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13 October 2008 - RuneScape Pre-pay Card Launched


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For the record, anyone who pays by credit card should know that the price they pay and the money it costs are not the same. Any purchase by credit card is always subject to a fee by teh credit card company and if the monthly payment to the company is off by even one lowly cent, then you also get charged full interest on everything that card purchased in the last month. This is probably a bit more expensive than credit card (especilly if you have a perfect record), but for people with bad credit/no credit, or don't have a card (like many of the people who actualy play the game) this is a good alternative. Did people honestly expect this to be cheeper than credit card? Keep dreaming. It is worth pointing out that for people in Canada, I think this is about the same price as payby cash (where you deposit money in a third party bank account) which last I checked was a Canada only option. In the states you would have to mail the money, in canada sneaky little kids with bank accounts can do it themselves (actualy this was once teh way I did it, now I pay my dad who uses his card since its cheeper).

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Good idea, however, what about us British??


Jagex are a UK company, with HQ in the UK, yet we're left out :(


And regular mail takes how long to reach HQ there?




Oh, and teh majority of their player base is probably North America, specifficly the USA, so why not cater to them first? You may yet see these cards in the UK. JAgex has not released them there yet for many possible reasons. No company will sell for a price that is low enough to be acceptable (because markup is very important in this situation to Jagex and players), they don't think Brits will buy them, or the USA is a testbed for many other countries.

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Cool idea. It's $7.95 for 30 days and $22.50 for 90 days, which is alrightish.




It should be $20 for 90 days. I hate when companies don't offer deals for bulk purchases.




Stupid Jagex. Good thing I'm not renewing my membership when it goes out.




OK. I agree with the first part I suppose.


"Be Excellent To Each Other"

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Cool idea. It's $7.95 for 30 days and $22.50 for 90 days, which is alrightish.




It should be $20 for 90 days. I hate when companies don't offer deals for bulk purchases.




Stupid Jagex. Good thing I'm not renewing my membership when it goes out.


They did. If you bought three 30 day cards, then you'd be around $24, you save around $1.50 with the 90 day card :geek:




The prices are rip off for the most part.


With the cost of shipping out those cards and the price of the actual card, they'd need to put an increase in price to avoid losing too much money. It's just an extra method of payment, for those not as fortunate to have access to a credit card or phone.


+1, also another reason that it is $22.50 and not some arbitrary lower price is because they know that they can get that much - ie. there is ample demand at $22.50 so why charge less for the same product? I'm trusting that Jagex's department which deals with stuff like this is competent; I think this is a safe assumption.




To be honest people are lucky that these cards aren't going for even more money, since clearly this is aimed at people in the U.S. who don't have access to cheaper methods of payment such as credit cards, Paypal, etc. With that considered, Jagex can charge a considerable premium due to the fact that hypothetical buyers don't have any other means of getting p2p (interestingly enough, though, you could just buy a Visa gift card in virtually the same manner you'd buy this RS card, and pay only $6 a month). If anyone here has taken a basic econ course, just remember markup = inverse of elasticity. That is what is at work here. :)




An earlier poster brought up the fact that people with running credit card balances would potentially have to pay more than $6 for members because of the interest rate; that got me thinking whether the current state of the economy had anything to do with this alternative to credit being introduced. It's a possibility, although I'd assume Jagex has had these cards planned for a while now anyway.

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very good idea, even though I'll stick to credit because you'll have to pay tax buying the item, which increases the cost of you're membership slightly


It's a bit more but reading into it i found this little tidbit:




1. How does the voucher payment method work?




When you purchase a voucher from a store, you will discover that it has a 'scratch strip', beneath which is a PIN you can use to pay for membership. The vouchers indicate how long your membership will last.




Please note that you will receive extra membership credit if you are eligible for our loyalty rate.




EDIT--Found more info on the Loyalty bonus




12. I qualify for the loyalty rate; will I get this if I pay by voucher?




If you qualify for the loyalty membership rate, you will receive extra days of credit when you subscribe using a voucher (i.e. you will receive 32 days' membership credit instead of 30, if you purchase a one-month subscription voucher).

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I WIN. That was posted back in 2006. So jagex owes me. I think. \'


Ask them for a percentage of sales otherwise you'll take them to court for taking your idea without crediting you.




The way court cases are these days you'll probably win.

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Eh.. just another method of payment.. Can work well though. F2p players who couldn't sign up just because they couldn't use another method it works for I guess...




I guess you can say these cards are advertisements for jagex too. Say if target puts them near toys. Little kids walk by, say "Oooh runescape, whats that", then either whine till their parents buy it, then they go see what they actually bought (We all know little kids. This WILL happen), or at least some smart kids will go home and see what runescape is afterwords, and then get hooked, go back and buy members, and then be trapped in the addiction of runescape :shock:








As for the price.. eew.. Compared to the cheapest, 90 days is 15.00 (Credit card if your still under old price). For these, 90 days is the 22.95 + Gas (depending, if you were going to target already it really doesn't count, but if you take the trip just to buy the card, its a good amount in gas)




Idk like said though, of course since it isn't the most convenient method they wont get the best prices.



the trick is to balance all of these methods to get 99 and either play real life or train another skill while farming.


635th to 99 Farming 12/16/07

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Iv heard so many people unable to get members from credit card problems, or parents not allowing.


This is an amazing move on Jagexs part. Now, most of the kids can just go pick it up with left over lunch money thats accumulated.




More money. More updates.




Speaking of updates, wheres my PvP?


99 Crafting :: 39,750th || 99 Attack :: 1,775th

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Pretty great idea. ::' Made it a lot easier for you f2p to get members. I lol'd when i saw no PvP though. :-#


Thanks to all those who have messaged me concerning a revamp of my Range-Slayer guide. Because of you all I will start rewriting it asap.[/color]


Formerly RobinHoodie.

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