right?




noob: yea don't tell anyone it confuses java script.








Now come on i give this kid $5 for imagination but seriously i couldn't stop laughing. :XD:



98% Of teenagers surround their minds with rap music, if you're part of the 2% that stayed with rock, put this in your signature, ROCK IS BETTER!

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Guy: "I can upgrade your sword to r00n"




Me: "So why isn't your sword r00n?"




Me: "Huh?"




Guy after 3 minutes: "Yeh.."








check out my site 4 stupid coversations =P~ I have even taken screenshots of single moment.












Just Wanted To Say Necro




I Read Your Whole Site Lol




I Think It's Great What You Do




Also It's Great How People Act.




Necro Add Me Sometime I Wana Talk To Ya.




Also I Have One Here








Me:*Training Range On Lessers*




Noob:I Bet I Have More Money Than You.




Me: Oh Ya? Well, How Much Do You Have Then




Noob: 1000Mill




Me: That's Very Cool, But I Have 1000Trill




Noob: omfg Really How???




Me: Well See, You Need To First Go Get All Your Money And Come Back And Let The Demons Kill You




Noob: Be Right Back




The Most Funniest Thing Is..He Did It




Noob: *Comes Back* Well I'm Back




Me: Now All You Do Is Now Run All The Way To Falador And Back Here, But On The Way Do Emotes, And Say Your a Noob. Then Come Back here And If I'm Gone, You'll Have The Money..




Noob: Ok, Do I Have To Press Any Buttons?




Me: Only the Ones To Say "Your Stupid.








I then Waited For Him To Leave Then Hopped..




I Found It Funny Cause My Friend In That World Ended Up Telling Me He Say A Idiot Running To Fally Saying He Was A Nub, Yes This Is Real..And Well People Are Stupid :D

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one time this happends








Noob:Your mom




Me:double u tf???




Noob you heard me your mom




Me:ok *walks on north*




Noob:*follows* i btcha i can kill you




Me:thats good now leave




Noob:*as we enter wildy*why cant i attck you!!!!!!!!




Me:because im 19 lvs higher than you




we keep walking sooner or later he attacks




Me:you know your a warrior with full iron i am a mage




Noob:*still attcking*so what




Me:*castest wind blast*this
















Never got to kill him shoud have gone deeper

Wongton is better than me in anyway~~



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I was in Varrock west bank and I saw a guy standing there saying "free farts"




So I traded him and there was nothing there. So he said "You can't see farts"








Some people are really strange sometimes. :XD:

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Just happened, in Falador east bank:












me: selling 300 coal noted 50k!!!








This other guy trades with me and offerd 12 coal, the brainless fool. I think Jagex should release a lvl 999 evil chicken on all the players who don't know the difference between buying and selling.








Me: *dicline trade*




him: noob!








I note that his combat lvl is lower then mine.








Me: You are the noob here, not me




me: and you are stupid too.




him: i'm not stupid!




me: no, of course not




me: most people don't know the difference between selling and buying




me: or 300 and 12

Excentric staff member of the Voices clan

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Also just happened:








I was mining coal in the mining guild, wearing full rune (g), team-19 cape, gold gloves and gold boots. Then this guy comes to me and sais: "Get chicken feet. They are brighter."




Who the bleep does he think he is? My clothing advisor?

Excentric staff member of the Voices clan

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Got a new one.












Me: How many chunks do i have to get !?!?!?!




RandomPerson: 50, Hey i`ll make you a deal.




Me: What deal?




RandomPerson: i`ll sell you 20 for 1mil ea, There good they give you 5mil exp for any stat




Me: Woah No Thanks.




RandomPerson: you Censored noob, Buy them of me u Censored Censored Censored idiot or i`ll report for item scamming Censored.








Lucky there was a mod there helping out newbies, So i told him about it and then he started flaming my mother. So then i ignored him.








20 minutes later i am woodcutting and then this lvl 109 comes, and says this








lvl 109: I will get you banned noob.




Me: What ever you reckon, Your the one that is going to get banned.




lvl 109: How?? CENSORED




Me: Wait a few weeks from now =)




lvl 109: CENSORED you i got friends in high places and they will ban you.




Me: Well they must be tall then, Then he started talking about my mother again. So i ignored him and reported him :wink:








Wouldn't you think a well respected lvl 109 would no better than this?











98% Of teenagers surround their minds with rap music, if you're part of the 2% that stayed with rock, put this in your signature, ROCK IS BETTER!

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I'm really had it with him...








Me and about 5 other guys were mining in the guild. one of them starts to say: "Mine! Mine" about the rocks. i find that not kind.




me: is your name on it?




him: yes




me: liar. there are no names on them




him, u froob




*i notice that his cb lvl is about 10 lvls lower then mine*




me: i have a higher combat lvl then you




me: so you are a froob, not me




him: combat lvl doesn't matter, total lvl does




me: So what's your total lvl?




him: 750




me: wow




me: mine's 809




*that's true*




him: so?




me: you are a froob, not me




me: froob!




him: but i don't act black like u do




*what the hech does he mean with that?*








me: i don't act black




him: u r a racist




*wtf? this is going too far*




me: yeah, right




me: m fianc̮̩̉̉e has blood of 6 different nationalities




*that also is true*




me: so... i am a racist?




him: yeah and you're 60 years old




him: you're just an adult without a life




me: an adult, indeed




*i'm 18 years old. In my country, that's adult*




me: but i think i lived more than you will have when you're 80




*wich also is true, i passed trough lots of things during my life...*




then i went to the bank. I'm curious if he ill say anything else.

Excentric staff member of the Voices clan

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this is kind of short, but....




ok i was teleing to lumbridge(the one with no runes), from karamja because i was going to go to varrock and i wanted to save time.




when i started teleing,




noob(lvl 37 or so):Noob, ur teleing to lumbridge!!!!!noob!!!!!!








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I just walk into goblin village and a lv 49 noob walk up to me (i was lv 43)


Noob Rang noob


Noob i could own you any day wildy


Noob Noob


me i'm not all range


weild rune scimmy and sheild


me noob


noob runs away

But seriously, I will kill you all

I am back for realz this time I promise now that I am a member :p

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I was out in Al Kharid fighting random men and a guy comes up to me and says "You stole my name!!!!!!!!". I look and the guys name is "Robber43653" (Not really, but VERY similar).




I turn to him, hoping I can get him to understand what my name means, and I say "There are lots of people named Robert". He says "w/e n00b".




I was laughing so hard!

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I arrive at Moss Giants for some good old fashion strength training....




Him:Leave noob


Me: Nah


Him: Ok


Him: Friends?








This happens alot there....




Now for my one...




noob: U R 1337! wutz th4t 4rm0ur?!


me: It's guthans, and please dont talk in leet speak.


noob: R3p0r13D!


me: sorry?


noob: R3p0r13d!


me: again, what?


noob: I said, my dear fellow. That I have reported you.


me: what for?


noob: for not appreciating the way in which I like to speak.


me: I can't be reported for that


noob: (silence for about 2 minutes) n00b! (then he logged)




Just goes to show that no matter how hard they try to talk in a chivalrous manner they just cant pull it off without their brains being overheated...

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