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Noobs say the funniest things!


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Ok now this happened like 10 mins ago...




Noob:r u rich








Noob:did u finish every quest




Me:(wearing quest cape)Yes I have that is why I am able to wear this cape.




Noob:oh(he then home tele's)




And that is my story




That's every Fudge-picking day.. -.- i got the perfect way to counter it, act like a bot.

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Ok now this happened like 10 mins ago...




Noob:r u rich








Noob:did u finish every quest




Me:(wearing quest cape)Yes I have that is why I am able to wear this cape.




Noob:oh(he then home tele's)




And that is my story




That's every Fudge-picking day.. -.- i got the perfect way to counter it, act like a bot.




We seriously need a Robot Dance emote for just that kind of situation...


don't worry, you are going to "hell" anyway. wanna race to see who gets there first?

Officially reached 100 Combat at 1:33PM EST, June 14, 2007

First Dragon Drop: Dragon Chain (Dust Devils) @ 10:48PM EST, July 14, 2008, lv113 combat

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Ok now this happened like 10 mins ago...




Noob:r u rich








Noob:did u finish every quest




Me:(wearing quest cape)Yes I have that is why I am able to wear this cape.




Noob:oh(he then home tele's)




And that is my story




That's every Fudge-picking day.. -.- i got the perfect way to counter it, act like a bot.




We seriously need a Robot Dance emote for just that kind of situation...


Or a voice recorder...

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me-teles to ecto from barrows (forgot spade) sees a guy burying bones right next to the altar thing.




me:Why are you burying your bones?


person:im getting more xp than normal duh! noob...


me:you need to grind the bones first...


person:what?? grind? wtf u talkinn bout n00b!!!




:wall: :wall: :wall:


i walk away and get my spade...

Unfinished netherrack symbol of Khorne.


Never forget. ~creeper face w/single tear~



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well when i was cutting willows at draynor a pure skiller asked "wc lvls?" unfortunately no one replied, and then another guy killed the dark wizard.


while this pure skiller used home tele port , when he is about to tele he said "omfg all of you are noobs!" unfortunately the dark wizard respawned and attacked him till he dies :shock: im like lol irl

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me-teles to ecto from barrows (forgot spade) sees a guy burying bones right next to the altar thing.




me:Why are you burying your bones?


person:im getting more xp than normal duh! noob...


me:you need to grind the bones first...


person:what?? grind? wtf u talkinn bout n00b!!!




:wall: :wall: :wall:


i walk away and get my spade...





99 attack-34,104th to 99 attack.



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Firstly, can I say congratulations to the creator of this year and a half old thread. Anyway, I was in the new (and unimproved) wildy, when a noob comes to me and tells me there is a wildy tax, and that I had to give him 3k or else be kicked out of the wild. I just ignored him and carried on walking.

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me-teles to ecto from barrows (forgot spade) sees a guy burying bones right next to the altar thing.




me:Why are you burying your bones?


person:im getting more xp than normal duh! noob...


me:you need to grind the bones first...


person:what?? grind? wtf u talkinn bout n00b!!!




:wall: :wall: :wall:


i walk away and get my spade...











There is no meaning or truth in life but that which we create for ourselves.


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I was wearing a Zamorak Skirt and some guy PM'd me.




'Hey, nice legs!'




A minute later..




'Can I rub them?'




I was like, OMFG! :XD:




~Oh dear =S.~




ok well after an hour of reading really dumb boring things on this forum i finally found something that actually caught me off guard and made me actually (LOL) surprising enough this doesnt happen often as most people on RS or most of the forums connected to RS dont seem to have an IQ much higher then the max stat attainable.




before anybody picks apart my spelling, i suck at it..

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Noob1: nub


Noob2: ur the nub


Noob1: no u r


Noob2: stfu I own u


Noob1: no cuz ur nub! N00B!






Noob3: Stfu nubs


Noob1:I report u


Noob2:Me too then n00bs!


Noob3: ******* *** hole


Noob1:Haha you gona get banned noob


Noob2:You too.


Noob1:My main own u he's 99 in evry skill


Noob2:No my main is zezzima




Noob1:I report ur main then






Noob3: STFU!"!!!!

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I seriously suspect some people just act stupid to annoy every one. Most of these people sound to dumb to find their computers on button.




Any way I was sending to noobs on a scavanger hunt to help them learn that the only way to make money is to work for it. There were two of them that were interested so I gave them a list of five worthless items to bring me and the first one to do so would win 2K. One promptly ran off and eventually won after learning how to shear sheep as well as an important lesson about working. The other just stood there here's the conversation that ocured.




Me: So, get to it!






noob: Ok, give we the money


Me: NO you have to win the scavanger hunt first


noob: I new


Me: I know that (he was level 4)


noob: so give me the money


me: do the scvanger hunt and you can win it.


noob: NOOOOOOO!!!! Just give me the money


me: Shouting wont ge you anywhere you have work for money


noob: NOOOOOOOO!!!!


I walk away to go get the prize money for the winner he PM's me


noob: Give me he money! NOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWW!!!!!!


me: (a great distance away from him and 52 levels higher) How can you make me?




