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My adventure:



I spawned inside a jungle, I began by cutting down one of the large trees giving me masses of wood. I then swam towards a mountainous biome to build my house.



On the way I found some coal, relatively uninteresting but lucky me.



Then I realised that coal is now everywhere, I'll take this coal later.



I started building a bridge to get to one of the mountains.



I started building my house inside the mountain.



I cooked some food and ate it.



The sun arose.



Earlier (not pictured) I had planted some seeds. They hadn't grown much!



Killed a pig.



I saw a creeper, I charged back into my base before it could explode. I realised that I needed armour and weapons.



Started my branch mine, night was falling.



I got inside



I walled my self in, no monsters can get here.

My god Montressor![/hide]

Edited by Kimberly
Lots of images.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Just downloaded "Tekkit", after watching Duncan of the Yogscast playing through it the passed week. It's a pretty nice little download!


It's Minecraft but it has a different launcher and contains all them amazing mods, such as Industrialcraft, Equivalent Exchange, Too Many Items...and many more but I CBA to note them down! :P


Here's the link to where you can install if from, if you haven't got it already!


Technic Pack Download page

I hope the link works anyway! :L


Visit my blog! Click the madness for more madness!

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I don't play on a server. When I want other people in my world I open it up to some of the people in my clan (my computer doesn't mind, though my internet can only support like 2 additional people).


Still working on my monster prison/bunker. I think I fudged the cells, which aren't nearly big enough. Should be double the current height, and I might need to lose the enderman spawner (because most of the bunker is a 2m ceiling). Definately some things I would do different if I were to built this again (layout being key). Even once the the ground is hollowed out, there is still a lot of work if I want to make it look nice, especially in my super villian lair which is a glass ceiling under a lake (which was a royal pain to build).


I also made a proper blast door to counter creepers, complete with a water shield to prevent the door from blowing out. Then I locked at the way the circuits were laid out (keeping in mind no redstone passes the water shield), and I now realize that even if the door survives, there is a good chance that either the circuit holding it closed will be blown out, or the actual pistons will be lost (which would actually be ideal since that would lock it shut with the water shield intact). Its still good experience building multiple circuits in close proximity (lesson being, never do this if you can avoid it), and teaching the value of making a preliminary floor plan.


I'm also hoping that my plan of using the server to convert the world back to survival (which will only work as long as its on the server client) will actually work properly, and allow the monster spawners to function.


My next design for something like this might leave the creepers out of it (I'll find some other way to allow the monsters to spread, probably with the use of timed explosives to simulate some sort of malfunction), which would give me a lot more liberties with design. Problem with creepers is they will blast a lot of the structures out and make it impossible for anything but a spider to escape since nothing else will be able to jump out.


Heck, might even start on a second base before this one is finished. Or more likely, retrofit the current complex. Discovered a giant underground canyon though, and cool as it is, its totally making headaches by limiting how far down I can go in certain areas.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Here's the family photo of our local 3-man-and-a-golem team, consisting me and my two housemates (and a golem). We play "co-operative hardcore multiplayer": Vanilla on Hard mode, we always join and leave the server at the same time, on computers next to each other, and if one of us dies, the server is wiped.




We've never managed to get all the way to the End without one death, but this is the first world in about 6 months where we've managed to get both full diamond and all of the useful potions. Tomorrow, we go on a quest for a stronghold.

~ W ~



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Here's the family photo of our local 3-man-and-a-golem team, consisting me and my two housemates (and a golem). We play "co-operative hardcore multiplayer": Vanilla on Hard mode, we always join and leave the server at the same time, on computers next to each other, and if one of us dies, the server is wiped.




We've never managed to get all the way to the End without one death, but this is the first world in about 6 months where we've managed to get both full diamond and all of the useful potions. Tomorrow, we go on a quest for a stronghold.

That sounds like amazing fun, keep us updated :thumbup:


My cousin runs a server that we play on since February, and it's gotten pretty big. Currently contains our versions of the village of Freeport, New York City, and three private vacation houses. Some pics:




View of Freeport from a high floor of the Scal Apartment building.


Inside of the Montauk house, our favorite vacation house and most detailed, since it's based on a real life favorite place.




View of the city from Montauk front porch.


