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I hope it all works out Maleficus, my father has had heart problems for most of my life and it never get easier to be there and know hje's going through it.


Met my great uncle today. :3 It occured to me I had actually never met him before until today, only sent emails back and forth with him when I was younger. He's total Floridian, showed up wearing sandals, shorts and a Hawaiian shirt.

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That wrire thing is most likely a catherization. Wiki has an article here explaining them with a fair amount of detail.


He may likely be there if he's having/had a heart attack. Heart attack victims generally aren't discharged same day? Not that I'm aware of. I'm not a doctor though, I'm just going by experience.

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Got another update, apparently he had 100% blockage in his main artery and lots of other clots. Not sure if all the terminology is right, that's what my stepmom told me. But they got it cleared, he'll just have to stay in ICU overnight, and he definitely has to quit smoking now/

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Just got back from a Forensics tournament up at the Grand Hotel on Mackinac Island. It was just incredible. The only downside is after two days of incredible five-course dinners I'm never going to be able to appreciate other food the same way again. We didn't do too great, but it was my school's first time at the tournament and we didn't really know what to expect as far as what kinds of scenes went over well there. We ended up bring three of our best scenes from another competition we did back in September only to find out that all the rest of the groups were basically just doing comedic abridged movie skits. I wish I had gotten involved with these tournaments earlier because this was some of the most fun I had all year, but ah well, at least I got to do it once.


Then after I got home, a friend called and asked me to meet up with her at a Big Boys. I get there, and there's two other people there also who I don't particularly like but are close with the girl so I put up with them. We all eat, and then all three of them go "Hey, we only have 75 cents between us...". So of course, I got stuck paying for their food because I didn't want to cause a scene. I'm pretty pissed at them for it. Granted, it was only like an extra $7 for their meals and they claim they'll pay me back, but that's more than my meal was and I don't have a job or anything so I need to scrounge everything I can get.


Now I'm about to start what probably is the worst essay topic I've ever had to write. My AP English Teacher tried making a "thesis" assignment for us, but she basically just jumbled a bunch of unrelated faux-philosophical questions and is having us write a five page essay on it with citations to books that can confirm our opinions. Now I know that five pages isn't really a lot compared to a lot of you college folks, but these questions are just terrible. But hey, at least I'll never have to take another English class after this; University of Michigan's Engineering school has no English requirement :thumbsup:

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Got another update, apparently he had 100% blockage in his main artery and lots of other clots. Not sure if all the terminology is right, that's what my stepmom told me. But they got it cleared, he'll just have to stay in ICU overnight, and he definitely has to quit smoking now/


Your terminology is all correct, don't worry. Even if it werent; the basic general idea is there.

Glad the doctors were able to get to him in time.

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So apparently Mark Zuckerberg got married? Didn't even know he was dating anyone. Don't really care about that, but this made me laugh a bit:




The wedding feast came from the couple's favorite Palo Alto restaurants, Palo Alto Sol and Fuki Sushi


Palo Alto Sol is my favourite restaurant! :P

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@Rob: Yes I did. :shades: I tried getting a picture of the snake with my phone but it doesn't have a zoom option and there was no way to get close enough to get a good picture without being bitten.


@steve: Yeah, I usually deal with very small snakes, usually 1-2 feet long, so this was quite an experience.


You don't use the zoom option on phones anyway. The camera in a phone has no physical zoom, it just crops it (digital zoom). Crop it on your computer for generally better quality.

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I was letting the dogs outside earlier and the moment I stepped out the door I felt a bug land on my shoulder. I tried to swat it away but it instantly darted into my shirt and went to town on my collarbone. I don't know what it was but it bit me once and immediately the pain set in. In my past experience with bug bites I've never felt them before, they just started itching later, but never any pain. Well I went back inside and looked in the mirror, it had already started to swell up a bit, but unlike spider bites where you can see both fang marks, there is only one mark right in the center of the swelling. Whatever it was it broke the skin easily and there was blood.


Right now the area is still swollen a little bit, there's a red spot in the center, and it hurts like hell. Besides that I've started to develop one of the worst headaches I've ever felt. I'm also starting to become nauseous. I can't think of what it could have been that bit me because it doesn't look like a spider bite and I can't think of what other bugs there are in Missouri that would cause all of this... Ugh, feeling like hell right now.


Edit: Oh, and I have no job, no money, and no insurance right now so any doctor or hospital visits are out of the question at the time being. I put some triple antibiotic ointment on the bite and I guess I'll just ride it out and pray it doesn't get worse.

99 HP, Attack, Strength, Defence, Summoning, Ranged, Herblore, Prayer, Agility, Magic, Slayer, Fletching, Fishing, Woodcutting, Mining, and Thieving.


Jagex'd out of my untrimmed hp cape on 6/14/2011.

