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Wilderness and free trade vote! - Now Closed



576 members have voted

  1. 1. Should Jagex reintroduce free trade and the old Wilderness?

    • Yes.
    • No.
    • Indifferent ...

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I can't believe Mod Mat K actually said "Noobs" :D

And I don't see how this will ruin the Grand Exchange...

Just remove the trade limit from ge and let people put up whatever the price they want.


Edit: Sevestia, look on page 30, been posted.

Oh, was posted after I refreshed. :P I'll delete.


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why no spell check :(


i don't understand why they'd want PJing


Ever wanted to find street prices of RS items? Check out the SPOLI Index


Nex Drops: Pernix Cowl, Pernix Chaps, Torva Helm, Torva Platebody, Zaryte Bow, Pernix Chaps, Virtus Robe Legs, Virtus Robe Top, Torva Platelegs, Zaryte Bow, Pernix Chaps, Virtus Robe Legs, Zaryte Bow, Virtus Mask, Torva Legs, Virtus Robe Legs, Virtus Robe Top, Virtus Robe Top, Zaryte Bow, Virtus Robe Legs, Virtus Robe Top, Virtus Robe Top, Torva Platelegs, Zaryte Bow, Pernix Body, Torva Platelegs, Torva Platelegs, Virtus Robe Top

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wildy on every world? say it ain't so :S MB clues and agility will be annoying


also ardy cape will give temporary pvp immunity, so corrpers should be safe.


Ever wanted to find street prices of RS items? Check out the SPOLI Index


Nex Drops: Pernix Cowl, Pernix Chaps, Torva Helm, Torva Platebody, Zaryte Bow, Pernix Chaps, Virtus Robe Legs, Virtus Robe Top, Torva Platelegs, Zaryte Bow, Pernix Chaps, Virtus Robe Legs, Zaryte Bow, Virtus Mask, Torva Legs, Virtus Robe Legs, Virtus Robe Top, Virtus Robe Top, Zaryte Bow, Virtus Robe Legs, Virtus Robe Top, Virtus Robe Top, Torva Platelegs, Zaryte Bow, Pernix Body, Torva Platelegs, Torva Platelegs, Virtus Robe Top

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So, if I've got this right, Jagex thinks they can take the bots on in full swing even with all of the free-trade methods available to them? And they've convinced transaction companies and banks that this will work? But... but... how? How can they possibly win?


This is madness!



~ W ~



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Nooo Mark please don't return PJing :( It was incredibly annoying to get attacked by people if you were attacking your target from a distance. I was so happy when they fixed that. Please don't change how it works now.

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does this mean that our accounts will be rolled back to 06 or that extreems, chaotics, turm, will vanish

"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." - Confucius



"choosing your path is the true trial", "the most honorable dilemma"

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does this mean that our accounts will be rolled back to 06 or that extreems, chaotics, turm, will vanish




Old wildy will be coming back.

Why would your account get rolled back.

Main Account - Max cape achieved 10th September 2011
Noob Account - 2300 total and climbing 


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They've developed new anti-bot tech in the past month that allows them to stop botting and goldfarming, so that's why they're reintroducing all this; yet they can't even stop people botting their so-called 'poll' within hours of its publication?


Spare me the rubbish...this has nothing to do with them getting on top of RWT or botting, it's them making surrender look like something negotiable with benefits for players who buy into it. It's no coincidence this poll was released on the same day Jagex offered 31 automatic tickets a month for a lottery to those who kept their subscriptions going. Instead of fighting the botters, they've acquiesced them as an inevitable flaw in their game, done away with all the safeguards and bribed people into still paying their monthly subscriptions with promises of Free Trade, old-skool PKing and $10K lucky dips.


It's as subtle as a brick through a window.

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They've developed new anti-bot tech in the past month that allows them to stop botting and goldfarming, so that's why they're reintroducing all this; yet they can't even stop people botting their so-called 'poll' within hours of its publication?


Spare me the rubbish...this has nothing to do with them getting on top of RWT or botting, it's them making surrender look like something negotiable with benefits for players who buy into it. It's no coincidence this poll was released on the same day Jagex offered 31 automatic tickets a month for a lottery to those who kept their subscriptions going. Instead of fighting the botters, they've acquiesced them as an inevitable flaw in their game, done away with all the safeguards and bribed people into still paying their monthly subscriptions with promises of Free Trade, old-skool PKing and $10K lucky dips.


It's as subtle as a brick through a window.