He never came up with a response.

wildernes.myfreeforum.org hizzah!

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A level five partial skiller is around some Macroers. This happened around August.




Level 5: Hey can I join your woodcutting clan?


Level 5: (PMing Macroer) Can I be in ur woodcutting clan?




And on and on. Sorrowfully, that was me. :anxious:

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i was drop mining iron in rimington cuz nobody uses it and levle 3 comes up to me and said:




Noob:wat u doing


Me:mining iron


Noob:ur a noob


Me:ur levle 3


Noob:im reporting u


Me:k, if u want u can get the iron im dropping


Noob: stop drop trading






Me: wow...


Noob leaves after i ignore him for 5min.


In those min he was accusing me of macroing.




ANother noob comes in




Noob:drop your armor and press Alt f4, it duplicates them!!!


Me:rofl scammer.






(for slow ppl do alt f4 to find out wat it does)


(k im not that mean...alt f4 closes the window...wink....wink

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after having a short conversation with a noob, i felt compelled to put this on here.




-i met a noob in bounty hunter, decided to attack him-




noob: hey!


me: i like ur rune scimi...


noob: ur not going to get it! i'm not skulled!


me: lets see...




two mins in... i got him down to about 10 health.


-then i hit 10.-




noob: ur such a noob! (as he dies!)


me: ty for the rune scimi!




(i pick up the rune scimi, and walk towards varrock)




noob: (pm) where r u? give me back rune scimi!


me: no.


noob: reported for item scamming!




(i put him on my ignore)


d drops/ legs(0) chain (0) axes (0) skirts (0) meds(0)/ visage! (0)/ rings (0)

-My Blog! Don't forget to post!

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a noob once said to me: i give u a scary mask for a paperhat




translated: i give u a halloween mask for a phat

Best f2p crafter. (I hope)

95m+ bank since february 2009

Crafting with friends in w61 - Al-Kharid

http://www.pointblog.dk/?go=krat(only 1 time per 24 hours per person.. I did'nt make these rules, so don't flame me)

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The other day, I was killing cows. Some guy pms me.




Guy: Hi. You owe me 350 k.


(I never borrow money. I don't think anyone borrows money from anyone except a friend, I didn't know this guy at all.)


Me: Who are you?


Guy: I'm your friend, duh!


Me: What? Where are you from?


Guy: Arent you *some name, I forgot. I remember it was a wierd name*?


Me: No.


Guy: Oh.


*He logs*


Me: #-o :shock:




I never see him again.

Avatar by Unoalexi!

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Decided to visit Runescape' Cc. After like 20 seconds there's a message






Skychi(sp?):See, i can talk!




The end.




I went to his Cc and i discovered he was killing for Karamthulus :lol: !




Edit: He's a famous guy, he dont talk much. Famous for making a lot of Rs movies on Youtube.

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One day I am mining Iron to get my smith lvl up when a noob comes up


Noob:get off my rock


me:this is everyones rock


Noob:I call this rock dont mine it


me:No I need to mine it


noob:ill give you 100gp to leave


me:that wouldnt buy me 2 iron ores


noob:yes it would it would buy like 60


At this time I ignore him and kep mining iron he keeps requesting trades but i ignore him


Tip.It's Official Undercover Agent

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I was walking near the the Varrok west bank and this level 30 somthing player walks up to me and asks if I have full addy with me...




Person: Can I buy some full addy?


Me:(at this point I was in the Varrok castle with him behind me) i never said I was selling anything...


Person: Well don't you have full addy u stupid nub?!


Me: You know, I really don't walk around with a full set of admant armour in my inventory to sell to the random person who wants to buy it...


Person: Well you should, so sell me it nooooob!!


Me: Bye...


Person: Stupid noob reported!!!!


Thats when i teled to seers...




I never knew people could be that...unintelligent...

I don't like fun, it upsets me.-- Marilyn Manson

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That's a PLAYER MOD? Wow... selection has gotten lax at Jagex Dungeons.
If the CORPORAL beast is this hard, imagine how hard a GENERAL or COLONEL beast would be. a corporal is not even an admirable rank in armies that use that ranking system.


Yeah, it is a pking minigame, so any arguments anybody makes will probably be biased.

The best way this will end :Everybody just says,"I'm not arguing with you anymore, goodbye."

The worst way this will end: I don't really know, psychological warfare? Worldwide thermonuclear war? Pie eating contest?

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Gathering herbs at Chaos Druids:




Noob: wow u wipe hard


Me: say again?


Noob: ur wipe hits hard


Me: (relises he means Whip) oh this is only a baby wipe


Noob: wot u mean?


Me: you can get dragon wipes they really wipe 455


Noob: really max hit?


Me: 40 with a lotion


Noob: lotion?


Me: yeh i have 86 herb so i can make baby lotions


Noob: yer jokin me now right?





Still the proud owner of Quest Cape since 8th December 2007

All skills used to be 70 or higher. (Dang you Dungeoneering. Oh wait, it's not a skill...)

Drops: Whips 8, Black Mask 8, D/Skirt 1, D/Spear 1, D/Shield Left Half 1, D/Boots 12, G/Maul 4, Range Ammy 1, Hexcrest 1.

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