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I was letting the dogs outside earlier and the moment I stepped out the door I felt a bug land on my shoulder. I tried to swat it away but it instantly darted into my shirt and went to town on my collarbone. I don't know what it was but it bit me once and immediately the pain set in. In my past experience with bug bites I've never felt them before, they just started itching later, but never any pain. Well I went back inside and looked in the mirror, it had already started to swell up a bit, but unlike spider bites where you can see both fang marks, there is only one mark right in the center of the swelling. Whatever it was it broke the skin easily and there was blood.


Right now the area is still swollen a little bit, there's a red spot in the center, and it hurts like hell. Besides that I've started to develop one of the worst headaches I've ever felt. I'm also starting to become nauseous. I can't think of what it could have been that bit me because it doesn't look like a spider bite and I can't think of what other bugs there are in Missouri that would cause all of this... Ugh, feeling like hell right now.


Edit: Oh, and I have no job, no money, and no insurance right now so any doctor or hospital visits are out of the question at the time being. I put some triple antibiotic ointment on the bite and I guess I'll just ride it out and pray it doesn't get worse.

The headache and nausea might be a placebo effect where you're imagining the worst that can happen, so your body ends up afflicting itself with it. It's a possibility but I'm not a doctor so don't take my word for it.

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I know of three insects with a painful bite you might find in north america.


Wasps and hornets can both bite, though its very rare for a wasp to do so (though I was bitten by one once). Hornets are more inclined to do so, possibly doing a 2-for-1 where they both bite and sting at the same time (because nature hates you and wants you to suffer).


Sounds more like a horse fly though. Our local variety is the deer fly, and their bites are quite painful (probably similar to a yellow jacket sting). If you are allergic to their saliva, it can certainly make you feel shitty for a while.

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WHAAAAT? Did not know that wasps bite and sting.. I only thought that was ants.


:thumbup: for learning something new everyday.


Err, today is actually a repeat of the last time I posted here lol... had leftovers from mother's day haha.

Working on max and completionist capes.


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Blacked out last night. Literally remember nothing after downing a bottle of jack by myself. Real proper.

Woke up in my buddy's bed. Apparently I threw an apple at him to get there. I'll come back with more stories as they're retold to me when my phone un-dies lol.


As often as I drink, I've only ever blacked out for like this one 5min stretch between leaving a night club and getting a taxi. I was piss drunk, but it's one of the only times I have no idea what happened the next day and apparently a lot happened during that 5mins from what I was told.




I went back to my buddy's house tonight to figure out what the hell happened to all of us, hangover style. We re-enacted some of it, looked for clues in texts and call histories and stuff. It was actually really fun. My one friend almost poisoned me with enough fiber one bars to make me shit an elephant, but luckily my other friend stopped him and gave me a pop tart. And while this discussion was happening, for literally the ONLY 5 minutes I was alone that whole night I somehow managed to get into my contacts, find my ex, go to the only one of 3 numbers of hers that still works, and have a 2:51 minute conversation with her that I have no memory of whatsoever.


I didn't even realize I did this until I realized I had a voicemail from that night, where aparently she called me back and I didn't answer and she was all "aparently we can only talk when you're really drunk, i still think about you, i still care about you, i still love you, it sucks that we're like this blah blah blah."


Which totally explains why she texted me up and down all morning.


Almost enough to make me not ever want to drink again. almost.




Anyone who likes tacos is incapable of logic.

Anyone who likes logic is incapable of tacos.


PSA: SaqPrets is an Estonian Dude

Steam: NippleBeardTM

Origin: Brand_New_iPwn

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I was once stung by a hornet as a young kid. I still flinch on instinct when I see a flying insect. And believe me, it's a little odd to see a guy flinch when a butterfly or moth flies by. Though I can't help it, it's an involuntary response.

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So I graduated from college last week. Dang it's weird. Also, for those of you who remember me(probably not many besides maybe RPG), I never really left (as evidenced by my occasional posts), I just went back to lurking. Now that I'm out of school though, I think I'll try to make an effort to post more, though that may fail epically once I get a job.


On topic: Today I mowed the lawn and went to my cousin's high school grad party. Nothing exciting, though me and my fiance have a grad/engagement party planned for next weekend that'll hopefully be fun.

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I'm still alive but this headache has turned itself into easily the worst pain I've ever felt in my life. When I got third degree burns on my arm in 8th grade, it was nothing compared to this. When I broke my toe in martial arts and it was facing back at my ankle, it was nothing compared to this. I can't sleep and it hurts to look at my computer screen. I'm gonna go lay down and scream now.

99 HP, Attack, Strength, Defence, Summoning, Ranged, Herblore, Prayer, Agility, Magic, Slayer, Fletching, Fishing, Woodcutting, Mining, and Thieving.


Jagex'd out of my untrimmed hp cape on 6/14/2011.

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Blacked out last night. Literally remember nothing after downing a bottle of jack by myself. Real proper.

