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POLL: What were your thoughts on the Bonus XP Weekend?


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I think it was executed fine, but I do think they should have tested the multiplyer before it going live.

Had 3k potions I ended up doing with 1.1x multiplyer because of it.


I dont really want another bonus exp weekend though.

Its lovely and great to get extremely fast exp, but it ruins the whole idea of buying supplies to train the skills weeks before it happens.

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Next time they should release different colored charms before the update [purple, orange, black, white) that replace the normal ones but only the different colored charms get bonus xp


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Although I enjoyed the exp and levels, I didnt enjoy the 'pressure' to work 100% on summoning for instance - I was knackered after an hour and a half!


Like many said, the feeling (and I understand no one was forcing me) to train at full speed was intense and unenjoyable. I didnt talk to anyone, didnt do anything else in the background (tv, music etc) just full on clicking frenzy.


Also, again like someone mentioned - do I now stock pile all my charms and pots for the rest of the year in case another bonus weekend happens? I bet there are not many levels gained in summoning in the next few weeks at least.


From certain tracking websites, the largest number I have seen was 47mill summoning xp in a day - now admittedly he/she must of had a tonne of blue charms stored (they were already 99 summoning) but this might be a bit excessive.


A flat multiplier of say 1.5 coupled with a limit per skill of 500k might be more fun? It would remove the time constaint of forcing you to run for the 2.7x multiplier and also encourage you to train multiple skills?



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Liked the concept and the impact it had on the game. 200k players online means people payed membership for that week-end only, means more money for updates by Jagex.


I have seen lots of people saying this could mean Jagex plans on raising the 99 cap, something I wish to see someday.



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I logged on only for about 2 hours this weekend but gained around 250k ranged experience. That's much better than I usually get, so I was very satisfied with the weekend. Voted first option.


"We will certainly not be gaining money or members with this update. Instead, we are doing this for the good of the game, which is as dear to our hearts as it is to you."

- JAGEX, December 13, 2007

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Overall, I loved this weekend. I only played for 3 hours this weekend, Friday included, so I stayed around 2X. It also made the lobby better, forming it into a pseudo break room, where you could still chat with friends while not wasting the multiplier.


One thing that kind of annoyed me, though, is familiars during this time. I admit, I trained summon during this time, I would have been a fool not to. But the sheer number of familiars that I could not click on drove me nuts. Jagex really needs to update familiars with two aspects: If you click a stack of familiars with yours in it, you click yours first. Second, familiars should be like the champion imp. The little imp from the champions challenge can run, dang it, and keep up with you. Our great terrorbirds, who can give you run energy, can't run themselves. The same goes for all of them. Yes, the imps can still get stuck, but come on, they stay right behind you the entire time if able. The only thing familiars do different, or need to do different from this, is go and attack things when you order them to. Is this really asking too much?



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May we mix to create

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The dusk breeze

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It was a good idea in principle, but a bad one in excecution. The thing that annoyed me was the fact that they had 2 weeks to perfect their multiplier, but they screwed it up.


Other than that it allowed me to reach levels I would have got for years, so I'm happy with it. I agree that once or twice a year is enough.


Also Beloved is right with the fact that it brought communities together. Heck it brought TIF together. Out of the bottom of my eye I was keeping an eye on Lady H chat and found so many people going "EMG I HAZ NO GRIUNATE!!!!!@@@@@" and then another helpful person going: "meet me GE asap and I'll give you some!"...... heck even when my drazzybabe forgotten his kyatts I found myself taking time out to give him 3 for free. It did bring people together. Though..... there were some right royal sods who had used up their mulitplier and just sat at the trapdoors and kept closing them >.><.< but anyways. It was great for the community. *though I did lol majorly when someone in the chat went "hey, we're helping each other out aren't we", and everyone was like "yes...... dayum" xD made me lol"


I want another yes, this time to train herby up. But I will be patient for a long while yet. I'd rather have them in moderation than be like WoW where you can put someone to rest in a tavern or something and then after X hours/days or whatever it was my friend told me, you gain double exp for that amount of time spent there. Once a year is fine. Twice and Jagex is pushing their luck.


I voted 2nd option beacsue of the screw up.





Reacting impulsively and saying what's on your mind feels oh so good.. for a little, until you realize you just started WWIII.

2672nd person to reach 2496 total.
Thanks to Wicked for the awesome siggy :D

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Great execution, but a terrible idea.


As has been said here, this takes several expensive skills and relegates them to being trained on future bonus XP weekends only. People are ABSOLUTELY NOT going to be spending money on summoning and leveling with their charms until a definitive statement decries that either there is a new date to EXP weekend or that there will never be one again.


Personally, I hope for the latter.


This creates a huge bottleneck in the supply/demand curve for runescape, as well. Smart players should spend their time collecting crushed nests, talismans, and snape grass for the next pending EXP weekend, because they can then abuse the spiked demand curve and sell at outrageous prices.


All gimmick; cheapens the RS experience as a whole, and will distort the demand curve indefinitely. Yuck.