Really? Because removing the wilderness and free trade in the first place looked a hell of a lot more like surrender to me than this. With this measure they've just finally realized that "Utopia" does not justify the means that they've employed, especially since they've not stopped the problems they were meant to stop anyway, and they've brought about problems of their own, ie manipulation clans, unbuyable items, and things like that.

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Nooo Mark please don't return PJing :( It was incredibly annoying to get attacked by people if you were attacking your target from a distance. I was so happy when they fixed that. Please don't change how it works now.


Old Wildy = Old flaws


They should also allow all items because no items were ever "banned" from old wildy pking.


I've decided to go along with all of this even though I'm skeptical of it.

The vote is still a load of bs though.

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Yeah I think OVLs and extremes will be in new wildy because honestly how can you even stop it? Tell you to GTFO at the wildy wall? Stop you from teleporting into the wild with them? But what if you want to fight KBD or choas elemental with extremes?

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Really? Because removing the wilderness and free trade in the first place looked a hell of a lot more like surrender to me than this. With this measure they've just finally realized that "Utopia" does not justify the means that they've employed, especially since they've not stopped the problems they were meant to stop anyway, and they've brought about problems of their own, ie manipulation clans, unbuyable items, and things like that.

Removing PKing and free trade was not surrender. There was a genuine belief at the time that the introduction of trade limits and gravestones would systematically stop people from giving millions and millions over to different accounts. I'm not here to justify their means, but it's simply ignorant to think removing the Wilderness had anything to do with giving up the fight against bots and RWTing; if anything, it was fighting too hard and punishing innocents.


It wasn't until after the update that people found ways around it, unless you're telling me you saw this coming, in which case, can an admin change your title to "Professional Seer"? Maybe you want to pick my Lotto numbers?

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Nooo Mark please don't return PJing :( It was incredibly annoying to get attacked by people if you were attacking your target from a distance. I was so happy when they fixed that. Please don't change how it works now.


Old Wildy = Old flaws


They should also allow all items because no items were ever "banned" from old wildy pking.


I've decided to go along with all of this even though I'm skeptical of it.

The vote is still a load of bs though.


You do understand why extremes and overloads were banned from PvP, right? It's got nothing to do with free trade, it's to do with combat levels. Those bans will remain until the combat level system is changed. You don't have to be a JMod to work that one out.

~ W ~



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Given the ridiculous nature of this "vote" and the resulting nonsense that is evolving from it in particular with respect to RWT and these so-called measures that were undertaking to stop botting and gold-mining et al ad nauseum I am now left to wonder if Jagex hasn't simply decided to adopt a "if you can't beat 'em, join 'em" mentality to dealing with RWT.


Perhaps they intend to allow players to "buy" any equipment, amounts of coins and what-not for use in game, like one can in, say, Maple Story?




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Removing PKing and free trade was not surrender. There was a genuine belief at the time that the introduction of trade limits and gravestones would systematically stop people from giving millions and millions over to different accounts. I'm not here to justify their means, but it's simply ignorant to think removing the Wilderness had anything to do with giving up the fight against bots and RWTing; if anything, it was fighting too hard and punishing innocents.


It wasn't until after the update that people found ways around it, unless you're telling me you saw this coming, in which case, can an admin change your title to "Professional Seer"? Maybe you want to pick my Lotto numbers?


You can call it fighting too hard, but to me giving up freedoms is tantamount to surrender.


And of course I saw it coming. It dosen't take a seer to figure that out. Sure I couldn't possibly forsee the specifics of how it would happen, but people will ALWAYS find ways round restrictions. No exceptions. The only way you can prevent it is if you take away all forms of player interaction, all trade.

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I can't wait. I don't think for a second, with the thought they are putting into it at such an early stage, with the new anti-RWT and botting system they say they just received and the huge potential for profit this will give them that they will decide not to. Lets not forget, the many millions of votes that are almost guaranteed to be received.


The great thing about the old wilderness was that it WAS THE WILDERNESS. No one is ever safe, they were never supposed to be safe. If you step in, past the ditch and the warnings, you knew that YOU were risking your items (not someone else "hurting" you by killing you). Now, i can just wander into the wilderness with bank on me and i can feel confident in returning, regardless of what faces me. I would never dare enter with anything more than a DDS in the old wilderness.


I can't wait, and even more than anything i can't wait to see some of you moaning RCers get downed :) Welcome to the real RS.



Legalize baby punching. Tax and regulate it. Punch babies erry day.

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