Woke up in my buddy's bed. Apparently I threw an apple at him to get there. I'll come back with more stories as they're retold to me when my phone un-dies lol.


As often as I drink, I've only ever blacked out for like this one 5min stretch between leaving a night club and getting a taxi. I was piss drunk, but it's one of the only times I have no idea what happened the next day and apparently a lot happened during that 5mins from what I was told.




I went back to my buddy's house tonight to figure out what the hell happened to all of us, hangover style. We re-enacted some of it, looked for clues in texts and call histories and stuff. It was actually really fun. My one friend almost poisoned me with enough fiber one bars to make me shit an elephant, but luckily my other friend stopped him and gave me a pop tart. And while this discussion was happening, for literally the ONLY 5 minutes I was alone that whole night I somehow managed to get into my contacts, find my ex, go to the only one of 3 numbers of hers that still works, and have a 2:51 minute conversation with her that I have no memory of whatsoever.


I didn't even realize I did this until I realized I had a voicemail from that night, where aparently she called me back and I didn't answer and she was all "aparently we can only talk when you're really drunk, i still think about you, i still care about you, i still love you, it sucks that we're like this blah blah blah."


Which totally explains why she texted me up and down all morning.


Almost enough to make me not ever want to drink again. almost.

After all the discussions in Relationship thread, why do you have her added still...



2nd day of going off Coke and the migrains kicked in. Question, is it common to wake up 5+ times a night from dehydration? each time I down about a good 500ml water, wake up 80mins later, repeat.


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RPG, you brought that upon yourself by being foolish enough to keep her number in your phone, or even for just using your phone after getting drunk. That said, not a bad story.


Bees don't bother me unless I am mowing the lawn or weeding dandelions, in which case I would just as well avoid making them think I am attacking them. Their pretty easy going though. Not even sure we have hornets. I think just bumbles, honey bees, yellow jackets, and one or two smaller and fairly unagressive social wasps. Also, hornets tend to be less aggressive than wasps.


The weather here ridiculously good, and now I have a sun burn.

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Good news, my headache has gone away for the most part. :thumbsup: The bite area is quite odd though, it went from swelling and having a red dot in the center to not being swollen and having a blister like thing where the red dot was. From what I've found online, the closest looking bug bite picture I can find is that of a fire ant. :blink:

99 HP, Attack, Strength, Defence, Summoning, Ranged, Herblore, Prayer, Agility, Magic, Slayer, Fletching, Fishing, Woodcutting, Mining, and Thieving.


Jagex'd out of my untrimmed hp cape on 6/14/2011.

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I went back to my buddy's house tonight to figure out what the hell happened to all of us, hangover style. We re-enacted some of it, looked for clues in texts and call histories and stuff. It was actually really fun. My one friend almost poisoned me with enough fiber one bars to make me shit an elephant, but luckily my other friend stopped him and gave me a pop tart. And while this discussion was happening, for literally the ONLY 5 minutes I was alone that whole night I somehow managed to get into my contacts, find my ex, go to the only one of 3 numbers of hers that still works, and have a 2:51 minute conversation with her that I have no memory of whatsoever.


I didn't even realize I did this until I realized I had a voicemail from that night, where aparently she called me back and I didn't answer and she was all "aparently we can only talk when you're really drunk, i still think about you, i still care about you, i still love you, it sucks that we're like this blah blah blah."


Which totally explains why she texted me up and down all morning.


Almost enough to make me not ever want to drink again. almost.


haha, don't you love drunken phone calls.



2nd day of going off Coke and the migrains kicked in. Question, is it common to wake up 5+ times a night from dehydration? each time I down about a good 500ml water, wake up 80mins later, repeat.


I don't think that's normal, but good to see you back posting.

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Things just got horribly dramatic.

I woke up today abruptly because I got a text and my phone vibrated really loudly. I look at the text, and it says:

"Oh my God, Miss *Teacher name* has had a car accident!! Her face is all smashed up!!"

The teacher in question is my German teacher, who you might remember, has been incredibly mean to us in these past few weeks.

A few members of my class have said things like "Oh I hope she gets into an accident" and things like that, out of their severe dislike for her, but we never thought it might happen.

I didn't say any of these things but the news has really shocked me. I've said things before and they have ended up happening but I've always thought it was coincidental...

This, however is horribly strange, and it concerns me that people who heard the news are laughing and joking like it isn't serious.


Nobody knows the state of her condition, other than the receptionist who told us we wouldn't be having our revision session because of the accident.

We thought it was because she had decided to avoid us, as she normally does.

Even though she's been horrible to us, I would never have wanted something as terrible as this to happen.

Even if my class doesn't, I feel that I should buy her (or we should put money together) to buy her a Get Well Soon gift or some sort.

Any suggestions on what to get other than chocolate / a card?

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