Current pic of the city, from left to right: Illuminati building (thing actually screws with your perception in-game and less than 100% brightness), Viacom, [racist term] Inc. (secretly KKK HQ), Freedom Tower, Scal Apartments, World Trade Center, Hass Apartments, and Rockefeller Center is just visible behind Trump Tower.





We make full use of it, too. It has an actively reproducing population of villagers, wolves are the KKK, and ducks are the Illuminati.


Get back here so I can rub your butt.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Bought this for Xbox the other day. It translates very well from the PC to the 360.


Yeah it looks and plays great, but I really can't stand the fact that microsoft imposed the 1000x1000 map size. Just...total mood-killer.


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Bought this for Xbox the other day. It translates very well from the PC to the 360.


Yeah it looks and plays great, but I really can't stand the fact that microsoft imposed the 1000x1000 map size. Just...total mood-killer.

They did what now? 1000 blocks by 1000 blocks? That's tiny! :blink:

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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Bought this for Xbox the other day. It translates very well from the PC to the 360.


Yeah it looks and plays great, but I really can't stand the fact that microsoft imposed the 1000x1000 map size. Just...total mood-killer.

They did what now? 1000 blocks by 1000 blocks? That's tiny! :blink:

To be fair, I'm not sure if an Xbox can handle a normal sized Minecraft world.

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Considering how much of the game has been stripped down from the current PC version to the Xbox 360 version (which is effectively 1.6.6 Beta in PC money), the map is just about big enough to accommodate what's actually left in the game, although being able to walk from one side of the "world" to another in twelve MineCraft hours is a bit of a joke. The idea is that they will, in time, update the 360 edition to be in-date with the PC version so maybe they'll increase the map size in time. AFAIK they haven't definitely said, "1000x1000 blocks, end of discussion".

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Bought this for Xbox the other day. It translates very well from the PC to the 360.


Yeah it looks and plays great, but I really can't stand the fact that microsoft imposed the 1000x1000 map size. Just...total mood-killer.

They did what now? 1000 blocks by 1000 blocks? That's tiny! :blink:

To be fair, I'm not sure if an Xbox can handle a normal sized Minecraft world.

It won't be as much as PC, but it should definitely be more than that.


Get back here so I can rub your butt.

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It's probably going to be as good as the PC version when the next generation of consoles come out. I think that the 360 can't handle all of it with its quite old hardware. Where do you see computers with 512MB RAM anymore? That's how much RAM the 360 has.

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I am completely new to Minecraft, just got it about a week ago on the 360. I've been avoiding it since it looked like a game I would get completely addicted to. Turns out I know myself fairly well, I was completely addicted after the first hour. Don't remember much of that night though since I was playing with friends and we decided to do shots everytime it turned night, and after 12 or so it gets pretty bad.


Anyways, I am attempting to figure out everything on my own and not look at any guides, but I did have a question. Does pretty much every world have a decent amount of resources underground? I'm playing a single player map, probably 20 hours in it already, and haven't found any diamond, only a little redstone and only four gold ore. I'm playing a different map with friends, and within 4 hours or so I had already found multiple diamond/gold/redstone spots.



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I am completely new to Minecraft, just got it about a week ago on the 360. I've been avoiding it since it looked like a game I would get completely addicted to. Turns out I know myself fairly well, I was completely addicted after the first hour. Don't remember much of that night though since I was playing with friends and we decided to do shots everytime it turned night, and after 12 or so it gets pretty bad.


Anyways, I am attempting to figure out everything on my own and not look at any guides, but I did have a question. Does pretty much every world have a decent amount of resources underground? I'm playing a single player map, probably 20 hours in it already, and haven't found any diamond, only a little redstone and only four gold ore. I'm playing a different map with friends, and within 4 hours or so I had already found multiple diamond/gold/redstone spots.

Well like has been said, on the Xbox the map is limited to 1000x1000. Though on the computer the map will keep spawning, well until you reach the Far lands. I've never been myself, though I could easily do so with single player commands. I'm not sure if the Xbox version has the far lands as well, we must test this, FOR SCIENCE.


Most worlds have a good supply of every kind of ore because they keep spawning new stuff though.

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Got the Xbox edition, now I need to ask a serious question. If I was to have a project, since I can't decide, what should it be? Don't worry to much about supplies and such as I enjoy getting the supplies/materials almost as much as I do making things with them.

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