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i enjoyed the vent just fine... but really earks me is emily said nexus and his team had tested it and ready to upload to main servers... but some how they missed it degrading to fast...


i dont see how those 2 things can mix... its not like it was a week long event... it was only supposed to be 10 hours... how do you miss it going down every hour at 3 points each (till 1.5) if you tested it


someone was either not doing their job or someone lied... its as simple as that. whats even worse, they refused to fix it... even when only out for a couple hours... could done a quick rollback of an hour, fixed it and bam... no harm no foul


Oh, no, no, no, a roll back would have been even worst. Some people had already said that they were very happy the event started on Friday, as they were going to be gone all weekend, but because it started so early, they could still get in a few solid hours of game play (some person mentioned going on a camping trip). If they had come back to find a roll back, they would have made heads roll. I think, if truly a mistake it was, Jagex had no choice but to keep it rolling. At least it happened to everyone, and not just a select few. Feel bad for the people it inconvienced though.


a rollback within the first hour of it would not have killed people... you can have 1 less hour of the whole weekend to do the full 10 hours... or have the 1 more hour to do only 7 hours of it... not to mention you got less bonus... i can gurentee you people would prefer for them to have fixed it and rolled it back within first hour or 2 then to not have fixed it and gotten less bonus


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I thought the fail math kinda sucked, but if they do it again I'm sure they'll fix it. Or adjust the information they give so it actually matches the actual degrading time.


But i got some decent levels. 1 herby level, 1 rc level, 4 cooking levels, and 3 fishing levels. I know it seems terrible, but i hate skilling to begin with XD


Plus, i had my friend over, and we shared the computer every hour. And i was training both my zerker and main. So i got over 20 hunting levels on my zerker.

Hexiled Razz. Player since March 8th, 2005.

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Number of players with 99 summoning increased 30% over the weekend.

Number of players with 99 herblore increased 10% over the weekend.


What about 88 summon+ and 85 herby+ Bladewing? :)





Reacting impulsively and saying what's on your mind feels oh so good.. for a little, until you realize you just started WWIII.

2672nd person to reach 2496 total.
Thanks to Wicked for the awesome siggy :D

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I disagree with the whole idea of bonus xp weekend.

Your poll didn't provide that option to vote for. :angry:


After having done this I hope they go back and rework some parts of the game.

For instance quest rewards could be vastly improved.



Their new skill better be easy to level as they seem to be moving towards that direction anyhow.

Why is it that those who work the hardest to get a 99 first are almost punished?

With this weekend at least summoning and herblore char's with 99 before this weekend should have been given something to compensate for all their extra work.

It's just not fair.



Overall the weekend was technically well-implemented without bugs which is huge.

However the weekend was thoughtless in that they didn't take into account skills that are fast to lvl such as summoning.

I did love the bonus xp counter, it was well-designed and I hope they keep it within the game as a general xp counter that would be cool.

Also nice to see the time played.

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Out of the 10 hours of bonus xp when it got down to 3 hours left I got stuck with (1.1X) xp which seem uterly stupid and unbalanced.


Beside that I thought it was a great idea

Levels that went up;


Summoning: 24


Agility: 6


Construction: 5


Crafting: 4


overall it was pretty good =]

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IMO it was great, got me 88-95 summoning, 70-71 RC and 83-85 farming.

Only thing that buggs me about this weekend is that the XP-modifier went down faster than it was said to go.

Other than that it was great. :thumbup:


~Council of Northern Gods~

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I think it's a bad idea. Some skills can be set up so you can gain very fast experience in a short burst. Combine that with a 2.7x to 2.0x multiplier for a few hours and these methods become so overpowered that it devalues the game as a whole. Stealing Creation and Barbarian assault rewards specifically don't benefit skills such as Summoning, Herblore and Farming for this reason. Skills should never be generalised as equal in any single respect, Jagex should know this better than anyone.


The supply/demand curve was never going to react well to this either. It made certain resources which I would have wanted whether or not the XP weekend was on completely unavailable or overpriced.


Finally, it brought an unnatural sense of urgency to the whole thing. The game is too casual and freeform in design for a feature that's designed for a different game. I wanted to go questing/Temple Trekking on that weekend, but the event has forced me to skill when I frankly didn't feel like it.

~ W ~



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The xp multiplier system needs to be changed before they do another xp weekend. A cap on total bonus xp gained in one skill would be nice actually. I'm talking about a cap to bonus xp so that after you get the cap of bonus xp in a skill you stop receiving bonus xp in that skill but the multiplier still works for other skills and would still go down at its normal rate. It would limit the crazy amount of xp people get in one skill in a very short time but you'd still have time on the multiplier for other skills.

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Lower lvls like it because of the xp

Higher lvls hate it because it ruins the economy and kills the value of hard earned xp

I think there is a derogatory term for this: Noobscape.



As for my stand on the bonus exp weekend? I have not logged in since they first announced it, and I canceled my subscription.

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Well, for a one time thing, it would be ok. Not a big deal one time. Any more, or any within the next 1 year, is a big no-no.

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GWD: 5000 Addy bar Steam B Staff x3 Z Spear x6 Sara. Hilt x2 Bandos Hilt x2 (LS, Solo)SS x6 (1 LS)
Tormented Demons: Shard x6 Slice x5 Claws x9 Limbs x3
DKS: Archer x21 Warrior x31 Berserker x30 Axe x51[/hide]

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I did not like it. I didn't log on so I wouldn't participate. It throws away anything that which once was, but hey, it's their game.

A reflection is just a distorted reality held by glass and your mind.



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